Interface | Description |
MechanismAuthenticationFactory<M,F,E extends Exception> |
A generalized mechanism factory which authenticates against a security domain.
MechanismAuthenticationFactory.Builder<M,F,E extends Exception> |
A builder for a
MechanismAuthenticationFactory . |
MechanismConfigurationSelector |
A selector to choose which
MechanismConfiguration to use based on information know about the current authentication
attempt. |
MechanismInformation |
Information about the current mechanism being used for authentication.
ModifiableRealmIdentity |
A realm identity which is modifiable.
ModifiableRealmIdentityIterator |
An iterator over realm identities.
ModifiableSecurityRealm |
A realm which can be modified.
NameRewriter |
A name rewriter.
PrincipalDecoder |
A decoder for extracting a simple name from a principal.
RealmIdentity |
A representation of a pre-authentication identity.
RealmMapper |
A realm mapper.
Scoped |
An identity configuration which can be applied on a scoped basis.
SecurityRealm |
A single authentication realm.
Class | Description |
FlexibleIdentityAssociation |
A flexible identity association which can have its current identity modified.
HttpAuthenticationFactory |
A HTTP authentication mechanism configuration, the configuration is associated with the
SecurityDomain and
HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory for obtaining configured mechanisms. |
HttpAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
IdentityCredentials |
The public or private credentials retained by an identity, which can be used for authentication forwarding.
MechanismConfiguration |
A configuration that applies to an authentication mechanism.
MechanismConfiguration.Builder | |
MechanismRealmConfiguration |
A configuration for a single mechanism realm.
MechanismRealmConfiguration.Builder | |
SaslAuthenticationFactory |
A SASL server factory configuration.
SaslAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
SecurityDomain |
A security domain.
SecurityDomain.Builder |
A builder for creating new security domains.
SecurityDomain.RealmBuilder |
A builder for a realm within a security domain.
SecurityIdentity |
A loaded and authenticated security identity.
ServerAuthenticationContext |
Server-side authentication context.
Exception | Description |
RealmUnavailableException |
An exception to indicate a general underlying failure of the realm.
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