2.3 Release Notes

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3

Release Notes for Red Hat Software Collections 2.3

Lenka Špačková

Red Hat Customer Content Services

Jaromír Hradílek

Red Hat Customer Content Services

Eliška Slobodová

Red Hat Customer Content Services


The Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Release Notes document the major features and contain important information about known problems in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3.
The Red Hat Developer Toolset collection is documented in the Red Hat Developer Toolset Release Notes and the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.

Chapter 1. Red Hat Software Collections 2.3

This chapter serves as an overview of the Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 content set. It provides a list of components and their descriptions, sums up changes in this version, documents relevant compatibility information, and lists known issues.

1.1. About Red Hat Software Collections

For certain applications, more recent versions of some software components are often needed in order to use their latest new features. Red Hat Software Collections is a Red Hat offering that provides a set of dynamic programming languages, database servers, and various related packages that are either more recent than their equivalent versions included in the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, or are available for this system for the first time.
Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 is be available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7; selected new components and previously released components also for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. For a complete list of components that are distributed as part of Red Hat Software Collections and a brief summary of their features, see Section 1.2, “Main Features”.
Red Hat Software Collections does not replace the default system tools provided with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Instead, a parallel set of tools is installed in the /opt/ directory and can be optionally enabled per application by the user using the supplied scl utility. The default versions of Perl or PostgreSQL, for example, remain those provided by the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
All Red Hat Software Collections components are fully supported under Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscription Level Agreements, are functionally complete, and are intended for production use. Important bug fix and security errata are issued to Red Hat Software Collections subscribers in a similar manner to Red Hat Enterprise Linux for at least two years from the release of each major version. In each major release stream, each version of a selected component remains backward compatible. For detailed information about length of support for individual components, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections Product Life Cycle document.

1.1.1. Red Hat Developer Toolset

Red Hat Developer Toolset is a part of Red Hat Software Collections, included as a separate Software Collection. For more information about Red Hat Developer Toolset, refer to the Red Hat Developer Toolset Release Notes and the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.

1.2. Main Features

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 provides recent stable versions of the tools listed in Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components”.
Table 1.1. Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components
Component Software Collection Description
Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 devtoolset-6 Red Hat Developer Toolset is designed for developers working on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform. It provides current versions of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Debugger, and other development, debugging, and performance monitoring tools. For a complete list of components, see the Red Hat Developer Toolset Components table in the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.
Eclipse 4.6.1[a] rh-eclipse46 A release of the Eclipse integrated development environment that is based on the Eclipse Foundation's Neon release train. Eclipse was previously available as a Red Hat Developer Toolset component. This Software Collection depends on the rh-java-common component.
Perl 5.20.1 rh-perl520 A release of Perl, a high-level programming language that is commonly used for system administration utilities and web programming. The rh-perl520 Software Collection provides additional utilities, scripts, and database connectors for MySQL and PostgreSQL. Also, it includes the DateTime Perl module and the mod_perl Apache httpd module, which is supported only with the httpd24 Software Collection.
Perl 5.24.0 rh-perl524 A release of Perl, a high-level programming language that is commonly used for system administration utilities and web programming. The rh-perl524 Software Collection provides additional utilities, scripts, and database connectors for MySQL and PostgreSQL. It includes the DateTime Perl module and the mod_perl Apache httpd module, which is supported only with the httpd24 Software Collection. Additionally, it provides the cpanm utility for easy installation of CPAN modules.
PHP 5.6.25 rh-php56 A release of PHP with PEAR 1.9.5 and enhanced language features including constant expressions, variadic functions, arguments unpacking, and the interactive debugger. The memcache, mongo, and XDebug extensions are also included.
PHP 7.0.10 rh-php70 A release of PHP 7 with PEAR 1.10, enhanced language features and performance improvement.
Python 2.7.8 python27 A release of Python 2.7 with a number of additional utilities. This Python version provides various new features and enhancements, including a new ordered dictionary type, faster I/O operations, and improved forward compatibility with Python 3. The python27 Software Collections contains the Python 2.7.8 interpreter, a set of extension libraries useful for programming web applications and mod_wsgi (only supported with the httpd24 Software Collection), MySQL and PostgreSQL database connectors, and numpy and scipy.
Python 3.4.2 rh-python34 A release of Python 3 with a number of additional utilities. This Software Collection gives developers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux access to Python 3 and allows them to benefit from various advantages and new features of this version. The rh-python34 Software Collection contains Python 3.4.2 interpreter, a set of extension libraries useful for programming web applications and mod_wsgi (only supported with the httpd24 Software Collection), PostgreSQL database connector, and numpy and scipy.
Python 3.5.1 rh-python35 The rh-python35 Software Collection contains Python 3.5.1 interpreter, a set of extension libraries useful for programming web applications and mod_wsgi (only supported with the httpd24 Software Collection), PostgreSQL database connector, and numpy and scipy.
Ruby 2.2.2 rh-ruby22 A release of Ruby 2.2. This version provides substantial performance and reliability improvements, including incremental and symbol garbage collection and many others, while maintaining source level backward compatibility with Ruby 2.0.0 and Ruby 1.9.3.
Ruby 2.3.1 rh-ruby23 A release of Ruby 2.3. This version introduces a command-line option to freeze all string literals in the source files, a safe navigation operator, and multiple performance enhancements, while maintaining source level backward compatibility with Ruby 2.2.2, Ruby 2.0.0, and Ruby 1.9.3.
Ruby on Rails 4.1.5 rh-ror41 A release of Ruby on Rails 4.1, a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. This version provides a number of new features including Spring application preloader, config/secrets.yml, Action Pack variants, and Action Mailer previews. This Software Collection is supported together with the rh-ruby22 Collection.
Ruby on Rails 4.2.6 rh-ror42 A release of Ruby on Rails 4.2, the latest version of the web application framework written in the Ruby language. Highlights in this release include Active Job, asynchronous mails, Adequate Record, Web Console, and foreign key support. This Software Collection is supported together with the rh-ruby23 and rh-nodejs4 Collections.
MariaDB 10.0.26 rh-mariadb100 A release of MariaDB, an alternative to MySQL for users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For all practical purposes, MySQL is binary compatible with MariaDB and can be replaced with it without any data conversions. This version adds the PAM authentication plugin to MariaDB.
MariaDB 10.1.16 rh-mariadb101 A release of MariaDB, an alternative to MySQL for users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For all practical purposes, MySQL is binary compatible with MariaDB and can be replaced with it without any data conversions. This version adds the Galera Cluster support.
MongoDB 2.6.9 rh-mongodb26 A release of MongoDB, a cross-platform document-oriented database system classified as a NoSQL database. This Software Collection includes the mongo-java-driver package version 2.14.1.
MongoDB 3.2.10 rh-mongodb32 A release of MongoDB, a cross-platform document-oriented database system classified as a NoSQL database. This Software Collection includes the mongo-java-driver package version 3.2.1.
MongoDB 3.0.11 upgrade collection rh-mongodb30upg A limited version of MongoDB 3.0 is available to provide an upgrade path from MongoDB 2.6 to MongoDB 3.2 for customers with existing MongoDB databases.
MySQL 5.6.34 rh-mysql56 A release of MySQL, which provides a number of new features and enhancements, including improved performance.
MySQL 5.7.16 rh-mysql57 A release of MySQL, which provides a number of new features and enhancements, including improved performance.
PostgreSQL 9.4.9 rh-postgresql94 A release of PostgreSQL, which provides a new data type to store JSON more efficiently and a new SQL command for changing configuration files, reduces lock strength for some commands, allows materialized views without blocking concurrent reads, supports logical decoding of WAL data to allow stream changes in a customizable format and enable background worker processes to be dynamically registered, started, and terminated.
PostgreSQL 9.5.4 rh-postgresql95 A release of PostgreSQL, which provides a number of enhancements, including row-level security control, introduces replication progress tracking, improves handling of large tables with high number of columns, and improves performance for sorting and multi-CPU machines.
Node.js 4.4.2 rh-nodejs4 A release of Node.js with npm 2.15.1 and support for the SPDY protocol version 3.1. This Software Collection gives users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux access to this programming platform.
rh-nginx 1.8.1 rh-nginx18 A release of nginx, a web and proxy server with a focus on high concurrency, performance and low memory usage. This version introduces a number of new features, including back-end SSL certificate verification, logging to syslog, thread pools support for offloading I/O requests, or hash load balancing method.
Apache httpd 2.4.18 httpd24 A release of the Apache HTTP Server (httpd), including a high performance event-based processing model, enhanced SSL module and FastCGI support. The mod_auth_kerb module is also included.
Varnish Cache 4.0.3 rh-varnish4 A release of Varnish Cache, a high-performance HTTP reverse proxy. Varnish Cache stores files or fragments of files in memory that are used to reduce the response time and network bandwidth consumption on future equivalent requests.
Thermostat 1.6.4 rh-thermostat16 A release of Thermostat, a monitoring and instrumentation tool for the OpenJDK HotSpot JVM, with support for monitoring multiple JVM instances. This Software Collection depends on the rh-mongodb32 and rh-java-common components.
Maven 3.3.9 rh-maven33 A release of Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool used primarily for Java projects. This version provides various enhancements, for example, improved core extension mechanism.
Passenger 4.0.50 rh-passenger40 A release of Phusion Passenger, a web and application server, designed to be fast, robust, and lightweight. It supports Ruby using the ruby193, ruby200, or rh-ruby22 Software Collections together with Ruby on Rails using the ror40 or rh-ror41 Collections. It can also be used with nginx 1.6 from the nginx16 Software Collection and with Apache httpd from the httpd24 Software Collection.
Git 2.9.3 rh-git29 A release of Git, a distributed revision control system with a decentralized architecture. As opposed to centralized version control systems with a client-server model, Git ensures that each working copy of a Git repository is its exact copy with complete revision history.
Redis 3.2.4 rh-redis32 A release of Redis 3.2, a persistent key-value database.
Common Java Packages 1.1 rh-java-common This Software Collection provides common Java libraries and tools used by other collections. The rh-java-common Software Collection is required by the devtoolset-4, devtoolset-3, rh-maven33, maven30, rh-mongodb32, rh-mongodb26, thermostat1, rh-thermostat16, and rh-eclipse46 components and it is not supposed to be installed directly by users.
V8 v8314 This Software Collection provides the V8 JavaScript engine and is supported only as a dependency for the mongodb24, rh-mongodb26, rh-mongodb30upg, ruby193, ror40, rh-ror41, and nodejs010 Software Collections.
[a] This Software Collection is available only for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Previously released Software Collections remain available in the same distribution channels. All currently available Software Collections are listed in the Table 1.2, “All Available Software Collections”.
See the Red Hat Software Collections Product Life Cycle document for information on the length of support for individual components. For detailed information regarding previously released components, refer to the Release Notes for earlier versions of Red Hat Software Collections.
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Component Software Collection Availability
Components New in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3
Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0devtoolset-6RHEL6, RHEL7
Eclipse 4.6.1rh-eclipse46RHEL7
Git 2.9.3rh-git29RHEL6, RHEL7
Redis 3.2.4rh-redis32RHEL6, RHEL7
Perl 5.24.0rh-perl524RHEL6, RHEL7
PHP 7.0.10rh-php70RHEL6, RHEL7
MySQL 5.7.16rh-mysql57RHEL6, RHEL7
Thermostat 1.6.4rh-thermostat16RHEL6, RHEL7
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Components Updated in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3
Python 3.5.1rh-python35RHEL6, RHEL7
MongoDB 3.2.10rh-mongodb32RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby 2.3.1rh-ruby23RHEL6, RHEL7
PHP 5.6.25rh-php56RHEL6, RHEL7
Common Java Packages 1.1rh-java-commonRHEL6, RHEL7
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Components Not Updated since Red Hat Software Collections 2.2
MariaDB 10.1.16rh-mariadb101RHEL6, RHEL7
Maven 3.3.9rh-maven33RHEL6,[a] RHEL7
MongoDB 3.0.11 upgrade collection rh-mongodb30upgRHEL6, [a] RHEL7
Node.js 4.4.2rh-nodejs4RHEL6, RHEL7
PostgreSQL 9.5.4rh-postgresql95RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby on Rails 4.2.6rh-ror42RHEL6, [a] RHEL7
Apache httpd 2.4.18httpd24RHEL6, RHEL7
Python 2.7.8python27RHEL6, RHEL7
MongoDB 2.6.9rh-mongodb26RHEL6, RHEL7
Thermostat 1.4.4thermostat1RHEL6, RHEL7
[a] This Software Collection has been made available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 since Red Hat Software Collections 2.3.
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Components Not Updated since Red Hat Software Collections 2.1
Varnish Cache 4.0.3rh-varnish4RHEL6, RHEL7
nginx 1.8.1rh-nginx18RHEL6, RHEL7
Node.js 0.10nodejs010RHEL6, RHEL7
Maven 3.0.5maven30RHEL6, RHEL7
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Components Not Updated since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0
Perl 5.20.1rh-perl520RHEL6, RHEL7
Python 3.4.2rh-python34RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby 2.2.2rh-ruby22RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby on Rails 4.1.5rh-ror41RHEL6, RHEL7
MariaDB 10.0.26rh-mariadb100RHEL6, RHEL7
MySQL 5.6.34rh-mysql56RHEL6, RHEL7
PostgreSQL 9.4.9rh-postgresql94RHEL6, RHEL7
Passenger 4.0.50rh-passenger40RHEL6, RHEL7
PHP 5.4.40php54RHEL6, RHEL7
PHP 5.5.21php55RHEL6, RHEL7
nginx 1.6.2nginx16RHEL6, RHEL7
DevAssistant 0.9.3devassist09RHEL6, RHEL7
Table 1.2. All Available Software Collections
Components Not Updated since Red Hat Software Collections 1
Git 1.9.4git19RHEL6, RHEL7
Perl 5.16.3perl516RHEL6, RHEL7
Python 3.3.2python33RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby 1.9.3ruby193RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby 2.0.0ruby200RHEL6, RHEL7
Ruby on Rails 4.0.2ror40RHEL6, RHEL7
MariaDB 5.5.53mariadb55RHEL6, RHEL7
MongoDB 2.4.9mongodb24RHEL6, RHEL7
MySQL 5.5.52mysql55RHEL6, RHEL7
PostgreSQL 9.2.18postgresql92RHEL6, RHEL7
RHEL6 — Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
RHEL7 — Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
The tables above list the latest versions available through asynchronous updates.
Note that Software Collections released in Red Hat Software Collections 2.0 and later include a rh- prefix in their names.

1.3. Changes in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3

1.3.1. Overview

New Software Collections
Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 adds these new Software Collections:
Updated Software Collections
The following components have been updated in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
Software Collections Newly Available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
The following Software Collections were released with Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and are now available also for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6:
  • rh-maven33
  • rh-mongodb30upg
  • rh-ror42
For detailed information on these components, see the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.
The following Software Collections are also newly available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 but have been updated with Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
  • rh-python35
  • rh-mongodb32
  • rh-ruby23
For recent changes, see below; for changes introduced in Red Hat Software Collections 2.2, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.
Red Hat Software Collections Container Images
The following container images are new in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
  • rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7
  • rhscl/devtoolset-6-perftools-rhel7
  • rhscl/mysql-57-rhel7
  • rhscl/perl-524-rhel7
  • rhscl/php-70-rhel7
  • rhscl/redis-32-rhel7
  • rhscl/thermostat-16-agent-rhel7
  • rhscl/thermostat-16-storage-rhel7
The following container images have been updated in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
  • rhscl/mongodb-32-rhel7
  • rhscl/php-56-rhel7
  • rhscl/python-35-rhel7
  • rhscl/ruby-23-rhel7
For detailed information regarding Red Hat Software Collections container images, see Section 3.4, “Red Hat Software Collections Container Images”.

1.3.2. Changes in Red Hat Developer Toolset

Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 includes a new component, make 4.1, a tool for controlling the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.
The following components have been upgraded in Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 compared to the previous release of Red Hat Developer Toolset:
  • GCC to version 6.2.1
  • binutils to version 2.27
  • elfutils to version 0.167
  • GDB to version 7.12
  • strace to version 4.12
  • SystemTap to version 3.0
  • Valgrind to version 3.12.0
  • Dyninst to version 9.2.0
Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 introduces support for the following architectures on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:
  • The 64-bit ARM architecture
  • IBM POWER, big endian
  • IBM POWER, little endian
  • IBM z Systems
For detailed information on changes in Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0, see Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.

1.3.3. Changes in Eclipse

The rh-eclipse46 Software Collection, available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, includes Eclipse 4.6.1, which is based on the Eclipse Foundation's Neon release train. This integrated development environment (IDE) was previously available as a part of Red Hat Developer Toolset.
This update contains a number of bug fixes and new features, including new plug-ins. Most notably, the Webtools plug-ins have been added, which provide support for editing file types, such as XML, HTML, and CSS, support for developing Java EE applications, web services, and support for developing Javascript applications.
Improvements to the IDE include:
  • Startup times and support for GTK3 have been improved compared to the previous Red Hat Developer Toolset version.
  • The Eclipse Linux Tools plug-in collection adds support for the Docker Compose tool, adds the Dockerfile editor, and provides improved support for container registries.
  • The Eclipse Platform adds real support for word-wrapping and automatic saving of modified files in editors.
  • The Eclipse CDT plug-in, which provides C and C++ development tooling, introduces improved debugging capabilities and improved New Project wizards.
  • The Eclipse JDT plug-in, which contains Java development tools, provides improved support for null analysis and enhanced content assist and code-template features.
  • The Eclipse EGit plug-in adds improved support for Git submodules and nested repositories, and improved git-flow and Gerrit support.
  • The Eclipse Python plug-in provides improved pyunit and pytest integration.
  • The Eclipse Mylyn plug-in contains significant improvements to its task list features.
For information on usage of the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection, see Section 4.2, “Eclipse 4.6.1”.

1.3.4. Changes in Git

The new rh-git29 Software Collection includes Git 2.9.3, which provides numerous bug fixes and new features compared to the git19 Collection shipped in Red Hat Software Collections 1.
The following changes affect backward compatibility:
  • Since Git 2.0, when using the git push [$there] command and not specifying what to push, the default semantics used is simple. Contrary to the previously used matching semantics, where all branches were pushed if branches of the same names existed as remote, Git now pushes only:
    • The current branch to the branch with the same name, and only when the current branch is set to integrate with that remote branch, if you are pushing to the same remote branch as you fetch from, or
    • The current branch to the branch with the same name, if you are pushing to a remote branch that is not where you usually fetch from.
    To preserve the previous behavior, set the push.default configuration variable to matching.
  • When the git add -u and git add -A commands are run inside a subdirectory without specifying which paths to add, they now operate on the entire tree for consistency with git commit -a and other commands. Previously, these commands operated only on the current subdirectory. To limit the operation to the current directory, use the git add -u . or git add -A . commands.
    Additionally, the git add path command is now equal to git add -A path, so git add dir/ now tracks paths removed from the directory and records the removal. In previous versions of Git, the git add path command ignored such removals. To achieve the previous behavior, use git add --ignore-removal path, which adds only added or modified paths in path.
  • The -q option to the git diff-files command, which was used for ignoring deletion while comparing files, has been removed. To ignore deletion, use git diff-files --diff-filter=d instead.
  • The git request-pull command, which generates a summary of pending changes, has been modified to reduce the probability of mistakes.
  • The default prefix for the git svn command has changed since Git 2.0. Previously, git svn created its remote-tracking branches directly in the refs/remotes/ directory, whereas now it places them in refs/remotes/origin/. To change this behavior, use the --prefix option.
  • The output of the git log --decorate command and the %d format specifier used in the --format=string parameter to the git log family of commands has been changed. Previously, it listed the HEAD commit similarly to branches, for example:
    $ git log --decorate -1 master
    commit bdb0f6788fa5e3cacc4315e9ff318a27b2676ff4 (HEAD, master)
    This update changes the output slightly when HEAD refers to a branch, which is also shown in the output. The example from above is now displayed as:
    $ git log --decorate -1 master
    commit bdb0f6788fa5e3cacc4315e9ff318a27b2676ff4 (HEAD -> master)
  • The phrasing of the git branch command has been updated to conform with the phrasing used by git status in case of a detached HEAD commit:
    • When HEAD is at the same commit as when it was originally detached, both commands now display:
      detached at commit
    • When HEAD has moved since it was originally detached, both commands now display:
      detached from commit
    Previously, the git branch command always displayed from.
  • The high-level commands in the git diff and git log family now enable the detection of renaming by default. To disable this behavior, use the diff.renames configuration variable.
  • Merging two branches that have no common ancestor with the git merge command is now disabled by default to prevent creating such an unusual merge by mistake.
  • The output format of the git log command, which indents the commit log message by 4 spaces, now expands horizontal tabs in the log message by default. Use the --no-expand-tabs option to disable this behavior.
  • The git commit-tree low-level command previously required the user to always sign its result when the user set the commit.gpgsign configuration variable. This behavior has been corrected. If a script that uses git commit-tree requires this behavior, pass the -S option as necessary.
Additionally, the remote-helper bridges to access data stored in Mercurial or Bazaar are not part of the rh-git29 Software Collection.
For detailed changes, see the upstream release notes. See also the Git manual page for version 2.9.3.

1.3.5. Changes in Perl

The new rh-perl524 Software Collection includes Perl 5.24.0, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previously released rh-perl520 Software Collection. Notably, it adds the rh-perl524-perl-App-cpanminus package, which contains the cpanm utility for getting, extracting, building, and installing modules from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) repository.

1.3.6. Changes in PHP

PHP 7.0.10
The new rh-php70 Software Collection includes PHP 7.0.10. This version provides numerous bug fixes and enhancements, for example, enhanced language features and an important performance improvement regarding speed and memory consumption. For detailed changes, see the upstream change log for version 7.0.10 and earlier.
PHP 5.6.25
The rh-php56 Software Collection has been upgraded to version 5.6.25, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the version shipped with Red Hat Software Collections 2.2. For details, refer to the upstream change log for version 5.6.25 and earlier.

1.3.7. Changes in MySQL

The new rh-mysql57 Software Collection includes MySQL 5.7.16, which provides numerous bug and security fixes and enhancements. Notably, after initialization, a random password is now set for the root user, which the server stores in a log file.
For detailed changes, see the upstream documentation.

1.3.8. Changes in Thermostat

The new rh-thermostat16 Software Collection includes Thermostat 1.6.4. This version provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the thermostat1 Collection.
New Features
  • Stack trace profiler to highlight hotspots in the stack frame
  • Statistics on compiler and compiled classes
  • VM-specific Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) information for NUMA-enabled systems
  • Information on input and output done by Java virtual machines (JVMs)
  • A new local command for CLI, which enables users to quickly run storage, agent, and GUI locally at once without doing any other setup or running any other commands
  • Metaspace information from OpenJDK 8 is now recorded and displayed
  • Tree map for profiler results
  • A new find-vm command for CLI and shell to find VMs with extensive search criteria
  • Support for the Shenandoah garbage collector in the vm-gc plug-in
Bug Fixes
  • Improved support for the latest MongoDB 3.2
  • Correct garbage collector time recorded for OpenJDK 8
  • Instrumentation profiler no longer uses standard output and standard error from applications
  • Fixed registration of thread back ends; intermittent failure could previously result in no VMs being monitored
  • Errors are now prevented when there is no data to show
  • Fixed setup of the classloader thread context setup for embedded Jetty
API addition
  • Support for certain queries using just a VM ID
Experimental API additions
  • Support for treemap-based graphics
  • API for graphs (vertices and edges)
Note that the these experimental additions are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible in the future.
Efficiency improvements
  • Support for cut, copy, and paste within the GUI
  • Reduced query amounts for improved performance
For detailed changes, see the upstream change log. For information on usage, refer to the Thermostat User Guide.

1.3.9. Changes in Python

The rh-python35 Software Collection, containing Python 3.5.1, has been updated to a later version, which provides a number of bug and security fixes and enhancements. Notably, the rh-python35-python-PyMySQL package has been added, which contains the PyMySQL library for interaction with MySQL and MariaDB databases from within Python.
The rh-python35 Software Collection is now available also for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. For changes introduced in Red Hat Software Collections 2.2, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.

1.3.10. Changes in MongoDB

The rh-mongodb32 Software Collection has been updated to version 3.2.10, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. Notably, the rh-mongodb32-mongo-cxx-driver package has been added, which contains the shared library for the MongoDB legacy C++ Driver. See the Knowledgebase article about limitations of mongo-cxx-driver usage.
The rh-mongodb32 Software Collection is now available also for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. In addition to MongoDB 3.2, the Collection contains packages that cannot be used from the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 system, namely rh-mongodb32-libunwind and rh-mongodb32-gpeftools.
The rh-mongodb30upg Software Collection has also been included for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Apart from MongoDB 3.0.11, providing the upgrade path from MongoDB 2.6 to MongoDB 3.2, the Collection contains packages that cannot be used from the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 system, namely rh-mongodb30upg-boost, rh-mongodb30upg-libunwind, and rh-mongodb30upg-gpeftools.
For changes introduced in Red Hat Software Collections 2.2, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.

1.3.11. Changes in Ruby

The rh-ruby23 Software Collection has been upgraded to version 2.3.1, which provides a number of bug fixes over the previous version.
The rh-ruby23 Software Collection is now available also for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. For changes introduced in Red Hat Software Collections 2.2, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.

1.3.12. Changes in the Common Java Packages

The rh-java-common Software Collection has been updated and extended to comply with the changes in the dependent components.

1.4. Compatibility Information

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 is available for all supported releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures. Certain components are available also for all supported releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures.
For a full list of available components, see Table 1.2, “All Available Software Collections”.

1.5. Known Issues

rh-ruby23 component
Determination of RubyGem installation paths is dependent on the order in which multiple Software Collections are enabled. The required order has been changed in Ruby 2.3.1 shipped in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 to support dependent Collections. As a consequence, RubyGem paths, which are used for gem installation during an RPM build, are invalid when the Software Collections are supplied in an incorrect order. For example, the build now fails if the RPM spec file contains scl enable rh-ror42 rh-nodejs4. To work around this problem, enable the rh-ror42 Software Collection last, for example, scl enable rh-nodejs4 rh-ror42.
rh-perl524, httpd24 components, BZ#1382706
CGI scripts cannot execute the perl command from the rh-perl524 Software Collection. To work around this problem, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to /opt/rh/rh-perl524/root/usr/lib64 in the CGI script.
redis component, BZ#1275246, BZ#1348471
When the Redis Sentinel service from the rh-redis32 Software Collection is used, the functionality is restricted by SELinux policy if using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 or earlier. To work around this problem, switch the redis domain to permissive mode by running the following command as root:
semanage permissive -a redis_t
eclipse component
The Eclipse Docker Tooling introduces a Dockerfile editor with syntax highlighting and a basic command auto-completion. When the Build Image Wizard is open and the Edit Dockerfile button is pressed, the Dockerfile editor opens the file in a detached editor window. However, this window does not contain the Cancel and Save buttons. To work around this problem, press Ctrl+S to save your changes or right-click in the editor to launch a context menu, which offers the Save option. To cancel your changes, close the window.
eclipse component
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2, a bug in the perf tool, which is used to populate the Perf Profile View in Eclipse, causes some of the items in the view not to be properly linked to their respective positions in the Eclipse Editor. While the profiling works as expected, it is not possible to navigate to related positions in the Editor by clicking on parts of the Perl Profile View.
python27 component, BZ#1330489
The python27-python-pymongo package has been updated to version 3.2.1 in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3. Note that this version is not fully compatible with the previously shipped version 2.5.2. For details, see https://api.mongodb.org/python/current/changelog.html.
httpd24 component, BZ#1327548
The mod_ssl module does not support the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) protocol on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Consequently, clients that support upgrading TLS connections to HTTP/2.0 only using ALPN are limited to HTTP/1.1 support. Clients that support the NPN protocol in addition to ALPN (such as Mozilla Firefox) are able to successfully upgrade to HTTP/2.0.
httpd24 component, BZ#1329639
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, running the service httpd24-httpd configtest command fails with an error message. To work around this problem, run the following command:
scl enable httpd24 'apachectl configtest'
rh-maven33 component
When the user has installed both the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system version of maven-local package and the rh-maven33-maven-local package, XMvn, a tool used for building Java RPM packages, run from the rh-maven33 Software Collection tries to read the configuration file from the base system and fails. To work around this problem, uninstall the maven-local package from the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
rh-nodejs4 component, BZ#1316626
The /opt/rh/rh-nodejs4/root/usr/share/licenses/ directory is not owned by any package. Consequently, when the rh-nodejs4 collection is uninstalled, this directory is not removed. To work around this problem, remove the directory manually after uninstalling rh-nodejs4.
rh-mysql57, rh-mysql56, rh-mariadb100, rh-mariadb101 components, BZ#1194611
The rh-mysql57-mysql-server, rh-mysql56-mysql-server, rh-mariadb100-mariadb-server, and rh-mariadb101-mariadb-server packages no longer provide the test database by default. Although this database is not created during initialization, the grant tables are prefilled with the same values as when test was created by default. As a consequence, upon a later creation of the test or test_* databases, these databases have less restricted access rights than is default for new databases.
Additionally, when running benchmarks, the run-all-tests script no longer works out of the box with example parameters. You need to create a test database before running the tests and specify the database name in the --database parameter. If the parameter is not specified, test is taken by default but you need to make sure the test database exist.
httpd24 component, BZ#1224763
When using the mod_proxy_fcgi module with FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM), httpd uses port 8000 for the FastCGI protocol by default instead of the correct port 9000. To work around this problem, specify the correct port explicitly in configuration.
rh-passenger40 component, BZ#1196555
When Passenger from the rh-passenger40 Software Collection is run as a module for httpd, the functionality is restricted by SELinux policy. To work around this problem, switch the passenger domain to permissive mode by running the following command as root:
semanage permissive -a passenger_t 
Standalone server and nginx integration are not affected by this issue.
mongodb24 component
The mongodb24 Software Collection from Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 cannot be rebuilt with the rh-java-common and maven30 Software Collections shipped with Red Hat Software Collections 2.3. Additionally, the mongodb24-build and mongodb24-scldevel packages cannot be installed with Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 due to unsatisfied requires on the maven30-javapackages-tools and maven30-maven-local packages. When the mongodb24-scldevel package is installed, broken dependencies are reported and the yum --skip-broken command skips too many packages. Users are advised to update to the rh-mongodb26 Software Collection.
perl component
It is impossible to install more than one mod_perl.so library. As a consequence, it is not possible to use the mod_perl module from more than one Perl Software Collection.
nodejs010 component
Shared libraries provided by the nodejs010 Software Collection, namely libcares, libhttp_parser, and libuv, are not properly prefixed with the Collection name. As a consequence, conflicts with the corresponding system libraries might occur.
nodejs-hawk component
The nodejs-hawk package uses an implementation of the SHA-1 and SHA-256 algorithms adopted from the CryptoJS project. In this release, the client-side JavaScript is obfuscated. The future fix will involve using crypto features directly from the CryptoJS library.
postgresql component
The postgresql92, rh-postgresql94, and rh-postgresql95 packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 do not provide the sepgsql module as this feature requires installation of libselinux version 2.0.99, which is not available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
httpd, mariadb, mongodb, mysql, nodejs, perl, php55, rh-php56, python, ruby, ror, thermostat, and v8314 components, BZ#1072319
When uninstalling the httpd24, mariadb55, rh-mariadb100, mongodb24, rh-mongodb26, mysql55, rh-mysql56, nodejs010, perl516, rh-perl520, php55, rh-php56, python27, python33, rh-python34, ruby193, ruby200, rh-ruby22, ror40, rh-ror41, thermostat1, or v8314 packages, the order of uninstalling can be relevant due to ownership of dependent packages. As a consequence, some directories and files might not be removed properly and might remain on the system.
mariadb, mysql, postgresql, mongodb components
Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 contains the MySQL 5.7, MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0, MariaDB 10.1, PostgreSQL 9.4, PostgreSQL 9.5, MongoDB 2.6, and MongoDB 3.2 databases. The core Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 provides earlier versions of the MySQL and PostgreSQL databases (client library and daemon). The core Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 provides earlier versions of the MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases (client library and daemon). Client libraries are also used in database connectors for dynamic languages, libraries, and so on.
The client library packaged in the Red Hat Software Collections database packages in the PostgreSQL component is not supposed to be used, as it is included only for purposes of server utilities and the daemon. Users are instead expected to use the system library and the database connectors provided with the core system.
A protocol, which is used between the client library and the daemon, is stable across database versions, so, for example, using the PostgreSQL 9.2 client library with the PostgreSQL 9.4 or 9.5 daemon works as expected.
The core Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 do not include the client library for MongoDB. In order to use this client library for your application, you should use the client library from Red Hat Software Collections and always use the scl enable ... call every time you run an application linked against this MongoDB client library.
mariadb, mysql, mongodb components
MariaDB, MySQL, and MongoDB do not make use of the /opt/provider/collection/root prefix when creating log files. Note that log files are saved in the /var/opt/provider/collection/log/ directory, not in /opt/provider/collection/root/var/log/.
httpd component
Compiling external applications against the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and APR-util libraries from the httpd24 Software Collection is not supported. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is not set in httpd24 because it is not required by any application in this Software Collection.
python27 component
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, when the user tries to install the python27-python-debuginfo package, the /usr/src/debug/Python-2.7.5/Modules/socketmodule.c file conflicts with the corresponding file from the python-debuginfo package installed on the core system. Consequently, installation of the python27-python-debuginfo fails. To work around this problem, uninstall the python-debuginfo package and then install the python27-python-debuginfo package.

Other Notes

eclipse component
The Eclipse SWT graphical library on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 uses GTK 3.x. Eclipse Dark Theme is not yet fully stable on GTK 3.x, so this theme is considered a Technology Preview and not supported. For more information about Red Hat Technology Previews, see https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/techpreview/.
rh-ruby22, rh-ruby23, rh-python34, rh-python35, rh-php56, rh-php70 components
Using Software Collections on a read-only NFS has several limitations.
  • Ruby gems cannot be installed while the rh-ruby22 or rh-ruby23 Software Collection is on a read-only NFS. Consequently, for example, when the user tries to install the ab gem using the gem install ab command, an error message is displayed, for example:
    ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EROFS)
        Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/local/share/gems
    The same problem occurs when the user tries to update or install gems from an external source by running the bundle update or bundle install commands.
  • When installing Python packages on a read-only NFS using the Python Package Index (PyPI), running the pip command fails with an error message similar to this:
    Read-only file system: '/opt/rh/rh-python34/root/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/ipython-3.1.0.dist-info'
  • Installing packages from PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) on a read-only NFS using the pear command fails with the error message:
    Cannot install, php_dir for channel "pear.php.net" is not writeable by the current user
This is an expected behavior.
httpd component
Language modules for Apache are supported only with the Red Hat Software Collections version of Apache httpd and not with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of httpd. For example, the mod_wsgi module from the rh-python35 Collection can be used only with the httpd24 Collection.
all components
Since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0, configuration files, variable data, and runtime data of individual Collections are stored in different directories than in previous versions of Red Hat Software Collections.
coreutils, util-linux, screen components
Some utilities, for example, su, login, or screen, do not export environment settings in all cases, which can lead to unexpected results. It is therefore recommended to use sudo instead of su and set the env_keep environment variable in the /etc/sudoers file. Alternatively, you can run commands in a reverse order; for example:
su -l postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql94 psql"
instead of
scl enable rh-postgresql94 bash
su -l postgres -c psql
When using tools like screen or login, you can use the following command to preserve the environment settings:
source /opt/rh/<collection_name>/enable
php54 component
Note that Alternative PHP Cache (APC) in Red Hat Software Collections is provided only for user data cache. For opcode cache, Zend OPcache is provided.
python component
When the user tries to install more than one scldevel package from the python27, python33, rh-python34, and rh-python35 Software Collections, a transaction check error message is returned. This is an expected behavior because the user can install only one set of the macro files provided by the packages (%scl_python, %scl_prefix_python).
php component
When the user tries to install more than one scldevel package from the php54, php55, rh-php56, and rh-php70 Software Collections, a transaction check error message is returned. This is an expected behavior because the user can install only one set of the macro files provided by the packages (%scl_php, %scl_prefix_php).
ruby component
When the user tries to install more than one scldevel package from the ruby193, ruby200, rh-ruby22, and rh-ruby23 Software Collections, a transaction check error message is returned. This is an expected behavior because the user can install only one set of the macro files provided by the packages (%scl_ruby, %scl_prefix_ruby).
perl component
When the user tries to install more than one scldevel package from the perl516, rh-perl520, and rh-perl524 Software Collections, a transaction check error message is returned. This is an expected behavior because the user can install only one set of the macro files provided by the packages (%scl_perl, %scl_prefix_perl).
nginx component
When the user tries to install more than one scldevel package from the nginx16 and rh-nginx18 Software Collections, a transaction check error message is returned. This is an expected behavior because the user can install only one set of the macro files provided by the packages (%scl_nginx, %scl_prefix_nginx).
nodejs component
When installing the nodejs010 Software Collection, nodejs010 installs GCC in the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux system as a dependency, unless the gcc packages are already installed.

Chapter 2. Installation

This chapter describes in detail how to get access to the content set, install Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 on the system, and rebuild Red Hat Software Collections.

2.1. Getting Access to Red Hat Software Collections

The Red Hat Software Collections content set is available to customers with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 subscriptions listed at https://access.redhat.com/solutions/472793. Depending on the subscription management service with which you registered your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, you can either enable Red Hat Software Collections by using Red Hat Subscription Management, or by using RHN Classic. For detailed instructions on how to enable Red Hat Software Collections using RHN Classic or Red Hat Subscription Management, see the respective section below. For information on how to register your system with one of these subscription management services, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.
Since Red Hat Software Collections 2.2, the Red Hat Software Collections and Red Hat Developer Toolset content is available also in the ISO format at https://access.redhat.com/downloads, specifically for Server and Workstation. Note that packages that require the Optional channel, which are listed in Section 2.1.3, “Packages from the Optional Channel”, cannot be installed from the ISO image.


Packages that require the Optional channel cannot be installed from the ISO image. A list of packages that require enabling of the Optional channel is provided in Section 2.1.3, “Packages from the Optional Channel”.
Beta content is unavailable in the ISO format.

2.1.1. Using Red Hat Subscription Management

If your system is registered with Red Hat Subscription Management, complete the following steps to attach the subscription that provides access to the repository for Red Hat Software Collections and enable the repository:
  1. Display a list of all subscriptions that are available for your system and determine the pool ID of a subscription that provides Red Hat Software Collections. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    subscription-manager list --available
    For each available subscription, this command displays its name, unique identifier, expiration date, and other details related to it. The pool ID is listed on a line beginning with Pool Id.
  2. Attach the appropriate subscription to your system by running the following command as root:
    subscription-manager attach --pool=pool_id
    Replace pool_id with the pool ID you determined in the previous step. To verify the list of subscriptions your system has currently attached, type as root:
    subscription-manager list --consumed
  3. Display the list of available Yum list repositories to retrieve repository metadata and determine the exact name of the Red Hat Software Collections repositories. As root, type:
    subscription-manager repos --list
    Or alternatively, run yum repolist all for a brief list.
    The repository names depend on the specific version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using and are in the following format:
    Replace variant with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant, that is, server or workstation. Note that Red Hat Software Collections is supported neither on the Client nor on the ComputeNode variant.
  4. Enable the appropriate repository by running the following command as root:
    subscription-manager repos --enable repository
Once the subscription is attached to the system, you can install Red Hat Software Collections as described in Section 2.2, “Installing Red Hat Software Collections”. For more information on how to register your system using Red Hat Subscription Management and associate it with subscriptions, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.

2.1.2. Using RHN Classic

If your system is registered with RHN Classic, complete the following steps to subscribe to Red Hat Software Collections:
  1. Display a list of all channels that are available to you and determine the exact name of the Red Hat Software Collections channel. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    rhn-channel --available-channels
    The name of the channel depends on the specific version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using and is in the following format, where variant is the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant (server or workstation):
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 channels are accessible only through Red Hat Satellite instances.


    Red Hat Software Collections 2.x are distributed in the same channels as Red Hat Software Collections 1.x.
  2. Subscribe the system to the Red Hat Software Collections channel by running the following command as root:
    rhn-channel --add --channel=channel_name
    Replace channel_name with the name you determined in the previous step.
  3. Verify the list of channels you are subscribed to. As root, type:
    rhn-channel --list
When the system is subscribed, you can install Red Hat Software Collections as described in Section 2.2, “Installing Red Hat Software Collections”. For more information on how to register your system with RHN Classic, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.

2.1.3. Packages from the Optional Channel

Some of the Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 packages require the Optional channel to be enabled in order to complete the full installation of these packages. For detailed instructions on how to subscribe your system to this channel, see the relevant Knowledgebase articles on Red Hat Customer Portal: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/392003 for Red Hat Subscription Management or https://access.redhat.com/solutions/70019 if your system is registered with RHN Classic.
Packages from Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 that require the Optional channel to be enabled are listed in the following table.
Table 2.1. Packages Requiring Enabling of the Optional Channel in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Package from a Software CollectionRequired Package from the Optional Channel
devtoolset-4-gcc-plugin-develmpfr, mpfr-devel
devtoolset-6-gcc-plugin-develmpfr, mpfr-devel
git19-git-svnperl-YAML, subversion-perl
git19-perl-Git-SVNperl-YAML, subversion-perl
rh-git29-perl-Git-SVNperl-YAML, subversion-perl
Software Collections packages that require the Optional channel in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 are listed in the table below.
Table 2.2. Packages Requiring Enabling of the Optional Channel in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Package from a Software CollectionRequired Package from the Optional Channel
Note that packages from the Optional channel are not supported. For details, see the Knowledgebase article https://access.redhat.com/articles/1150793.

2.2. Installing Red Hat Software Collections

Red Hat Software Collections is distributed as a collection of RPM packages that can be installed, updated, and uninstalled by using the standard package management tools included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Note that a valid subscription is required to install Red Hat Software Collections on your system. For detailed instructions on how to associate your system with an appropriate subscription and get access to Red Hat Software Collections, see Section 2.1, “Getting Access to Red Hat Software Collections”.
Use of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 requires the removal of any earlier pre-release versions, including Beta releases. If you have installed any previous version of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, uninstall it from your system and install the new version as described in the Section 2.3, “Uninstalling Red Hat Software Collections” and Section 2.2.1, “Installing Individual Software Collections” sections.
The in-place upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is not supported by Red Hat Software Collections. As a consequence, the installed Software Collections might not work correctly after the upgrade. If you want to upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, it is strongly recommended to remove all Red Hat Software Collections packages, perform the in-place upgrade, update the Red Hat Software Collections repository, and install the Software Collections packages again. It is advisable to back up all data before upgrading.

2.2.1. Installing Individual Software Collections

To install any of the Software Collections that are listed in Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components”, install the corresponding meta package by typing the following at a shell prompt as root:
yum install software_collection...
Replace software_collection with a space-separated list of Software Collections you want to install. For example, to install php54 and rh-mariadb100, type as root:
~]# yum install rh-php56 rh-mariadb100
This installs the main meta package for the selected Software Collection and a set of required packages as its dependencies. For information on how to install additional packages such as additional modules, see Section 2.2.2, “Installing Optional Packages”.

2.2.2. Installing Optional Packages

Each component of Red Hat Software Collections is distributed with a number of optional packages that are not installed by default. To list all packages that are part of a certain Software Collection but are not installed on your system, type the following at a shell prompt:
yum list available software_collection-\*
To install any of these optional packages, type as root:
yum install package_name...
Replace package_name with a space-separated list of packages that you want to install. For example, to install the rh-perl520-perl-CPAN and rh-perl520-perl-Archive-Tar, type:
~]# yum install rh-perl524-perl-CPAN rh-perl524-perl-Archive-Tar

2.2.3. Installing Debugging Information

To install debugging information for any of the Red Hat Software Collections packages, make sure that the yum-utils package is installed and type the following command as root:
debuginfo-install package_name
For example, to install debugging information for the rh-ruby22-ruby package, type:
~]# debuginfo-install rh-ruby22-ruby
Note that in order to use this command, you need to have access to the repository with these packages. If your system is registered with Red Hat Subscription Management, enable the rhel-variant-rhscl-6-debug-rpms or rhel-variant-rhscl-7-debug-rpms repository as described in Section 2.1.1, “Using Red Hat Subscription Management”. If your system is registered with RHN Classic, subscribe the system to the rhel-x86_64-variant-6-rhscl-1-debuginfo or rhel-x86_64-variant-7-rhscl-1-debuginfo channel as described in Section 2.1.2, “Using RHN Classic”. For more information on how to get access to debuginfo packages, see https://access.redhat.com/solutions/9907.

2.3. Uninstalling Red Hat Software Collections

To uninstall any of the Software Collections components, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
yum remove software_collection\*
Replace software_collection with the Software Collection component you want to uninstall.
Note that uninstallation of the packages provided by Red Hat Software Collections does not affect the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of these tools.

2.4. Rebuilding Red Hat Software Collections

<collection>-build packages are not provided by default. If you wish to rebuild a collection and do not want or cannot use the rpmbuild --define 'scl foo' command, you first need to rebuild the metapackage, which provides the <collection>-build package.
Note that existing collections should not be rebuilt with different content. To add new packages into an existing collection, you need to create a new collection containing the new packages and make it dependent on packages from the original collection. The original collection has to be used without changes.
For detailed information on building Software Collections, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections Packaging Guide.

Chapter 3. Usage

This chapter describes the necessary steps for rebuilding and using Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, and deploying applications that use Red Hat Software Collections.

3.1. Using Red Hat Software Collections

3.1.1. Running an Executable from a Software Collection

To run an executable from a particular Software Collection, type the following command at a shell prompt:
scl enable software_collection... 'command...'
Or, alternatively, use the following command:
scl enable software_collection... -- command...
Replace software_collection with a space-separated list of Software Collections you want to use and command with the command you want to run. For example, to execute a Perl program stored in a file named hello.pl with the Perl interpreter from the perl516 Software Collection, type:
~]$ scl enable rh-perl524 'perl hello.pl'
Hello, World!
You can execute any command using the scl utility, causing it to be run with the executables from a selected Software Collection in preference to their possible Red Hat Enterprise Linux system equivalents. For a complete list of Software Collections that are distributed with Red Hat Software Collections, see Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components”.

3.1.2. Running a Shell Session with a Software Collection as Default

To start a new shell session with executables from a selected Software Collection in preference to their Red Hat Enterprise Linux equivalents, type the following at a shell prompt:
scl enable software_collection... bash
Replace software_collection with a space-separated list of Software Collections you want to use. For example, to start a new shell session with the python27 and rh-postgresql95 Software Collections as default, type:
~]$ scl enable python27 rh-postgresql95 bash
The list of Software Collections that are enabled in the current session is stored in the $X_SCLS environment variable, for instance:
~]$ echo $X_SCLS
python27 rh-postgresql95
For a complete list of Software Collections that are distributed with Red Hat Software Collections, see Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components”.

3.1.3. Running a System Service from a Software Collection

Software Collections that include system services install corresponding init scripts in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory. To start such a service in the current session, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
service software_collection-service_name start
Replace software_collection with the name of the Software Collection and service_name with the name of the service you want to start. To configure this service to start automatically at boot time, type the following command as root:
chkconfig software_collection-service_name on
For example, to start the postgresql service from the rh-postgresql95 Software Collection and enable it in runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5, type as root:
~]# service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start
Starting rh-postgresql95-postgresql service:                  [  OK  ]
~]# chkconfig rh-postgresql95-postgresql on
For more information on how to manage system services in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Deployment Guide. For a complete list of Software Collections that are distributed with Red Hat Software Collections, see Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Components”.

3.2. Accessing a Manual Page from a Software Collection

Every Software Collection contains a general manual page that describes the content of this component. Each manual page has the same name as the component and it is located in the/opt/rh directory.
To read a manual page for a Software Collection, type the following command:
scl enable software_collection 'man software_collection'
Replace software_collection with the particular Red Hat Software Collections component. For example, to display the manual page for rh-mariadb101, type:
~]$ scl enable rh-mariadb101 "man rh-mariadb101"

3.3. Deploying Applications That Use Red Hat Software Collections

In general, you can use one of the following two approaches to deploy an application that depends on a component from Red Hat Software Collections in production:
  • Install all required Software Collections and packages manually and then deploy your application, or
  • Create a new Software Collection for your application and specify all required Software Collections and other packages as dependencies.
For more information on how to manually install individual Red Hat Software Collections components, see Section 2.2, “Installing Red Hat Software Collections”. For further details on how to use Red Hat Software Collections, see Section 3.1, “Using Red Hat Software Collections”. For a detailed explanation of how to create a custom Software Collection or extend an existing one, read the Red Hat Software Collections Packaging Guide.

3.4. Red Hat Software Collections Container Images

Container images based on Red Hat Software Collections have been available since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0. The container images include applications, daemons, and databases. The images can be run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host. For information about their usage, see the Knowledgebase article at https://access.redhat.com/articles/1752723. For details about images based on the Red Hat Developer Toolset components, refer to the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.
The following container images are new in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
  • rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7
  • rhscl/devtoolset-6-perftools-rhel7
  • rhscl/mysql-57-rhel7
  • rhscl/perl-524-rhel7
  • rhscl/php-70-rhel7
  • rhscl/redis-32-rhel7
  • rhscl/thermostat-16-agent-rhel7
  • rhscl/thermostat-16-storage-rhel7
The following container images have been updated in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3:
  • rhscl/mongodb-32-rhel7
  • rhscl/php-56-rhel7
  • rhscl/python-35-rhel7
  • rhscl/ruby-23-rhel7
The following container images are based on Red Hat Software Collections 2.2:
  • rhscl/devtoolset-4-toolchain-rhel7
  • rhscl/devtoolset-4-perftools-rhel7
  • rhscl/mariadb-101-rhel7
  • rhscl/nginx-18-rhel7
  • rhscl/nodejs-4-rhel7
  • rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7
  • rhscl/ror-42-rhel7
  • rhscl/thermostat-1-agent-rhel7
  • rhscl/varnish-4-rhel7
  • rhscl/httpd-24-rhel7
  • rhscl/python-27-rhel7
The following container images are based on Red Hat Software Collections 2.0:
  • rhscl/mariadb-100-rhel7
  • rhscl/mongodb-26-rhel7
  • rhscl/mysql-56-rhel7
  • rhscl/nginx-16-rhel7
  • rhscl/passenger-40-rhel7
  • rhscl/perl-520-rhel7
  • rhscl/postgresql-94-rhel7
  • rhscl/python-34-rhel7
  • rhscl/ror-41-rhel7
  • rhscl/ruby-22-rhel7
  • rhscl/s2i-base-rhel7

3.5. Dockerfiles for Red Hat Software Collections

Red Hat Software Collections is shipped with Dockerfiles for the following Software Collections:
  • httpd24
  • mariadb55
  • mongodb24
  • mysql55
  • nginx16
  • nodejs010
  • perl516
  • php54
  • php55
  • postgresql92
  • python27
  • python33
  • rh-mariadb100
  • rh-mongodb26
  • rh-mysql56
  • rh-passenger40
  • rh-perl520
  • rh-php56
  • rh-postgresql94
  • rh-python34
  • rh-ror41
  • rh-ruby22
  • ror40
  • ruby193
  • ruby200
The Dockerfiles are included in the rhscl-dockerfiles package distributed with Red Hat Software Collections. Dockerfiles are text files that define how a Docker image is created. Note that the rhscl-dockerfiles package has not been updated since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0.


The docker package, which contains the Docker daemon, command line tool, and other necessary components for building and using docker-formatted container images, is currently only available for the Server variant of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 product. Red Hat Software Collections Dockerfiles are distributed for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 as well, but the images built using them can only be deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server.
Each Dockerfile creates a minimal Docker image from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 plus the Software Collection. Each Dockerfile will create an image which:
  • Installs the basic set of packages from each Software Collection,
  • Exposes some TCP ports; for example, port 80 and 443 for the httpd24 collection.
The Dockerfiles are provided as examples, using which customers can build more complex containers.
Dockerfiles are available also for previously released Software Collections. For detailed information about them, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections documentation and the Red Hat Software Collections Product Life Cycle document.

3.5.1. Installation and Usage

To install the rhscl-dockerfiles package, type the following command as root:
yum install rhscl-dockerfiles
Use these Dockerfiles to create Docker images for the covered Software Collections.
For more information about building an image from a Dockerfile, see the Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images chapter in the Getting Started with Containers documentation.

3.5.2. Deploying Software Collections Dependent on the Red Hat Software Collections Docker Images

You can use a Red Hat Software Collections Docker image as a base image and create your own containerized Software Collection on top of it as a separate image.
For more information about creating a new Docker image, see the Creating Docker Images section in the Getting Started with Containers documentation.

Chapter 4. Specifics of Individual Software Collections

This chapter is focused on the specifics of certain Software Collections and provides additional details concerning these components.

4.1. Red Hat Developer Toolset

Red Hat Developer Toolset is designed for developers working on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform. Red Hat Developer Toolset provides current versions of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Debugger, and other development, debugging, and performance monitoring tools. Similarly to other Software Collections, an additional set of tools is installed into the /opt/ directory. These tools are enabled by the user on demand using the supplied scl utility. Similarly to other Software Collections, these do not replace the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of these tools, nor will they be used in preference to those system versions unless explicitly invoked using the scl utility.
For an overview of features, refer to the Main Features section of the Red Hat Developer Toolset Release Notes.
For a complete list of components, see the Red Hat Developer Toolset Components table in the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.
Note that since Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1, Red Hat Developer Toolset requires the rh-java-common Software Collection.

4.2. Eclipse 4.6.1

The rh-eclipse46 Software Collection, available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, includes Eclipse 4.6.1, which is based on the Eclipse Foundation's Neon release train. This integrated development environment was previously available as a part of Red Hat Developer Toolset. Note that the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection requires the rh-java-common Collection.
Eclipse is a powerful development environment that provides tools for each phase of the development process. It integrates a variety of disparate tools into a unified environment to create a rich development experience, provides a fully configurable user interface, and features a pluggable architecture that allows for an extension in a variety of ways. For instance, the Valgrind plug-in allows programmers to perform memory profiling, otherwise performed on the command line, through the Eclipse user interface.
Sample Eclipse Session

Figure 4.1. Sample Eclipse Session

Eclipse provides a graphical development environment alternative to traditional interaction with command line tools and as such, it is a welcome alternative to developers who do not want to use the command line interface. The traditional, mostly command line-based Linux tools suite (such as gcc or gdb) and Eclipse offer two distinct approaches to programming.
Note that if you intend to develop applications for Red Hat JBoss Middleware or require support for OpenShift Tools, it is recommended that you use Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.
Table 4.1. Eclipse Components Included in the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-cdt The C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT), which provides features and plug-ins for development in C and C++.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-changelog The ChangeLog plug-in, which allows you to create and maintain changelog files.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-egit EGit, a team provider for Eclipse that provides features and plug-ins for interaction with Git repositories.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-emf The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which allows you to build applications based on a structured data model.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-epp-logging The Eclipse error reporting tool.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-gcov The GCov plug-in, which integrates the GCov test coverage program with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-gef The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF), which allows you to create a rich graphical editor from an existing application model.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-gprof The Gprof plug-in, which integrates the Gprof performance analysis utility with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-jdt The Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) plug-in.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-jgit JGit, a Java implementation of the Git revision control system.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-manpage The Man Page plug-in, which allows you to view manual pages in Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-mpc The Eclipse Marketplace Client.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-mylyn Mylyn, a task management system for Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-oprofile The OProfile plug-in, which integrates OProfile with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-pde The Plugin Development Environment for developing Eclipse plugins.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-perf The Perf plug-in, which integrates the perf tool with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-ptp A subset of the PTP project providing support for synchronized projects.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-pydev A full featured Python IDE for Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-remote The Remote Services plug-in, which provides an extensible remote-services framework.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-rpm-editor The Eclipse Spec File Editor, which allows you to maintain RPM spec files.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-rse The Remote System Explorer (RSE) framework, which allows you to work with remote systems from Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-systemtap The SystemTap plug-in, which integrates SystemTap with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-valgrind The Valgrind plug-in, which integrates Valgrind with Eclipse.
rh-eclipse46-eclipse-webtools The Eclipse Webtools plug-ins.

4.2.1. Installing Eclipse

The Eclipse development environment is provided as a collection of RPM packages. To install the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection, type the following command as root:
yum install rh-eclipse46


The rh-eclipse46 Software Collection fully supports C, C++, and Java development, but does not provide support for the Fortran programming language.

4.2.2. Using Eclipse

To start the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection, either select ApplicationsProgrammingRed Hat Eclipse from the panel, or type the following at a shell prompt:
scl enable rh-eclipse46 eclipse
During its startup, Eclipse prompts you to select a workspace, that is, a directory in which you want to store your projects. You can either use ~/workspace/, which is the default option, or click the Browse button to browse your file system and select a custom directory. Additionally, you can select the Use this as the default and do not ask again check box to prevent Eclipse from displaying this dialog box the next time you run this development environment. When you are done, click the OK button to confirm the selection and proceed with the startup. Using the Red Hat Developer Toolset Toolchain
To use the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection with support for the GNU Compiler Collection and binutils from Red Hat Developer Toolset, make sure that the devtoolset-6-toolchain package is installed and run the application as described in Section 4.2.2, “Using Eclipse”. The rh-eclipse46 Collection uses the Red Hat Developer Toolset toolchain by default.
For detailed instructions on how to install the devtoolset-6-toolchain package in your system, see the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide.


If you are working on a project that you previously built with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version of the GNU Compiler Collection, make sure that you discard all previous build results. To do so, open the project in Eclipse and select ProjectClean from the menu. Using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Toolchain
To use the rh-eclipse46 Software Collection with support for the toolchain distributed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, change the configuration of the project to use absolute paths to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of gcc, g++, and as.
To configure Eclipse to explicitly use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of the tools for the current project, complete the following steps:
  1. In the C/C++ perspective, choose ProjectProperties from the main menu bar to open the project properties.
  2. In the menu on the left-hand side of the dialog box, click C/C++ BuildSettings.
  3. Select the Tool Settings tab.
  4. If you are working on a C project:
    1. select GCC C Compiler or Cross GCC Compiler and change the value of the Command field to:
    2. select GCC C Linker or Cross GCC Linker and change the value of the Command field to:
    3. select GCC Assembler or Cross GCC Assembler and change the value of the Command field to:
    If you are working on a C++ project:
    1. select GCC C++ Compiler or Cross G++ Compiler and change the value of the Command field to:
    2. select GCC C Compiler or Cross GCC Compiler and change the value of the Command field to:
    3. select GCC C++ Linker or Cross G++ Linker and change the value of the Command field to:
    4. select GCC Assembler or Cross GCC Assembler and change the value of the Command field to:
  5. Click the OK button to save the configuration changes.

4.2.3. Additional Resources

A detailed description of Eclipse and all its features is beyond the scope of this book. For more information, see the resources listed below.
Installed Documentation
  • Eclipse includes a built-in Help system, which provides extensive documentation for each integrated feature and tool. This greatly decreases the initial time investment required for new developers to become fluent in its use. The use of this Help section is detailed in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Guide linked below.
See Also
  • Section 1.3.3, “Changes in Eclipse” provides a comprehensive list of features and improvements over the Eclipse development environment included in the previous release of Red Hat Developer Toolset.
  • The Red Hat Developer Toolset chapter in the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide provides an overview of Red Hat Developer Toolset and more information on how to install it on your system.
  • The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) chapter in the Red Hat Developer Toolset User Guide provides information on how to compile programs written in C, C++, and Fortran on the command line.

4.3. Thermostat

The rh-thermostat16 Software Collection provides a monitoring and instrumentation tool for the OpenJDK HotSpot JVM, with support for monitoring multiple JVM instances. The system is made up of two components: an Agent, which collects data, and a Client, which allows users to visualize collected data. These components communicate via a storage layer: either directly via MongoDB or indirectly via a Web layer for increased security. A pluggable agent and GUI framework allows for collection and visualization of performance data beyond what is included out of the box.
To install the rh-thermostat16 collection, type the following command as root:
yum install rh-thermostat16
Note that the rh-thermostat16 Software Collection requires the rh-java-common Collection.
To enable the rh-thermostat16 collection, type the following command at a shell prompt:
scl enable rh-thermostat16 bash
For more information, refer to the Thermostat User Guide. In order to deploy Thermostat securely, see the Configuration and Administration Guide.

4.4. Ruby on Rails 4.2

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 adds the rh-ruby23 Software Collection together with the rh-ror42 Collection.
To install Ruby on Rails 4.2, type the following command as root:
yum install rh-ror42
Installing any package from the rh-ror42 Software Collection automatically pulls in rh-ruby23 and rh-nodejs4 as dependencies.
The rh-nodejs4 Collection is used by certain gems in an asset pipeline to post-process web resources, for example, sass or coffee-script source files. To run the rails s command without requiring rh-nodejs4, disable the coffee-rails and uglifier gems in the Gemfile.
The Ruby on Rails Collection can be enabled by the following command, which will automatically enable rh-ruby23:
scl enable rh-ror42 bash
The rh-ruby23 and rh-ror42 Software Collections are supported together.

4.5. MongoDB 3.2

To install the rh-mongodb32 collection, type the following command as root:
yum install rh-mongodb32
Note that the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection requires the rh-java-common Collection.
To run the MongoDB shell utility, type the following command:
scl enable rh-mongodb32 'mongo'
MongoDB 3.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, the following instructions apply to your system.
To start the MongoDB daemon, type the following command as root:
service rh-mongodb32-mongod start
To start the MongoDB daemon on boot, type this command as root:
chkconfig rh-mongodb32-mongod on
To start the MongoDB sharding server, type this command as root:
service rh-mongodb32-mongos start
To start the MongoDB sharding server on boot, type the following command as root:
chkconfig rh-mongodb32-mongos on
Note that the MongoDB sharding server does not work unless the user starts at least one configuration server and specifies it in the mongos.conf file.
MongoDB 3.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
When using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the following commands are applicable.
To start the MongoDB daemon, type the following command as root:
systemctl start rh-mongodb32-mongod.service
To start the MongoDB daemon on boot, type this command as root:
systemctl enable rh-mongodb32-mongod.service
To start the MongoDB sharding server, type the following command as root:
systemctl start rh-mongodb32-mongos.service
To start the MongoDB sharding server on boot, type this command as root:
systemctl enable rh-mongodb32-mongos.service
Note that the MongoDB sharding server does not work unless the user starts at least one configuration server and specifies it in the mongos.conf file.

4.6. Git

Git is a distributed revision control system with a decentralized architecture. As opposed to centralized version control systems with a client-server model, Git ensures that each working copy of a Git repository is an exact copy with complete revision history. This not only allows you to work on and contribute to projects without the need to have permission to push your changes to their official repositories, but also makes it possible for you to work with no network connection. For detailed information, see the Git chapter in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Developer Guide.

4.7. Maven

The rh-maven33 Software Collection provides a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information.
To install the rh-maven33 Collection, type the following command as root:
yum install rh-maven33
To enable this collection, type the following command at a shell prompt:
scl enable rh-maven33 bash
Global Maven settings, such as remote repositories or mirrors, can be customized by editing the /opt/rh/rh-maven33/root/etc/maven/settings.xml file.
For more information about using Maven, refer to the Maven documentation. Usage of plug-ins is described in this section; to find documentation regarding individual plug-ins, see the index of plug-ins.

4.8. Passenger

The rh-passenger40 Software Collection provides Phusion Passenger, a web and application server designed to be fast, robust and lightweight.
The rh-passenger40 Collection supports multiple versions of Ruby, particularly the ruby193, ruby200, and rh-ruby22 Software Collections together with Ruby on Rails using the ror40 or rh-ror41 Collections. Prior to using Passenger with any of the Ruby Software Collections, install the corresponding package from the rh-passenger40 Collection: the rh-passenger-ruby193, rh-passenger-ruby200, or rh-passenger-ruby22 package.
The rh-passenger40 Software Collection can also be used with Apache httpd from the httpd24 Software Collection. To do so, install the rh-passenger40-mod_passenger package. Refer to the default configuration file /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf for an example of Apache httpd configuration, which shows how to use multiple Ruby versions in a single Apache httpd instance.
Additionally, the rh-passenger40 Software Collection can be used with the nginx 1.6 web server from the nginx16 Software Collection. To use nginx 1.6 with rh-passenger40, you can run Passenger in Standalone mode using the following command in the web appplication's directory:
scl enable nginx16 rh-passenger40 'passenger start'
Alternatively, edit the nginx16 configuration files as described in the upstream Passenger documentation.

Chapter 5. Migration

This chapter provides information on migrating to versions of components included in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3.

5.1. Migrating to MariaDB 10.1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 contains MySQL 5.1 as the default MySQL implementation. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 includes MariaDB 5.5 as the default MySQL implementation. MariaDB is a community-developed drop-in replacement for MySQL. MariaDB 10.0 has been available as a Software Collection since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0; Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 is distributed with MariaDB 10.1.
The rh-mariadb101 Software Collection, available for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, does not conflict with the mysql or mariadb packages from the core systems, so it is possible to install the rh-mariadb101 Software Collection together with the mysql or mariadb packages. It is also possible to run both versions at the same time, however, the port number and the socket in the my.cnf files need to be changed to prevent these specific resources from conflicting. Additionally, it is possible to install the rh-mariadb101 Software Collection while the rh-mariadb100 Collection is still installed and even running.
Note that if you are using an MariaDB 5.5, it is necessary to upgrade to the rh-mariadb100 Software Collection first, which is described in the Red Hat Software Collections 2.0 Release Notes.
For more information about MariaDB 10.1, see the upstream documentation about changes in version 10.1 and about upgrading.


The rh-mariadb101 Software Collection supports neither mounting over NFS nor dynamical registering using the scl register command.

5.1.1. Notable Differences Between the mariadb100 and rh-mariadb101 Software Collections

  • Galera Cluster, a synchronous multi-master cluster, which is a standard part of MariaDB 10.1. See the Knowledgebase article about setting up Galera Cluster with the rh-mariadb101 Software Collection.
  • Since MariaDB 10.1.7, the SQL_MODE variable is by default set to NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER while in earlier versions of MariaDB no default was set. Consequently, the GRANT statement does not create a user by default. The setting of the SQL_MODE variable can be changed in the configuration file. See the upstream documentation for details.

5.1.2. Upgrading from the rh-mariadb100 to the rh-mariadb101 Software Collection


Prior to upgrading, back up all your data, including any MariaDB databases.
  1. Install the rh-mariadb101 Software Collection.
    yum install rh-mariadb101-mariadb-server
  2. Inspect the configuration of rh-mariadb101, which is stored in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mariadb101/my.cnf file and the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mariadb101/my.cnf.d/ directory. Compare it with the configuration of rh-mariadb100 stored in /etc/opt/rh/rh-mariadb100/my.cnf and /etc/opt/rh/rh-mariadb100/my.cnf.d/ and adjust it if necessary.
  3. Stop the rh-mariadb100 database server, if it is still running.
    service rh-mariadb100-mariadb stop
  4. All the data of the rh-mariadb100 Software Collection is stored in the /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb100/lib/mysql/ directory. Copy the whole content of this directory to /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb101/lib/mysql/. You can also move the content but remember to back up your data before you continue to upgrade.
  5. Start the rh-mariadb101 database server.
    service rh-mariadb101-mariadb start
  6. Perform the data migration.
    scl enable rh-mariadb101 mysql_upgrade
    If the root user has a non-empty password defined (it should have a password defined), it is necessary to call the mysql_upgrade utility with the -p option and specify the password.
    scl enable rh-mariadb101 -- mysql_upgrade -p

5.2. Migrating to MongoDB 3.2

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 is shipped with MongoDB 3.2, provided by the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection and available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Previously released MongoDB Software Collections, mongodb24 and rh-mongodb26 are available for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. See the Red Hat Software Collections 2.0 Release Notes if you need to upgrade to MongoDB 2.6.
Note that when migrating from the rh-mongodb26 to the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection, it is necessary to first upgrade to the 3.0-series release of MongoDB, which is provided by the rh-mongodb30upg Collection.

5.2.1. Notable Differences Between MongoDB 2.6 and MongoDB 3.2

General Changes
The rh-mongodb32 Software Collection introduces several general changes listed below.
  • MongoDB now ships configuration files in the YAML format
  • MongoDB server and tools are no longer shipped in a single package; MongoDB tools are packaged in rh-mongodb32-mongo-tools
  • Improved MongoDB testsuite provided by the rh-mongodb32-mongodb-test package. For more information about usage, install this package and read the /opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/root/usr/share/mongodb-test/README file.
Compatibility Changes
MongoDB 3.2 includes various minor changes that can affect compatibility with previous versions of MongoDB.
Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 3.0
  • Configuration file options changes due to inclusion of additional storage engines
  • Data files must correspond to the configured storage engine; if files in the dbPath directory were created by a storage engine other than the current one, an error is returned
  • Changes due to using the WiredTiger storage engine: oplog entries generated by versions of MongoDB earlier than 2.2.1 are overwritten
  • Replica set configuration validation
  • The w:majority semantics has been changed so that the w:majority value is satisfied when a majority of the voting members replicates a write operation
  • The local.slaves collection has been removed
  • The FATAL replica set state no longer exists
  • The mongodump, mongorestore, mongoexport, mongoimport, mongofiles, and mongooplog tools must connect to a running MongoDB instance
  • The MongoDB 2.4 user model has been removed
  • The localhost exception has been changed so that it allows to create only the first user on the admin database
  • The db.addUser() function has been removed; use db.createUser() and db.updateUser() instead
  • TLS/SSL changes
  • The mongo shell versions earlier than 3.0 are not compatible with 3.0 deployments of MongoDB
  • Index changes
  • Direct access to the system.indexes and system.namespaces collections has been deprecated
  • The following commands have been deprecated: closeAllDatabases, getoptime, text, indexStats, db.collection.getIndexStats(), and db.collection.indexStats()
  • The Date and Timestamp data types are no longer equivalent for comparison purposes
For details regarding compatibility changes in Mongodb 3.0, refer to the upstream release notes.
Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 3.2
  • The WiredTiger storage engine is now the default one
  • The JavaScript engine has been changed from V8 to SpiderMonkey
  • Creation of version 0 indexes is now disallowed
  • Aggregation compatibility changes
For detailed compatibility changes in MongoDB 3.2, see the upstream release notes.

5.2.2. Upgrading from the rh-mongodb26 to the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection

Note that once you have upgraded to MongoDB 3.2 and started using new features, you cannot downgrade to any earlier version.


Before migrating from the rh-mongodb26 to the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection, back up all your data, including any MongoDB databases, which are by default stored in the /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb26/lib/mongodb/ directory.
To upgrade to the rh-mongodb32 Software Collection, perform the following steps.
  1. Install the MongoDB servers and shells from the rh-mongodb30upg and rh-mongodb32 Software Collections:
    ~]# yum install rh-mongodb30upg rh-mongodb30upg-mongodb rh-mongodb32 rh-mongodb32-mongodb
  2. Connect the mongo shell from the rh-mongodb26 Collection to your MongoDB 2.6 server (for example, running on localhost, port 27017).
    ~]$ scl enable rh-mongodb26 'mongo --host localhost --port 27017 admin'
  3. In the mongo shell, check your data set for compatibility issues mentioned above and fix the ones that affect your application.
  4. Stop the MongoDB 2.6 server:
    ~]# systemctl stop rh-mongodb26-mongod.service
    Use the service rh-mongodb26-mongodb stop command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  5. Copy your data to the new location:
    ~]# cp -a /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb26/lib/mongodb/* /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/lib/mongodb
  6. Change the dbpath variable in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mongodb30upg/mongod.conf file to /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/lib/mongodb/.
  7. Start the MongoDB server from the rh-mongodb30upg Software Collection:
    ~]# systemctl start rh-mongodb30upg-mongod.service
    Use the service rh-mongodb30upg-mongodb start command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  8. Connect the mongo shell from the rh-mongodb32 Collection to your MongoDB 3.0 server (for example, running on localhost, port 27017).
    ~]$ scl enable rh-mongodb30upg 'mongo --host localhost --port 27017 admin'
  9. In the mongo shell, check your data set for compatibility issues mentioned above and fix the ones that affect your application.
  10. Stop the MongoDB 3.0 server.
    ~]# systemctl stop rh-mongodb30upg-mongod.service
    Use the service rh-mongodb30upg-mongodb stop command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  11. Configure the rh-mongodb32-mongod daemon in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/mongod.conf file.
  12. MongoDB 3.2 has the new default storage engine, WiredTiger, which introduces performance improvements. To be able to run the MongoDB server with old data, configure the rh-mongodb32-mongod daemon to use the old storage engine. Uncomment the engine property in the storage section in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/mongod.conf file and change its value to mmapv1.
  13. Start the MongoDB 3.2 server.
    ~]# systemctl start rh-mongodb32-mongod.service
    Use the service rh-mongodb32-mongodb start command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
  14. If you want to use the WiredTiger storage engine, you have to perform additional migration steps described in the MongoDB documentation.
    ~]# yum install rh-mongodb32-mongo-tools
    ~]$ scl enable rh-mongodb32 'mongodump --out ~/mongodb.dump'
    ~]# systemctl stop rh-mongodb32-mongod.service
    ~]# rm -rf /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/lib/mongodb/*
    Change the engine property in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mongodb32/mongod.conf to wiredTiger. Use the service rh-mongodb32-mongodb stop command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
    ~]# systemctl start rh-mongodb32-mongod.service
    ~]$ scl enable rh-mongodb32 'mongorestore ~/mongodb.dump'
    Use the service rh-mongodb32-mongodb start command if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
For detailed information about upgrading, see the upstream MongoDB 3.0 and MongoDB 3.2 release notes.
For information about upgrading a Replica Set, see the upstream MongoDB Manual.
For information about upgrading a Sharded Cluster, see the upstream MongoDB Manual.

5.3. Migrating to MySQL 5.7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 contains MySQL 5.1 as the default MySQL implementation. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 includes MariaDB 5.5 as the default MySQL implementation. In addition to these basic versions, MySQL 5.6 has been available as a Software Collection for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 since Red Hat Software Collections 2.0.
The rh-mysql57 Software Collection, available for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, conflicts neither with the mysql or mariadb packages from the core systems nor with the rh-mysql56 Software Collection, so it is possible to install the rh-mysql57 Software Collection together with the mysql, mariadb, or rh-mysql56 packages. It is also possible to run multiple versions at the same time; however, the port number and the socket in the my.cnf files need to be changed to prevent these specific resources from conflicting.
Note that it is possible to upgrade to MySQL 5.7 only from MySQL 5.6. If you need to upgrade from an earlier version, upgrade to MySQL 5.6 first. Instructions how to upgrade to MySQL 5.6 are available in the Red Hat Software Collections 2.2 Release Notes.

5.3.1. Notable Differences Between MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7

  • The mysql-bench subpackage is not included in the rh-mysql57 Software Collection.
  • Since MySQL 5.7.7, the default SQL mode includes NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER. Therefore it is necessary to create MySQL accounts using the CREATE USER statement because the GRANT statement no longer creates a user by default. See the upstream documentation for details.
To find out about more detailed changes in MySQL 5.7 compared to earlier versions, see the upstream documentation: What Is New in MySQL 5.7 and Changes Affecting Upgrades to MySQL 5.7.

5.3.2. Upgrading to the rh-mysql57 Software Collection


Prior to upgrading, back-up all your data, including any MySQL databases.
  1. Install the rh-mysql57 Software Collection.
    yum install rh-mysql57-mysql-server
  2. Inspect the configuration of rh-mysql57, which is stored in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/my.cnf file and the /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/my.cnf.d/ directory. Compare it with the configuration of rh-mysql56 stored in /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql56/my.cnf and /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql56/my.cnf.d/ and adjust it if necessary.
  3. Stop the rh-mysql56 database server, if it is still running.
    service rh-mysql56-mysqld stop
  4. All data of the rh-mysql56 Software Collection is stored in the /var/opt/rh/rh-mysql56/lib/mysql/ directory. Copy the whole content of this directory to /var/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/lib/mysql/. You can also move the content but remember to back up your data before you continue to upgrade.
  5. Start the rh-mysql57 database server.
    service rh-mysql57-mysqld start
  6. Perform the data migration.
    scl enable rh-mysql57 mysql_upgrade
    If the root user has a non-empty password defined (it should have a password defined), it is necessary to call the mysql_upgrade utility with the -p option and specify the password.
    scl enable rh-mysql57 -- mysql_upgrade -p

5.4. Migrating to PostgreSQL 9.5

Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 is distributed with PostgreSQL 9.5, which can be safely installed on the same machine in parallel with PostgreSQL 8.4 from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, PostgreSQL 9.2 from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or Red Hat Software Collections 1, or PostgreSQL 9.4 from Red Hat Software Collections 2. It is also possible to run more than one version of PostgreSQL on a machine at the same time, but you need to use different ports or IP addresses and adjust SELinux policy.

5.4.1. Notable Differences Between PostgreSQL 9.4 and PostgreSQL 9.5

The most notable changes between PostgreSQL 9.4 and PostgreSQL 9.5 are desribed in the upstream release notes for versions 9.5, 9.5.1, and 9.5.2.
The following table provides an overview of different paths in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system version of PostgreSQL (postgresql) and in the postgresql92, rh-postgresql94, and rh-postgresql95 Software Collections. Note that the paths of PostgreSQL 8.4 distributed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and the system version of PostgreSQL 9.2 shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 are the same.
Table 5.1. Diferences in the PostgreSQL paths
PDF documentation/usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs//opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs//opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs/
Contrib documentation/usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib//opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib//opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib/
Sourcenot installednot installednot installednot installed
Backup area/var/lib/pgsql/backups//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/var/lib/pgsql/backups//var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/lib/pgsql/backups//var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/backups/
Procedural Languages/usr/lib64/pgsql//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/lib64/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/lib64/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/lib64/pgsql/
Development Headers/usr/include/pgsql//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/include/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/include/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/include/pgsql/
Other shared data/usr/share/pgsql//opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/share/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/share/pgsql//opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/share/pgsql/
Regression tests/usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress/ (in the -test package)/opt/rh/postgresql92/root/usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress/ (in the -test package)/opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/root/usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress/ (in the -test package)/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress/ (in the -test package)
For detailed changes, see the upstream PostgreSQL 9.5 Release Notes. For changes between PostgreSQL 8.4 and PostgreSQL 9.2, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 Release Notes. Notable changes between PostgreSQL 9.2 and PostgreSQL 9.4 are described in Red Hat Software Collections 2.0 Release Notes.

5.4.2. Migrating from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Version of PostgreSQL to the PostgreSQL 9.5 Software Collection

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 includes PostgreSQL 8.4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is distributed with PostgreSQL 9.2. To migrate your data from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system version of PostgreSQL to the rh-postgresql95 Software Collection, you can either perform a fast upgrade using the pg_upgrade tool (recommended), or dump the database data into a text file with SQL commands and import it in the new database. Note that the second method is usually significantly slower and may require manual fixes; see the PostgreSQL documentation for more information about this upgrade method. The following procedures are applicable for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system versions of PostgreSQL.


Before migrating your data from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system version of PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL 9.5, make sure that you back up all your data, including the PostgreSQL database files, which are by default located in the /var/lib/pgsql/data/ directory.

Procedure 5.1. Fast Upgrade Using the pg_upgrade Tool

To perform a fast upgrade of your PostgreSQL server, complete the following steps:
  1. Stop the old PostgreSQL server to ensure that the data is not in an inconsistent state. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    service postgresql stop
    To verify that the server is not running, type:
    service postgresql status
  2. Verify that the old directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/ exists:
    file /var/lib/pgsql/data/
    and back up your data.
  3. Verify that the new data directory /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/ does not exist:
    file /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/
    If you are running a fresh installation of PostgreSQL 9.5, this directory should not be present in your system. If it is, back it up by running the following command as root:
    mv /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data{,-scl-backup}
  4. Upgrade the database data for the new server by running the following command as root:
    scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- postgresql-setup --upgrade
    Alternatively, you can use the /opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/bin/postgresql-setup --upgrade command.
    Note that you can use the --upgrade-from option for upgrade from different versions of PostgreSQL. The list of possible upgrade scenarios is available using the --upgrade-ids option.
    It is recommended that you read the resulting /var/lib/pgsql/upgrade_rh-postgresql95-postgresql.log log file to find out if any problems occurred during the upgrade.
  5. Start the new server as root:
    service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start
    It is also advised that you run the analyze_new_cluster.sh script as follows:
    su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql95 ~/analyze_new_cluster.sh'
  6. Optionally, you can configure the PostgreSQL 9.5 server to start automatically at boot time. To disable the old system PostgreSQL server, type the following command as root:
    chkconfig postgresql off
    To enable the PostgreSQL 9.5 server, type as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql95-postgresql on
  7. If your configuration differs from the default one, make sure to update configuration files, especially the /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf configuration file. Otherwise only the postgres user will be allowed to access the database.

Procedure 5.2. Performing a Dump and Restore Upgrade

To perform a dump and restore upgrade of your PostgreSQL server, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the old PostgreSQL server is running by typing the following at a shell prompt as root:
    service postgresql start
  2. Dump all data in the PostgreSQL database into a script file. As root, type:
    su - postgres -c 'pg_dumpall > ~/pgdump_file.sql'
  3. Stop the old server by running the following command as root:
    service postgresql stop
  4. Initialize the data directory for the new server as root:
    scl enable rh-postgresql95-postgresql -- postgresql-setup --initdb
  5. Start the new server as root:
    service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start
  6. Import data from the previously created SQL file:
    su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql95 "psql -f ~/pgdump_file.sql postgres"'
  7. Optionally, you can configure the PostgreSQL 9.5 server to start automatically at boot time. To disable the old system PostgreSQL server, type the following command as root:
    chkconfig postgresql off
    To enable the PostgreSQL 9.5 server, type as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql95-postgresql on
  8. If your configuration differs from the default one, make sure to update configuration files, especially the /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf configuration file. Otherwise only the postgres user will be allowed to access the database.

5.4.3. Migrating from the PostgreSQL 9.4 Software Collection to the PostgreSQL 9.5 Software Collection

To migrate your data from the rh-postgresql94 Software Collection to the rh-postgresql95 Collection included in Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, you can either perform a fast upgrade using the pg_upgrade tool (recommended), or dump the database data into a text file with SQL commands and import it in the new database. Note that the second method is usually significantly slower and may require manual fixes; see the PostgreSQL documentation for more information about this upgrade method.


Before migrating your data from PostgreSQL 9.4 to PostgreSQL 9.5, make sure that you back up all your data, including the PostgreSQL database files, which are by default located in the /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/lib/pgsql/data/ directory.

Procedure 5.3. Fast Upgrade Using the pg_upgrade Tool

To perform a fast upgrade of your PostgreSQL server, complete the following steps:
  1. Stop the old PostgreSQL server to ensure that the data is not in an inconsistent state. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    service rh-postgresql94-postgresql stop
    To verify that the server is not running, type:
    service rh-postgresql94-postgresql status
  2. Verify that the old directory /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/lib/pgsql/data/ exists:
    file /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql94/lib/pgsql/data/
    and back up your data.
  3. Verify that the new data directory /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/ does not exist:
    file /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/
    If you are running a fresh installation of PostgreSQL 9.5, this directory should not be present in your system. If it is, back it up by running the following command as root:
    mv /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data{,-scl-backup}
  4. Upgrade the database data for the new server by running the following command as root:
    scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- postgresql-setup --upgrade --upgrade-from=rh-postgresql94-postgresql
    Alternatively, you can use the /opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/root/usr/bin/postgresql-setup --upgrade --upgrade-from=rh-postgresql94-postgresql command.
    Note that you can use the --upgrade-from option for upgrading from different versions of PostgreSQL. The list of possible upgrade scenarios is available using the --upgrade-ids option.
    It is recommended that you read the resulting /var/lib/pgsql/upgrade_rh-postgresql95-postgresql.log log file to find out if any problems occurred during the upgrade.
  5. Start the new server as root:
    service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start
    It is also advised that you run the analyze_new_cluster.sh script as follows:
    su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql95 ~/analyze_new_cluster.sh'
  6. Optionally, you can configure the PostgreSQL 9.5 server to start automatically at boot time. To disable the old PostgreSQL 9.4 server, type the following command as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql94-postgreqsql off
    To enable the PostgreSQL 9.5 server, type as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql95-postgresql on
  7. If your configuration differs from the default one, make sure to update configuration files, especially the /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf configuration file. Otherwise only the postgres user will be allowed to access the database.

Procedure 5.4. Performing a Dump and Restore Upgrade

To perform a dump and restore upgrade of your PostgreSQL server, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the old PostgreSQL server is running by typing the following at a shell prompt as root:
    service rh-postgresql94-postgresql start
  2. Dump all data in the PostgreSQL database into a script file. As root, type:
    su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql94 "pg_dumpall > ~/pgdump_file.sql"'
  3. Stop the old server by running the following command as root:
    service rh-postgresql94-postgresql stop
  4. Initialize the data directory for the new server as root:
    scl enable rh-postgresql95-postgresql -- postgresql-setup --initdb
  5. Start the new server as root:
    service rh-postgresql95-postgresql start
  6. Import data from the previously created SQL file:
    su - postgres -c 'scl enable rh-postgresql95 "psql -f ~/pgdump_file.sql postgres"'
  7. Optionally, you can configure the PostgreSQL 9.5 server to start automatically at boot time. To disable the old PostgreSQL 9.4 server, type the following command as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql94-postgresql off
    To enable the PostgreSQL 9.5 server, type as root:
    chkconfig rh-postgresql95-postgresql on
  8. If your configuration differs from the default one, make sure to update configuration files, especially the /var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql95/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf configuration file. Otherwise only the postgres user will be allowed to access the database.
If you need to migrate from the postgresql92 Software Collection, refer to Red Hat Software Collections 2.0 Release Notes; the procedure is the same, you just need to adjust the version of the new Collection.

5.5. Migrating to nginx 1.8

The root directory for the rh-nginx18 Software Collection is located in /opt/rh/rh-nginx18/root/. The error log is stored in /var/opt/rh/rh-nginx18/log/nginx by default, and the init script is called rh-nginx18-nginx.
Configuration files are now stored in the /etc/opt/rh/rh-nginx18/nginx/ directory. Configuration files in nginx 1.8 have the same format as in the previous versions and they are compatible among versions 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8.


Before upgrading from nginx 1.6 to nginx 1.8, back up all your data, including web pages and configuration files located in the /opt/rh/nginx16/root/ tree.
If you have made any specific changes, such as changing configuration files or setting up web applications, in the /opt/rh/nginx16/root/ tree, replicate those changes in the new /opt/rh/rh-nginx18/root/ and /etc/opt/rh/rh-nginx18/nginx/ directories, too.
You can use this procedure to upgrade directly from nginx 1.4 to nginx 1.8. Use the appropriate paths for nginx 1.4 in this case.
For the official nginx documentation, refer to http://nginx.org/en/docs/.

Chapter 6. Additional Resources

This chapter provides references to other relevant sources of information about Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

6.1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Program Group

Users of Red Hat Software Collections can access the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Program Group in the Red Hat Customer Portal to get developer related information for the development tools available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In addition, users can find developer related papers and videos on topics that are of interest to developers, for example RPM building, threaded programming, performance tuning, debugging, and so on.
To visit the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Program Group, log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal, click Products & Services at the top of the page, choose Services, and then Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Program from the list.

6.2. Red Hat Product Documentation

The following documents are directly or indirectly relevant to this book:
  • Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Packaging Guide — The Packaging Guide for Red Hat Software Collections explains the concept of Software Collections, documents the scl utility, and provides a detailed explanation of how to create a custom Software Collection or extend an existing one.
  • Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 Release Notes — The Release Notes for Red Hat Developer Toolset document known problems, possible issues, changes, and other important information about this Software Collection.
  • Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.0 User Guide — The User Guide for Red Hat Developer Toolset contains more information about installing and using this Software Collection.
  • Using Red Hat Software Collections Container Images — This article provides information on how to use container images based on Red Hat Software Collections. The available container images include applications, daemons, and databases. The images can be run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.
  • Get Started with Docker Formatted Container Images — This guide contains a comprehensive overview of information about building and using docker-formatted container images on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.
  • Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager — The Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager book provides detailed information on how to register Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, manage subscriptions, and view notifications for the registered systems.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Deployment Guide — The Deployment Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 provides relevant information regarding the deployment, configuration, and administration of this system.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator's Guide — The System Administrator's Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 provides information on deployment, configuration, and administration of this system.

6.3. Red Hat Developer Blog

Red Hat Developer Blog content is directed to designers and developers of applications based on Red Hat technologies. It contains links to product team blogs and other relevant internal and external resources. Its goal is to inform and engage the developer community with up-to-date information, best practices, opinion, product and program announcements as well as pointers to sample code and other resources.

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 2.3-13Tue Dec 18 2018Lenka Špačková
Fixed syntax of a command in the PostgreSQL migration chapter.
Revision 2.3-12Tue Apr 04 2017Lenka Špačková
Fixed a container image name.
Revision 2.3-11Thu Mar 30 2017Lenka Špačková
Removed outdated information from Ruby on Rails specifics.
Revision 2.3-10Tue Nov 15 2016Lenka Špačková
Release of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Release Notes.
Revision 2.3-7Tue Nov 01 2016Lenka Špačková
Minor improvements.
Revision 2.3-5Thu Oct 26 2016Lenka Špačková
Added a link to an updated Thermostat User Guide for Red Hat Software Collections 2.3.
Revision 2.3-4Fri Oct 21 2016Lenka Špačková
Added a known issue related to the rh-ruby23 Software Collection.
Revision 2.3-2Thu Oct 20 2016Lenka Špačková
Release of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 Beta Release Notes.

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