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Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.0.GA


Schema to Java compiler

See: Description

Package Description

Schema to Java compiler


This module contains the code that implements the schema compiler 'XJC'.


XJC consists of the following major components.

Schema reader
Schema readers read XML Schema documents (or DTD, RELAX NG, ...) and builds a model.
Model represents the 'blueprint' of the code to be generated. Model talks in terms of higher level constructs like 'class' and 'property' without getting too much into the details of the Java source code.
Code generator
Code generators use a model as an input and builds Java code AST into CodeModel. It also produces an Outline which captures this work.
Outline can be thought as a series of links between a model and CodeModel.
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Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.0.GA

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