Developing and Managing Integrations Using Camel K

Red Hat Integration 2021.Q4

A developer's guide to Camel K

Integration Documentation Team


The essentials of developing, configuring, and managing Camel K applications.


Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Managing Camel K integrations

You can manage Red Hat Integration - Camel K integrations using the Camel K command line or using development tools. This chapter explains how to manage Camel K integrations on the command line and provides links to additional resources that explain how to use the VS Code development tools.

1.1. Managing Camel K integrations

Camel K provides different options for managing Camel K integrations on your OpenShift cluster on the command line. This section shows simple examples of using the following commands:

  • kamel get
  • kamel describe
  • kamel log
  • kamel delete



  1. Ensure that the Camel K Operator is running on your OpenShift cluster, for example:

    oc get pod
    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    camel-k-operator-86b8d94b4-pk7d6   1/1     Running   0          6m28s
  2. Enter the kamel run command to run your integration in the cloud on OpenShift. For example:

    kamel run hello.camelk.yaml
    integration "hello" created
  3. Enter the kamel get command to check the status of the integration:

    kamel get
    NAME   PHASE        KIT
    hello  Building Kit kit-bqatqib5t4kse5vukt40
  4. Enter the kamel describe command to print detailed information about the integration:

    kamel describe integration hello
    Name:                hello
    Namespace:           myproject
    Creation Timestamp:  Fri, 13 Aug 2021 16:23:21 +0200
    Phase:               Building Kit
    Runtime Version:     1.7.1.fuse-800025-redhat-00001
    Kit:                 myproject/kit-c4ci6mbe9hl5ph5c9sjg
    Version:             1.6.0
      Name                        Language  Compression  Ref  Ref Key
      camel-k-embedded-flow.yaml  yaml      false
      Type                          Status  Reason                        Message
      IntegrationPlatformAvailable  True    IntegrationPlatformAvailable  myproject/camel-k
      IntegrationKitAvailable       True    IntegrationKitAvailable       kit-c4ci6mbe9hl5ph5c9sjg
      CronJobAvailable              False   CronJobNotAvailableReason     different controller strategy used (deployment)
      DeploymentAvailable           True    DeploymentAvailable           deployment name is hello
      KnativeServiceAvailable       False   KnativeServiceNotAvailable    different controller strategy used (deployment)
      Ready                         True    ReplicaSetReady
  5. Enter the kamel log command to print the log to stdout:

    kamel log hello
    [1] 2021-08-13 14:37:15,860 INFO [info] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - timer://yaml) Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: Hello Camel K from yaml]
  6. Press Ctrl-C to terminate logging in the terminal.
  7. Enter the kamel delete to delete the integration deployed on OpenShift:

    kamel delete hello
    Integration hello deleted

Additional resources

1.2. Managing Camel K integration logging levels

Camel K uses Quarkus Logging mechanism as the logging framework for integrations. You can configure the logging levels of various loggers on the command line at runtime by specifying the quarkus.log.category prefix as an integration property. For example:


--property 'quarkus.log.category."org".level'=DEBUG


It is important to escape the property with single quotes.


  1. Enter the kamel run command and specify the logging level using the --property option. For example:

    kamel run --dev --property 'quarkus.log.category."".level'=DEBUG
    integration "basic" created
        Progress: integration "basic" in phase Initialization
        Progress: integration "basic" in phase Building Kit
        Progress: integration "basic" in phase Deploying
        Condition "IntegrationPlatformAvailable" is "True" for Integration basic: myproject/camel-k
        Integration basic in phase "Initialization"
        Integration basic in phase "Building Kit"
        Integration basic in phase "Deploying"
        Condition "IntegrationKitAvailable" is "True" for Integration basic: kit-c4dn5l62v9g3aopkocag
        Condition "DeploymentAvailable" is "True" for Integration basic: deployment name is basic
        Condition "CronJobAvailable" is "False" for Integration basic: different controller strategy used (deployment)
        Progress: integration "basic" in phase Running
        Condition "KnativeServiceAvailable" is "False" for Integration basic: different controller strategy used (deployment)
        Integration basic in phase "Running"
        Condition "Ready" is "False" for Integration basic
        Condition "Ready" is "True" for Integration basic
        [1] Monitoring pod basic-575b97f64b-7l5rl
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:22,906 DEBUG [] (main) Creating DefaultLRUCacheFactory
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,132 INFO  [] (main) Apache Camel K Runtime 1.7.1.fuse-800025-redhat-00001
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,134 INFO  [] (main) bootstrap runtime: org.apache.camel.quarkus.main.CamelMainRuntime
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,224 INFO  [] (main) Loading routes from: SourceDefinition{name='Basic', language='java', location='file:/etc/camel/sources/', }
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,232 DEBUG [] (main) Found RoutesBuilderLoader: via: META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/java
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,232 DEBUG [] (main) Detected and using RoutesBuilderLoader:
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,236 DEBUG [] (main) Found ResourceResolver: org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultResourceResolvers$FileResolver via: META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/file
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:23,237 DEBUG [] (main) Detected and using ResourceResolver: org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultResourceResolvers$FileResolver@5b67bb7e
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,320 DEBUG [] (main) Lookup Language with name simple in registry. Found: org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage@74d7184a
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,328 DEBUG [] (main) Ignoring notifying event Initializing CamelContext: camel-1. The EventNotifier has not been started yet: org.apache.camel.quarkus.core.CamelManagementEventBridge@3301500b
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,336 DEBUG [] (main) Lookup Component with name timer in registry. Found: org.apache.camel.component.timer.TimerComponent@3ef41c66
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,342 DEBUG [] (main) Creating endpoint uri=[timer://java?period=1000], path=[java]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,350 DEBUG [] (main) Found ProcessorFactory: org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultProcessorFactory via: META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/processor-factory
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,351 DEBUG [] (main) Detected and using ProcessorFactory: org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultProcessorFactory@704b2127
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,369 DEBUG [] (main) Found InternalProcessorFactory: org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultInternalProcessorFactory via: META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/internal-processor-factory
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,369 DEBUG [] (main) Detected and using InternalProcessorFactory: org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultInternalProcessorFactory@4f8caaf3
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,442 DEBUG [] (main) Lookup Component with name log in registry. Found: org.apache.camel.component.log.LogComponent@46b695ec
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,444 DEBUG [] (main) Creating endpoint uri=[log://info], path=[info]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,461 DEBUG [] (main) Ignoring notifying event Initialized CamelContext: camel-1. The EventNotifier has not been started yet: org.apache.camel.quarkus.core.CamelManagementEventBridge@3301500b
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,467 DEBUG [] (main) Starting producer: Producer[log://info]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,469 DEBUG [] (main) Build consumer: Consumer[timer://java?period=1000]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,475 DEBUG [] (main) Starting consumer: Consumer[timer://java?period=1000]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,481 INFO  [] (main) Routes startup summary (total:1 started:1)
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,481 INFO  [] (main)     Started java (timer://java)
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,482 INFO  [] (main) Apache Camel 3.10.0.fuse-800010-redhat-00001 (camel-1) started in 170ms (build:0ms init:150ms start:20ms)
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,487 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) camel-k-integration 1.6.0 on JVM (powered by Quarkus 1.11.7.Final-redhat-00009) started in 2.192s.
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,488 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated.
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:24,488 INFO  [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [camel-bean, camel-core, camel-java-joor-dsl, camel-k-core, camel-k-runtime, camel-log, camel-support-common, camel-timer, cdi]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:25,493 INFO  [info] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - timer://java) Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: Hello Camel K from java]
        [1] 2021-08-17 08:35:26,479 INFO  [info] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - timer://java) Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: Hello Camel K from java]
  2. Press Ctrl-C to terminate logging in the terminal.

Additional resources

1.3. Scaling Camel K integrations

You can scale your integrations using the oc scale command.


  • To scale the Camel K integrations, run the following command.

    oc scale it <integration_name> --replicas <number_of_replicas>
  • You can also edit the Integration resource directly to scale the integration.

    oc patch it <integration_name> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"replicas":<number_of_replicas>}}'

    To view the number of replicas for the integration use following command.

    oc get it <integration_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}'

Chapter 2. Monitoring Camel K integrations

Red Hat Integration - Camel K monitoring is based on the OpenShift monitoring system. This chapter explains how to use the available options for monitoring Red Hat Integration - Camel K integrations at runtime. You can use the Prometheus Operator that is already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring to monitor your own applications.

2.1. Enabling user workload monitoring in OpenShift

OpenShift 4.3 or higher includes an embedded Prometheus Operator already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring. This section explains how to enable monitoring of your own application services in OpenShift Monitoring. This option avoids the additional overhead of installing and managing a separate Prometheus instance.


  • You must have cluster administrator access to an OpenShift cluster on which the Camel K Operator is installed. See Installing Camel K.


  1. Enter the following command to check if the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap object exists in the openshift-monitoring project:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring get configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  2. Create the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap if this does not already exist:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring create configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  3. Edit the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring edit configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  4. Under data:config.yaml:, set enableUserWorkload to true:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: cluster-monitoring-config
      namespace: openshift-monitoring
      config.yaml: |
        enableUserWorkload: true

2.2. Configuring Camel K integration metrics

You can configure monitoring of Camel K integrations automatically using the Camel K Prometheus trait at runtime. This automates the configuration of dependencies and integration Pods to expose a metrics endpoint, which is then discovered and displayed by Prometheus. The Camel Quarkus MicroProfile Metrics extension automatically collects and exposes the default Camel K metrics in the OpenMetrics format.



  1. Enter the following command to run your Camel K integration with the Prometheus trait enabled:

    kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true

    Alternatively, you can enable the Prometheus trait globally once, by updating the integration platform as follows:

    $ oc patch ip camel-k --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"traits":{"prometheus":{"configuration":{"enabled":true}}}}}'
  2. View monitoring of Camel K integration metrics in Prometheus. For example, for embedded Prometheus, select Monitoring > Metrics in the OpenShift administrator or developer web console.
  3. Enter the Camel K metric that you want to view. For example, in the Administrator console, under Insert Metric at Cursor, enter application_camel_context_uptime_seconds, and click Run Queries.
  4. Click Add Query to view additional metrics.

2.3. Adding custom Camel K integration metrics

You can add custom metrics to your Camel K integrations by using Camel MicroProfile Metrics component and annotations in your Java code. These custom metrics will then be automatically discovered and displayed by Prometheus.

This section shows examples of adding Camel MicroProfile Metrics annotations to Camel K integration and service implementation code.



  1. Register the custom metrics in your Camel integration code using Camel MicroProfile Metrics component annotations. The following example shows a integration:

    // camel-k: language=java trait=prometheus.enabled=true 1
    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
    import org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel;
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    import org.apache.camel.component.microprofile.metrics.MicroProfileMetricsConstants;
    import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
    public class Metrics extends RouteBuilder {
       public void configure() {
                .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Failed processing ${body}")
                // Register the 'redelivery' meter
                // Register the 'error' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:error"); 2
                .setBody(header(Exchange.TIMER_COUNTER).prepend("event #"))
                .log("Processing ${body}...")
                // Register the 'generated' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:generated") 3
                // Register the 'attempt' meter via @Metered in
                .bean("service") 4
                    .log(LoggingLevel.WARN, "Processed ${body} after ${header.CamelRedeliveryCounter} retries")
                    .setHeader(MicroProfileMetricsConstants.HEADER_METER_MARK, header(Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER))
                    // Register the 'redelivery' meter
                    .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:redelivery") 5
                .log("Successfully processed ${body}")
                // Register the 'success' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:success"); 6
    Uses the Camel K modeline to automatically configure the Prometheus trait and Maven dependencies
    error: Metric for the number of errors corresponding to the number of events that have not been processed
    generated: Metric for the number of events to be processed
    attempt: Metric for the number of calls made to the service bean to process incoming events
    redelivery: Metric for the number of retries made to process the event
    success: Metric for the number of events successfully processed
  2. Add Camel MicroProfile Metrics annotations to any implementation files as needed. The following example shows the service bean called by the Camel K integration, which generates random failures:

    package com.redhat.integration;
    import java.util.Random;
    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
    import org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation.Metered;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation.Metric;
    import javax.inject.Named;
    import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
    public class Service {
       //Register the attempt meter
       @Metered(absolute = true)
       public void attempt(Exchange exchange) { 1
          Random rand = new Random();
             if (rand.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
                 throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Random failure", exchange); 2
    The @Metered MicroProfile Metrics annotation declares the meter and the name is automatically generated based on the metrics method name, in this case, attempt.
    This example fails randomly to help generate errors for metrics.
  3. Follow the steps in Configuring Camel K integration metrics to run the integration and view the custom Camel K metrics in Prometheus.

    In this case, the example already uses the Camel K modeline in to automatically configure Prometheus and the required Maven dependencies for

Chapter 3. Monitoring Camel K operator

Red Hat Integration - Camel K monitoring is based on the OpenShift monitoring system. This chapter explains how to use the available options for monitoring Red Hat Integration - Camel K operator at runtime. You can use the Prometheus Operator that is already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring to monitor your own applications.

3.1. Camel K Operator metrics

The Camel K operator monitoring endpoint exposes the following metrics:

Table 3.1. Camel K operator metrics



Reconciliation request duration

0.25s, 0.5s, 1s, 5s

namespace, group, version, kind, result: Reconciled|Errored|Requeued, tag: ""|PlatformError|UserError



Build duration

30s, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 5m, 10m

result: Succeeded|Error



Build recovery attempts

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

result: Succeeded|Error



Build queue duration

5s, 15s, 30s, 1m, 5m,




Time to first integration readiness

5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 2m


3.2. Enabling Camel K Operator monitoring

OpenShift 4.3 or higher includes an embedded Prometheus Operator already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring. This section explains how to enable monitoring of your own application services in OpenShift Monitoring.



  1. Create a PodMonitor resource targeting the operator metrics endpoint, so that the Prometheus server can scrape the metrics exposed by the operator.


    kind: PodMonitor
      name: camel-k-operator
        app: "camel-k" operator
          app: "camel-k"
        - port: metrics

  2. Create PodMonitor resource.

    oc apply -f operator-pod-monitor.yaml

Additional Resources

3.3. Camel K operator alerts

You can create a PrometheusRule resource so that the AlertManager instance from the OpenShift monitoring stack can trigger alerts, based on the metrics exposed by the Camel K operator.


You can create a PrometheusRule resource with alerting rules based on the exposed metrics as shown below.

kind: PrometheusRule
 name: camel-k-operator
   - name: camel-k-operator
       - alert: CamelKReconciliationDuration
         expr: |
           1 - sum(rate(camel_k_reconciliation_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0.5"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_reconciliation_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 10
         for: 1m
           severity: warning
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the reconciliation requests
             for {{ $labels.job }} have their duration above 0.5s.
       - alert: CamelKReconciliationFailure
         expr: |
           sum(rate(camel_k_reconciliation_duration_seconds_count{result="Errored"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_reconciliation_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 10m
           severity: warning
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the reconciliation requests
             for {{ $labels.job }} have failed.
       - alert: CamelKSuccessBuildDuration2m
         expr: |
           1 - sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_bucket{le="120",result="Succeeded"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count{result="Succeeded"}[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 10
         for: 1m
           severity: warning
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the successful builds
             for {{ $labels.job }} have their duration above 2m.
       - alert: CamelKSuccessBuildDuration5m
         expr: |
           1 - sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_bucket{le="300",result="Succeeded"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count{result="Succeeded"}[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 1m
           severity: critical
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the successful builds
             for {{ $labels.job }} have their duration above 5m.
       - alert: CamelKBuildFailure
         expr: |
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count{result="Failed"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 10m
           severity: warning
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the builds for {{ $labels.job }} have failed.
       - alert: CamelKBuildError
         expr: |
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count{result="Error"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 10m
           severity: critical
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the builds for {{ $labels.job }} have errored.
       - alert: CamelKBuildQueueDuration1m
         expr: |
           1 - sum(rate(camel_k_build_queue_duration_seconds_bucket{le="60"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_queue_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 1m
           severity: warning
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the builds for {{ $labels.job }}
             have been queued for more than 1m.
       - alert: CamelKBuildQueueDuration5m
         expr: |
           1 - sum(rate(camel_k_build_queue_duration_seconds_bucket{le="300"}[5m])) by (job)
           sum(rate(camel_k_build_queue_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (job)
           * 100
           > 1
         for: 1m
           severity: critical
           message: |
             {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }}% of the builds for {{ $labels.job }}
             have been queued for more than 5m.

Camel K operator alerts

Following table shows the alerting rules that are defined in the PrometheusRule resource.




More than 10% of the reconciliation requests have their duration above 0.5s over at least 1 min.



More than 1% of the reconciliation requests have failed over at least 10 min.



More than 10% of the successful builds have their duration above 2 min over at least 1 min.



More than 1% of the successful builds have their duration above 5 min over at least 1 min.



More than 1% of the builds have errored over at least 10 min.



More than 1% of the builds have been queued for more than 1 min over at least 1 min.



More than 1% of the builds have been queued for more than 5 min over at least 1 min.

You can find more information about alerts in Creating alerting rules from the OpenShift documentation.

Chapter 4. Configuring Camel K integrations

There are two configuration phases in a Camel K integration life cycle:

  • Build time - When Camel Quarkus builds a Camel K integration, it consumes build-time properties.
  • Runtime - When a Camel K integration is running, the integration uses runtime properties or configuration information from local files, OpenShift ConfigMaps, or Secrets.

You provide configure information by using the following options with the kamel run command:

For example, you can use build-time and runtime options to quickly configure a datasource in Camel K as shown in the link: Connect Camel K with databases sample configuration.

4.1. Specifying build-time configuration properties

You might need to provide property values to the Camel Quarkus runtime so that it can build a Camel K integration. For more information about Quarkus configurations that take effect during build time, see the Quarkus Build Time configuration documentation. You can specify build-time properties directly at the command line or by referencing a property file. If a property is defined in both places, the value specified directly at the command line takes precedence over the value in the property file.



  • Specify the --build-property option with the Camel K kamel run command:

    kamel run --build-property <quarkus-property>=<property-value> <camel-k-integration>

    For example, the following Camel K integration (named my-simple-timer.yaml) uses the configuration option:

    - from:
       uri: "timer:tick"
         - set-body:
             constant: "{{}}"
         - to: "log:info"

    To override the default application name, specify a value for the property when you run the integration.

    For example, to change the name from my-simple-timer to my-favorite-app:

    kamel run --build-property my-simple-timer.yaml
  • To provide more than one build-time property, add additional --build-property options to the kamel run command:

    kamel run --build-property <quarkus-property1>=<property-value1> -build-property=<quarkus-property2>=<property-value12> <camel-k-integration>

    Alternately, if you need to specify multiple properties, you can create a property file and specify the property file with the --build-property file option:

    kamel run --build-property file:<property-filename> <camel-k-integration>

    For example, the following property file (named defines two Quarkus properties: = my-favorite-app
    quarkus.banner.enabled = true

    The quarkus.banner.enabled property specifies to display the Quarkus banner when the integration starts up.

    To specify the file with the Camel K kamel run command:

    kamel run --build-property my-simple-timer.yaml

    Quarkus parses the property file and uses the property values to configure the Camel K integration.

Additional resources

For information about Camel Quarkus as the runtime for Camel K integrations, see Quarkus Trait.

4.2. Specifying runtime configuration options

You can specify the following runtime configuration information for a Camel K integration to use when it is running:

  • Runtime properties that you provide at the command line or in a .properties file.
  • Configuration values that you want the Camel K operator to process and parse as runtime properties when the integration starts. You can provide the configuration values in a local text file, an OpenShift ConfigMap, or an OpenShift secret.
  • Resource information that is not parsed as a property file when the integration starts. You can provide resource information in a local text file, a binary file, an OpenShift ConfigMap, or an OpenShift secret.

Use the following kamel run options:

  • --property

    Use the --property option to specify runtime properties directly at the command line or by referencing a Java *.properties file. The Camel K operator appends the contents of the properties file to the running integration’s file.

  • --config

    Use the --config option to provide configuration values that you want the Camel K operator to process and parse as runtime properties when the integration starts.

    You can provide a local text file (1 MiB maximum file size), a ConfigMap (3MB) or a Secret (3MB). The file must be a UTF-8 resource. The materialized file (that is generated at integration startup from the file that you provide) is made available at the classpath level so that you can reference it in your integration code without having to provide an exact location.

    Note: If you need to provide a non-UTF-8 resource (for example, a binary file), use the --resource option.

  • --resource

    Use the --resource option to provide a resource for the integration to access when it is running. You can provide a local text or a binary file (1 MiB maximum file size), a ConfigMap (3MB maximum), or a Secret (3MB maximum). Optionally, you can specify the destination of the file that is materialized for the resource. For example, if you want to set an HTTPS connection, use the --resource option to provide an SSL certificate (a binary file) that is expected in a specified location.

    The Camel K operator does not parse the resource for properties and does not add the resource to the classpath. (If you want to add the resource to the classpath, you can use the JVM trait in your integration).

4.2.1. Providing runtime properties

You can specify runtime properties directly at the command line or by referencing a Java *.properties file by using the kamel run command’s --property option.

When you run an integration with the --property option, the Camel K operator appends the properties to the running integration’s file. Providing runtime properties at the command line

You can configure properties for Camel K integrations on the command line at runtime. When you define a property in an integration by using a property placeholder, for example, {{my.message}}, you can specify the property value on the command line, for example --property my.message=Hello. You can specify multiple properties in a single command.


  1. Develop a Camel integration that uses a property. The following simple example includes a {{my.message}} property placeholder:

    - from:
       uri: "timer:tick"
         - set-body:
             constant: "{{my.message}}"
         - to: "log:info"
  2. Run the integration by using the following syntax to set the property value at runtime.

    kamel run --property <property>=<value> <integration>

    Alternately, you can use the --p shorthand notation (in place of --property):

    kamel run --property <property>=<value> <integration>

    For example:

    kamel run --property my.message="Hola Mundo" --dev


    kamel run --p my.message="Hola Mundo" --dev

    Here is the example result:

    [1] 2020-04-13 15:39:59.213 INFO  [main] ApplicationRuntime - Listener org.apache.camel.k.listener.RoutesDumper@6e0dec4a executed in phase Started
    [1] 2020-04-13 15:40:00.237 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - timer://java] info - Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: String, Body: Hola Mundo from java]
    ... Providing runtime properties in a property file

You can configure multiple properties for Camel K integrations by specifying a property file (*.properties) on the command line at runtime. When you define properties in an integration using property placeholders, for example, {{my.items}}, you can specify the property values on the command line by using a properties file, for example --p file


  1. Create an integration properties file. The following example is from a file named

  2. Develop a Camel integration that uses properties that are defined in the properties file. The following example integration uses the {{my.key.1}} and {{my.key.2=world}} property placeholders:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class Routing extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
           .log("property file content is: {{my.key.1}} {{my.key.2}}");
  3. Run the integration by using the following syntax to reference the property file:

    kamel run --property file:<> <integration>

    Alternately, you can use the --p shorthand notation (in place of --property):

    kamel run --p file:<> <integration>

    For example:

    kamel run --dev

4.2.2. Providing configuration values

You can provide configuration values that you want the Camel K operator to process and parse as runtime properties by using the kamel run command’s --config option. You can provide the configuration values in a local text (UTF-8) file, an OpenShift ConfigMap, or an OpenShift secret.

When you run the integration, the Camel K operator materializes the provided file and adds it to the classpath so that you can reference the configuration values in your integration code without having to provide an exact location. Specifying a text file

If you have a UTF-8 text file that contains configuration values, you can use the --config file:/path/to/file option to make the file available (with the same file name) on the running integration’s classpath.


  • Setting up your Camel K development environment
  • You have one or more (non-binary) text files that contain configuration values.

    For example, create a file named resources-data.txt that contains the following line of text:

    the file body


  1. Create a Camel K integration that references the text file that contains configuration values.

    For example, the following integration ( expects the resources-data.txt file to be available on the classpath at runtime:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ConfigFileRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("resource file content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --config option to specify the text file so that it is available to the running integration. For example:

    kamel run --config file:resources-data.txt --dev

    Optionally, you can provide more than one file by adding the --config option repeatedly, for example:

    kamel run --config file:resources-data1.txt --config file:resources-data2.txt --dev Specifying a ConfigMap

If you have an OpenShift ConfigMap that contains configuration values, and you need to materialize a ConfigMap so that it is available to your Camel K integration, use the --config configmap:<configmap-name> syntax.


  • Setting up your Camel K development environment
  • You have one or more ConfigMap files stored on your OpenShift cluster.

    For example, you can create a ConfigMap by using the following command:

    oc create configmap my-cm --from-literal=my-configmap-key="configmap content"


  1. Create a Camel K integration that references the ConfigMap.

    For example, the following integration (named references a configuration value named my-configmap-key in a ConfigMap named my-cm.

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ConfigConfigmapRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("configmap content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --config option to materialize the ConfigMap file so that it is available to the running integration. For example:

    kamel run --config configmap:my-cm --dev

    When the integration starts, the Camel K operator mounts an OpenShift volume with the ConfigMap’s content.

Note: If you specify a ConfigMap that is not yet available on the cluster, the Integration waits and starts only after the ConfigMap becomes available. Specifying a Secret

You can use an OpenShift Secret to securely contain configuration information. To materialize a secret so that it is available to your Camel K integration, you can use the --config secret syntax.


  • Setting up your Camel K development environment
  • You have one or more Secrets stored on your OpenShift cluster.

    For example, you can create a Secret by using the following command:

    oc create secret generic my-sec --from-literal=my-secret-key="very top secret"


  1. Create a Camel K integration that references the ConfigMap.

    For example, the following integration (named references the my-secret property that is in a Secret named my-sec:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ConfigSecretRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("secret content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --config option to materialize the Secret so that it is available to the running integration. For example:

    kamel run --config secret:my-sec --dev

    When the integration starts, the Camel K operator mounts an OpenShift volume with the Secret’s content. Referencing properties that are contained in ConfigMaps or Secrets

When you run an integration and you specify a ConfigMap or Secret with the --config option, the Camel K operator parses the ConfigMap or Secret as a runtime property file. Within your integration, you can reference the properties as you would reference any other runtime property.


  1. Create a text file that contains properties.

    For example, create a file named that contains the following properties:

  2. Create a ConfigMap or a Secret based on the properties file.

    For example, use the following command to create a secret from the file:

    oc create secret generic my-sec --from-file
  3. In the integration, refer to the properties defined in the Secret.

    For example, the following integration (named references the my.key.1 and my.key.2 properties:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ConfigSecretPropertyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("{{my.key.1}} {{my.key.2}}");
  4. Run the integration and use the --config option to specify the Secret that contains the my.key.1 and my.key.2 properties.

    For example:

    kamel run --config secret:my-sec --dev Filtering configuration values obtained from a ConfigMap or Secret

ConfigMaps and Secrets can hold more than one source. For example, the following command creates a secret (my-sec-multi) from two sources:

oc create secret generic my-sec-multi --from-literal=my-secret-key="very top secret" --from-literal=my-secret-key-2="even more secret"

You can limit the quantity of information that your integration retrieves to just one source by using the /key notation after with the --config configmap or --config secret options.



  1. Create an integration that uses configuration values from only one of the sources in the ConfigMap or Secret.

    For example, the following integration ( uses the property from only one of the sources in the my-sec-multi secret.

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ConfigSecretKeyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
          .log("secret content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration by using the --config secret option and the /key notation.

    For example:

    kamel run --config secret:my-sec-multi/my-secret-key-2 --dev
  3. Check the integration pod to verify that only the specified source (for example, my-secret-key-2) is mounted.

    For example, run the following command to list all volumes for a pod:

    oc set volume pod/<pod-name> --all

4.2.3. Providing resources to a running integration

You can provide a resource for the integration to use when it is running by specifying the kamel run command’s --resource option. You can specify a local text file (1 MiB maximum file size), a ConfigMap (3MB) or a Secret (3MB). You can optionally specify the destination of the file that is materialized for the resource. For example, if you want to set an HTTPS connection, you use the --resource option because you must provide an SSL certificate which is a binary file that is expected in a known location.

When you use the --resource option, the Camel K operator does not parse the resource looking for runtime properties and it does not add the resource to the classpath. (If you want to add the resource to the classpath, you can use the JVM trait. Specifying a text or binary file as a resource

If you have a text or binary file that contains configuration values, you can use the --resource file:/path/to/file option to materialize the file. By default, the Camel K operator copies the materialized file to the /etc/camel/resources/ directory. Optionally, you can specify a different destination directory as described in Specifying a destination path for a resource.



  1. Create a Camel K integration that reads the contents of a file that you provide.

    For example, the following integration ( unzips and reads the file:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ResourceFileBinaryRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("resource file unzipped content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --resource option to copy the file to the default destination directory (/etc/camel/resources/). For example:

    kamel run --resource -d camel-zipfile --dev

    Note: If you specify a binary file, a binary representation of the contents of the file is created and decoded transparently in the integration.

    Optionally, you can provide more than one resource by adding the --resource option repeatedly, for example:

    kamel run --resource file:resources-data1.txt --resource file:resources-data2.txt -d camel-zipfile --dev Specifying a ConfigMap as a resource

If you have an OpenShift ConfigMap that contains configuration values, and you need to materialize the ConfigMap as a resource for an integration, use the --resource <configmap-file> option.


  • Setting up your Camel K development environment
  • You have one or more ConfigMap files stored on your OpenShift cluster. For example, you can create a ConfigMap by using the following command:

    oc create configmap my-cm --from-literal=my-configmap-key="configmap content"


  1. Create a Camel K integration that references a ConfigMap stored on your OpenShift cluster.

    For example, the following integration (named references a ConfigMap named my-cm that contains my-configmap-key.

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ResourceConfigmapRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log("resource file content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --resource option to materialize the ConfigMap file in the default /etc/camel/resources/ directory so that it is available to the running integration.

    For example:

    kamel run --resource configmap:my-cm --dev

    When the integration starts, the Camel K operator mounts a volume with the ConfigMap’s content (for example, my-configmap-key).

Note: If you specify a ConfigMap that is not yet available on the cluster, the Integration waits and starts only after the ConfigMap becomes available. Specifying a Secret as a resource

If you have an OpenShift Secret that contains configuration information, and you need to materialize it as a resource that is available to one or more integrations, use the --resource <secret> syntax.


  • Setting up your Camel K development environment
  • You have one or more Secrets files stored on your OpenShift cluster. For example, you can create a Secret by using the following command:

    oc create secret generic my-sec --from-literal=my-secret-key="very top secret"


  1. Create a Camel K integration that references a Secret stored on your OpenShift cluster.

    For example, the following integration (named references the my-sec Secret:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ResourceSecretRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
              .log("resource file content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --resource option to materialize the Secret in the default /etc/camel/resources/ directory so that it is available to the running integration.

    For example:

    kamel run --resource secret:my-sec --dev

    When the integration starts, the Camel K operator mounts a volume with the Secret’s content (for example, my-sec).

Note: If you specify a Secret that is not yet available on the cluster, the Integration waits and starts only after the Secret becomes available. Specifying a destination path for a resource

The /etc/camel/resources/ directory is the default location for mounting a resource that you specify with the --resource option. If you need to specify a different directory on which to mount a resource, use the --resource @path syntax.



  1. Create a Camel K integration that references the file, ConfigMap or Secret that contains configuration properties. For example, the following integration (named references the myprops file:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ResourceFileLocationRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
             .log("resource file content is: ${body}");
  2. Run the integration and use the --resource option with the @path syntax and specify where to mount the resource content (either a file, ConfigMap or Secret):

    For example, the following command specifies to use the /tmp directory to mount the input.txt file:

    kamel run --resource file:resources-data.txt@/tmp/input.txt --dev
  3. Check the integration’s pod to verify that the file (for example, input.txt) was mounted in the correct location (for example, in the tmp directory ). For example, run the following command:

    oc exec <pod-name> -- cat /tmp/input.txt Filtering ConfigMap or Secret data

When you create a ConfigMap or a Secret, you can specify more than one source of information. For example, the following command creates a ConfigMap (named my-cm-multi) from two sources:

oc create configmap my-cm-multi --from-literal=my-configmap-key="configmap content" --from-literal=my-configmap-key-2="another content"

When you run an integration with the --resource option, a ConfigMap or Secret that was created with more than one source, by default, both sources are materialized.

If you want to limit the quantity of information to recover from a ConfigMap or Secret, you can specify the --resource option’s /key notation after the ConfigMap or Secret name. For example, --resource configmap:my-cm/my-key or --resource secret:my-secret/my-key.

You can limit the quantity of information that your integration retrieves to just one resource by using the /key notation after with the --resource configmap or --resource secret options.



  1. Create an integration that uses configuration values from only one of the resources in the ConfigMap or Secret. For example, the following integration (named references the my-cm-multi ConfigMap:

    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class ResourceConfigmapKeyLocationRoute extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {
           .log("resource file content is: ${body} consumed from
  2. Run the integration and use the --resource option with the @path syntax and specify where to mount the source content (either a file, ConfigMap or Secret):

    For example, the following command specifies to use only one of the sources (my-configmap-key-2@) contained within the ConfigMap and to use the /tmp/app/data directory to mount it:

    kamel run --resource configmap:my-cm-multi/my-configmap-key-2@/tmp/app/data --dev
  3. Check the integration’s pod to verify that only one file (for example, my-configmap-key-2) was mounted in the correct location (for example, in the /tmp/app/data directory). For example, run the following command:

    oc exec <pod-name> -- cat /tmp/app/data/my-configmap-key-2

4.3. Configuring Camel integration components

You can configure Camel components programmatically in your integration code or by using configuration properties on the command line at runtime. You can configure Camel components using the following syntax:


For example, to change the queue size of the Camel seda component for staged event-driven architecture, you can configure the following property on the command line:



  • Enter the kamel run command and specify the Camel component configuration using the --property option. For example:

    kamel run --property camel.component.seda.queueSize=10 examples/

4.4. Configuring Camel K integration dependencies

Camel K automatically resolves a wide range of dependencies that are required to run your integration code. However, you can explicitly add dependencies on the command line at runtime using the kamel run --dependency option.

The following example integration uses Camel K automatic dependency resolution:


Because this integration has an endpoint starting with the imap: prefix, Camel K can automatically add the camel-mail component to the list of required dependencies. The seda: endpoint belongs to camel-core, which is automatically added to all integrations, so Camel K does not add additional dependencies for this component.

Camel K automatic dependency resolution is transparent to the user at runtime. This is very useful in development mode because you can quickly add all the components that you need without exiting the development loop.

You can explicitly add a dependency using the kamel run --dependency or -d option. You might need to use this to specify dependencies that are not included in the Camel catalog. You can specify multiple dependencies on the command line.


  • Enter the kamel run command and specify dependencies using the -d option. For example:

    kamel run -d -d camel-mina2

You can disable automatic dependency resolution by disabling the dependencies trait: -trait dependencies.enabled=false. However, this is not recommended in most cases.

Chapter 5. Authenticating Camel K against Kafka

You can authenticate Camel K against Apache Kafka.

This example demonstrates how to set up a Kafka Topic using Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka and use it in a simple Producer/Consumer pattern Integration.

5.1. Setting up Kafka

Setting up Kafka involves installing the required OpenShift operators, creating a Kafka instance, and creating a Kafka topic.

Use one of these Red Hat products to set up Kafka:

  • Red Hat Advanced Message Queuing (AMQ) streams - A self-managed Apache Kafka offering. AMQ Streams is based on open source Strimzi and is included as part of Red Hat Integration. AMQ Streams is a distributed and scalable streaming platform based on Apache Kafka that includes a publish/subscribe messaging broker. Kafka Connect provides a framework to integrate Kafka-based systems with external systems. Using Kafka Connect, you can configure source and sink connectors to stream data from external systems into and out of a Kafka broker.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka - A managed cloud service that simplifies the process of running Apache Kafka. It provides a streamlined developer experience for building, deploying, and scaling new cloud-native applications or modernizing existing systems.

5.1.1. Setting up Kafka by using AMQ streams

AMQ Streams simplifies the process of running Apache Kafka in an OpenShift cluster. Preparing your OpenShift cluster for AMQ Streams

To use Camel K or Kamelets and Red Hat AMQ Streams, you must install the following operators and tools:

  • Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams operator - Manages the communication between your Openshift Cluster and AMQ Streams for Apache Kafka instances.
  • Red Hat Integration - Camel K operator - Installs and manages Camel K - a lightweight integration framework that runs natively in the cloud on OpenShift.
  • Camel K CLI tool - Allows you to access all Camel K features.


  • You are familiar with Apache Kafka concepts.
  • You can access an OpenShift 4.6 (or later) cluster with the correct access level, the ability to create projects and install operators, and the ability to install the OpenShift and the Camel K CLI on your local system.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI tool (oc) so that you can interact with the OpenShift cluster at the command line.


To set up Kafka by using AMQ Streams:

  1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster’s web console.
  2. Create or open a project in which you plan to create your integration, for example my-camel-k-kafka.
  3. Install the Camel K operator and Camel K CLI as described in Installing Camel K.
  4. Install the AMQ streams operator:

    1. From any project, select Operators > OperatorHub.
    2. In the Filter by Keyword field, type AMQ Streams.
    3. Click the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams card and then click Install.

      The Install Operator page opens.

    4. Accept the defaults and then click Install.
  5. Select Operators > Installed Operators to verify that the Camel K and AMQ Streams operators are installed. Setting up a Kafka topic with AMQ Streams

A Kafka topic provides a destination for the storage of data in a Kafka instance. You must set up a Kafka topic before you can send data to it.


  • You can access an OpenShift cluster.
  • You installed the Red Hat Integration - Camel K and Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams operators as described in Preparing your OpenShift cluster.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc) and the Camel K CLI (kamel).


To set up a Kafka topic by using AMQ Streams:

  1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster’s web console.
  2. Select Projects and then click the project in which you installed the Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams operator. For example, click the my-camel-k-kafka project.
  3. Select Operators > Installed Operators and then click Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams.
  4. Create a Kafka cluster:

    1. Under Kafka, click Create instance.
    2. Type a name for the cluster, for example kafka-test.
    3. Accept the other defaults and then click Create.

      The process to create the Kafka instance might take a few minutes to complete.

      When the status is ready, continue to the next step.

  5. Create a Kafka topic:

    1. Select Operators > Installed Operators and then click Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams.
    2. Under Kafka Topic, click Create Kafka Topic.
    3. Type a name for the topic, for example test-topic.
    4. Accept the other defaults and then click Create.

5.1.2. Setting up Kafka by using OpenShift streams

Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka is a managed cloud service that simplifies the process of running Apache Kafka.

To use OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka, you must be logged into your Red Hat account. Preparing your OpenShift cluster for OpenShift Streams

To use the Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka managed cloud service, you must install the following operators and tools:

  • OpenShift Application Services (RHOAS) CLI - Allows you to manage your application services from a terminal.
  • Red Hat Integration - Camel K operator Installs and manages Camel K - a lightweight integration framework that runs natively in the cloud on OpenShift.
  • Camel K CLI tool - Allows you to access all Camel K features.


  • You are familiar with Apache Kafka concepts.
  • You can access an OpenShift 4.6 (or later) cluster with the correct access level, the ability to create projects and install operators, and the ability to install the OpenShift and Apache Camel K CLI on your local system.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI tool (oc) so that you can interact with the OpenShift cluster at the command line.


  1. Log in to your OpenShift web console with a cluster admin account.
  2. Create the OpenShift project for your Camel K or Kamelets application.

    1. Select Home > Projects.
    2. Click Create Project.
    3. Type the name of the project, for example my-camel-k-kafka, then click Create.
  3. Download and install the RHOAS CLI as described in Getting started with the rhoas CLI.
  4. Install the Camel K operator and Camel K CLI as described in Installing Camel K.
  5. To verify that the Red Hat Integration - Camel K operator is installed, click Operators > Installed Operators. Setting up a Kafka topic with RHOAS

Kafka organizes messages around topics. Each topic has a name. Applications send messages to topics and retrieve messages from topics. A Kafka topic provides a destination for the storage of data in a Kafka instance. You must set up a Kafka topic before you can send data to it.


  • You can access an OpenShift cluster with the correct access level, the ability to create projects and install operators, and the ability to install the OpenShift and the Camel K CLI on your local system.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc) , the Camel K CLI (kamel) , and RHOAS CLI (rhoas) tools as described in Preparing your OpenShift cluster.
  • You installed the Red Hat Integration - Camel K operator as described in Preparing your OpenShift cluster.
  • You are logged in to the Red Hat Cloud site.


To set up a Kafka topic by using Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka:

  1. From the command line, log in to your OpenShift cluster.
  2. Open your project, for example:

    oc project my-camel-k-kafka

  3. Verify that the Camel K operator is installed in your project:

    oc get csv

    The result lists the Red Hat Camel K operator and indicates that it is in the Succeeded phase.

  4. Prepare and connect a Kafka instance to RHOAS:

    1. Login to the RHOAS CLI by using this command:

      rhoas login

    2. Create a kafka instance, for example kafka-test:

      rhoas kafka create kafka-test

      The process to create the Kafka instance might take a few minutes to complete.

  5. To check the status of your Kafka instance:

    rhoas status

    You can also view the status in the web console:

    When the status is ready, continue to the next step.

  6. Create a new Kafka topic:

    rhoas kafka topic create --name test-topic

  7. Connect your Kafka instance (cluster) with the Openshift Application Services instance:

    rhoas cluster connect

  8. Follow the script instructions for obtaining a credential token.

    You should see output similar to the following:

    Token Secret "rh-cloud-services-accesstoken-cli" created successfully
    Service Account Secret "rh-cloud-services-service-account" created successfully
    KafkaConnection resource "kafka-test" has been created
    KafkaConnection successfully installed on your cluster. Obtaining Kafka credentials

To connect your applications or services to a Kafka instance, you must first obtain the following Kafka credentials:

  • Obtain the bootstrap URL.
  • Create a service account with credentials (username and password).

For OpenShift Streams, the authentication protocol is SASL_SSL.


  • You have created a Kafka instance, and it has a ready status.
  • You have created a Kafka topic.


  1. Obtain the Kafka Broker URL (Bootstrap URL):

    rhoas status

    This command returns output similar to the following:

      ID:                     1ptdfZRHmLKwqW6A3YKM2MawgDh
      Name:                   my-kafka
      Status:                 ready
      Bootstrap URL:
  2. To obtain a username and password, create a service account by using the following syntax:

    rhoas service-account create --name "<account-name>" --file-format json


    When creating a service account, you can choose the file format and location to save the credentials. For more information, type rhoas service-account create --help

    For example:

    rhoas service-account create --name "my-service-acct" --file-format json

    The service account is created and saved to a JSON file.

  3. To verify your service account credentials, view the credentials.json file:

    cat credentials.json

    This command returns output similar to the following:

    {"clientID":"srvc-acct-eb575691-b94a-41f1-ab97-50ade0cd1094", "password":"facf3df1-3c8d-4253-aa87-8c95ca5e1225"}
  4. Grant permission for sending and receiving messages to or from the Kakfa topic. Use the following command, where clientID is the value provided in the credentials.json file (from Step 3).

    rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --consumer --service-account $CLIENT_ID --topic test-topic --group all

    For example:

    rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --consumer --service-account srvc-acct-eb575691-b94a-41f1-ab97-50ade0cd1094 --topic test-topic --group all Creating a secret by using the SASL/Plain authentication method

You can create a secret with the credentials that you obtained (Kafka bootstrap URL, service account ID, and service account secret).


  1. Edit the file and add the Kafka credentials. file

    camel.component.kafka.brokers = <YOUR-KAFKA-BOOTSTRAP-URL-HERE> = SASL_SSL
    camel.component.kafka.sasl-mechanism = PLAIN required username='<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-ID-HERE>' password='<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-SECRET-HERE>';

  2. Run the following command to create a secret that contains the sensitive properties in the file:

    oc create secret generic kafka-props --from-file

    You use this secret when you run a Camel K integration. Creating a secret by using the SASL/OAUTHBearer authentication method

You can create a secret with the credentials that you obtained (Kafka bootstrap URL, service account ID, and service account secret).


  1. Edit the file and add the Kafka credentials. file

    camel.component.kafka.brokers = <YOUR-KAFKA-BOOTSTRAP-URL-HERE> = SASL_SSL
    camel.component.kafka.sasl-mechanism = OAUTHBEARER
    camel.component.kafka.sasl-jaas-config = required \'<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-ID-HERE>' \
    oauth.client.secret='<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-SECRET-HERE>' \
    oauth.token.endpoint.uri="" ;

  2. Run the following command to create a secret that contains the sensitive properties in the file:

    oc create secret generic kafka-props --from-file

    You use this secret when you run a Camel K integration.

5.2. Running a Kafka integration

Running a producer integration

  1. Create a sample producer integration. This fills the topic with a message, every 10 seconds.


    // kamel run --secret kafka-props --dev
    // camel-k: language=java dependency=mvn:org.apache.camel.quarkus:camel-quarkus-kafka dependency=mvn:io.strimzi:kafka-oauth-client:0.7.1.redhat-00003
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    import org.apache.camel.component.kafka.KafkaConstants;
    public class SaslSSLKafkaProducer extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {"About to start route: Timer -> Kafka ");
          .simple("Message #${exchangeProperty.CamelTimerCounter}")
        .log("Message correctly sent to the topic!");

  2. Then run the procedure integration.

    kamel run --secret kafka-props --dev

    The producer will create a new message and push into the topic and log some information.

    [2] 2021-05-06 08:48:11,854 INFO  [FromTimer2Kafka] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - KafkaProducer[test]) Message correctly sent to the topic!
    [2] 2021-05-06 08:48:11,854 INFO  [FromTimer2Kafka] (Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - KafkaProducer[test]) Message correctly sent to the topic!
    [2] 2021-05-06 08:48:11,973 INFO  [FromTimer2Kafka] (Camel (camel-1) thread #5 - KafkaProducer[test]) Message correctly sent to the topic!
    [2] 2021-05-06 08:48:12,970 INFO  [FromTimer2Kafka] (Camel (camel-1) thread #7 - KafkaProducer[test]) Message correctly sent to the topic!
    [2] 2021-05-06 08:48:13,970 INFO  [FromTimer2Kafka] (Camel (camel-1) thread #9 - KafkaProducer[test]) Message correctly sent to the topic!

Running a consumer integration

  1. Create a consumer integration.


    // kamel run --secret kafka-props --dev
    // camel-k: language=java dependency=mvn:org.apache.camel.quarkus:camel-quarkus-kafka dependency=mvn:io.strimzi:kafka-oauth-client:0.7.1.redhat-00003
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class SaslSSLKafkaConsumer extends RouteBuilder {
      public void configure() throws Exception {"About to start route: Kafka -> Log ");

  2. Open another shell and run the consumer integration using the command:

    kamel run --secret kafka-props --dev

    A consumer will start logging the events found in the Topic:

    [1] 2021-05-06 08:51:08,991 INFO  [FromKafka2Log] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - KafkaConsumer[test]) Message #8
    [1] 2021-05-06 08:51:10,065 INFO  [FromKafka2Log] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - KafkaConsumer[test]) Message #9
    [1] 2021-05-06 08:51:10,991 INFO  [FromKafka2Log] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - KafkaConsumer[test]) Message #10
    [1] 2021-05-06 08:51:11,991 INFO  [FromKafka2Log] (Camel (camel-1) thread #0 - KafkaConsumer[test]) Message #11

Chapter 6. Camel K trait configuration reference

This chapter provides reference information about advanced features and core capabilities that you can configure on the command line at runtime using traits. Camel K provides feature traits to configure specific features and technologies. Camel K provides platform traits to configure internal Camel K core capabilities.


The Red Hat Integration - Camel K 1.6 includes the OpenShift and Knative profiles. The Kubernetes profile has community-only support. It also includes Java, and YAML DSL support for integrations. Other languages such as XML, Groovy, JavaScript, and Kotlin have community-only support.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Camel K feature traits

Camel K core platform traits

6.1. Camel K trait and profile configuration

This section explains the important Camel K concepts of traits and profiles, which are used to configure advanced Camel K features at runtime.

Camel K traits

Camel K traits are advanced features and core capabilities that you can configure on the command line to customize Camel K integrations. For example, this includes feature traits that configure interactions with technologies such as 3scale API Management, Quarkus, Knative, and Prometheus. Camel K also provides internal platform traits that configure important core platform capabilities such as Camel support, containers, dependency resolution, and JVM support.

Camel K profiles

Camel K profiles define the target cloud platforms on which Camel K integrations run. Supported profiles are OpenShift and Knative profiles.


When you run an integration on OpenShift, Camel K uses the Knative profile when OpenShift Serverless is installed on the cluster. Camel K uses the OpenShift profile when OpenShift Serverless is not installed.

You can also specify the profile at runtime using the kamel run --profile option.

Camel K provides useful defaults for all traits, taking into account the target profile on which the integration runs. However, advanced users can configure Camel K traits for custom behavior. Some traits only apply to specific profiles such as OpenShift or Knative. For more details, see the available profiles in each trait description.

Camel K trait configuration

Each Camel trait has a unique ID that you can use to configure the trait on the command line. For example, the following command disables creating an OpenShift Service for an integration:

kamel run --trait service.enabled=false my-integration.yaml

You can also use the -t option to specify traits.

Camel K trait properties

You can use the enabled property to enable or disable each trait. All traits have their own internal logic to determine if they need to be enabled when the user does not activate them explicitly.


Disabling a platform trait may compromise the platform functionality.

Some traits have an auto property, which you can use to enable or disable automatic configuration of the trait based on the environment. For example, this includes traits such as 3scale, Cron, and Knative. This automatic configuration can enable or disable the trait when the enabled property is not explicitly set, and can change the trait configuration.

Most traits have additional properties that you can configure on the command line. For more details, see the descriptions for each trait in the sections that follow.

6.2. Camel K feature traits

6.2.1. Knative Trait

The Knative trait automatically discovers addresses of Knative resources and inject them into the running integration.

The full Knative configuration is injected in the CAMEL_KNATIVE_CONFIGURATION in JSON format. The Camel Knative component will then use the full configuration to configure the routes.

The trait is enabled by default when the Knative profile is active.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Knative. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait knative.[key]=[value] --trait knative.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Can be used to inject a Knative complete configuration in JSON format.


List of channels used as source of integration routes. Can contain simple channel names or full Camel URIs.


List of channels used as destination of integration routes. Can contain simple channel names or full Camel URIs.



List of channels used as source of integration routes.



List of endpoints used as destination of integration routes. Can contain simple endpoint names or full Camel URIs.



List of event types that the integration will be subscribed to. Can contain simple event types or full Camel URIs (to use a specific broker different from "default").



List of event types that the integration will produce. Can contain simple event types or full Camel URIs (to use a specific broker).



Enables filtering on events based on the header "ce-knativehistory". Since this header has been removed in newer versions of Knative, filtering is disabled by default.



Allows binding the integration to a sink via a Knative SinkBinding resource. This can be used when the integration targets a single sink. It’s enabled by default when the integration targets a single sink (except when the integration is owned by a Knative source).


Enable automatic discovery of all trait properties.

6.2.2. Knative Service Trait

The Knative Service trait allows to configure options when running the integration as Knative service instead of a standard Kubernetes Deployment.

Running integrations as Knative Services adds auto-scaling (and scaling-to-zero) features, but those features are only meaningful when the routes use a HTTP endpoint consumer.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Knative. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait knative-service.[key]=[value] --trait knative-service.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Configures the Knative autoscaling class property (e.g. to set or autoscaling).

Refer to the Knative documentation for more information.



Configures the Knative autoscaling metric property (e.g. to set concurrency based or cpu based autoscaling).

Refer to the Knative documentation for more information.



Sets the allowed concurrency level or CPU percentage (depending on the autoscaling metric) for each Pod.

Refer to the Knative documentation for more information.



The minimum number of Pods that should be running at any time for the integration. It’s zero by default, meaning that the integration is scaled down to zero when not used for a configured amount of time.

Refer to the Knative documentation for more information.



An upper bound for the number of Pods that can be running in parallel for the integration. Knative has its own cap value that depends on the installation.

Refer to the Knative documentation for more information.


Automatically deploy the integration as Knative service when all conditions hold:

  • Integration is using the Knative profile
  • All routes are either starting from a HTTP based consumer or a passive consumer (e.g. direct is a passive consumer)

6.2.3. Prometheus Trait

The Prometheus trait configures a Prometheus-compatible endpoint. It also creates a PodMonitor resource, so that the endpoint can be scraped automatically, when using the Prometheus operator.

The metrics are exposed using MicroProfile Metrics.


The creation of the PodMonitor resource requires the Prometheus Operator custom resource definition to be installed. You can set pod-monitor to false for the Prometheus trait to work without the Prometheus Operator.

The Prometheus trait is disabled by default.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait prometheus.[key]=[value] --trait prometheus.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Whether a PodMonitor resource is created (default true).



The PodMonitor resource labels, applicable when pod-monitor is true.

6.2.4. Pdb Trait

The PDB trait allows to configure the PodDisruptionBudget resource for the Integration pods.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait pdb.[key]=[value] --trait pdb.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



The number of pods for the Integration that must still be available after an eviction. It can be either an absolute number or a percentage. Only one of min-available and max-unavailable can be specified.



The number of pods for the Integration that can be unavailable after an eviction. It can be either an absolute number or a percentage (default 1 if min-available is also not set). Only one of max-unavailable and min-available can be specified.

6.2.5. Pull Secret Trait

The Pull Secret trait sets a pull secret on the pod, to allow Kubernetes to retrieve the container image from an external registry.

The pull secret can be specified manually or, in case you’ve configured authentication for an external container registry on the IntegrationPlatform, the same secret is used to pull images.

It’s enabled by default whenever you configure authentication for an external container registry, so it assumes that external registries are private.

If your registry does not need authentication for pulling images, you can disable this trait.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait pull-secret.[key]=[value] --trait pull-secret.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



The pull secret name to set on the Pod. If left empty this is automatically taken from the IntegrationPlatform registry configuration.



When using a global operator with a shared platform, this enables delegation of the system:image-puller cluster role on the operator namespace to the integration service account.


Automatically configures the platform registry secret on the pod if it is of type

6.2.6. Route Trait

The Route trait can be used to configure the creation of OpenShift routes for the integration.

The certificate and key contents may be sourced either from the local filesystem or in a Openshift secret object. The user may use the parameters ending in -secret (example: tls-certificate-secret) to reference a certificate stored in a secret. Parameters ending in -secret have higher priorities and in case the same route parameter is set, for example: tls-key-secret and tls-key, then tls-key-secret is used. The recommended approach to set the key and certificates is to use secrets to store their contents and use the following parameters to reference them: tls-certificate-secret, tls-key-secret, tls-ca-certificate-secret, tls-destination-ca-certificate-secret See the examples section at the end of this page to see the setup options.

This trait is available in the following profiles: OpenShift. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait route.[key]=[value] --trait route.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.


To configure the host exposed by the route.



The TLS termination type, like edge, passthrough or reencrypt.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The TLS certificate contents.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The secret name and key reference to the TLS certificate. The format is "secret-name[/key-name]", the value represents the secret name, if there is only one key in the secret it will be read, otherwise you can set a key name separated with a "/".

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The TLS certificate key contents.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The secret name and key reference to the TLS certificate key. The format is "secret-name[/key-name]", the value represents the secret name, if there is only one key in the secret it will be read, otherwise you can set a key name separated with a "/".

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The TLS CA certificate contents.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The secret name and key reference to the TLS CA certificate. The format is "secret-name[/key-name]", the value represents the secret name, if there is only one key in the secret it will be read, otherwise you can set a key name separated with a "/".

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The destination CA certificate provides the contents of the ca certificate of the final destination. When using reencrypt termination this file should be provided in order to have routers use it for health checks on the secure connection. If this field is not specified, the router may provide its own destination CA and perform hostname validation using the short service name (service.namespace.svc), which allows infrastructure generated certificates to automatically verify.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



The secret name and key reference to the destination CA certificate. The format is "secret-name[/key-name]", the value represents the secret name, if there is only one key in the secret it will be read, otherwise you can set a key name separated with a "/".

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information.



To configure how to deal with insecure traffic, e.g. Allow, Disable or Redirect traffic.

Refer to the OpenShift route documentation for additional information. Examples

These examples uses secrets to store the certificates and keys to be referenced in the integrations. Read Openshift route documentation for detailed information about routes. The is the integration example.

As a requirement to run these examples, you should have a secret with a key and certificate. Generate a self-signed certificate and create a secret
openssl genrsa -out tls.key
openssl req -new -key tls.key -out csr.csr -subj "/"
openssl x509 -req -in csr.csr -signkey tls.key -out tls.crt
oc create secret tls my-combined-certs --key=tls.key  --cert=tls.crt Making an HTTP request to the route

For all examples, you can use the following curl command to make an HTTP request. It makes use of inline scripts to retrieve the openshift namespace and cluster base domain, if you are using a shell which doesn’t support these inline scripts, you should replace the inline scripts with the values of your actual namespace and base domain.

curl -k https://platform-http-server-`oc config view --minify -o 'jsonpath={..namespace}'`.`oc get dnses/cluster -ojsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}'`/hello?name=Camel-K
  • To add an edge route using secrets, use the parameters ending in -secret to set the secret name which contains the certificate. This route example trait references a secret named my-combined-certs which contains two keys named tls.key and tls.crt.

    kamel run --dev -t route.tls-termination=edge -t route.tls-certificate-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.crt -t route.tls-key-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.key
  • To add a passthrough route using secrets, the TLS is setup in the integration pod, the keys and certificates should be visible in the running integration pod, to achieve this we are using the --resource kamel parameter to mount the secret in the integration pod, then we use some camel quarkus parameters to reference these certificate files in the running pod, they start with -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate. This route example trait references a secret named my-combined-certs which contains two keys named tls.key and tls.crt.

    kamel run --dev --resource secret:my-combined-certs@/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.file=/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs/tls.crt -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-file=/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs/tls.key -t route.tls-termination=passthrough -t container.port=8443
  • To add a reencrypt route using secrets, the TLS is setup in the integration pod, the keys and certificates should be visible in the running integration pod, to achieve this we are using the --resource kamel parameter to mount the secret in the integration pod, then we use some camel quarkus parameters to reference these certificate files in the running pod, they start with -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate. This route example trait references a secret named my-combined-certs which contains two keys named tls.key and tls.crt.

    kamel run --dev --resource secret:my-combined-certs@/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs  -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.file=/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs/tls.crt -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-file=/etc/ssl/my-combined-certs/tls.key -t route.tls-termination=reencrypt -t route.tls-destination-ca-certificate-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.crt -t route.tls-certificate-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.crt -t route.tls-key-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.key -t container.port=8443
  • To add a reencrypt route using a specific certificate from a secret for the route and Openshift service serving certificates for the integration endpoint. This way the Openshift service serving certificates is set up only in the integration pod. The keys and certificates should be visible in the running integration pod, to achieve this we are using the --resource kamel parameter to mount the secret in the integration pod, then we use some camel quarkus parameters to reference these certificate files in the running pod, they start with -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate. This route example trait references a secret named my-combined-certs which contains two keys named tls.key and tls.crt.

    kamel run --dev --resource secret:cert-from-openshift@/etc/ssl/cert-from-openshift  -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.file=/etc/ssl/cert-from-openshift/tls.crt -p quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-file=/etc/ssl/cert-from-openshift/tls.key -t route.tls-termination=reencrypt -t route.tls-certificate-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.crt -t route.tls-key-secret=my-combined-certs/tls.key -t container.port=8443

    Then you should annotate the integration service to inject the Openshift service serving certificates

    oc annotate service platform-http-server
  • To add an edge route using a certificate and a private key provided from your local filesystem. This example uses inline scripts to read the certificate and private key file contents, then remove all new line characters, (this is required to set the certificate as parameter’s values), so the values are in a single line.

    kamel run --dev -t route.tls-termination=edge -t route.tls-certificate="$(cat tls.crt|awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}')" -t route.tls-key="$(cat tls.key|awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}')"

6.2.7. Service Trait

The Service trait exposes the integration with a Service resource so that it can be accessed by other applications (or integrations) in the same namespace.

It’s enabled by default if the integration depends on a Camel component that can expose a HTTP endpoint.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, OpenShift. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait service.[key]=[value] --trait service.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.


To automatically detect from the code if a Service needs to be created.



Enable Service to be exposed as NodePort

6.3. Camel K platform traits

6.3.1. Builder Trait

The builder trait is internally used to determine the best strategy to build and configure IntegrationKits.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The builder trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait builder.[key]=[value] --trait builder.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Enable verbose logging on build components that support it (e.g., OpenShift build pod). Kaniko and Buildah are not supported.


A list of properties to be provided to the build task

6.3.2. Container Trait

The Container trait can be used to configure properties of the container where the integration will run.

It also provides configuration for Services associated to the container.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The container trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait container.[key]=[value] --trait container.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.





The minimum amount of CPU required.



The minimum amount of memory required.



The maximum amount of CPU required.



The maximum amount of memory required.



Can be used to enable/disable exposure via kubernetes Service.



To configure a different port exposed by the container (default 8080).



To configure a different port name for the port exposed by the container (default http).



To configure under which service port the container port is to be exposed (default 80).



To configure under which service port name the container port is to be exposed (default http).


The main container name. It’s named integration by default.



The main container image



ProbesEnabled enable/disable probes on the container (default false)



Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.



Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Applies to the liveness probe.



How often to perform the probe. Applies to the liveness probe.



Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Applies to the liveness probe.



Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Applies to the liveness probe.



Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.



Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Applies to the readiness probe.



How often to perform the probe. Applies to the readiness probe.



Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Applies to the readiness probe.



Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Applies to the readiness probe.

6.3.3. Camel Trait

The Camel trait can be used to configure versions of Apache Camel K runtime and related libraries, it cannot be disabled.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The camel trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait camel.[key]=[value] --trait camel.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.

6.3.4. Dependencies Trait

The Dependencies trait is internally used to automatically add runtime dependencies based on the integration that the user wants to run.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The dependencies trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait dependencies.[key]=[value]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.

6.3.5. Deployer Trait

The deployer trait can be used to explicitly select the kind of high level resource that will deploy the integration.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The deployer trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait deployer.[key]=[value] --trait deployer.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Allows to explicitly select the desired deployment kind between deployment, cron-job or knative-service when creating the resources for running the integration.

6.3.6. Deployment Trait

The Deployment trait is responsible for generating the Kubernetes deployment that will make sure the integration will run in the cluster.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The deployment trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait deployment.[key]=[value]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.

6.3.7. Environment Trait

The environment trait is used internally to inject standard environment variables in the integration container, such as NAMESPACE, POD_NAME and others.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The environment trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait environment.[key]=[value] --trait environment.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Enables injection of NAMESPACE and POD_NAME environment variables (default true)

6.3.8. Error Handler Trait

The error-handler is a platform trait used to inject Error Handler source into the integration runtime.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The error-handler trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait error-handler.[key]=[value] --trait error-handler.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



The error handler ref name provided or found in application properties

6.3.9. Jvm Trait

The JVM trait is used to configure the JVM that runs the integration.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The jvm trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait jvm.[key]=[value] --trait jvm.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



Activates remote debugging, so that a debugger can be attached to the JVM, e.g., using port-forwarding



Suspends the target JVM immediately before the main class is loaded



Prints the command used the start the JVM in the container logs (default true)



Transport address at which to listen for the newly launched JVM (default *:5005)



A list of JVM options



Additional JVM classpath (use Linux classpath separator) Examples
  • Include an additional classpath to the Integration:

    $ kamel run -t jvm.classpath=/path/to/my-dependency.jar:/path/to/another-dependency.jar ...

6.3.10. Kamelets Trait

The kamelets trait is a platform trait used to inject Kamelets into the integration runtime.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The kamelets trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait kamelets.[key]=[value] --trait kamelets.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.


Automatically inject all referenced Kamelets and their default configuration (enabled by default)



Comma separated list of Kamelet names to load into the current integration

6.3.11. Openapi Trait

The OpenAPI DSL trait is internally used to allow creating integrations from a OpenAPI specs.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The openapi trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait openapi.[key]=[value]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.

6.3.12. Owner Trait

The Owner trait ensures that all created resources belong to the integration being created and transfers annotations and labels on the integration onto these owned resources.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The owner trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait owner.[key]=[value] --trait owner.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.


The set of annotations to be transferred


The set of labels to be transferred

6.3.13. Platform Trait

The platform trait is a base trait that is used to assign an integration platform to an integration.

In case the platform is missing, the trait is allowed to create a default platform. This feature is especially useful in contexts where there’s no need to provide a custom configuration for the platform (e.g. on OpenShift the default settings work, since there’s an embedded container image registry).

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The platform trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait platform.[key]=[value] --trait platform.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.



To create a default (empty) platform when the platform is missing.


Indicates if the platform should be created globally in the case of global operator (default true).


To automatically detect from the environment if a default platform can be created (it will be created on OpenShift only).

6.3.14. Quarkus Trait

The Quarkus trait activates the Quarkus runtime.

It’s enabled by default.

This trait is available in the following profiles: Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift.


The quarkus trait is a platform trait: disabling it may compromise the platform functionality. Configuration

Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:

$ kamel run --trait quarkus.[key]=[value] --trait quarkus.[key2]=[value2]

The following configuration options are available:




Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property. Supported Camel Components

When running with Quarkus enabled, Camel K only supports those Camel components that are available as Camel Quarkus Extensions. You can see the list of extensions from the Camel Quarkus documentation.

Chapter 7. Camel K command reference

This chapter provides reference details on the Camel K command line interface (CLI), and provides examples of using the kamel command. This chapter also provides reference details on Camel K modeline options that you can specify in a Camel K integration source file, which are executed at runtime.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1. Camel K command line

The Camel K CLI provides the kamel command as the main entry point for running Camel K integrations on OpenShift.

7.1.1. Supported commands

Note the following key:



Unsupported or not yet supported

Table 7.1. kamel commands


Bind Kubernetes resources such as Kamelets, in an integration flow, to Knative channels, Kafka topics, or any other endpoint.

kamel bind telegram-source -p "source.authorizationToken=The Token" channel:mychannel


Generate completion scripts.

kamel completion bash


Debug a remote integration using a local debugger.

kamel debug my-integration


Delete an integration deployed on OpenShift.

kamel delete my-integration


Get detailed information on a Camel K resource. This includes an integration, kit, or platform.

kamel describe integration my-integration


Get the status of integrations deployed on OpenShift.

kamel get


Get the full list of available commands. You can enter --help as a parameter to each command for more details.

  • kamel help
  • kamel run --help


Initialize an empty Camel K file implemented in Java or YAML.

kamel init


Install Camel K on an OpenShift cluster.

Note: It is recommended that you use the OpenShift Camel K Operator to install and uninstall Camel K.

kamel install


Configure an Integration Kit.

kamel kit create my-integration --secret


Perform integration actions locally given a set of input integration files.

kamel local run


Print the logs of a running integration.

kamel log my-integration


Clear the state of one or more integrations causing a rebuild.

kamel rebuild my-integration


Reset the current Camel K installation.

kamel reset


Run an integration on OpenShift.

kamel run


Uninstall Camel K from an OpenShift cluster.

Note: It is recommended that you use the OpenShift Camel K Operator to install and uninstall Camel K.

kamel uninstall


Display Camel-K client version.

kamel version

Additional resources

7.2. Camel K modeline options

You can use the Camel K modeline to enter configuration options in a Camel K integration source file, which are executed at runtime, for example, using kamel run For more details, see Running Camel K integrations using modeline.

All options that are available for the kamel run command, you can specify as modeline options.

The following table describes some of the most commonly-used modeline options.

Table 7.2. Camel K modeline options


Add a build-time property or build-time properties file.

Syntax: [my-key=my-value|file:/path/to/]


Add a runtime configuration from a Configmap, Secret, or file

Syntax: [configmap|secret|file]:name[/key]

- name represents the local file path or the ConfigMap/Secret name.

- key optionally represents the ConfigMap/Secret key to be filtered.


Include an external library (for example, a Maven dependency)



Set an environment variable in the integration container. For example, env=MY_ENV_VAR=my-value.


Add a label for the integration. For example,


Add an integration name. For example, name=my-integration.


Add an OpenAPI v2 specification. For example, open-api=path/to/my-hello-api.json.


Set the Camel K trait profile used for deployment. For example, openshift.


Add a runtime property or a runtime properties file.

Syntax: [my-key=my-value|file:/path/to/])


Add a run-time resource from a ConfigMap, Secret or file

Syntax: [configmap|secret|file]:name[/key][@path]

- name represents the local file path or the ConfigMap/Secret name

- key (optional) represents the ConfigMap or Secret key to be filtered s - path (optional) represents the destination path


Configure a Camel K feature or core capability in a trait. For example, trait=service.enabled=false.

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