Chapter 1. Deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage in Containers

This chapter describes how to use the Ansible application with the ceph-ansible playbook to deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage 3 in containers.

1.1. Prerequisites

1.1.1. Registering Red Hat Ceph Storage Nodes to the CDN and Attaching Subscriptions

Register each Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) node to the Content Delivery Network (CDN) and attach the appropriate subscription so that the node has access to software repositories. Each RHCS node must be able to access the full Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 base content and the extras repository content.

  • A valid Red Hat subscription
  • RHCS nodes must be able to connect to the Internet.
  • For RHCS nodes that cannot access the internet during installation, you must first follow these steps on a system with internet access:

    1. Start a local Docker registry:

      # docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
    2. Pull the Red Hat Ceph Storage 3.x image from the Red Hat Customer Portal:

      # docker pull
    3. Tag the image:

       # docker tag <local-host-fqdn>:5000/cephimageinlocalreg

      Replace <local-host-fqdn> with your local host FQDN.

    4. Push the image to the local Docker registry you started:

      # docker push <local-host-fqdn>:5000/cephimageinlocalreg

      Replace <local-host-fqdn> with your local host FQDN.


Perform the following steps on all nodes in the storage cluster as the root user.

  1. Register the node. When prompted, enter your Red Hat Customer Portal credentials:

    # subscription-manager register
  2. Pull the latest subscription data from the CDN:

    # subscription-manager refresh
  3. List all available subscriptions for Red Hat Ceph Storage:

    # subscription-manager list --available --all --matches="*Ceph*"

    Identify the appropriate subscription and retrieve its Pool ID.

  4. Attach the subscription:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=$POOL_ID
    • $POOL_ID with the Pool ID identified in the previous step.
  5. Disable the default software repositories. Then, enable the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server Extras, and RHCS repositories:

    # subscription-manager repos --disable=*
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-3-mon-els-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-3-osd-els-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-3-tools-els-rpms
  6. Update the system to receive the latest packages:

    # yum update
Additional Resources

1.1.2. Creating an Ansible user with sudo access

Ansible must be able to log into all the Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) nodes as a user that has root privileges to install software and create configuration files without prompting for a password. You must create an Ansible user with password-less root access on all nodes in the storage cluster when deploying and configuring a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ansible.


  • Having root or sudo access to all nodes in the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to a Ceph node as the root user:

    ssh root@$HOST_NAME
    • $HOST_NAME with the host name of the Ceph node.


    # ssh root@mon01

    Enter the root password when prompted.

  2. Create a new Ansible user:

    adduser $USER_NAME
    • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.


    # adduser admin


    Do not use ceph as the user name. The ceph user name is reserved for the Ceph daemons. A uniform user name across the cluster can improve ease of use, but avoid using obvious user names, because intruders typically use them for brute-force attacks.

  3. Set a new password for this user:

    # passwd $USER_NAME
    • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.


    # passwd admin

    Enter the new password twice when prompted.

  4. Configure sudo access for the newly created user:

    cat << EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/$USER_NAME
    • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.


    # cat << EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/admin
    admin ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL

  5. Assign the correct file permissions to the new file:

    chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$USER_NAME
    • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.


    # chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/admin

Additional Resources

  • The Adding a New User section in the System Administrator’s Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

1.1.3. Enabling Password-less SSH for Ansible

Generate an SSH key pair on the Ansible administration node and distribute the public key to each node in the storage cluster so that Ansible can access the nodes without being prompted for a password.


Do the following steps from the Ansible administration node, and as the Ansible user.

  1. Generate the SSH key pair, accept the default file name and leave the passphrase empty:

    [user@admin ~]$ ssh-keygen
  2. Copy the public key to all nodes in the storage cluster:

    ssh-copy-id $USER_NAME@$HOST_NAME
    • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.
    • $HOST_NAME with the host name of the Ceph node.


    [user@admin ~]$ ssh-copy-id admin@ceph-mon01

  3. Create and edit the ~/.ssh/config file.


    By creating and editing the ~/.ssh/config file you do not have to specify the -u $USER_NAME option each time you execute the ansible-playbook command.

    1. Create the SSH config file:

      [user@admin ~]$ touch ~/.ssh/config
    2. Open the config file for editing. Set the Hostname and User options for each node in the storage cluster:

      Host node1
         Hostname $HOST_NAME
         User $USER_NAME
      Host node2
         Hostname $HOST_NAME
         User $USER_NAME
      • $HOST_NAME with the host name of the Ceph node.
      • $USER_NAME with the new user name for the Ansible user.


      Host node1
         Hostname monitor
         User admin
      Host node2
         Hostname osd
         User admin
      Host node3
         Hostname gateway
         User admin

  4. Set the correct file permissions for the ~/.ssh/config file:

    [admin@admin ~]$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Additional Resources
  • The ssh_config(5) manual page
  • The OpenSSH chapter in the System Administrator’s Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

1.1.4. Configuring a firewall for Red Hat Ceph Storage

Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) uses the firewalld service.

The Monitor daemons use port 6789 for communication within the Ceph storage cluster.

On each Ceph OSD node, the OSD daemons use several ports in the range 6800-7300:

  • One for communicating with clients and monitors over the public network
  • One for sending data to other OSDs over a cluster network, if available; otherwise, over the public network
  • One for exchanging heartbeat packets over a cluster network, if available; otherwise, over the public network

The Ceph Manager (ceph-mgr) daemons use ports in range 6800-7300. Consider colocating the ceph-mgr daemons with Ceph Monitors on same nodes.

The Ceph Metadata Server nodes (ceph-mds) use ports in the range 6800-7300.

The Ceph Object Gateway nodes are configured by Ansible to use port 8080 by default. However, you can change the default port, for example to port 80.

To use the SSL/TLS service, open port 443.


  • Network hardware is connected.


Run the following commands as the root user.

  1. On all RHCS nodes, start the firewalld service. Enable it to run on boot, and ensure that it is running:

    # systemctl enable firewalld
    # systemctl start firewalld
    # systemctl status firewalld
  2. On all Monitor nodes, open port 6789 on the public network:

    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6789/tcp
    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6789/tcp --permanent

    To limit access based on the source address:

    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
    source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
    port="6789" accept"
    firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
    source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
    port="6789" accept" --permanent
    • IP_address with the network address of the Monitor node.
    • netmask_prefix with the netmask in CIDR notation.


    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
    source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
    port="6789" accept"

    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
    source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
    port="6789" accept" --permanent
  3. On all OSD nodes, open ports 6800-7300 on the public network:

    [root@osd ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800-7300/tcp
    [root@osd ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800-7300/tcp --permanent

    If you have a separate cluster network, repeat the commands with the appropriate zone.

  4. On all Ceph Manager (ceph-mgr) nodes (usually the same nodes as Monitor ones), open ports 6800-7300 on the public network:

    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800-7300/tcp
    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800-7300/tcp --permanent

    If you have a separate cluster network, repeat the commands with the appropriate zone.

  5. On all Ceph Metadata Server (ceph-mds) nodes, open port 6800 on the public network:

    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800/tcp
    [root@monitor ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6800/tcp --permanent

    If you have a separate cluster network, repeat the commands with the appropriate zone.

  6. On all Ceph Object Gateway nodes, open the relevant port or ports on the public network.

    1. To open the default Ansible configured port of 8080:

      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp
      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent

      To limit access based on the source address:

      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="8080" accept"
      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="8080" accept" --permanent
      • IP_address with the network address of the object gateway node.
      • netmask_prefix with the netmask in CIDR notation.


      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="8080" accept"

      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="8080" accept" --permanent
    2. Optional. If you installed Ceph Object Gateway using Ansible and changed the default port that Ansible configures Ceph Object Gateway to use from 8080, for example, to port 80, open this port:

      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent

      To limit access based on the source address, run the following commands:

      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="80" accept"
      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="80" accept" --permanent
      • IP_address with the network address of the object gateway node.
      • netmask_prefix with the netmask in CIDR notation.


      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="80" accept"

      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="80" accept" --permanent
    3. Optional. To use SSL/TLS, open port 443:

      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp
      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent

      To limit access based on the source address, run the following commands:

      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="443" accept"
      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="IP_address/netmask_prefix" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="443" accept" --permanent
      • IP_address with the network address of the object gateway node.
      • netmask_prefix with the netmask in CIDR notation.


      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="443" accept"
      [root@gateway ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" \
      source address="" port protocol="tcp" \
      port="443" accept" --permanent

Additional Resources

1.1.5. Using a HTTP Proxy

If the Ceph nodes are behind a HTTP/HTTPS proxy, then docker will need to be configured to access the images in the registry. Do the following procedure to configure access for docker using a HTTP/HTTPS proxy.

  • A running HTTP/HTTPS proxy
  1. As root, create a systemd directory for the docker service:

    # mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
  2. As root, create the HTTP/HTTPS configuration file.

    1. For HTTP, create the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf file and add the following lines to the file:

    2. For HTTPS, create the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/https-proxy.conf file and add the following lines to the file:

  3. As root, copy the HTTP/HTTPS configuration file to all Ceph nodes in the storage cluster before running the ceph-ansible playbook.

1.2. Installing a Red Hat Ceph Storage Cluster in Containers

Use the Ansible application with the ceph-ansible playbook to install Red Hat Ceph Storage 3 in containers.

A Ceph cluster used in production usually consists of ten or more nodes. To deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage as a container image, Red Hat recommends to use a Ceph cluster that consists of at least three OSD and three Monitor nodes.


Ceph can run with one monitor; however, to ensure high availability in a production cluster, Red Hat will only support deployments with at least three monitor nodes.


  • Using the root user account on the Ansible administration node, enable the Red Hat Ceph Storage 3 Tools repository and Ansible repository:

    [root@admin ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-3-tools-els-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-ansible-2.6-rpms
  • Install the ceph-ansible package:

    [root@admin ~]# yum install ceph-ansible


Run the following commands from the Ansible administration node unless instructed otherwise.

  1. As the Ansible user, create the ceph-ansible-keys directory where Ansible stores temporary values generated by the ceph-ansible playbook.

    [user@admin ~]$ mkdir ~/ceph-ansible-keys
  2. As root, create a symbolic link to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars directory in the /etc/ansible/ directory:

    [root@admin ~]# ln -s /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars /etc/ansible/group_vars
  3. Navigate to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/ directory:

    [root@admin ~]$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible
  4. Create new copies of the yml.sample files:

    [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp group_vars/all.yml.sample group_vars/all.yml
    [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp group_vars/osds.yml.sample group_vars/osds.yml
    [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp site-docker.yml.sample site-docker.yml
  5. Edit the copied files.

    1. Edit the group_vars/all.yml file. See the table below for the most common required and optional parameters to uncomment. Note that the table does not include all parameters.


      Do not set the cluster: ceph parameter to any value other than ceph because using custom cluster names is not supported.

      Table 1.1. General Ansible Settings


      The interface that the Monitor nodes listen to

      monitor_interface, monitor_address, or monitor_address_block is required



      The address that the Monitor nodes listen to



      The subnet of the Ceph public network

      Use when the IP addresses of the nodes are unknown, but the subnet is known



      Yes if using IPv6 addressing



      The required size of the journal in MB




      The IP address and netmask of the Ceph public network


      The Verifying the Network Configuration for Red Hat Ceph Storage section in the Installation Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux


      The IP address and netmask of the Ceph cluster network



      rhceph/rhceph-3-rhel7, or cephimageinlocalreg if using a local Docker registry







      ceph_docker_registry, or <local-host-fqdn> if using a local Docker registry



      An example of the all.yml file can look like:

      monitor_interface: eth0
      journal_size: 5120
      ceph_docker_image: rhceph/rhceph-3-rhel7
      containerized_deployment: true

      For additional details, see the all.yml file.

    2. Edit the group_vars/osds.yml file. See the table below for the most common required and optional parameters to uncomment. Note that the table does not include all parameters.


      Use a different physical device to install an OSD than the device where the operating system is installed. Sharing the same device between the operating system and OSDs causes performance issues.

      Table 1.2. OSD Ansible Settings


      collocated to use the same device for write-ahead logging and key/value data (BlueStore) or journal (FileStore) and OSD data

      non-collocated to use a dedicated device, such as SSD or NVMe media to store write-ahead log and key/value data (BlueStore) or journal data (FileStore)

      lvm to use the Logical Volume Manager to store OSD data


      When using osd_scenario: non-collocated, ceph-ansible expects the numbers of variables in devices and dedicated_devices to match. For example, if you specify 10 disks in devices, you must specify 10 entries in dedicated_devices.


      true to automatically discover OSDs

      Yes if using osd_scenario: collocated

      Cannot be used when devices setting is used


      List of devices where ceph data is stored

      Yes to specify the list of devices

      Cannot be used when osd_auto_discovery setting is used. When using lvm as the osd_scenario and setting the devices option, ceph-volume lvm batch mode creates the optimized OSD configuration.


      List of dedicated devices for non-collocated OSDs where ceph journal is stored

      Yes if osd_scenario: non-collocated

      Should be nonpartitioned devices


      true to encrypt OSDs


      Defaults to false


      A list of FileStore or BlueStore dictionaries

      Yes if using osd_scenario: lvm and storage devices are not defined using devices

      Each dictionary must contain a data, journal and data_vg keys. Any logical volume or volume group must be the name and not the full path. The data, and journal keys can be a logical volume (LV) or partition, but do not use one journal for multiple data LVs. The data_vg key must be the volume group containing the data LV. Optionally, the journal_vg key can be used to specify the volume group containing the journal LV, if applicable. See the examples below for various supported configurations.


      The number of OSDs to create per device.


      Defaults to 1


      The Ceph object store type for the OSDs.


      Defaults to bluestore. The other option is filestore. Required for upgrades.

      The following are examples of the osds.yml file when using the three OSD scenarios: collocated, non-collocated, and lvm. The default OSD object store format is BlueStore, if not specified.


      osd_objectstore: filestore
      osd_scenario: collocated
        - /dev/sda
        - /dev/sdb

      Non-collocated - BlueStore

      osd_objectstore: bluestore
      osd_scenario: non-collocated
       - /dev/sda
       - /dev/sdb
       - /dev/sdc
       - /dev/sdd
       - /dev/nvme0n1
       - /dev/nvme0n1
       - /dev/nvme1n1
       - /dev/nvme1n1

      This non-collocated example will create four BlueStore OSDs, one per device. In this example, the traditional hard drives (sda, sdb, sdc, sdd) are used for object data, and the solid state drives (SSDs) (/dev/nvme0n1, /dev/nvme1n1) are used for the BlueStore databases and write-ahead logs. This configuration pairs the /dev/sda and /dev/sdb devices with the /dev/nvme0n1 device, and pairs the /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd devices with the /dev/nvme1n1 device.

      Non-collocated - FileStore

      osd_objectstore: filestore
      osd_scenario: non-collocated
        - /dev/sda
        - /dev/sdb
        - /dev/sdc
        - /dev/sdd
         - /dev/nvme0n1
         - /dev/nvme0n1
         - /dev/nvme1n1
         - /dev/nvme1n1

      LVM simple

      osd_objectstore: bluestore
      osd_scenario: lvm
        - /dev/sda
        - /dev/sdb


      osd_objectstore: bluestore
      osd_scenario: lvm
        - /dev/sda
        - /dev/sdb
        - /dev/nvme0n1

      With these simple configurations ceph-ansible uses batch mode (ceph-volume lvm batch) to create the OSDs.

      In the first scenario, if the devices are traditional hard drives or SSDs, then one OSD per device is created.

      In the second scenario, when there is a mix of traditional hard drives and SSDs, the data is placed on the traditional hard drives (sda, sdb) and the BlueStore database (block.db) is created as large as possible on the SSD (nvme0n1).

      LVM advance

      osd_objectstore: filestore
      osd_scenario: lvm
         - data: data-lv1
           data_vg: vg1
           journal: journal-lv1
           journal_vg: vg2
         - data: data-lv2
           journal: /dev/sda
           data_vg: vg1


      osd_objectstore: bluestore
      osd_scenario: lvm
        - data: data-lv1
          data_vg: data-vg1
          db: db-lv1
          db_vg: db-vg1
          wal: wal-lv1
          wal_vg: wal-vg1
        - data: data-lv2
          data_vg: data-vg2
          db: db-lv2
          db_vg: db-vg2
          wal: wal-lv2
          wal_vg: wal-vg2

      With these advance scenario examples, the volume groups and logical volumes must be created beforehand. They will not be created by ceph-ansible.


      If using all NVMe SSDs set the osd_scenario: lvm and osds_per_device: 4 options. For more information, see the Configuring OSD Ansible settings for all NVMe Storage section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Container Guide.

      For additional details, see the comments in the osds.yml file.

  6. Edit the Ansible inventory file located by default at /etc/ansible/hosts. Remember to comment out example hosts.

    1. Add the Monitor nodes under the [mons] section:

    2. Add OSD nodes under the [osds] section. If the nodes have sequential naming, consider using a range:


      For OSDs in a new installation, the default object store format is BlueStore.

      Alternatively, you can colocate Monitors with the OSD daemons on one node by adding the same node under the [mons] and [osds] sections. See Chapter 2, Colocation of Containerized Ceph Daemons for details.

  7. Optionally, for all deployments, bare-metal or in containers, you can create a custom CRUSH hierarchy using ansible-playbook:

    1. Setup your Ansible inventory file. Specify where you want the OSD hosts to be in the CRUSH map’s hierarchy by using the osd_crush_location parameter. You must specify at least two CRUSH bucket types to specify the location of the OSD, and one bucket type must be host. By default, these include root, datacenter, room, row, pod, pdu, rack, chassis and host.


      CEPH_OSD_NAME osd_crush_location="{ 'root': ROOT_BUCKET_', 'rack': 'RACK_BUCKET', 'pod': 'POD_BUCKET', 'host': 'CEPH_HOST_NAME' }"


      ceph-osd-01 osd_crush_location="{ 'root': 'default', 'rack': 'rack1', 'pod': 'monpod', 'host': 'ceph-osd-01' }"

    2. Set the crush_rule_config and create_crush_tree parameters to True, and create at least one CRUSH rule if you do not want to use the default CRUSH rules. For example, if you are using HDD devices, edit the paramters as follows:

      crush_rule_config: True
          name: replicated_hdd_rule
          root: root-hdd
          type: host
          class: hdd
          default: True
        - "{{ crush_rule_hdd }}"
      create_crush_tree: True

      If you are using SSD devices, then edit the parameters as follows:

      crush_rule_config: True
          name: replicated_ssd_rule
          root: root-ssd
          type: host
          class: ssd
          default: True
        - "{{ crush_rule_ssd }}"
      create_crush_tree: True

      The default CRUSH rules fail if both ssd and hdd OSDs are not deployed because the default rules now include the class parameter, which must be defined.


      Add the custom CRUSH hierarchy to the OSD files in the host_vars directory as described in a step below to make this configuration work.

    3. Create pools, with created crush_rules in group_vars/clients.yml file.


      copy_admin_key: True
      user_config: True
        name: "pool1"
        pg_num: 128
        pgp_num: 128
        rule_name: "HDD"
        type: "replicated"
        device_class: "hdd"
        - "{{ pool1 }}"

    4. View the tree.

      [root@mon ~]# ceph osd tree
    5. Validate the pools.

      # for i in $(rados lspools);do echo "pool: $i"; ceph osd pool get $i crush_rule;done
      pool: pool1
      crush_rule: HDD
  8. For all deployments, bare-metal or in containers, open for editing the Ansible inventory file, by default the /etc/ansible/hosts file. Comment out the example hosts.

    1. Add the Ceph Manager (ceph-mgr) nodes under the [mgrs] section. Colocate the Ceph Manager daemon with Monitor nodes.

  9. As the Ansible user, ensure that Ansible can reach the Ceph hosts:

    [user@admin ~]$ ansible all -m ping
  10. As root, create the /var/log/ansible/ directory and assign the appropriate permissions for the ansible user:

    [root@admin ~]# mkdir /var/log/ansible
    [root@admin ~]# chown ansible:ansible  /var/log/ansible
    [root@admin ~]# chmod 755 /var/log/ansible
    1. Edit the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/ansible.cfg file, updating the log_path value as follows:

      log_path = /var/log/ansible/ansible.log
  11. As the Ansible user, change to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/ directory:

    [user@admin ~]$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/
  12. Run the ceph-ansible playbook:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml

    If you deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host hosts, use the --skip-tags=with_pkg option:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --skip-tags=with_pkg

    To increase the deployment speed, use the --forks option to ansible-playbook. By default, ceph-ansible sets forks to 20. With this setting, up to twenty nodes will be installed at the same time. To install up to thirty nodes at a time, run ansible-playbook --forks 30 PLAYBOOK FILE. The resources on the admin node must be monitored to ensure they are not overused. If they are, lower the number passed to --forks.

  13. Using the root account on a Monitor node, verify the status of the Ceph cluster:

    docker exec ceph-<mon|mgr>-<id> ceph health


    • <id> with the host name of the Monitor node:

    For example:

    [root@monitor ~]# docker exec ceph-mon-mon0 ceph health

1.3. Configuring OSD Ansible settings for all NVMe storage

To optimize performance when using only non-volatile memory express (NVMe) devices for storage, configure four OSDs on each NVMe device. Normally only one OSD is configured per device, which will underutilize the throughput of an NVMe device.


If you mix SSDs and HDDs, then SSDs will be used for either journals or block.db, not OSDs.


In testing, configuring four OSDs on each NVMe device was found to provide optimal performance. It is recommended to set osds_per_device: 4, but it is not required. Other values may provide better performance in your environment.


  • Satisfying all software and hardware requirements for a Ceph cluster.


  1. Set osd_scenario: lvm and osds_per_device: 4 in group_vars/osds.yml:

    osd_scenario: lvm
    osds_per_device: 4
  2. List the NVMe devices under devices:

      - /dev/nvme0n1
      - /dev/nvme1n1
      - /dev/nvme2n1
      - /dev/nvme3n1
  3. The settings in group_vars/osds.yml will look similar to this example:

    osd_scenario: lvm
    osds_per_device: 4
      - /dev/nvme0n1
      - /dev/nvme1n1
      - /dev/nvme2n1
      - /dev/nvme3n1

You must use devices with this configuration, not lvm_volumes. This is because lvm_volumes is generally used with pre-created logical volumes and osds_per_device implies automatic logical volume creation by Ceph.

1.4. Installing the Ceph Object Gateway in a Container

Use the Ansible application with the ceph-ansible playbook to install the Ceph Object Gateway in a container.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


Run the following commands from the Ansible administration node unless specified otherwise.

  1. As the root user, navigate to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/ directory.

    [root@admin ~]# cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/
  2. Uncomment the radosgw_interface parameter in the group_vars/all.yml file.

    radosgw_interface: interface

    Replace interface with the interface that the Ceph Object Gateway nodes listen to.

  3. Optional. Change the default variables.

    1. Create a new copy of the rgws.yml.sample file located in the group_vars directory.

      [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp group_vars/rgws.yml.sample group_vars/rgws.yml
    2. Edit the group_vars/rgws.yml file. For additional details, see the rgws.yml file.
  4. Add the host name of the Ceph Object Gateway node to the [rgws] section of the Ansible inventory file located by default at /etc/ansible/hosts.


    Alternatively, you can colocate the Ceph Object Gateway with the OSD daemon on one node by adding the same node under the [osds] and [rgws] sections. See Colocation of containerized Ceph daemons for details.

  5. As the Ansible user, run the ceph-ansible playbook.

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --limit rgws

    If you deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host hosts, use the --skip-tags=with_pkg option:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --skip-tags=with_pkg
  6. Verify that the Ceph Object Gateway node was deployed successfully.

    1. Connect to a Monitor node as the root user:

      ssh hostname

      Replace hostname with the host name of the Monitor node, for example:

      [user@admin ~]$ ssh root@monitor
    2. Verify that the Ceph Object Gateway pools were created properly:

      [root@monitor ~]# docker exec ceph-mon-mon1 rados lspools
    3. From any client on the same network as the Ceph cluster, for example the Monitor node, use the curl command to send an HTTP request on port 8080 using the IP address of the Ceph Object Gateway host:

      curl http://IP-address:8080

      Replace IP-address with the IP address of the Ceph Object Gateway node. To determine the IP address of the Ceph Object Gateway host, use the ifconfig or ip commands:

      [root@client ~]# curl
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>
    4. List buckets:

      [root@monitor ~]# docker exec ceph-mon-mon1 radosgw-admin bucket list

1.5. Installing Metadata Servers

Use the Ansible automation application to install a Ceph Metadata Server (MDS). Metadata Server daemons are necessary for deploying a Ceph File System.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


Perform the following steps on the Ansible administration node.

  1. Add a new section [mdss] to the /etc/ansible/hosts file:


    Replace hostname with the host names of the nodes where you want to install the Ceph Metadata Servers.

    Alternatively, you can colocate the Metadata Server with the OSD daemon on one node by adding the same node under the [osds] and [mdss] sections. See Colocation of containerized Ceph daemons for details.

  2. Navigate to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible directory:

    [root@admin ~]# cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible
  3. Optional. Change the default variables.

    1. Create a copy of the group_vars/mdss.yml.sample file named mdss.yml:

      [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp group_vars/mdss.yml.sample group_vars/mdss.yml
    2. Optionally, edit parameters in mdss.yml. See mdss.yml for details.
  4. As the Ansible user, run the Ansible playbook:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --limit mdss
  5. After installing Metadata Servers, configure them. For details, see the Configuring Metadata Server Daemons chapter in the Ceph File System Guide for Red Hat Ceph Storage 3.

Additional Resources

1.6. Installing the NFS-Ganesha Gateway

The Ceph NFS Ganesha Gateway is an NFS interface built on top of the Ceph Object Gateway to provide applications with a POSIX filesystem interface to the Ceph Object Gateway for migrating files within filesystems to Ceph Object Storage.


  • A running Ceph storage cluster, preferably in the active + clean state.
  • At least one node running a Ceph Object Gateway.
  • Perform the Before You Start procedure.


Perform the following tasks on the Ansible administration node.

  1. Create the nfss file from the sample file:

    [root@ansible ~]# cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars
    [root@ansible ~]# cp nfss.yml.sample nfss.yml
  2. Add gateway hosts to the /etc/ansible/hosts file under an [nfss] group to identify their group membership to Ansible. If the hosts have sequential naming, use a range. For example:

  3. Navigate to the Ansible configuration directory, /etc/ansible/:

    [root@ansible ~]# cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible
  4. To copy the administrator key to the Ceph Object Gateway node, uncomment the copy_admin_key setting in the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/nfss.yml file:

    copy_admin_key: true
  5. Configure the FSAL (File System Abstraction Layer) sections of the /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/nfss.yml file. Provide an ID, S3 user ID, S3 access key and secret. For NFSv4, it should look something like this:

    # FSAL RGW Config #
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_export_id: <replace-w-numeric-export-id>
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_pseudo_path: "/"
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_protocols: "3,4"
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_access_type: "RW"
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_user: "cephnfs"
    # Note: keys are optional and can be generated, but not on containerized, where
    # they must be configered.
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_access_key: "<replace-w-access-key>"
    #ceph_nfs_rgw_secret_key: "<replace-w-secret-key>"

    Access and secret keys are optional, and can be generated.

  6. Run the Ansible playbook:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --limit nfss

Additional Resources

1.7. Installing the Ceph iSCSI gateway in a container

The Ansible deployment application installs the required daemons and tools to configure a Ceph iSCSI gateway in a container.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  1. As the root user, open and edit the /etc/ansible/hosts file. Add a node name entry in the iSCSI gateway group:



  2. Navigate to the /usr/share/ceph-ansible directory:

    [root@admin ~]# cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/
  3. Create a copy of the iscsigws.yml.sample file and name it iscsigws.yml:

    [root@admin ceph-ansible]# cp group_vars/iscsigws.yml.sample group_vars/iscsigws.yml

    The new file name (iscsigws.yml) and the new section heading ([iscsigws]) are only applicable to Red Hat Ceph Storage 3.1 or higher. Upgrading from previous versions of Red Hat Ceph Storage to 3.1 will still use the old file name (iscsi-gws.yml) and the old section heading ([iscsi-gws]).


    Currently, Red Hat does not support the following options to be installed using ceph-ansible for container-based deployments:

    • gateway_iqn
    • rbd_devices
    • client_connections

    See the Configuring the Ceph iSCSI gateway in a container section for instructions on configuring these options manually.

  4. Open the iscsigws.yml file for editing.
  5. Configure the gateway_ip_list option by adding the iSCSI gateway IP addresses, using IPv4 or IPv6 addresses:




    You cannot use a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

  6. Optionally, uncomment the trusted_ip_list option and add the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses accordingly, if you want to use SSL. You will need root access to the iSCSI gateway containers to configure SSL. To configure SSL, do the following steps:

    1. If needed, install the openssl package within all the iSCSI gateway containers.
    2. On the primary iSCSI gateway container, create a directory to hold the SSL keys:

      # mkdir ~/ssl-keys
      # cd ~/ssl-keys
    3. On the primary iSCSI gateway container, create the certificate and key files:

      # openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout iscsi-gateway.key -x509 -days 365 -out iscsi-gateway.crt

      You will be prompted to enter the environmental information.

    4. On the primary iSCSI gateway container, create a PEM file:

      # cat iscsi-gateway.crt iscsi-gateway.key > iscsi-gateway.pem
    5. On the primary iSCSI gateway container, create a public key:

      # openssl x509 -inform pem -in iscsi-gateway.pem -pubkey -noout > iscsi-gateway-pub.key
    6. From the primary iSCSI gateway container, copy the iscsi-gateway.crt, iscsi-gateway.pem, iscsi-gateway-pub.key, and iscsi-gateway.key files to the /etc/ceph/ directory on the other iSCSI gateway containers.
  7. Optionally, review and uncomment any of the following iSCSI target API service options accordingly:

    #api_user: admin
    #api_password: admin
    #api_port: 5000
    #api_secure: false
    #loop_delay: 1
  8. Optionally, review and uncomment any of the following resource options, updating them according to the workload needs:

    # TCMU_RUNNER resource limitation
    #ceph_tcmu_runner_docker_memory_limit: 1g
    #ceph_tcmu_runner_docker_cpu_limit: 1
    # RBD_TARGET_GW resource limitation
    #ceph_rbd_target_gw_docker_memory_limit: 1g
    #ceph_rbd_target_gw_docker_cpu_limit: 1
    # RBD_TARGET_API resource limitation
    #ceph_rbd_target_api_docker_memory_limit: 1g
    #ceph_rbd_target_api_docker_cpu_limit: 1
  9. As the Ansible user, run the Ansible playbook:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --limit iscsigws

    For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic, add the --skip-tags=with_pkg option:

    [user@admin ceph-ansible]$ ansible-playbook site-docker.yml --limit iscsigws --skip-tags=with_pkg
  10. Once the Ansible playbook has finished, open TCP ports 3260 and the api_port specified in the iscsigws.yml file on each node listed in the trusted_ip_list option.


    If the api_port option is not specified, the default port is 5000.

Additional Resources

  • For more information on installing Red Hat Ceph Storage in a container, see the Installing a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in containers section.
  • For more information on Ceph’s iSCSI gateway options, see Table 8.1 in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide.
  • For more information on the iSCSI target API options, see Table 8.2 in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide.
  • For an example of the iscsigws.yml file, see Appendix A the Red Hat Ceph Storage Block Device Guide.

1.7.1. Configuring the Ceph iSCSI gateway in a container

The Ceph iSCSI gateway configuration is done with the gwcli command-line utility for creating and managing iSCSI targets, Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) and Access Control Lists (ACLs).


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the iSCSI gateway software.


  1. As the root user, start the iSCSI gateway command-line interface:

    # docker exec -it rbd-target-api gwcli
  2. Create the iSCSI gateways using either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses:


    >/iscsi-target create$TARGET_NAME
    > goto gateways


    >/iscsi-target create
    > goto gateways
    > create ceph-gw-1
    > create ceph-gw-2


    You cannot use a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

  3. Add a RADOS Block Device (RBD):


    > cd /disks
    >/disks/ create $POOL_NAME image=$IMAGE_NAME size=$IMAGE_SIZE[m|g|t] max_data_area_mb=$BUFFER_SIZE


    > cd /disks
    >/disks/ create rbd image=disk_1 size=50g max_data_area_mb=32


    There can not be any periods (.) in the pool name or in the image name.


    Do NOT adjust the max_data_area_mb option, unless Red Hat Support has instructed you to do so.

    The max_data_area_mb option controls the amount of memory in megabytes that each image can use to pass SCSI command data between the iSCSI target and the Ceph cluster. If this value is too small, then it can result in excessive queue full retries which will affect performance. If the value is too large, then it can result in one disk using too much of the system’s memory, which can cause allocation failures for other subsystems. The default value is 8.

    This value can be changed using the reconfigure command The image must not be in use by an iSCSI initiator for this command to take effect.


    >/disks/ reconfigure max_data_area_mb $NEW_BUFFER_SIZE


    >/disks/ reconfigure max_data_area_mb 64

  4. Create a client:


    > goto hosts
    > create$CLIENT_NAME
    > auth chap=$USER_NAME/$PASSWORD


    > goto hosts
    > create
    > auth chap=iscsiuser1/temp12345678


    Disabling CHAP is only supported on Red Hat Ceph Storage 3.1 or higher. Red Hat does not support mixing clients, some with CHAP enabled and some CHAP disabled. All clients must have either CHAP enabled or have CHAP disabled. The default behavior is to only authenticate an initiator by its initiator name.

    If initiators are failing to log into the target, then the CHAP authentication might be a misconfigured for some initiators.


    o- hosts ................................ [Hosts: 2: Auth: MISCONFIG]

    Do the following command at the hosts level to reset all the CHAP authentication:

    /> goto hosts
    /iscsi-target...csi-igw/hosts> auth nochap
    /iscsi-target...csi-igw/hosts> ls
    o- hosts ................................ [Hosts: 2: Auth: None]
      o- ........... [Auth: None, Disks: 4(310G)]
      o- .. [Auth: None, Disks: 0(0.00Y)]
  5. Add disks to a client:


    >/iscsi-target..eph-igw/hosts> cd$CLIENT_NAME
    > disk add $POOL_NAME.$IMAGE_NAME


    >/iscsi-target..eph-igw/hosts> cd
    > disk add rbd.disk_1

  6. Run the following command to verify the iSCSI gateway configuration:

    > ls
  7. Optionally, confirm that the API is using SSL correctly, look in the /var/log/rbd-target-api.log file for https, for example:

    Aug 01 17:27:42 python[1879]:  * Running on
  8. The next step is to configure an iSCSI initiator.

Additional Resources

1.7.2. Removing the Ceph iSCSI gateway in a container

The Ceph iSCSI gateway configuration can be removed using Ansible.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the iSCSI gateway software.
  • Exported RBD images.
  • Root-level access to the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to the iSCSI initiators.
  • Access to the Ansible administration node.


  1. Disconnect all iSCSI initiators before purging the iSCSI gateway configuration. Follow the steps below for the appropriate operating system:

    1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux initiators:

      Run the following command as the root user:


      iscsiadm -m node -T TARGET_NAME --logout

      Replace TARGET_NAME with the configured iSCSI target name.


      # iscsiadm -m node -T --logout
      Logging out of session [sid: 1, target:, portal:,3260]
      Logging out of session [sid: 2, target:, portal:,3260]
      Logout of [sid: 1, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
      Logout of [sid: 2, target:, portal:,3260] successful.

    2. Windows initiators:

      See the Microsoft documentation for more details.

    3. VMware ESXi initiators:

      See the VMware documentation for more details.

  2. As the root user, run the iSCSI gateway command line utility:

    # gwcli
  3. Remove the hosts:


    /> cd /iscsi-target/
    /> /iscsi-target...TARGET_NAME/hosts> delete CLIENT_NAME

    Replace TARGET_NAME with the configured iSCSI target name, and replace CLIENT_NAME with iSCSI initiator name.


    /> cd /iscsi-target/
    /> /iscsi-target...eph-igw/hosts> delete

  4. Remove the disks:


    /> cd /disks/
    /disks> delete POOL_NAME.IMAGE_NAME

    Replace POOL_NAME with the name of the pool, and replace the IMAGE_NAME with the name of the image.


    /> cd /disks/
    /disks> delete rbd.disk_1

  5. Remove the iSCSI target and gateway configuration:

    /> cd /iscsi-target/
    /iscsi-target> clearconfig confirm=true
  6. On a Ceph Monitor or Client node, as the root user, remove the iSCSI gateway configuration object (gateway.conf):

    [root@mon ~]# rados rm -p pool gateway.conf
  7. Optionally, if the exported Ceph RADOS Block Device (RBD) is no longer needed, then remove the RBD image. Run the following command on a Ceph Monitor or Client node, as the root user:


    rbd rm IMAGE_NAME


    [root@mon ~]# rbd rm rbd01

Additional Resources

1.7.3. Optimizing the performance of the iSCSI Target

There are many settings that control how the iSCSI Target transfers data over the network. These settings can be used to optimize the performance of the iSCSI gateway.


Only change these settings if instructed to by Red Hat Support or as specified in this document.

The gwcli reconfigure subcommand

The gwcli reconfigure subcommand controls the settings that are used to optimize the performance of the iSCSI gateway.

Settings that affect the performance of the iSCSI target

  • max_data_area_mb
  • cmdsn_depth
  • immediate_data
  • initial_r2t
  • max_outstanding_r2t
  • first_burst_length
  • max_burst_length
  • max_recv_data_segment_length
  • max_xmit_data_segment_length

Additional Resources

1.8. Understanding the limit option

This section contains information about the Ansible --limit option.

Ansible supports the --limit option that enables you to use the site and site-docker Ansible playbooks for a particular section of the inventory file.

$ ansible-playbook site.yml|site-docker.yml --limit osds|rgws|clients|mdss|nfss|iscsigws

For example, to redeploy only OSDs on containers, run the following command as the Ansible user:

$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ceph-ansible/site-docker.yml --limit osds

1.9. Additional Resources

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