Class CacheEntrySizeCalculator<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - The type of the key
    V - The type of the value
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    EntrySizeCalculator<K,​InternalCacheEntry<K,​V>>, org.infinispan.container.impl.KeyValueMetadataSizeCalculator<K,​V>

    public class CacheEntrySizeCalculator<K,​V>
    extends AbstractEntrySizeCalculatorHelper<K,​InternalCacheEntry<K,​V>>
    implements org.infinispan.container.impl.KeyValueMetadataSizeCalculator<K,​V>
    Implementation of a size calculator that calcultes only the size of the value assuming it is an InternalCacheEntry. This delegates the calculation of the key and the value contained within the InternalCacheEntry to the provided SizeCalculator.
    William Burns
    • Constructor Detail

      • CacheEntrySizeCalculator

        public CacheEntrySizeCalculator​(EntrySizeCalculator<? super K,​? super V> calculator)
    • Method Detail

      • calculateSize

        public long calculateSize​(K key,
                                  InternalCacheEntry<K,​V> ice)
        Description copied from interface: EntrySizeCalculator
        Method used to calculate how much memory in size the key and value use.
        Specified by:
        calculateSize in interface EntrySizeCalculator<K,​V>
        key - The key for this entry to be used in size calculation
        ice - The value for this entry to be used in size calculation
        The size approximately in memory the key and value use
      • calculateSize

        public long calculateSize​(K key,
                                  V value,
                                  Metadata metadata)
        Description copied from interface: org.infinispan.container.impl.KeyValueMetadataSizeCalculator
        Method used to calculate how much memory in size the key, value and metadata use.
        Specified by:
        calculateSize in interface org.infinispan.container.impl.KeyValueMetadataSizeCalculator<K,​V>
        key - The key for this entry to be used in size calculation
        value - The value for this entry to be used in size calculation
        metadata - The metadata for this entry to be used in size calculation
        The size approximately in memory the key, value and metadata use.