Package | Description |
---|---| |
The core client API for interacting with the management controllers for
either a JBoss Application Server Managed Domain or a standalone JBoss Application Server.
| |
Implementation classes to support the
core JBoss AS management client API . |
org.wildfly.extension.elytron.capabilities |
Capabilities backed by functional interfaces.
| | | | | | | |
Miscellaneous utility classes and APIs for client and server login applications.
| | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
Get the factory to access the SSLContext.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ModelControllerClientConfiguration.Builder |
ModelControllerClientConfiguration.Builder.setSslContextFactory(SecurityFactory<SSLContext> sslContextFactory)
Sets the SSLContext factory to obtain the SSLContext from for the remote connection
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
ClientConfigurationImpl.getSslContextFactory() |
Constructor and Description |
ClientConfigurationImpl(String address,
int port,
CallbackHandler handler,
Map<String,String> saslOptions,
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> sslContextFactory,
ExecutorService executorService,
boolean shutdownExecutor,
int connectionTimeout,
String protocol,
String clientBindAddress,
URI authConfigUri) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
SecurityFactory that returns a Credential . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CredentialSecurityFactory |
CredentialSecurityFactory.from(SecurityFactory<? extends Credential> function) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FailedSecurityFactory<T> |
class |
FixedSecurityFactory<T> |
class |
NullSecurityFactory<T> |
class |
OneTimeSecurityFactory<T> |
Constructor and Description |
OneTimeSecurityFactory(SecurityFactory<T> factory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient.getSSLContextFactory(URI uri,
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext,
String abstractType,
String abstractTypeAuthority)
Get the SSL context factory which matches the given URI and type, or
SSLContext.getDefault() if there is none. |
static SecurityFactory<AuthenticationContext> |
Parse an Elytron authentication client configuration from a configuration discovered using the default wildfly-client-config discovery rules.
static SecurityFactory<AuthenticationContext> |
ElytronXmlParser.parseAuthenticationClientConfiguration(URI uri)
Parse an Elytron authentication client configuration from a resource located at a specified
URI . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AuthenticationContext |
AuthenticationContext.replacingSslContext(int idx,
MatchRule rule,
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> sslContext)
Get a new authentication context which is the same as this one, but which replaces the rule and SSL context at the given
index with the given rule and SSL context.
AuthenticationConfiguration |
AuthenticationConfiguration.useKerberosSecurityFactory(SecurityFactory<Credential> kerberosSecurityFactory)
Create a new configuration which is the same as this ocnfiguration, but which uses the given kerberos security
factory to acquire the GSS credential required for authentication.
AuthenticationContext |
AuthenticationContext.withSsl(int idx,
MatchRule rule,
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> sslContext)
Get a new authentication context which is the same as this one, but which includes the given rule and SSL context
inserted at the position of its list indicated by the
idx parameter. |
AuthenticationContext |
AuthenticationContext.withSsl(MatchRule rule,
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> sslContext)
Get a new authentication context which is the same as this one, but which includes the given rule and SSL context at
the end of its SSL context list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MechanismConfiguration.Builder |
MechanismConfiguration.Builder.setServerCredential(SecurityFactory<Credential> credentialFactory)
Set a single server credential factory.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SecurityFactory implementation for obtaining a GSSCredential . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityFactory<GSSKerberosCredential> | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CredentialSource |
CredentialSource.fromSecurityFactory(SecurityFactory<Credential> credentialFactory)
Get a credential source from the given security factory.
Constructor and Description |
CredentialStoreCredentialSource(SecurityFactory<CredentialStore> credentialStoreFactory,
String alias)
Construct a new instance.
KeyStoreCredentialSource(SecurityFactory<KeyStore.Entry> entryFactory)
Construct a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
Build a security factory for the new context.
static SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
SSLUtils.createConfiguredSslContextFactory(SecurityFactory<SSLContext> originalFactory,
SSLConfigurator sslConfigurator)
Create a configured SSL context factory from an outside SSL context.
static SecurityFactory<SSLEngine> |
SSLUtils.createDispatchingSSLEngineFactory(SSLContextSelector selector)
Get a factory which produces SSL engines which dispatch to the appropriate SSL context based on the information
in the SSL greeting.
static SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
SSLUtils.createSimpleSslContextFactory(String protocol,
Provider provider)
Create a simple security factory for SSL contexts.
static SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
SSLUtils.createSslContextFactory(ProtocolSelector protocolSelector,
Supplier<Provider[]> providerSupplier)
Create an SSL context factory which locates the best context by searching the preferred providers in order using
the rules established in the given protocol selector.
static SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
SSLUtils.createSslContextFactory(ProtocolSelector protocolSelector,
Supplier<Provider[]> providerSupplier,
String providerName)
Create an SSL context factory which locates the best context by searching the preferred providers in order using
the rules established in the given protocol selector.
static SecurityFactory<X509TrustManager> |
Get the platform's default X.509 trust manager security factory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SecurityFactory<SSLContext> |
SSLUtils.createConfiguredSslContextFactory(SecurityFactory<SSLContext> originalFactory,
SSLConfigurator sslConfigurator)
Create a configured SSL context factory from an outside SSL context.
SSLContextBuilder |
SSLContextBuilder.setKeyManagerSecurityFactory(SecurityFactory<X509ExtendedKeyManager> keyManagerSecurityFactory)
Set the factory for the key manager which should be used to hold identities for this context.
SSLContextBuilder |
SSLContextBuilder.setTrustManagerSecurityFactory(SecurityFactory<X509TrustManager> trustManagerSecurityFactory)
Set the factory for the trust manager which should be used for the initial trust decisions during connection.
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