Package | Description |
---|---| |
Extended callbacks and supporting utilities which allow efficient callback handler implementation.
| | | | | |
Miscellaneous utility classes and APIs for client and server login applications.
| | | |
The evidence types used by Elytron.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<C extends Evidence,R> |
EvidenceVerifyCallback.applyToEvidence(Class<C> evidenceType,
Function<C,R> function)
Apply the given function to the acquired evidence, if it is set and of the given type.
<C extends Evidence,R> |
EvidenceVerifyCallback.applyToEvidence(Class<C> evidenceType,
String algorithmName,
Function<C,R> function)
Apply the given function to the acquired evidence, if it is set and of the given type and algorithm.
<C extends Evidence> |
EvidenceVerifyCallback.getEvidence(Class<C> evidenceType)
Get the acquired evidence, if it is set and of the given type, and if so, return the evidence cast to the type.
<C extends Evidence> |
EvidenceVerifyCallback.getEvidence(Class<C> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Get the acquired evidence, if it is set and of the given type and algorithm, and if so, return the evidence cast to the type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Evidence |
Get the evidence being verified.
Constructor and Description |
EvidenceVerifyCallback(Evidence evidence)
Construct a new instance of this
Callback . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(Evidence evidence)
Perform an authentication based on
Evidence alone. |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(Principal principal,
Evidence evidence)
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(String name,
Evidence evidence)
Perform an authentication based on
Evidence for the specified identity name. |
boolean |
IdentityCredentials.canVerify(Evidence evidence) |
default RealmIdentity |
SecurityRealm.getRealmIdentity(Evidence evidence)
Get a handle for to the identity for the given evidence in the context of this security realm.
default ModifiableRealmIdentity |
ModifiableSecurityRealm.getRealmIdentityForUpdate(Evidence evidence)
Get an update handle for to the identity for the given principal in the context of this security realm.
String |
RealmMapper.getRealmMapping(Principal principal,
Evidence evidence)
Get the realm mapping.
boolean |
IdentityCredentials.verify(Evidence evidence) |
boolean |
ServerAuthenticationContext.verifyEvidence(Evidence evidence)
Verify the given evidence.
boolean |
RealmIdentity.verifyEvidence(Evidence evidence)
Verify the given evidence against a credential of this identity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
IdentityCredentials.canVerify(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceClass,
String algorithmName) |
SupportLevel |
ServerAuthenticationContext.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType)
Determine whether a given piece of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable, or definitely not verifiable.
SupportLevel |
SecurityDomain.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType)
Determine whether a given type of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable (for some identities),
or definitely not verifiable.
SupportLevel |
ServerAuthenticationContext.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether a given piece of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable, or definitely not verifiable.
SupportLevel |
SecurityRealm.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether a given type of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable (for some identities),
or definitely not verifiable.
SupportLevel |
SecurityDomain.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether a given type of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable (for some identities),
or definitely not verifiable.
SupportLevel |
RealmIdentity.getEvidenceVerifySupport(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether a given type of evidence is definitely verifiable, possibly verifiable, or definitely not verifiable.
static RealmMapper |
RealmMapper.matching(BiPredicate<? super Principal,? super Evidence> matchRule,
String realmName)
Create a realm mapper that matches when the given predicate matches.
static RealmMapper |
RealmMapper.matchingEvidence(Predicate<? super Evidence> matchRule,
String realmName)
Create a realm mapper that matches when the given predicate matches the evidence.
static RealmMapper |
RealmMapper.matchingEvidenceType(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceType,
String realmName)
Create a realm mapper that matches when the evidence is of the given type.
Constructor and Description |
RealmFailedAuthenticationEvent(RealmIdentity realmIdentity,
Credential credential,
Evidence evidence)
Construct a new instance.
RealmSuccessfulAuthenticationEvent(RealmIdentity realmIdentity,
AuthorizationIdentity authorizationIdentity,
Credential credential,
Evidence evidence)
Construct a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SimpleRegexRealmMapper.getRealmMapping(Principal principal,
Evidence evidence) |
String |
MappedRegexRealmMapper.getRealmMapping(Principal principal,
Evidence evidence) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default boolean |
Credential.canVerify(Evidence evidence)
Determine whether this credential can verify the given evidence.
default boolean |
Credential.verify(Evidence evidence)
Verify the given evidence.
boolean |
PasswordCredential.verify(Supplier<Provider[]> providerSupplier,
Evidence evidence) |
default boolean |
Credential.verify(Supplier<Provider[]> providerSupplier,
Evidence evidence)
Verify the given evidence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PasswordCredential.canVerify(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceClass,
String algorithmName) |
default boolean |
Credential.canVerify(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceClass,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether this credential can, generally speaking, verify the given evidence type.
static boolean |
PasswordCredential.canVerifyEvidence(Class<? extends Evidence> evidenceClass,
String algorithmName)
Determine whether this credential type can, generally speaking, verify the given evidence type.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A piece of evidence which supports multiple algorithms.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Evidence that usually holds a bearer security token. |
class |
A piece of evidence that is comprised of a password guess.
class |
A piece of evidence that is comprised of a verified peer certificate chain.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <E extends Evidence,R> |
Evidence.castAndApply(Class<E> evidenceType,
Function<E,R> function)
Cast this evidence type and apply a function if the type matches.
default <E extends Evidence,R> |
Evidence.castAndApply(Class<E> evidenceType,
String algorithmName,
Function<E,R> function)
Cast this evidence type and apply a function if the type matches.
default <E extends Evidence,R> |
AlgorithmEvidence.castAndApply(Class<E> evidenceType,
String algorithmName,
Function<E,R> function) |
default <E extends Evidence> |
Evidence.castAs(Class<E> evidenceType)
Cast this evidence type if the type matches.
default <E extends Evidence> |
Evidence.castAs(Class<E> evidenceType,
String algorithmName)
Cast this evidence type if the type and algorithm matches.
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