Download and try Red Hat AMQ Broker version 7.12

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We're pleased to announce the release of Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.12 on OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. AMQ Broker is a high-performance messaging implementation based on ActiveMQ Artemis.

What's new in AMQ Broker 7.12

AMQ Broker 7.12 is based on ActiveMQ Artemis 2.33.
AMQ Broker 7.12 on OpenShift is supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 to 4.15.

AMQ Broker 7.12 on OpenShift features and enhancements
- Use with cert-manager Operator for Openshift for TLS certificate management
- Use ingresses instead of routes to expose acceptors, connectors and the Management Console to clients outside an Openshift cluster
- Mount shared volumes to make third-party JAR files available at runtime
- Add plugins to extend the broker functionality
- Secure connections between brokers in a cluster
- Customize Openshift resources created by the Operator
- Configure TLS certificates to reload automatically

AMQ Broker 7.12 on RHEL features and enhancements
- Support for message federation using the AMQ protocol
- Health check command for clustered brokers
- Literal matching of addresses that contain wildcards
- Implement role-based access control for JMX Management Operations without requiring a broker restart
- Use a custom shell with built-in auto-completion of commands and command parameters to interact with a broker.

For more information on the AMQ Broker 7.12 features and enhancements, see the Release Notes.

Deprecated features

The ActiveMQArtemisAddress, ActiveMQArtemisSecurity and ActiveMQArtemisScaledown CRDs are deprecated.
For more information on the AMQ Broker 7.12 deprecated items, see the Release Notes.

Get AMQ Broker 7.12

Get AMQ Broker 7.12 on OpenShift container images from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog .
Download AMQ Broker 7.12 installation files from the software downloads page.

AMQ Broker 7.12 documentation

For more information on AMQ Broker, see the product documentation.