Advanced Overcloud Customization

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.0

Methods for configuring advanced features using Red Hat OpenStack Platform director

OpenStack Documentation Team


This guide explains how to configure certain advanced features for a Red Hat OpenStack Platform enterprise environment using the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director. This includes features such as network isolation, storage configuration, SSL communication, and general configuration methods.

Chapter 1. Introduction

The Red Hat OpenStack Platform director provides a set of tools to provision and create a fully featured OpenStack environment, also known as the Overcloud. The Director Installation and Usage Guide covers the preparation and configuration of the Overcloud. However, a proper production-level Overcloud might require additional configuration, including:

  • Basic network configuration to integrate the Overcloud into your existing network infrastructure.
  • Network traffic isolation on separate VLANs for certain OpenStack network traffic types.
  • SSL configuration to secure communication on public endpoints
  • Storage options such as NFS, iSCSI, Red Hat Ceph Storage, and multiple third-party storage devices.
  • Registration of nodes to the Red Hat Content Delivery Network or your internal Red Hat Satellite 5 or 6 server.
  • Various system-level options.
  • Various OpenStack service options.

This guide provides instructions for augmenting your Overcloud through the director. At this point, the director has registered the nodes and configured the necessary services for Overcloud creation. Now you can customize your Overcloud using the methods in this guide.


The examples in this guide are optional steps for configuring the Overcloud. These steps are only required to provide the Overcloud with additional functionality. Use the steps that apply to the needs of your environment.

Chapter 2. Understanding Heat Templates

The custom configurations in this guide use Heat templates and environment files to define certain aspects of the Overcloud. This chapter provides a basic introduction to Heat templates so that you can understand the structure and format of these templates in the context of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform director.

2.1. Heat Templates

The director uses Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT) as a template format for its Overcloud deployment plan. Templates in HOT format are usually expressed in YAML format. The purpose of a template is to define and create a stack, which is a collection of resources that Heat creates, and the configuration of the resources. Resources are objects in OpenStack and can include compute resources, network configuration, security groups, scaling rules, and custom resources.


The Heat template file extension must be .yaml or .template, or it will not be treated as a custom template resource.

The structure of a Heat template has three main sections:

These are settings passed to Heat, which provide a way to customize a stack, and any default values for parameters without passed values. These settings are defined in the parameters section of a template.
These are the specific objects to create and configure as part of a stack. OpenStack contains a set of core resources that span across all components. These are defined in the resources section of a template.
These are values passed from Heat after the creation of the stack. You can access these values either through the Heat API or client tools. These are defined in the output section of a template.

Here is an example of a basic Heat template:

heat_template_version: 2013-05-23

description: > A very basic Heat template.

    type: string
    default: lars
    description: Name of an existing key pair to use for the instance
    type: string
    description: Instance type for the instance to be created
    default: m1.small
    type: string
    default: cirros
    description: ID or name of the image to use for the instance

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      name: My Cirros Instance
      image: { get_param: image }
      flavor: { get_param: flavor }
      key_name: { get_param: key_name }

    description: Get the instance's name
    value: { get_attr: [ my_instance, name ] }

This template uses the resource type type: OS::Nova::Server to create an instance called my_instance with a particular flavor, image, and key. The stack can return the value of instance_name, which is called My Cirros Instance.

When Heat processes a template it creates a stack for the template and a set of child stacks for resource templates. This creates a hierarchy of stacks that descend from the main stack you define with your template. You can view the stack hierarchy using this following command:

$ openstack stack list --nested

2.2. Environment Files

An environment file is a special type of template that provides customization for your Heat templates. This includes three key parts:

Resource Registry
This section defines custom resource names, linked to other Heat templates. This provides a method to create custom resources that do not exist within the core resource collection. These are defined in the resource_registry section of an environment file.
These are common settings you apply to the top-level template’s parameters. For example, if you have a template that deploys nested stacks, such as resource registry mappings, the parameters only apply to the top-level template and not templates for the nested resources. Parameters are defined in the parameters section of an environment file.
Parameter Defaults
These parameters modify the default values for parameters in all templates. For example, if you have a Heat template that deploys nested stacks, such as resource registry mappings,the parameter defaults apply to all templates. The parameter defaults are defined in the parameter_defaults section of an environment file.

It is recommended to use parameter_defaults instead of parameters When creating custom environment files for your Overcloud. This is so the parameters apply to all stack templates for the Overcloud.

An example of a basic environment file:

  OS::Nova::Server::MyServer: myserver.yaml

  NetworkName: my_network


For example, this environment file (my_env.yaml) might be included when creating a stack from a certain Heat template (my_template.yaml). The my_env.yaml files creates a new resource type called OS::Nova::Server::MyServer. The myserver.yaml file is a Heat template file that provides an implementation for this resource type that overrides any built-in ones. You can include the OS::Nova::Server::MyServer resource in your my_template.yaml file.

The MyIP applies a parameter only to the main Heat template that deploys along with this environment file. In this example, it only applies to the parameters in my_template.yaml.

The NetworkName applies to both the main Heat template (in this example, my_template.yaml) and the templates associated with resources included the main template, such as the OS::Nova::Server::MyServer resource and its myserver.yaml template in this example.


The environment file extension must be .yaml or .template, or it will not be treated as a custom template resource.

2.3. Core Overcloud Heat Templates

The director contains a core Heat template collection for the Overcloud. This collection is stored in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates.

There are many Heat templates and environment files in this collection. However, the main files and directories to note in this template collection are:

This is the main template file used to create the Overcloud environment. This file uses Jinja2 syntax to iterate over certain sections in the template to create custom roles. The Jinja2 formatting is rendered into YAML during the Overcloud deployment process.
This is the main environment file used to create the Overcloud environment. It provides a set of configurations for Puppet modules stored on the Overcloud image. After the director writes the Overcloud image to each node, Heat starts the Puppet configuration for each node using the resources registered in this environment file. This file uses Jinja2 syntax to iterate over certain sections in the template to create custom roles. The Jinja2 formatting is rendered into YAML during the overcloud deployment process.
A file that defines the roles in an overcloud and maps services to each role.
A file that defines the networks in an overcloud and their properties such as subnets, allocation pools, and VIP status. The default network_data file contains the default networks: External, Internal Api, Storage, Storage Management, Tenant, and Management. You can create a custom network_data file and add it to your openstack overcloud deploy command with the -n option.
A file that defines the metadata for your overcloud plan. This includes the plan name, main template to use, and environment files to apply to the overcloud.
A mapping of environment files for an overcloud plan. Use this file to describe and enable environment files through the director’s web UI. Custom environment files detected in the environments directory in an overcloud plan but not defined in the capabilities-map.yaml are listed in the Other subtab of 2 Specify Deployment Configuration > Overall Settings on the web UI.
Contains additional Heat environment files that you can use with your Overcloud creation. These environment files enable extra functions for your resulting OpenStack environment. For example, the directory contains an environment file for enabling Cinder NetApp backend storage (cinder-netapp-config.yaml). Any environment files detected in this directory that are not defined in the capabilities-map.yaml file are listed in the Other subtab of 2 Specify Deployment Configuration > Overall Settings in the director’s web UI.
A set of Heat templates to help create isolated networks and ports.
Templates mostly driven by configuration with puppet. The aforementioned overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml environment file uses the files in this directory to drive the application of the Puppet configuration on each node.
A directory containing Heat templates for all services in the composable service architecture.
Templates used to enable extra functionality.
Provides example first_boot scripts that the director uses when initially creating the nodes.

2.4. Plan Environment Metadata

A plan environment metadata file allows you to define metadata about your overcloud plan. This information is used when importing and exporting your overcloud plan, plus used during the overcloud creation from your plan.

A plan environment metadata file includes the following parameters:

The version of the template.
The name of the overcloud plan and the container in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) used to store the plan files.
The core parent template to use for the overcloud deployment. This is most often overcloud.yaml, which is the rendered version of the overcloud.yaml.j2 template.
Defines a list of environment files to use. Specify the path of each environment file with the path sub-parameter.
A set of parameters to use in your overcloud. This functions in the same way as the parameter_defaults section in a standard environment file.
A set of parameters to use for overcloud passwords. This functions in the same way as the parameter_defaults section in a standard environment file. Usually, the director automatically populates this section with randomly generated passwords.
Allows you to provide a set of parameters to OpenStack Workflow (mistral) namespaces. You can use this to calculate and automatically generate certain overcloud parameters.

The following is an example of the syntax of a plan environment file:

version: 1.0
name: myovercloud
description: 'My Overcloud Plan'
template: overcloud.yaml
- path: overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml
- path: environments/containers-default-parameters.yaml
- path: user-environment.yaml
  ControllerCount: 1
  ComputeCount: 1
  OvercloudComputeFlavor: compute
  OvercloudControllerFlavor: control
    num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd: 2

You can include the plan environment metadata file with the openstack overcloud deploy command using the -p option. For example:

(undercloud) $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
  -p /my-plan-environment.yaml \

You can also view plan metadata for an existing overcloud plan using the following command:

(undercloud) $ openstack object save overcloud plan-environment.yaml --file -

2.5. Including Environment Files in Overcloud Creation

The deployment command (openstack overcloud deploy) uses the -e option to include an environment file to customize your Overcloud. You can include as many environment files as necessary. However, the order of the environment files is important as the parameters and resources defined in subsequent environment files take precedence. For example, you might have two environment files:


  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/template-1.yaml

  RabbitFDLimit: 65536
  TimeZone: 'Japan'


  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/template-2.yaml

  TimeZone: 'Hongkong'

Then deploy with both environment files included:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e environment-file-1.yaml -e environment-file-2.yaml

In this example, both environment files contain a common resource type (OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost) and a common parameter (TimeZone). The openstack overcloud deploy command runs through the following process:

  1. Loads the default configuration from the core Heat template collection as per the --template option.
  2. Applies the configuration from environment-file-1.yaml, which overrides any common settings from the default configuration.
  3. Applies the configuration from environment-file-2.yaml, which overrides any common settings from the default configuration and environment-file-1.yaml.

This results in the following changes to the default configuration of the Overcloud:

  • OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost resource is set to /home/stack/templates/template-2.yaml as per environment-file-2.yaml.
  • TimeZone parameter is set to Hongkong as per environment-file-2.yaml.
  • RabbitFDLimit parameter is set to 65536 as per environment-file-1.yaml. environment-file-2.yaml does not change this value.

This provides a method for defining custom configuration to the your Overcloud without values from multiple environment files conflicting.

2.6. Using Customized Core Heat Templates

When creating the overcloud, the director uses a core set of Heat templates located in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates. If you want to customize this core template collection, use a Git workflow to track changes and merge updates. Use the following git processes to help manage your custom template collection:

Initializing a Custom Template Collection

Use the following procedure to create an initial Git repository containing the Heat template collection:

  1. Copy the template collection to the stack users directory. This example copies the collection to the ~/templates directory:

    $ cd ~/templates
    $ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates .
  2. Change to the custom template directory and initialize a Git repository:

    $ cd openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
    $ git init .
  3. Configure your Git user name and email address:

    $ git config --global "<USER_NAME>"
    $ git config --global "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"

    Replace <USER_NAME> with the user name that you want to use. Replace <EMAIL_ADDRESS> with your email address.

  4. Stage all templates for the initial commit:

    $ git add *
  5. Create an initial commit:

    $ git commit -m "Initial creation of custom core heat templates"

This creates an initial master branch containing the latest core template collection. Use this branch as the basis for your custom branch and merge new template versions to this branch.

Creating a Custom Branch and Committing Changes

Use a custom branch to store your changes to the core template collection. Use the following procedure to create a my-customizations branch and add customizations to it:

  1. Create the my-customizations branch and switch to it:

    $ git checkout -b my-customizations
  2. Edit the files in the custom branch.
  3. Stage the changes in git:

    $ git add [edited files]
  4. Commit the changes to the custom branch:

    $ git commit -m "[Commit message for custom changes]"

This adds your changes as commits to the my-customizations branch. When the master branch updates, you can rebase my-customizations off master, which causes git to add these commits on to the updated template collection. This helps track your customizations and replay them on future template updates.

Updating the Custom Template Collection:

When updating the undercloud, the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package might also update. When this occurs, use the following procedure to update your custom template collection:

  1. Save the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package version as an environment variable:

    $ export PACKAGE=$(rpm -qv openstack-tripleo-heat-templates)
  2. Change to your template collection directory and create a new branch for the updated templates:

    $ cd ~/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
    $ git checkout -b $PACKAGE
  3. Remove all files in the branch and replace them with the new versions:

    $ git rm -rf *
    $ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/* .
  4. Add all templates for the initial commit:

    $ git add *
  5. Create a commit for the package update:

    $ git commit -m "Updates for $PACKAGE"
  6. Merge the branch into master. If you use a Git management system (such as GitLab), use the management workflow. If you use git locally, merge by switching to the master branch and run the git merge command:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge $PACKAGE

The master branch now contains the latest version of the core template collection. You can now rebase the my-customization branch from this updated collection.

Rebasing the Custom Branch

Use the following procedure to update the my-customization branch,:

  1. Change to the my-customizations branch:

    $ git checkout my-customizations
  2. Rebase the branch off master:

    $ git rebase master

This updates the my-customizations branch and replays the custom commits made to this branch.

If git reports any conflicts during the rebase, use this procedure:

  1. Check which files contain the conflicts:

    $ git status
  2. Resolve the conflicts of the template files identified.
  3. Add the resolved files:

    $ git add [resolved files]
  4. Continue the rebase:

    $ git rebase --continue

Deploying Custom Templates

Use the following procedure to deploy the custom template collection:

  1. Ensure that you have switched to the my-customization branch:

    git checkout my-customizations
  2. Run the openstack overcloud deploy command with the --templates option to specify your local template directory:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates /home/stack/templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates [OTHER OPTIONS]

The director uses the default template directory (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates) if you specify the --templates option without a directory.


Red Hat recommends using the methods in Chapter 4, Configuration Hooks instead of modifying the Heat template collection.

2.7. Jinja2 rendering

The core Heat templates in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates contains a number of files ending with a j2.yaml extension. These files contain Jinja2 template syntax and the director renders these files to their static Heat template equivalents ending in .yaml. For example, the main overcloud.j2.yaml file renders into overcloud.yaml. The director uses the resulting overcloud.yaml file.

The Jinja2-enabled Heat templates use Jinja2 syntax to create parameters and resources for iterative values. For example, the overcloud.j2.yaml file contains the following snippet:

{% for role in roles %}
    description: Number of {{}} nodes to deploy
    type: number
    default: {{role.CountDefault|default(0)}}
{% endfor %}

When the director renders the Jinja2 syntax, the director iterates over the roles defined in the roles_data.yaml file and populates the {{}}Count parameter with the name of the role. The default roles_data.yaml file contains five roles and results in the the following parameters from our example:

  • ControllerCount
  • ComputeCount
  • BlockStorageCount
  • ObjectStorageCount
  • CephStorageCount

A example rendered version of the parameter looks like this:

    description: Number of Controller nodes to deploy
    type: number
    default: 1

The director only renders Jinja2-enabled templates and environment files within the directory of your core Heat templates. The following use cases demonstrate the correct method to render the Jinja2 templates.

Use case 1: Default core templates

Template directory: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/

Environment file: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

The director uses the default core template location (--templates). The director renders the network-isolation.j2.yaml file into network-isolation.yaml. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, use the -e option to include the name of rendered network-isolation.yaml file.

$ openstack ovecloud deploy --templates \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml

Use case 2: Custom core templates

Template directory: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates

Environment file: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

The director uses a custom core template location (--templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates). The director renders the network-isolation.j2.yaml file within the custom core templates into network-isolation.yaml. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, use the -e option to include the name of rendered network-isolation.yaml file.

$ openstack ovecloud deploy --templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates \
    -e /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml

Use case 3: Incorrect usage

Template directory: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/

Environment file: /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml

This director uses a custom core template location (--templates /home/stack/tripleo-heat-templates). However, the chosen network-isolation.j2.yaml is not located within the custom core templates, so it will not render into network-isolation.yaml. This causes the deployment to fail.

Chapter 3. Parameters

Each Heat template in the director’s template collection contains a parameters section. This section defines all parameters specific to a particular overcloud service. This includes the following:

  • overcloud.j2.yaml - Default base parameters
  • roles_data.yaml - Default parameters for composable roles
  • deployment/*.yaml - Default parameters for specific services

You can modify the values for these parameters using the following method:

  1. Create an environment file for your custom parameters.
  2. Include your custom parameters in the parameter_defaults section of the environment file.
  3. Include the environment file with the openstack overcloud deploy command.

The next few sections contain examples to demonstrate how to configure specific parameters for services in the deployment directory.

3.1. Example 1: Configuring the time zone

The Heat template for setting the timezone (puppet/services/time/timezone.yaml) contains a TimeZone parameter. If you leave the TimeZone parameter blank, the overcloud sets the time to UTC as a default.

To obtain lists of timezones run the timedatectl list-timezones command. The following example command retrieves the timezones for Asia:

$ sudo timedatectl list-timezones|grep "Asia"

After you identify your timezone, set the TimeZone parameter in an environment file. The following example environment file sets the value of TimeZone to Asia/Tokyo:

  TimeZone: 'Asia/Tokyo'

3.2. Example 2: Enabling Networking Distributed Virtual Routing (DVR)

DVR is enabled by default in new ML2/OVN deployments and disabled by default in new ML2/OVS deployments. The Heat template for the OpenStack Networking (neutron) API (deployment/neutron/neutron-api-container-puppet.yaml) contains a parameter to enable and disable Distributed Virtual Routing (DVR). To disable DVR, use the following in an environment file:

  NeutronEnableDVR: false

3.3. Example 3: Configuring RabbitMQ File Descriptor Limit

For certain configurations, you might need to increase the file descriptor limit for the RabbitMQ server. The deployment/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-container-puppet.yaml Heat template allows you to set the RabbitFDLimit parameter to the limit you require. Add the following to an environment file:

  RabbitFDLimit: 65536

3.4. Example 4: Enabling and Disabling Parameters

You might need to initially set a parameter during a deployment, then disable the parameter for a future deployment operation, such as updates or scaling operations. For example, to include a custom RPM during the overcloud creation, include the following:

  DeployArtifactURLs: [""]

To disable this parameter from a future deployment, it is not enough to remove the parameter. Instead, you set the parameter to an empty value:

  DeployArtifactURLs: []

This ensures the parameter is no longer set for subsequent deployments operations.

3.5. Example 5: Role-based parameters

Use the [ROLE]Parameters parameters, replacing [ROLE] with a composable role, to set parameters for a specific role.

For example, director configures logrotate on both Controller and Compute nodes. To set a different different logrotate parameters for Controller and Compute nodes, create an environment file that contains both the ‘ControllerParameters’ and ‘ComputeParameters’ parameter and set the logrotate parameter for each specific role:

    LogrotateMaxsize: 10M
    LogrotatePurgeAfterDays: 30
    LogrotateMaxsize: 20M
    LogrotatePurgeAfterDays: 15

3.6. Identifying Parameters to Modify

Red Hat OpenStack Platform director provides many parameters for configuration. In some cases, you might experience difficulty identifying a certain option to configure and the corresponding director parameter. If there is an option you want to configure through the director, use the following workflow to identify and map the option to a specific overcloud parameter:

  1. Identify the option you aim to configure. Make a note of the service that uses the option.
  2. Check the corresponding Puppet module for this option. The Puppet modules for Red Hat OpenStack Platform are located under /etc/puppet/modules on the director node. Each module corresponds to a particular service. For example, the keystone module corresponds to the OpenStack Identity (keystone).

    • If the Puppet module contains a variable that controls the chosen option, move to the next step.
    • If the Puppet module does not contain a variable that controls the chosen option, no hieradata exists for this option. If possible, you can set the option manually after the overcloud completes deployment.
  3. Check the director’s core Heat template collection for the Puppet variable in the form of hieradata. The templates in deployment/* usually correspond to the Puppet modules of the same services. For example, the deployment/keystone/keystone-container-puppet.yaml template provides hieradata to the keystone module.

    • If the Heat template sets hieradata for the Puppet variable, the template should also disclose the director-based parameter to modify.
    • If the Heat template does not set hieradata for the Puppet variable, use the configuration hooks to pass the hieradata using an environment file. See Section 4.5, “Puppet: Customizing Hieradata for Roles” for more information on customizing hieradata.

Workflow Example

To change the notification format for OpenStack Identity (keystone), use the workflow and complete the following steps:

  1. Identify the OpenStack parameter to configure (notification_format).
  2. Search the keystone Puppet module for the notification_format setting. For example:

    $ grep notification_format /etc/puppet/modules/keystone/manifests/*

    In this case, the keystone module manages this option using the keystone::notification_format variable.

  3. Search the keystone service template for this variable. For example:

    $ grep "keystone::notification_format" /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/keystone/keystone-container-puppet.yaml

    The output shows the director using the KeystoneNotificationFormat parameter to set the keystone::notification_format hieradata.

The following table shows the eventual mapping:

Director ParameterPuppet HieradataOpenStack Identity (keystone) option




You set the KeystoneNotificationFormat in an overcloud’s environment file which in turn sets the notification_format option in the keystone.conf file during the overcloud’s configuration.

Chapter 4. Configuration Hooks

The configuration hooks provide a method to inject your own configuration functions into the Overcloud deployment process. This includes hooks for injecting custom configuration before and after the main Overcloud services configuration and hook for modifying and including Puppet-based configuration.

4.1. First Boot: Customizing First Boot Configuration

The director provides a mechanism to perform configuration on all nodes upon the initial creation of the Overcloud. The director achieves this through cloud-init, which you can call using the OS::TripleO::NodeUserData resource type.

In this example, update the nameserver with a custom IP address on all nodes. First, create a basic Heat template (/home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml) that runs a script to append each node’s resolv.conf with a specific nameserver. You can use the OS::TripleO::MultipartMime resource type to send the configuration script.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Extra hostname configuration

    type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
      - config: {get_resource: nameserver_config}

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      config: |
        echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

    value: {get_resource: userdata}

Create an environment file (/home/stack/templates/firstboot.yaml) that registers your Heat template as the OS::TripleO::NodeUserData resource type.

  OS::TripleO::NodeUserData: /home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml

To add the first boot configuration, add the environment file to the stack along with your other environment files when first creating the Overcloud. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /home/stack/templates/firstboot.yaml \

The -e applies the environment file to the Overcloud stack.

This adds the configuration to all nodes when they are first created and boot for the first time. Subsequent inclusions of these templates, such as updating the Overcloud stack, does not run these scripts.


You can only register the OS::TripleO::NodeUserData to one Heat template. Subsequent usage overrides the Heat template to use.

4.2. Pre-Configuration: Customizing Specific Overcloud Roles


Previous versions of this document used the OS::TripleO::Tasks::*PreConfig resources to provide pre-configuration hooks on a per role basis. The director’s Heat template collection requires dedicated use of these hooks, which means you should not use them for custom use. Instead, use the OS::TripleO::*ExtraConfigPre hooks outlined below.

The Overcloud uses Puppet for the core configuration of OpenStack components. The director provides a set of hooks to provide custom configuration for specific node roles after the first boot completes and before the core configuration begins. These hooks include:

Additional configuration applied to Controller nodes before the core Puppet configuration.
Additional configuration applied to Compute nodes before the core Puppet configuration.
Additional configuration applied to Ceph Storage nodes before the core Puppet configuration.
Additional configuration applied to Object Storage nodes before the core Puppet configuration.
Additional configuration applied to Block Storage nodes before the core Puppet configuration.
Additional configuration applied to custom nodes before the core Puppet configuration. Replace [ROLE] with the composable role name.

In this example, you first create a basic Heat template (/home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml) that runs a script to write to a node’s resolv.conf with a variable nameserver.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Extra hostname configuration

    type: json
    type: string
    type: string

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      group: script
          template: |
            echo "nameserver _NAMESERVER_IP_" > /etc/resolv.conf
            _NAMESERVER_IP_: {get_param: nameserver_ip}

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
      server: {get_param: server}
      config: {get_resource: CustomExtraConfigPre}
      actions: ['CREATE','UPDATE']
        deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}

    description: Deployment reference, used to trigger pre-deploy on changes
    value: {get_attr: [CustomExtraDeploymentPre, deploy_stdout]}

In this example, the resources section contains the following parameters:

This defines a software configuration. In this example, we define a Bash script and Heat replaces _NAMESERVER_IP_ with the value stored in the nameserver_ip parameter.

This executes a software configuration, which is the software configuration from the CustomExtraConfigPre resource. Note the following:

  • The config parameter makes a reference to the CustomExtraConfigPre resource so Heat knows what configuration to apply.
  • The server parameter retrieves a map of the Overcloud nodes. This parameter is provided by the parent template and is mandatory in templates for this hook.
  • The actions parameter defines when to apply the configuration. In this case, apply the configuration when the Overcloud is created. Possible actions include CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, SUSPEND, and RESUME.
  • input_values contains a parameter called deploy_identifier, which stores the DeployIdentifier from the parent template. This parameter provides a timestamp to the resource for each deployment update. This ensures the resource reapplies on subsequent overcloud updates.

Create an environment file (/home/stack/templates/pre_config.yaml) that registers your Heat template to the role-based resource type. For example, to apply only to Controller nodes, use the ControllerExtraConfigPre hook:

  OS::TripleO::ControllerExtraConfigPre: /home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml


To apply the configuration, add the environment file to the stack along with your other environment files when creating or updating the Overcloud. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /home/stack/templates/pre_config.yaml \

This applies the configuration to all Controller nodes before the core configuration begins on either the initial Overcloud creation or subsequent updates.


You can only register each resource to only one Heat template per hook. Subsequent usage overrides the Heat template to use.

4.3. Pre-Configuration: Customizing All Overcloud Roles

The Overcloud uses Puppet for the core configuration of OpenStack components. The director provides a hook to configure all node types after the first boot completes and before the core configuration begins:

Additional configuration applied to all nodes roles before the core Puppet configuration.

In this example, create a basic Heat template (/home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml) that runs a script to append each node’s resolv.conf with a variable nameserver.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Extra hostname configuration

    type: string
    type: string
    type: string

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      group: script
          template: |
            echo "nameserver _NAMESERVER_IP_" >> /etc/resolv.conf
            _NAMESERVER_IP_: {get_param: nameserver_ip}

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
      server: {get_param: server}
      config: {get_resource: CustomExtraConfigPre}
      actions: ['CREATE','UPDATE']
        deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}

    description: Deployment reference, used to trigger pre-deploy on changes
    value: {get_attr: [CustomExtraDeploymentPre, deploy_stdout]}

In this example, the resources section contains the following parameters:

This defines a software configuration. In this example, we define a Bash script and Heat replaces _NAMESERVER_IP_ with the value stored in the nameserver_ip parameter.

This executes a software configuration, which is the software configuration from the CustomExtraConfigPre resource. Note the following:

  • The config parameter makes a reference to the CustomExtraConfigPre resource so Heat knows what configuration to apply.
  • The server parameter retrieves a map of the Overcloud nodes. This parameter is provided by the parent template and is mandatory in templates for this hook.
  • The actions parameter defines when to apply the configuration. In this case, we only apply the configuration when the Overcloud is created. Possible actions include CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, SUSPEND, and RESUME.
  • The input_values parameter contains a sub-parameter called deploy_identifier, which stores the DeployIdentifier from the parent template. This parameter provides a timestamp to the resource for each deployment update. This ensures the resource reapplies on subsequent overcloud updates.

Next, create an environment file (/home/stack/templates/pre_config.yaml) that registers your heat template as the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig resource type.

  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig: /home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml


To apply the configuration, add the environment file to the stack along with your other environment files when creating or updating the Overcloud. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /home/stack/templates/pre_config.yaml \

This applies the configuration to all nodes before the core configuration begins on either the initial Overcloud creation or subsequent updates.


You can only register the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig to only one Heat template. Subsequent usage overrides the Heat template to use.

4.4. Post-Configuration: Customizing All Overcloud Roles


Previous versions of this document used the OS::TripleO::Tasks::*PostConfig resources to provide post-configuration hooks on a per role basis. The director’s Heat template collection requires dedicated use of these hooks, which means you should not use them for custom use. Instead, use the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost hook outlined below.

A situation might occur where you have completed the creation of your Overcloud but want to add additional configuration to all roles, either on initial creation or on a subsequent update of the Overcloud. In this case, you use the following post-configuration hook:

Additional configuration applied to all nodes roles after the core Puppet configuration.

In this example, you first create a basic heat template (/home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml) that runs a script to append each node’s resolv.conf with a variable nameserver.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Extra hostname configuration

    type: json
    type: string
    type: string
    default: {}
    type: json

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      group: script
          template: |
            echo "nameserver _NAMESERVER_IP_" >> /etc/resolv.conf
            _NAMESERVER_IP_: {get_param: nameserver_ip}

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
      servers:  {get_param: servers}
      config: {get_resource: CustomExtraConfig}
      actions: ['CREATE','UPDATE']
        deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}

In this example, the resources section contains the following:

This defines a software configuration. In this example, we define a Bash script and Heat replaces _NAMESERVER_IP_ with the value stored in the nameserver_ip parameter.

This executes a software configuration, which is the software configuration from the CustomExtraConfig resource. Note the following:

  • The config parameter makes a reference to the CustomExtraConfig resource so Heat knows what configuration to apply.
  • The servers parameter retrieves a map of the Overcloud nodes. This parameter is provided by the parent template and is mandatory in templates for this hook.
  • The actions parameter defines when to apply the configuration. In this case, we apply the configuration when the Overcloud is created. Possible actions include CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, SUSPEND, and RESUME.
  • input_values contains a parameter called deploy_identifier, which stores the DeployIdentifier from the parent template. This parameter provides a timestamp to the resource for each deployment update. This ensures the resource reapplies on subsequent overcloud updates.

Create an environment file (/home/stack/templates/post_config.yaml) that registers your Heat template as the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: resource type.

  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/nameserver.yaml


To apply the configuration, add the environment file to the stack along with your other environment files when creating or updating the Overcloud. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /home/stack/templates/post_config.yaml \

This applies the configuration to all nodes after the core configuration completes on either initial Overcloud creation or subsequent updates.


You can only register the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost to only one Heat template. Subsequent usage overrides the Heat template to use.

4.5. Puppet: Customizing Hieradata for Roles

The Heat template collection contains a set of parameters to pass extra configuration to certain node types. These parameters save the configuration as hieradata for the node’s Puppet configuration. These parameters are:

Configuration to add to all Controller nodes.
Configuration to add to all Compute nodes.
Configuration to add to all Block Storage nodes.
Configuration to add to all Object Storage nodes.
Configuration to add to all Ceph Storage nodes.
Configuration to add to a composable role. Replace [ROLE] with the composable role name.
Configuration to add to all nodes.

To add extra configuration to the post-deployment configuration process, create an environment file that contains these parameters in the parameter_defaults section. For example, to increase the reserved memory for Compute hosts to 1024 MB and set the VNC keymap to Japanese:

    nova::compute::reserved_host_memory: 1024
    nova::compute::vnc_keymap: ja

Include this environment file when running openstack overcloud deploy.


You can only define each parameter once. Subsequent usage overrides previous values.

4.6. Puppet: Customizing Hieradata for Individual Nodes

You can set Puppet hieradata for individual nodes using the Heat template collection. To accomplish this, acquire the system UUID saved as part of the introspection data for a node:

$ openstack baremetal introspection data save 9dcc87ae-4c6d-4ede-81a5-9b20d7dc4a14 | jq .extra.system.product.uuid

This outputs a system UUID. For example:


Use this system UUID in an environment file that defines node-specific hieradata and registers the per_node.yaml template to a pre-configuration hook. For example:

  OS::TripleO::ComputeExtraConfigPre: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/per_node.yaml
  NodeDataLookup: '{"F5055C6C-477F-47FB-AFE5-95C6928C407F": {"nova::compute::vcpu_pin_set": [ "2", "3" ]}}'

Include this environment file when running openstack overcloud deploy.

The per_node.yaml template generates a set of heiradata files on nodes that correspond to each system UUID and contains the hieradata you defined. If a UUID is not defined, the resulting hieradata file is empty. In the previous example, the per_node.yaml template runs on all Compute nodes (as per the OS::TripleO::ComputeExtraConfigPre hook), but only the Compute node with system UUID F5055C6C-477F-47FB-AFE5-95C6928C407F receives hieradata.

This provides a method of tailoring each node to specific requirements.

For more information about NodeDataLookup, see Configuring Ceph Storage Cluster Setting in the Deploying an Overcloud with Containerized Red Hat Ceph guide.

4.7. Puppet: Applying Custom Manifests

In certain circumstances, you might need to install and configure some additional components to your Overcloud nodes. You can achieve this with a custom Puppet manifest that applies to nodes after the main configuration completes. As a basic example, you might intend to install motd to each node. The process for accomplishing this is to first create a Heat template (/home/stack/templates/custom_puppet_config.yaml) that launches Puppet configuration.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Run Puppet extra configuration to set new MOTD

    type: json

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      config: {get_file: motd.pp}
      group: puppet
        enable_hiera: True
        enable_facter: False

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
      config: {get_resource: ExtraPuppetConfig}
      servers: {get_param: servers}

This includes the /home/stack/templates/motd.pp within the template and passes it to nodes for configuration. The motd.pp file itself contains the Puppet classes to install and configure motd.

Create an environment file (/home/stack/templates/puppet_post_config.yaml) that registers your heat template as the OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: resource type.

  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost: /home/stack/templates/custom_puppet_config.yaml

Include this environment file along with your other environment files when creating or updating the Overcloud stack:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /home/stack/templates/puppet_post_config.yaml \

This applies the configuration from motd.pp to all nodes in the Overcloud.

Chapter 5. Ansible-based overcloud registration

The director uses Ansible-based methods to register overcloud nodes to the Red Hat Customer Portal or a Red Hat Satellite 6 server.

5.1. Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM) composable service

The rhsm composable service provides a method to register overcloud nodes through Ansible. Each role in the default roles_data file contains a OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm resource, which is disabled by default. To enable the service, register the resource to the rhsm composable service file:

  OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-ansible.yaml

The rhsm composable service accepts a RhsmVars parameter, which allows you to define multiple sub-parameters relevant to your registration. For example:

      - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms
      - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms
      - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms
      - ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - openstack-16-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - rhceph-4-osd-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - rhceph-4-mon-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
      - fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    rhsm_username: "myusername"
    rhsm_password: "p@55w0rd!"
    rhsm_org_id: "1234567"

You can also use the RhsmVars parameter in combination with role-specific parameters (e.g. ControllerParameters) to provide flexibility when enabling specific repositories for different nodes types.

The next section is a list of sub-parameters available to use with the RhsmVars parameter for use with the rhsm composable service.

5.2. RhsmVars sub-parameters

See the role documentation to learn about all Ansible parameters.



Choose the registration method. Either portal, satellite, or disable.


The organization to use for registration. To locate this ID, run sudo subscription-manager orgs from the undercloud node. Enter your Red Hat credentials when prompted, and use the resulting Key value.


The subscription pool ID to use. Use this if not auto-attaching subscriptions. To locate this ID, run sudo subscription-manager list --available --all --matches="*OpenStack*" from the undercloud node, and use the resulting Pool ID value.


The activation key to use for registration. Does not work when rhsm_repos is configured.


Automatically attach compatible subscriptions to this system. Set to true to enable.


The base URL for obtaining content. The default is the Red Hat Content Delivery Network URL. If using a Satellite server, change this value to the base URL of your Satellite server content repositories.


The hostname of the subscription management service for registration. The default is the Red Hat Subscription Management hostname. If using a Satellite server, change this value to your Satellite server hostname.


A list of repositories to enable. Does not work when rhsm_activation_key is configured.


The username for registration. If possible, use activation keys for registration.


The password for registration. If possible, use activation keys for registration.


The hostname for the HTTP proxy. For example:


The port for HTTP proxy communication. For example: 8080.


The username to access the HTTP proxy.


The password to access the HTTP proxy.

Now that you have an understanding of how the rhsm composable service works and how to configure it, you can use the following procedures to configure your own registration details.

5.3. Registering the overcloud with the rhsm composable service

Use the following procedure to create an environment file that enables and configures the rhsm composable service. The director uses this environment file to register and subscribe your nodes.


  1. Create an environment file (templates/rhsm.yml) to store the configuration.
  2. Include your configuration in the environment file. For example:

      OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-ansible.yaml
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms
          - ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - openstack-16-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - rhceph-4-osd-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - rhceph-4-mon-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
        rhsm_username: "myusername"
        rhsm_password: "p@55w0rd!"
        rhsm_org_id: "1234567"
        rhsm_pool_ids: "1a85f9223e3d5e43013e3d6e8ff506fd"
        rhsm_method: "portal"

    The resource_registry associates the rhsm composable service with the OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm resource, which is available on each role.

    The RhsmVars variable passes parameters to Ansible for configuring your Red Hat registration.

  3. Save the environment file.

You can also provide registration details to specific overcloud roles. The next section provides an example of this.

5.4. Applying the rhsm composable service to different roles

You can apply the rhsm composable service on a per-role basis. For example, you can apply different sets of configurations to Controller nodes, Compute nodes, and Ceph Storage nodes.


  1. Create an environment file (templates/rhsm.yml) to store the configuration.
  2. Include your configuration in the environment file. For example:

      OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-ansible.yaml
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms
            - ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - openstack-16-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - rhceph-4-mon-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          rhsm_username: "myusername"
          rhsm_password: "p@55w0rd!"
          rhsm_org_id: "1234567"
          rhsm_pool_ids: "55d251f1490556f3e75aa37e89e10ce5"
          rhsm_method: "portal"
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms
            - ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - openstack-16-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          rhsm_username: "myusername"
          rhsm_password: "p@55w0rd!"
          rhsm_org_id: "1234567"
          rhsm_pool_ids: "55d251f1490556f3e75aa37e89e10ce5"
          rhsm_method: "portal"
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
            - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-rpms
            - ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - openstack-16-deployment-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
            - rhceph-4-osd-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          rhsm_username: "myusername"
          rhsm_password: "p@55w0rd!"
          rhsm_org_id: "1234567"
          rhsm_pool_ids: "68790a7aa2dc9dc50a9bc39fabc55e0d"
          rhsm_method: "portal"

    The resource_registry associates the rhsm composable service with the OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm resource, which is available on each role.

    The ControllerParameters, ComputeParameters, and CephStorageParameters use their own RhsmVars parameter to pass subscription details to their respective roles.


    Set the RhsmVars parameter within the CephStorageParameters parameter to use a Red Hat Ceph Storage subscription and repositories specific to Ceph Storage. Ensure the rhsm_repos parameter contains the standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux repositories instead of the Extended Update Support (EUS) repositories that Controller and Compute nodes require.

  3. Save the environment file.

5.5. Registering the overcloud to Red Hat Satellite

Use the following procedure to create an environment file that enables and configures the rhsm composable service to register nodes to Red Hat Satellite instead of the Red Hat Customer Portal.


  1. Create an environment file (templates/rhsm.yml) to store the configuration.
  2. Include your configuration in the environment file. For example:

      OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-ansible.yaml
        rhsm_activation_key: "myactivationkey"
        rhsm_method: "satellite"
        rhsm_org_id: "ACME"
        rhsm_baseurl: ""

    The resource_registry associates the rhsm composable service with the OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm resource, which is available on each role.

    The RhsmVars variable passes parameters to Ansible for configuring your Red Hat registration.

  3. Save the environment file.

These procedures enable and configure rhsm on the overcloud. However, if you used the rhel-registration method from previous Red Hat OpenStack Platform version, you must disable it and switch to the Ansible-based method. Use the following procedure to switch from the old rhel-registration method to the Ansible-based method.

5.6. Switching to the rhsm composable service

The previous rhel-registration method runs a bash script to handle the overcloud registration. The scripts and environment files for this method are located in the core Heat template collection at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/extraconfig/pre_deploy/rhel-registration/.

Complete the following steps to switch from the rhel-registration method to the rhsm composable service.


  1. Exclude the rhel-registration environment files from future deployments operations. In most cases, exclude the following files:

    • rhel-registration/environment-rhel-registration.yaml
    • rhel-registration/rhel-registration-resource-registry.yaml
  2. If you use a custom roles_data file, ensure that each role in your roles_data file contains the OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm composable service. For example:

    - name: Controller
      description: |
        Controller role that has all the controller services loaded and handles
        Database, Messaging and Network functions.
      CountDefault: 1
        - OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm
  3. Add the environment file for rhsm composable service parameters to future deployment operations.

This method replaces the rhel-registration parameters with the rhsm service parameters and changes the Heat resource that enables the service from:

  OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig: rhel-registration.yaml


  OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-ansible.yaml

You can also include the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/rhsm.yaml environment file with your deployment to enable the service.

To help transition your details from the rhel-registration method to the rhsm method, use the following table to map the your parameters and their values.

5.7. rhel-registration to rhsm mappings

rhel-registrationrhsm / RhsmVars



























Now that you have configured the environment file for the rhsm service, you can include it with your next overcloud deployment operation.

5.8. Deploying the overcloud with the rhsm composable service

This section shows how to apply your rhsm configuration to the overcloud.


  1. Include rhsm.yml environment file with the openstack overcloud deploy:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
        <other cli args> \
        -e ~/templates/rhsm.yaml

    This enables the Ansible configuration of the overcloud and the Ansible-based registration.

  2. Wait until the overcloud deployment completes.
  3. Check the subscription details on your overcloud nodes. For example, log into a Controller node and run the following commands:

    $ sudo subscription-manager status
    $ sudo subscription-manager list --consumed

In addition to the director-based registration method, you can also manually register after deployment.

5.9. Running Ansible-based registration manually

You can perform manual Ansible-based registration on a deployed overcloud. You accomplish this using the director’s dynamic inventory script to define node roles as host groups and then run a playbook against them using ansible-playbook. The following example shows how to manually register Controller nodes using a playbook.


  1. Create a playbook with that using the redhat_subscription modules to register your nodes. For example, the following playbook applies to Controller nodes:

    - name: Register Controller nodes
      hosts: Controller
      become: yes
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms
          - rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms
          - ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - openstack-16-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - rhceph-4-mon-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
          - fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
        - name: Register system
            username: myusername
            password: p@55w0rd!
            org_id: 1234567
            pool_ids: 1a85f9223e3d5e43013e3d6e8ff506fd
        - name: Disable all repos
          command: "subscription-manager repos --disable *"
        - name: Enable Controller node repos
          command: "subscription-manager repos --enable {{ item }}"
          with_items: "{{ repos }}"
    • This play contains three tasks:

      • Register the node using an activation key.
      • Disable any auto-enabled repositories.
      • Enable only the repositories relevant to the Controller node. The repositories are listed with the repos variable.
  2. After deploying the overcloud, you can run the following command so that Ansible executes the playbook (ansible-osp-registration.yml) against your overcloud:

    $ ansible-playbook -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory ansible-osp-registration.yml

    This command does the following:

    • Runs the dynamic inventory script to get a list of host and their groups.
    • Applies the playbook tasks to the nodes in the group defined in the playbook’s hosts parameter, which in this case is the Controller group.

5.10. Locking the environment to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux release

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.0 is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1. After deploying your overcloud, lock the overcloud repositories to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 release.


  • You have deployed an overcloud with all nodes registered with the Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM) composable service.


  1. Log into the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Create a static inventory file of your overcloud:

    $ tripleo-ansible-inventory --ansible_ssh_user heat-admin --static-yaml-inventory ~/inventory.yaml

    If you use an overcloud name different to the default overcloud name of overcloud, set the name of your overcloud with the --plan option.

  4. Create a playbook that contains a task to lock the operating system version to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 on all nodes:

    $ cat > ~/set_release.yaml <<'EOF'
    - hosts: overcloud
      gather_facts: false
        - name: set release to 8.1
          command: subscription-manager release --set=8.1
          become: true
  5. Run the set_release.yaml playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook -i ~/inventory.yaml -f 25 ~/set_release.yaml

To manually lock a node to a version, log in to the node and run the subscription-manager release command:

$ sudo subscription-manager release --set=8.1

Chapter 6. Composable Services and Custom Roles

The Overcloud usually consists of nodes in predefined roles such as Controller nodes, Compute nodes, and different storage node types. Each of these default roles contains a set of services defined in the core Heat template collection on the director node. However, the architecture of the core Heat templates provide methods to do the following tasks:

  • Create custom roles
  • Add and remove services from each role

This allows the possibility to create different combinations of services on different roles. This chapter explores the architecture of custom roles, composable services, and methods for using them.

6.1. Supported Role Architecture

The following architectures are available when using custom roles and composable services:

Architecture 1 - Default Architecture
Uses the default roles_data files. All controller services are contained within one Controller role.
Architecture 2 - Supported Standalone Roles
Use the predefined files in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles to generate a custom roles_data file`. See Section 6.2.3, “Supported Custom Roles”.
Architecture 3 - Custom Composable Services
Create your own roles and use them to generate a custom roles_data file. Note that only a limited number of composable service combinations have been tested and verified and Red Hat cannot support all composable service combinations.

6.2. Roles

6.2.1. Examining the roles_data File

The Overcloud creation process defines its roles using a roles_data file. The roles_data file contains a YAML-formatted list of the roles. The following is a shortened example of the roles_data syntax:

- name: Controller
  description: |
    Controller role that has all the controller services loaded and handles
    Database, Messaging and Network functions.
    - OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CephClient
- name: Compute
  description: |
    Basic Compute Node role
    - OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CephClient

The core Heat template collection contains a default roles_data file located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data.yaml. The default file defines the following role types:

  • Controller
  • Compute
  • BlockStorage
  • ObjectStorage
  • CephStorage.

The openstack overcloud deploy command includes this file during deployment. You can override this file with a custom roles_data file using the -r argument. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -r ~/templates/roles_data-custom.yaml

6.2.2. Creating a roles_data File

Although you can manually create a custom roles_data file, you can also automatically generate the file using individual role templates. The director provides several commands to manage role templates and automatically generate a custom roles_data file.

To list the default role templates, use the openstack overcloud roles list command:

$ openstack overcloud roles list

To see the role’s YAML definition, use the openstack overcloud roles show command:

$ openstack overcloud roles show Compute

To generate a custom roles_data file, use the openstack overcloud roles generate command to join multiple predefined roles into a single file. For example, the following command joins the Controller, Compute, and Networker roles into a single file:

$ openstack overcloud roles generate -o ~/roles_data.yaml Controller Compute Networker

The -o defines the name of the file to create.

This creates a custom roles_data file. However, the previous example uses the Controller and Networker roles, which both contain the same networking agents. This means the networking services scale from Controller to the Networker role. The overcloud balances the load for networking services between the Controller and Networker nodes.

To make this Networker role standalone, you can create your own custom Controller role, as well as any other role needed. This allows you to generate a roles_data file from your own custom roles.

Copy the directory from the core Heat template collection to the stack user’s home directory:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles ~/.

Add or modify the custom role files in this directory. Use the --roles-path option with any of the aforementioned role sub-commands to use this directory as the source for your custom roles. For example:

$ openstack overcloud roles generate -o my_roles_data.yaml \
  --roles-path ~/roles \
  Controller Compute Networker

This generates a single my_roles_data.yaml file from the individual roles in the ~/roles directory.


The default roles collection also contains the ControllerOpenStack role, which does not include services for Networker, Messaging, and Database roles. You can use the ControllerOpenStack combined with with the standalone Networker, Messaging, and Database roles.

6.2.3. Supported Custom Roles

The following table contains information about the available custom roles. You can find custom role templates in the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles directory.



OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) node.



Compute cell for hosting instances. Includes services for the cell conductor, message queue, and database



Full standalone Ceph Storage node. Includes OSD, MON, Object Gateway (RGW), Object Operations (MDS), Manager (MGR), and RBD Mirroring.



Standalone scale-out Ceph Storage file role. Includes OSD and Object Operations (MDS).



Standalone scale-out Ceph Storage object role. Includes OSD and Object Gateway (RGW).



Ceph Storage OSD node role.



Alternate Compute node role.



DVR enabled Compute node role.



Compute node with hyper-converged infrastructure. Includes Compute and Ceph OSD services.



Compute Instance HA node role. Use in conjunction with the environments/compute-instanceha.yaml` environment file.



Compute node with Cavium Liquidio Smart NIC.



Compute OVS DPDK RealTime role.



Compute OVS DPDK role.



Compute role for ppc64le servers.



Compute role optimized for real-time behaviour. When using this role, it is mandatory that an overcloud-realtime-compute image is available and the role specific parameters IsolCpusList, NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet and NovaComputeCpuSharedSet are set according to the hardware of the real-time compute nodes.



Compute SR-IOV RealTime role.



Compute SR-IOV role.



Standard Compute node role.



Controller role that does not contain the database, messaging, networking, and OpenStack Compute (nova) control components. Use in combination with the Database, Messaging, Networker, and Novacontrol roles.



Controller role with core Controller services loaded but no Ceph Storage (MON) components. This role handles database, messaging, and network functions but not any Ceph Storage functions.



Controller role that does not contain the OpenStack Compute (nova) control component. Use in combination with the Novacontrol role.



Controller role that does not contain the database, messaging, and networking components. Use in combination with the Database, Messaging, and Networker roles.



Controller role with all core services loaded and uses Ceph NFS. This roles handles database, messaging, and network functions.



Controller role with all core services loaded. This roles handles database, messaging, and network functions.



Standalone database role. Database managed as a Galera cluster using Pacemaker.



Compute node with hyper-converged infrastructure and all Ceph Storage services. Includes OSD, MON, Object Gateway (RGW), Object Operations (MDS), Manager (MGR), and RBD Mirroring.



Compute node with hyper-converged infrastructure and Ceph Storage file services. Includes OSD and Object Operations (MDS).



Compute node with hyper-converged infrastructure and Ceph Storage block services. Includes OSD, MON, and Manager.



Compute node with hyper-converged infrastructure and Ceph Storage object services. Includes OSD and Object Gateway (RGW).



Ironic Conductor node role.



Standalone messaging role. RabbitMQ managed with Pacemaker.


Networker (ML2/OVS)

Standalone networking role under ML2/OVS. Runs OpenStack networking (neutron) agents on their own. If your deployment uses the ML2/OVN mechanism driver, see Creating a Custom Networker Role with ML2/OVN.



Standalone nova-control role to run OpenStack Compute (nova) control agents on their own.



Swift Object Storage node role.



Telemetry role with all the metrics and alarming services.


6.2.4. Creating a Custom Networker Role with ML2/OVN

To deploy a custom networker role when your deployment uses the ML2/OVN mechanism driver, you must use an environment file to set the parameter for the role on networker nodes and clear it on controller nodes. Use an environment file such as neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml.


  1. On controller nodes, clear OVNCMSOptions:

        OVNCMSOptions: ""
  2. On networker nodes, set OVNCMSOptions to 'enable-chassis-as-gw':

        OVNCMSOptions: "enable-chassis-as-gw"

6.2.5. Examining Role Parameters

Each role uses the following parameters:

(Mandatory) The name of the role, which is a plain text name with no spaces or special characters. Check that the chosen name does not cause conflicts with other resources. For example, use Networker as a name instead of Network.
(Optional) A plain text description for the role.

(Optional) A YAML list of tags that define role properties. Use this parameter to define the primary role with both the controller and primary tags together:

- name: Controller
    - primary
    - controller

If you do not tag the primary role, the first role defined becomes the primary role. Ensure that this role is the Controller role.


A YAML list or dictionary of networks to configure on the role. If using a YAML list, list each composable network:

    - External
    - InternalApi
    - Storage
    - StorageMgmt
    - Tenant

If using a dictionary, map each network to a specific subnet in your composable networks.

      subnet: external_subnet
      subnet: internal_api_subnet
      subnet: storage_subnet
      subnet: storage_mgmt_subnet
      subnet: tenant_subnet

Default networks include External, InternalApi, Storage, StorageMgmt, Tenant, and Management.

(Optional) Defines the default number of nodes to deploy for this role.

(Optional) Defines the default hostname format for the role. The default naming convention uses the following format:


For example, the default Controller nodes are named:

(Optional) Defines whether to disable OpenStack Compute (nova) and OpenStack Image Storage (glance) constraints when deploying with the director. Used when deploying an overcloud with pre-provisioned nodes. For more information, see Configuring a basic overcloud with pre-provisioned nodes in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

(Optional) Defines how many nodes to update simultaneously during the OpenStack update options. In the default roles_data.yaml file:

  • The default is 1 for Controller, Object Storage, and Ceph Storage nodes.
  • The default is 25 for Compute and Block Storage nodes.

If you omit this parameter from a custom role, the default is 1.

(Optional) Defines the default list of services to include on the node. See Section 6.3.2, “Examining Composable Service Architecture” for more information.

These parameters provide a means to create new roles and also define which services to include.

The openstack overcloud deploy command integrates the parameters from the roles_data file into some of the Jinja2-based templates. For example, at certain points, the overcloud.j2.yaml Heat template iterates over the list of roles from roles_data.yaml and creates parameters and resources specific to each respective role.

The resource definition for each role in the overcloud.j2.yaml Heat template appears as the following snippet:

    type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
    depends_on: Networks
      count: {get_param: {{}}Count}
      removal_policies: {get_param: {{}}RemovalPolicies}
        type: OS::TripleO::{{}}
          CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
          ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
          EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}

This snippet shows how the Jinja2-based template incorporates the {{}} variable to define the name of each role as a OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource. This in turn uses each name parameter from the roles_data file to name each respective OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource.

6.2.6. Creating a New Role

In this example, the aim is to create a new Horizon role to host the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) only. In this situation, you create a custom roles directory that includes the new role information.

Create a custom copy of the default roles directory:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles ~/.

Create a new file called ~/roles/Horizon.yaml and create a new Horizon role containing base and core OpenStack Dashboard services. For example:

- name: Horizon
  CountDefault: 1
  HostnameFormatDefault: '%stackname%-horizon-%index%'
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Ntp
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Snmp
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Sshd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoPackages
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
    - OS::TripleO::Services::SensuClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::FluentdClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Collectd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Apache
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Horizon

It is a good idea to set the CountDefault to 1 so that a default Overcloud always includes the Horizon node.

If scaling the services in an existing overcloud, keep the existing services on the Controller role. If creating a new overcloud and you want the OpenStack Dashboard to remain on the standalone role, remove the OpenStack Dashboard components from the Controller role definition:

- name: Controller
  CountDefault: 1
    - OS::TripleO::Services::GnocchiMetricd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::GnocchiStatsd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HAproxy
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApi
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCfn
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCloudwatch
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatEngine
    # - OS::TripleO::Services::Horizon                # Remove this service
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicApi
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicConductor
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Iscsid
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Keepalived

Generate the new roles_data file using the roles directory as the source:

$ openstack overcloud roles generate -o roles_data-horizon.yaml \
  --roles-path ~/roles \
  Controller Compute Horizon

You might need to define a new flavor for this role so that you can tag specific nodes. For this example, use the following commands to create a horizon flavor:

$ openstack flavor create --id auto --ram 6144 --disk 40 --vcpus 4 horizon
$ openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" --property "capabilities:profile"="horizon" horizon
$ openstack flavor set --property resources:VCPU=0 --property resources:MEMORY_MB=0 --property resources:DISK_GB=0 --property resources:CUSTOM_BAREMETAL=1 horizon

Tag nodes into the new flavor using the following command:

$ openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='profile:horizon,boot_option:local' 58c3d07e-24f2-48a7-bbb6-6843f0e8ee13

Define the Horizon node count and flavor using the following environment file snippet:

  OvercloudHorizonFlavor: horizon
  HorizonCount: 1

Include the new roles_data file and environment file when running the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -r ~/templates/roles_data-horizon.yaml -e ~/templates/node-count-flavor.yaml

When the deployment completes, this creates a three-node Overcloud consisting of one Controller node, one Compute node, and one Networker node. To view the Overcloud’s list of nodes, run the following command:

$ openstack server list

6.3. Composable Services

6.3.1. Guidelines and Limitations

Note the following guidelines and limitations for the composable node architecture.

For services not managed by Pacemaker:

  • You can assign services to standalone custom roles.
  • You can create additional custom roles after the initial deployment and deploy them to scale existing services.

For services managed by Pacemaker:

  • You can assign Pacemaker-managed services to standalone custom roles.
  • Pacemaker has a 16 node limit. If you assign the Pacemaker service (OS::TripleO::Services::Pacemaker) to 16 nodes, subsequent nodes must use the Pacemaker Remote service (OS::TripleO::Services::PacemakerRemote) instead. You cannot have the Pacemaker service and Pacemaker Remote service on the same role.
  • Do not include the Pacemaker service (OS::TripleO::Services::Pacemaker) on roles that do not contain Pacemaker-managed services.
  • You cannot scale up or scale down a custom role that contains OS::TripleO::Services::Pacemaker or OS::TripleO::Services::PacemakerRemote services.

General limitations:

  • You cannot change custom roles and composable services during the a major version upgrade.
  • You cannot modify the list of services for any role after deploying an Overcloud. Modifying the service lists after Overcloud deployment can cause deployment errors and leave orphaned services on nodes.

6.3.2. Examining Composable Service Architecture

The core Heat template collection contains two sets of composable service templates:

  • deployment contains the templates for key OpenStack Platform services.
  • puppet/services contains legacy templates for configuring composable services. In some cases, the composable services use templates from this directory for compatibility. In most cases, the composable services use the templates in the deployment directory.

Each template contains a description that identifies its purpose. For example, the deployment/time/ntp-baremetal-puppet.yaml service template contains the following description:

description: >
  NTP service deployment using puppet, this YAML file
  creates the interface between the HOT template
  and the puppet manifest that actually installs
  and configure NTP.

These service templates are registered as resources specific to a Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment. This means you can call each resource using a unique Heat resource namespace defined in the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml file. All services use the OS::TripleO::Services namespace for their resource type.

Some resources use the base composable service templates directly. For example:

  OS::TripleO::Services::Ntp: deployment/time/ntp-baremetal-puppet.yaml

However, core services require containers and use the containerized service templates. For example, the keystone containerized service uses the following resource:

  OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone: deployment/keystone/keystone-container-puppet.yaml

These containerized templates usually reference other templates to include dependencies. For example, the deployment/keystone/keystone-container-puppet.yaml template stores the output of the base template in the ContainersCommon resource:

    type: ../containers-common.yaml

The containerized template can then incorporate functions and data from the containers-common.yaml template.

The overcloud.j2.yaml Heat template includes a section of Jinja2-based code to define a service list for each custom role in the roles_data.yaml file:

  description: A list of service resources (configured in the Heat
               resource_registry) which represent nested stacks
               for each service that should get installed on the {{}} role.
  type: comma_delimited_list
  default: {{role.ServicesDefault|default([])}}

For the default roles, this creates the following service list parameters: ControllerServices, ComputeServices, BlockStorageServices, ObjectStorageServices, and CephStorageServices.

You define the default services for each custom role in the roles_data.yaml file. For example, the default Controller role contains the following content:

- name: Controller
  CountDefault: 1
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CephMon
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CephRgw
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CinderApi
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CinderBackup
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CinderScheduler
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CinderVolume
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Core
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone
    - OS::TripleO::Services::GlanceApi
    - OS::TripleO::Services::GlanceRegistry

These services are then defined as the default list for the ControllerServices parameter.


You can also use an environment file to override the default list for the service parameters. For example, you can define ControllerServices as a parameter_default in an environment file to override the services list from the roles_data.yaml file.

6.3.3. Adding and Removing Services from Roles

The basic method of adding or removing services involves creating a copy of the default service list for a node role and then adding or removing services. For example, you might aim to remove OpenStack Orchestration (heat) from the Controller nodes. In this situation, create a custom copy of the default roles directory:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles ~/.

Edit the ~/roles/Controller.yaml file and modify the service list for the ServicesDefault parameter. Scroll to the OpenStack Orchestration services and remove them:

    - OS::TripleO::Services::GlanceApi
    - OS::TripleO::Services::GlanceRegistry
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApi            # Remove this service
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCfn         # Remove this service
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCloudwatch  # Remove this service
    - OS::TripleO::Services::HeatEngine         # Remove this service
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MySQL
    - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronDhcpAgent

Generate the new roles_data file. For example:

$ openstack overcloud roles generate -o roles_data-no_heat.yaml \
  --roles-path ~/roles \
  Controller Compute Networker

Include this new roles_data file when running the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -r ~/templates/roles_data-no_heat.yaml

This deploys an Overcloud without OpenStack Orchestration services installed on the Controller nodes.


You can also disable services in the roles_data file using a custom environment file. Redirect the services to disable to the OS::Heat::None resource. For example:

  OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApi: OS::Heat::None
  OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCfn: OS::Heat::None
  OS::TripleO::Services::HeatApiCloudwatch: OS::Heat::None
  OS::TripleO::Services::HeatEngine: OS::Heat::None

6.3.4. Enabling Disabled Services

Some services are disabled by default. These services are registered as null operations (OS::Heat::None) in the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml file. For example, the Block Storage backup service (cinder-backup) is disabled:

  OS::TripleO::Services::CinderBackup: OS::Heat::None

To enable this service, include an environment file that links the resource to its respective Heat templates in the puppet/services directory. Some services have predefined environment files in the environments directory. For example, the Block Storage backup service uses the environments/cinder-backup.yaml file, which contains the following:

  OS::TripleO::Services::CinderBackup: ../podman/services/pacemaker/cinder-backup.yaml

This overrides the default null operation resource and enables the service. Include this environment file when running the openstack overcloud deploy command.

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cinder-backup.yaml

6.3.5. Creating a Generic Node with No Services

Red Hat OpenStack Platform provides the ability to create generic Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 nodes without any OpenStack services configured. This is useful when you need to host software outside of the core Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment. For example, OpenStack Platform provides integration with monitoring tools such as Kibana and Sensu, see Monitoring Tools Configuration Guide. While Red Hat does not provide support for the monitoring tools themselves, the director can create a generic Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 node to host these tools.


The generic node still uses the base overcloud-full image rather than a base Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 image. This means the node has some Red Hat OpenStack Platform software installed but not enabled or configured.

Creating a generic node requires a new role without a ServicesDefault list:

- name: Generic

Include the role in your custom roles_data file (roles_data_with_generic.yaml). Make sure to keep the existing Controller and Compute roles.

You can also include an environment file (generic-node-params.yaml) to specify how many generic Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 nodes you require and the flavor when selecting nodes to provision. For example:

  OvercloudGenericFlavor: baremetal
  GenericCount: 1

Include both the roles file and the environment file when running the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -r ~/templates/roles_data_with_generic.yaml -e ~/templates/generic-node-params.yaml

This deploys a three-node environment with one Controller node, one Compute node, and one generic Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 node.

Chapter 7. Containerized Services

The director installs the core OpenStack Platform services as containers on the overcloud. This section provides some background information on how containerized services work.

7.1. Containerized Service Architecture

The director installs the core OpenStack Platform services as containers on the overcloud. The templates for the containerized services are located in the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/.

All nodes using containerized services must enable the OS::TripleO::Services::Podman service. When you create a roles_data.yaml file for your custom roles configuration, include the OS::TripleO::Services::Podman service with the base composable services, as the containerized services. For example, the IronicConductor role uses the following role definition:

- name: IronicConductor
  description: |
    Ironic Conductor node role
      subnet: internal_api_subnet
      subnet: storage_subnet
  HostnameFormatDefault: '%stackname%-ironic-%index%'
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Aide
    - OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD
    - OS::TripleO::Services::BootParams
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CertmongerUser
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Collectd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Docker
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Fluentd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IpaClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Ipsec
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicConductor
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicPxe
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
    - OS::TripleO::Services::LoginDefs
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MetricsQdr
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::ContainersLogrotateCrond
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Podman
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm
    - OS::TripleO::Services::SensuClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Snmp
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Timesync
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoPackages
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Tuned

7.2. Containerized Service Parameters

Each containerized service template contains an outputs section that defines a data set passed to the director’s OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) service. In addition to the standard composable service parameters (see Section 6.2.5, “Examining Role Parameters”), the template contain a set of parameters specific to the container configuration.


Data to pass to Puppet when configuring the service. In the initial overcloud deployment steps, the director creates a set of containers used to configure the service before the actual containerized service runs. This parameter includes the following sub-parameters: +

  • config_volume - The mounted volume that stores the configuration.
  • puppet_tags - Tags to pass to Puppet during configuration. These tags are used in OpenStack Platform to restrict the Puppet run to a particular service’s configuration resource. For example, the OpenStack Identity (keystone) containerized service uses the keystone_config tag to ensure that all require only the keystone_config Puppet resource run on the configuration container.
  • step_config - The configuration data passed to Puppet. This is usually inherited from the referenced composable service.
  • config_image - The container image used to configure the service.
A set of container-specific data that defines configuration file locations, directory permissions, and the command to run on the container to launch the service.

Tasks to run on the service’s configuration container. All tasks are grouped into the following steps to help the director perform a staged deployment:

  • Step 1 - Load balancer configuration
  • Step 2 - Core services (Database, Redis)
  • Step 3 - Initial configuration of OpenStack Platform service
  • Step 4 - General OpenStack Platform services configuration
  • Step 5 - Service activation
Preparation tasks for the bare metal node to accommodate the containerized service.

7.3. Preparing container images

The overcloud configuration requires initial registry configuration to determine where to obtain images and how to store them. Complete the following steps to generate and customize an environment file that you can use to prepare your container images.


  1. Log in to your undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Generate the default container image preparation file:

    $ openstack tripleo container image prepare default \
      --local-push-destination \
      --output-env-file containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

    This command includes the following additional options:

    • --local-push-destination sets the registry on the undercloud as the location for container images. This means the director pulls the necessary images from the Red Hat Container Catalog and pushes them to the registry on the undercloud. The director uses this registry as the container image source. To pull directly from the Red Hat Container Catalog, omit this option.
    • --output-env-file is an environment file name. The contents of this file include the parameters for preparing your container images. In this case, the name of the file is containers-prepare-parameter.yaml.


      You can use the same containers-prepare-parameter.yaml file to define a container image source for both the undercloud and the overcloud.

  3. Modify the containers-prepare-parameter.yaml to suit your requirements.

7.4. Container image preparation parameters

The default file for preparing your containers (containers-prepare-parameter.yaml) contains the ContainerImagePrepare heat parameter. This parameter defines a list of strategies for preparing a set of images:

  - (strategy one)
  - (strategy two)
  - (strategy three)

Each strategy accepts a set of sub-parameters that defines which images to use and what to do with the images. The following table contains information about the sub-parameters you can use with each ContainerImagePrepare strategy:



List of regular expressions to exclude image names from a strategy.


List of regular expressions to include in a strategy. At least one image name must match an existing image. All excludes are ignored if includes is specified.


String to append to the tag for the destination image. For example, if you pull an image with the tag 14.0-89 and set the modify_append_tag to -hotfix, the director tags the final image as 14.0-89-hotfix.


A dictionary of image labels that filter the images that you want to modify. If an image matches the labels defined, the director includes the image in the modification process.


String of ansible role names to run during upload but before pushing the image to the destination registry.


Dictionary of variables to pass to modify_role.


Defines the namespace of the registry that you want to push images to during the upload process.

  • If set to true, the push_destination is set to the undercloud registry namespace using the hostname, which is the recommended method.
  • If set to false, the push to a local registry does not occur and nodes pull images directly from the source.
  • If set to a custom value, director pushes images to an external local registry.

If you choose to pull container images directly from the Red Hat Container Catalog, do not set this parameter to false in production environments or else all overcloud nodes will simultaneously pull the images from the Red Hat Container Catalog over your external connection, which can cause bandwidth issues. If the push_destination parameter is set to false or is not defined and the remote registry requires authentication, set the ContainerImageRegistryLogin parameter to true and include the credentials with the ContainerImageRegistryCredentials parameter.


The source registry from where to pull the original container images.


A dictionary of key: value definitions that define where to obtain the initial images.


Use the value of specified container image labels to discover and pull the versioned tag for every image. Director inspects each container image tagged with the value that you set for tag, then uses the container image labels to construct a new tag, which director pulls from the registry. For example, if you set tag_from_label: {version}-{release}, director uses the version and release labels to construct a new tag. For one container, version might be set to 13.0 and release might be set to 34, which results in the tag 13.0-34.

The set parameter accepts a set of key: value definitions:



The name of the Ceph Storage container image.


The namespace of the Ceph Storage container image.


The tag of the Ceph Storage container image.


A prefix for each OpenStack service image.


A suffix for each OpenStack service image.


The namespace for each OpenStack service image.


The driver to use to determine which OpenStack Networking (neutron) container to use. Use a null value to set to the standard neutron-server container. Set to ovn to use OVN-based containers.


Sets the specific tag for all images from the source. If you use this option without specifying a tag_from_label value, director pulls all container images that use this tag. However, if you use this option in combination with tag_from_label value, director uses the tag as a source image to identify a specific version tag based on labels. Keep this key set to the default value, which is the Red Hat OpenStack Platform version number.


The Red Hat Container Registry uses a specific version format to tag all Red Hat OpenStack Platform container images. This version format is {version}-{release}, which each container image stores as labels in the container metadata. This version format helps facilitate updates from one {release} to the next. For this reason, you must always use the tag_from_label: {version}-{release} parameter with the ContainerImagePrepare heat parameter. Do not only use tag on its own to to pull container images. For example, using tag by itself causes problems when performing updates because director requires a change in tag to update a container image.


The container images use multi-stream tags based on Red Hat OpenStack Platform version. This means there is no longer a latest tag.

The ContainerImageRegistryCredentials parameter maps a container registry to a username and password to authenticate to that registry.

If a container registry requires a username and password, you can use ContainerImageRegistryCredentials to include credentials with the following syntax:

  - push_destination: true
      my_username: my_password

In the example, replace my_username and my_password with your authentication credentials. Instead of using your individual user credentials, Red Hat recommends creating a registry service account and using those credentials to access content. For more information, see "Red Hat Container Registry Authentication".

The ContainerImageRegistryLogin parameter is used to control the registry login on the systems being deployed. This must be set to true if push_destination is set to false or not used.

  - set:
      my_username: my_password
  ContainerImageRegistryLogin: true

7.5. Layering image preparation entries

The value of the ContainerImagePrepare parameter is a YAML list. This means that you can specify multiple entries. The following example demonstrates two entries where director uses the latest version of all images except for the nova-api image, which uses the version tagged with 16.0-44:

- tag_from_label: "{version}-{release}"
  push_destination: true
  - nova-api
    name_prefix: openstack-
    name_suffix: ''
    tag: 16.0
- push_destination: true
  - nova-api
    tag: 16.0-44

The includes and excludes parameters use regular expressions to control image filtering for each entry. The images that match the includes strategy take precedence over excludes matches. The image name must the includes or excludes regular expression value to be considered a match.

7.6. Modifying images during preparation

It is possible to modify images during image preparation, and then immediately deploy with modified images. Scenarios for modifying images include:

  • As part of a continuous integration pipeline where images are modified with the changes being tested before deployment.
  • As part of a development workflow where local changes must be deployed for testing and development.
  • When changes must be deployed but are not available through an image build pipeline. For example, adding proprietary add-ons or emergency fixes.

To modify an image during preparation, invoke an Ansible role on each image that you want to modify. The role takes a source image, makes the requested changes, and tags the result. The prepare command can push the image to the destination registry and set the heat parameters to refer to the modified image.

The Ansible role tripleo-modify-image conforms with the required role interface and provides the behaviour necessary for the modify use cases. Control the modification with the modify-specific keys in the ContainerImagePrepare parameter:

  • modify_role specifies the Ansible role to invoke for each image to modify.
  • modify_append_tag appends a string to the end of the source image tag. This makes it obvious that the resulting image has been modified. Use this parameter to skip modification if the push_destination registry already contains the modified image. Change modify_append_tag whenever you modify the image.
  • modify_vars is a dictionary of Ansible variables to pass to the role.

To select a use case that the tripleo-modify-image role handles, set the tasks_from variable to the required file in that role.

While developing and testing the ContainerImagePrepare entries that modify images, run the image prepare command without any additional options to confirm that the image is modified as you expect:

sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
  -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

7.7. Updating existing packages on container images

The following example ContainerImagePrepare entry updates all packages on the images using the dnf repository configuration on the undercloud host:

- push_destination: true
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-updated"
    tasks_from: yum_update.yml
    compare_host_packages: true
    yum_repos_dir_path: /etc/yum.repos.d

7.8. Installing additional RPM files to container images

You can install a directory of RPM files in your container images. This is useful for installing hotfixes, local package builds, or any package that is not available through a package repository. For example, the following ContainerImagePrepare entry installs some hotfix packages only on the nova-compute image:

- push_destination: true
  - nova-compute
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-hotfix"
    tasks_from: rpm_install.yml
    rpms_path: /home/stack/nova-hotfix-pkgs

7.9. Modifying container images with a custom Dockerfile

For maximum flexibility, you can specify a directory containing a Dockerfile to make the required changes. When you invoke the tripleo-modify-image role, the role generates a Dockerfile.modified file that changes the FROM directive and adds extra LABEL directives. The following example runs the custom Dockerfile on the nova-compute image:

- push_destination: true
  - nova-compute
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-hotfix"
    tasks_from: modify_image.yml
    modify_dir_path: /home/stack/nova-custom

The following example shows the /home/stack/nova-custom/Dockerfile file. After you run any USER root directives, you must switch back to the original image default user:


USER "root"

COPY /tmp/
RUN /tmp/

USER "nova"

Chapter 8. Basic network isolation

This chapter shows you how to configure the overcloud with the standard network isolation configuration. This includes the following configurations:

  • The rendered environment file to enable network isolation (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml).
  • A copied environment file to configure network defaults (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml).
  • A network_data file to define network settings such as IP ranges, subnets, and virtual IPs. This example shows you how to create a copy of the default and edit it to suit your own network.
  • Templates to define your NIC layout for each node. The overcloud core template collection contains a set of defaults for different use cases.
  • An environment file to enable NICs. This example uses a default file located in the environments directory.
  • Any additional environment files to customize your networking parameters.

The following content in this chapter shows how to define each of these aspects.

8.1. Network isolation

The overcloud assigns services to the provisioning network by default. However, the director can divide overcloud network traffic into isolated networks. To use isolated networks, the overcloud contains an environment file that enables this feature. The environments/network-isolation.j2.yaml file in the director’s core Heat templates is a Jinja2 file that defines all ports and VIPs for each network in your composable network file. When rendered, it results in a network-isolation.yaml file in the same location with the full resource registry. For example:

  # networks as defined in network_data.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Storage: ../network/storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::StorageMgmt: ../network/storage_mgmt.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::InternalApi: ../network/internal_api.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Tenant: ../network/tenant.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::External: ../network/external.yaml

  # Port assignments for the VIPs
  OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageVipPort: ../network/ports/storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageMgmtVipPort: ../network/ports/storage_mgmt.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::InternalApiVipPort: ../network/ports/internal_api.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ExternalVipPort: ../network/ports/external.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::RedisVipPort: ../network/ports/vip.yaml

  # Port assignments by role, edit role definition to assign networks to roles.
  # Port assignments for the Controller
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StoragePort: ../network/ports/storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: ../network/ports/storage_mgmt.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::InternalApiPort: ../network/ports/internal_api.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::TenantPort: ../network/ports/tenant.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Ports::ExternalPort: ../network/ports/external.yaml

  # Port assignments for the Compute
  OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::StoragePort: ../network/ports/storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::InternalApiPort: ../network/ports/internal_api.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::TenantPort: ../network/ports/tenant.yaml

  # Port assignments for the CephStorage
  OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StoragePort: ../network/ports/storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Ports::StorageMgmtPort: ../network/ports/storage_mgmt.yaml

The first section of this file has the resource registry declaration for the OS::TripleO::Network::* resources. By default, these resources use the OS::Heat::None resource type, which does not create any networks. By redirecting these resources to the YAML files for each network, you enable the creation of these networks.

The next several sections create the IP addresses for the nodes in each role. The controller nodes have IPs on each network. The compute and storage nodes each have IPs on a subset of the networks.

Other functions of overcloud networking, such as Chapter 9, Custom composable networks and Chapter 10, Custom network interface templates rely on this network isolation environment file. As a result, you need to include the name of the rendered file with your deployment commands. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \

8.2. Modifying isolated network configuration

The network_data file provides a method to configure the default isolated networks. This procedure shows how to create a custom network_data file and configure it according to your network requirements.


  1. Copy the default network_data file:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml /home/stack/.
  2. Edit the local copy of the network_data.yaml file and modify the parameters to suit your networking requirements. For example, the Internal API network contains the following default network details:

    - name: InternalApi
      name_lower: internal_api
      vip: true
      vlan: 201
      ip_subnet: ''
      allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]

Edit the following for each network:

  • vlan defines the VLAN ID to use for this network.
  • ip_subnet and ip_allocation_pools set the default subnet and IP range for the network..
  • gateway sets the gateway for the network. Used mostly to define the default route for the External network, but can be used for other networks if necessary.

Include the custom network_data file with your deployment using the -n option. Without the -n option, the deployment command uses the default network details.

8.3. Network Interface Templates

The overcloud network configuration requires a set of the network interface templates. These templates are standard Heat templates in YAML format. Each role requires a NIC template so the director can configure each node within that role correctly.

All NIC templates contain the same sections as standard Heat templates:

The syntax version to use.
A string description of the template.
Network parameters to include in the template.
Takes parameters defined in parameters and applies them to a network configuration script.
Renders the final script used for configuration.

The default NIC templates in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config take advantage of Jinja2 syntax to help render the template. For example, the following snippet from the single-nic-vlans configuration renders a set of VLANs for each network:

{%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and in role.networks %}
- type: vlan
    get_param: {{}}NetworkVlanID
  - ip_netmask:
      get_param: {{}}IpSubnet
{%- if in role.default_route_networks %}

For default Compute nodes, this only renders network information for the Storage, Internal API, and Tenant networks:

- type: vlan
    get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID
  device: bridge_name
  - ip_netmask:
      get_param: StorageIpSubnet
- type: vlan
    get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
  device: bridge_name
  - ip_netmask:
      get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
- type: vlan
    get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
  device: bridge_name
  - ip_netmask:
      get_param: TenantIpSubnet

Chapter 10, Custom network interface templates explores how to render the default Jinja2-based templates to standard YAML versions, which you can use as a basis for customization.

8.4. Default network interface templates

The director contains templates in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/ to suit most common network scenarios. The following table outlines each NIC template set and the respective environment file to use to enable the templates.


Each environment file for enabling NIC templates uses the suffix .j2.yaml. This is the unrendered Jinja2 version. Ensure that you include the rendered file name, which only uses the .yaml suffix, in your deployment.

NIC directoryDescriptionEnvironment file


Single NIC (nic1) with control plane and VLANs attached to default Open vSwitch bridge.



Single NIC (nic1) with control plane and VLANs attached to default Linux bridge.



Control plane attached to nic1. Default Open vSwitch bridge with bonded NIC configuration (nic2 and nic3) and VLANs attached.



Control plane attached to nic1. Assigns each sequential NIC to each network defined in the network_data file. By default, this is Storage to nic2, Storage Management to nic3, Internal API to nic4, Tenant to nic5 on the br-tenant bridge, and External to nic6 on the default Open vSwitch bridge.



Environment files exist for using no external network, for example, net-bond-with-vlans-no-external.yaml, and using IPv6, for example, net-bond-with-vlans-v6.yaml. These are provided for backwards compatibility and do not function with composable networks.

Each default NIC template set contains a role.role.j2.yaml template. This file uses Jinja2 to render additional files for each composable role. For example, if your overcloud uses Compute, Controller, and Ceph Storage roles, the deployment renders new templates based on role.role.j2.yaml, such as the following templates:

  • compute.yaml
  • controller.yaml
  • ceph-storage.yaml.

8.5. Enabling basic network isolation

This procedure shows you how to enable basic network isolation using one of the default NIC templates. In this case, it is the single NIC with VLANs template (single-nic-vlans).


  1. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, ensure that you include the rendered environment file names for the following files:

    • The custom network_data file.
    • The rendered file name of the default network isolation.
    • The rendered file name of the default network environment file.
    • The rendered file name of the default network interface configuration
    • Any additional environment files relevant to your configuration.

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -n /home/stack/network_data.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/net-single-nic-with-vlans.yaml \

Chapter 9. Custom composable networks

This chapter follows on from the concepts and procedures outlined in Chapter 8, Basic network isolation and shows you how to configure the overcloud with an additional composable network. This includes configuration of the following files and templates:

  • The environment file to enable network isolation (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml).
  • The environment file to configure network defaults (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml).
  • A custom network_data file to create additional networks outside of the defaults.
  • A custom roles_data file to assign custom networks to roles.
  • Templates to define your NIC layout for each node. The overcloud core template collection contains a set of defaults for different use cases.
  • An environment file to enable NICs. This example uses a a default file located in the environments directory.
  • Any additional environment files to customize your networking parameters. This example uses an environment file to customize OpenStack service mappings to composable networks.

The following content in this chapter shows you how to define each of these aspects.

9.1. Composable networks

The overcloud uses the following pre-defined set of network segments by default:

  • Control Plane
  • Internal API
  • Storage
  • Storage Management
  • Tenant
  • External
  • Management (optional)

You can use Composable networks to add networks for various services. For example, if you have a network dedicated to NFS traffic, you can present it to multiple roles.

Director supports the creation of custom networks during the deployment and update phases. These additional networks can be used for ironic bare metal nodes, system management, or to create separate networks for different roles. You can also use them to create multiple sets of networks for split deployments where traffic is routed between networks.

A single data file (network_data.yaml) manages the list of networks to be deployed. Include this file with your deployment command using the -n option. Without this option, the deployment uses the default file (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml).

9.2. Adding a composable network

This procedure shows you how to add an additional composable network to your overcloud.


  1. Copy the default network_data file:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml /home/stack/.
  2. Edit the local copy of the network_data.yaml file and add a section for your new network. For example:

    - name: StorageBackup
      name_lower: storage_backup
      vlan: 21
      vip: true
      ip_subnet: ''
      allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
      gateway_ip: ''

You can use the following parameters in your network_data file:

Sets the human readable name of the network. This parameter is the only mandatory parameter. You can also use name_lower to normalize names for readability. For example, changing InternalApi to internal_api.
Sets the lowercase version of the name, which the director maps to respective networks assigned to roles in the roles_data file.
Sets the VLAN to use for this network.
vip: true
Creates a virtual IP address (VIP) on the new network. This IP is used as the target IP for services listed in the service-to-network mapping parameter (ServiceNetMap). Note that VIPs are only used by roles that use Pacemaker. The overcloud’s load-balancing service redirects traffic from these IPs to their respective service endpoint.
Sets the default IPv4 subnet in CIDR format.
Sets the IP range for the IPv4 subnet
Sets the gateway for the network.

Adds additional routes to the network. Uses a JSON list containing each additional route. Each list item contains a dictionary value mapping. The example demonstrates the syntax:

  routes: [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}]

Creates additional routed subnets that fall within this network. This parameter accepts a dict value containing the lowercase name of the routed subnet as the key and the previously mentioned vlan, ip_subnet, allocation_pools, and gateway_ip parameters as the value mapped to the subnet. The following example demonstrates this layout:

- name: StorageBackup
  name_lower: storage_backup
  vlan: 200
  vip: true
  ip_subnet: ''
  allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
  gateway_ip: ''
      vlan: 201
      ip_subnet: ''
      allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
      gateway_ip: ''

This mapping is often used in spine leaf deployments. For more information, see the Spine Leaf Networking guide.

Include the custom network_data file with your deployment using the -n option. Without the -n option, the deployment command uses the default set of networks.

9.3. Including a composable network in a role

You can assign composable networks to the roles defined in your environment. For example, you might include a custom StorageBackup network with your Ceph Storage nodes.

This procedure shows you how to add composable networks to a role in your overcloud.


  1. If you do not already have a custom roles_data file, copy the default to your home directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data.yaml /home/stack/.
  2. Edit the custom roles_data file.
  3. Scroll to the role you want to add the composable network and add the network name to the list of networks. For example, to add the network to the Ceph Storage role, use the following snippet as a guide:

    - name: CephStorage
      description: |
        Ceph OSD Storage node role
        - Storage
        - StorageMgmt
        - StorageBackup
  4. After adding custom networks to their respective roles, save the file.

When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, include the roles_data file using the -r option. Without the -r option, the deployment command uses the default set of roles with their respective assigned networks.

9.4. Assigning OpenStack services to composable networks

Each OpenStack service is assigned to a default network type in the resource registry. These services are then bound to IP addresses within the network type’s assigned network. Although the OpenStack services are divided among these networks, the number of actual physical networks can differ as defined in the network environment file. You can reassign OpenStack services to different network types by defining a new network map in an environment file, for example, /home/stack/templates/service-reassignments.yaml. The ServiceNetMap parameter determines the network types used for each service.

For example, you can reassign the Storage Management network services to the Storage Backup Network by modifying the highlighted sections:

    SwiftMgmtNetwork: storage_backup
    CephClusterNetwork: storage_backup

Changing these parameters to storage_backup places these services on the Storage Backup network instead of the Storage Management network. This means you only need to define a set of parameter_defaults for the Storage Backup network and not the Storage Management network.

The director merges your custom ServiceNetMap parameter definitions into a pre-defined list of defaults taken from ServiceNetMapDefaults and overrides the defaults. The director returns the full list, including customizations back to ServiceNetMap, which is used to configure network assignments for various services.

Service mappings apply to networks that use vip: true in the network_data file for nodes that use Pacemaker. The overcloud’s load balancer redirects traffic from the VIPs to the specific service endpoints.


A full list of default services can be found in the ServiceNetMapDefaults parameter within /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/service_net_map.j2.yaml.

9.5. Enabling custom composable networks

This procedure shows you how to enable custom composable networks using one of the default NIC templates. In this case, it is the Single NIC with VLANs (single-nic-vlans).


  1. When you run the openstack overcloud deploy command, ensure that you include the following files:

    • The custom network_data file.
    • The custom roles_data file with network-to-role assignments.
    • The rendered file name of the default network isolation.
    • The rendered file name of the default network environment file.
    • The rendered file name of the default network interface configuration.
    • Any additional environment files related to your network, such as the service reassignments.

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -n /home/stack/network_data.yaml \
    -r /home/stack/roles_data.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/net-single-nic-with-vlans.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/service-reassignments.yaml \

This example command deploys the composable networks, including your additional custom networks, across nodes in your overcloud.


Remember that you must render the templates again if you are introducing a new custom network, such as a management network. Simply adding the network name to the roles_data.yaml file is not sufficient.

9.6. Renaming the default networks

You can use the network_data.yaml file to modify the user-visible names of the default networks:

  • InternalApi
  • External
  • Storage
  • StorageMgmt
  • Tenant

To change these names, do not modify the name field. Instead, change the name_lower field to the new name for the network and update the ServiceNetMap with the new name.


  1. In your network_data.yaml file, enter new names in the name_lower parameter for each network that you want to rename:

    - name: InternalApi
      name_lower: MyCustomInternalApi
  2. Include the default value of the name_lower parameter in the service_net_map_replace parameter:

    - name: InternalApi
      name_lower: MyCustomInternalApi
      service_net_map_replace: internal_api

Chapter 10. Custom network interface templates

This chapter follows on from the concepts and procedures outlined in Chapter 8, Basic network isolation. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how to create a set of custom network interface template to suit nodes in your environment. This includes:

  • The environment file to enable network isolation (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml).
  • The environment file to configure network defaults (/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml).
  • Templates to define your NIC layout for each node. The overcloud core template collection contains a set of defaults for different use cases. In this situation, you will render a default a basis for your custom templates.
  • A custom environment file to enable NICs. This example uses a custom environment file (/home/stack/templates/custom-network-configuration.yaml) that references your custom interface templates.
  • Any additional environment files to customize your networking parameters.
  • If using customizing your networks, a custom network_data file.
  • If creating additional or custom composable networks, a custom network_data file and a custom roles_data file.

10.1. Custom network architecture

The default NIC templates might not suit a specific network configuration. For example, you might want to create your own custom NIC template that suits a specific network layout. You might aim to separate the control services and data services on to separate NICs. In this situation, the service to NIC assignments result in the following mapping:

  • NIC1 (Provisioning):

    • Provisioning / Control Plane
  • NIC2 (Control Group)

    • Internal API
    • Storage Management
    • External (Public API)
  • NIC3 (Data Group)

    • Tenant Network (VXLAN tunneling)
    • Tenant VLANs / Provider VLANs
    • Storage
    • External VLANs (Floating IP/SNAT)
  • NIC4 (Management)

    • Management

10.2. Rendering default network interface templates for customization

For the purposes of simplifying the configuration of custom interface templates, this procedure shows you how to render the Jinja2 syntax of a default NIC template. This way you can use the rendered templates as a basis for your custom configuration.


  1. Render a copy of the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates collection using the script:

    $ cd /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
    $ ./tools/ -o ~/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-rendered

    This converts all Jinja2 templates to their rendered YAML versions and saves the results to ~/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-rendered.

    If using a custom network file or custom roles file, you can include these files using the -n and -r options respectively. For example:

    $ ./tools/ -o ~/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-rendered -n /home/stack/network_data.yaml -r /home/stack/roles_data.yaml
  2. Copy the multiple NIC example:

    $ cp -r ~/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-rendered/network/config/multiple-nics/ ~/templates/custom-nics/
  3. You can edit the template set in custom-nics to suit your own network configuration.

10.3. Network interface architecture

This section explores the architecture of the custom NIC templates in custom-nics and provides recommendations on editing them.


The parameters section contains all network configuration parameters for network interfaces. This includes information such as subnet ranges and VLAN IDs. This section should remain unchanged as the Heat template inherits values from its parent template. However, you can modify the values for some parameters using a network environment file.


The resources section is where the main network interface configuration occurs. In most cases, the resources section is the only one that requires editing. Each resources section begins with the following header:

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      group: script
            get_file: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/scripts/

This runs a script ( that creates a configuration file for os-net-config to use for configuring network properties on a node. The network_config section contains the custom network interface data sent to the script. You arrange this custom interface data in a sequence based on the type of device.


If creating custom NIC templates, you must set the script location to an absolute location for each NIC template. The script is located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/scripts/ on the undercloud.

10.4. Network interface reference

The following sections define the network interface types and the parameters used in each.


Defines a single network interface. The configuration defines each interface using either the actual interface name ("eth0", "eth1", "enp0s25") or a set of numbered interfaces ("nic1", "nic2", "nic3").

For example:

  - type: interface
    name: nic2
Table 10.1. interface options



Name of the Interface



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the interface



A list of routes assigned to the interface. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



Defines the interface as the primary interface



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the interface


Defines a VLAN. Use the VLAN ID and subnet passed from the parameters section.

For example:

  - type: vlan
    vlan_id:{get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID}
      - ip_netmask: {get_param: ExternalIpSubnet}
Table 10.2. vlan options






The parent device to attach the VLAN. Use this parameter when the VLAN is not a member of an OVS bridge. For example, use this parameter to attach the VLAN to a bonded interface device.



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the VLAN



A list of routes assigned to the VLAN. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



Defines the VLAN as the primary interface



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the VLAN


Defines a bond in Open vSwitch to join two or more interfaces together. This helps with redundancy and increases bandwidth.

For example:

          - type: ovs_bond
            name: bond1
            - type: interface
              name: nic2
            - type: interface
              name: nic3
Table 10.3. ovs_bond options



Name of the bond



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the bond



A list of routes assigned to the bond. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



Defines the interface as the primary interface



A sequence of interface objects to use in the bond



A set of options to pass to OVS when creating the bond



A set of options to to set as the OVS_EXTRA parameter in the bond’s network configuration file



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the bond


Defines a bridge in Open vSwitch, which connects multiple interface, ovs_bond, and vlan objects together. The external bridge also uses two special values for parameters:

  • bridge_name, which is replaced with the external bridge name.
  • interface_name, which is replaced with the external interface.

For example:

      - type: ovs_bridge
        name: bridge_name
        - ip_netmask:
            - /
            - - {get_param: ControlPlaneIp}
              - {get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr}
          - type: interface
            name: interface_name
      - type: vlan
        device: bridge_name
          {get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID}
          - ip_netmask:
              {get_param: ExternalIpSubnet}

The OVS bridge connects to the Neutron server in order to get configuration data. If the OpenStack control traffic (typically the Control Plane and Internal API networks) is placed on an OVS bridge, then connectivity to the Neutron server gets lost whenever OVS is upgraded or the OVS bridge is restarted by the admin user or process. This will cause some downtime. If downtime is not acceptable under these circumstances, then the Control group networks should be placed on a separate interface or bond rather than on an OVS bridge:

  • A minimal setting can be achieved, when you put the Internal API network on a VLAN on the provisioning interface and the OVS bridge on a second interface.
  • If you want bonding, you need at least two bonds (four network interfaces). The control group should be placed on a Linux bond (Linux bridge). If the switch does not support LACP fallback to a single interface for PXE boot, then this solution requires at least five NICs.
Table 10.4. ovs_bridge options



Name of the bridge



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the bridge



A list of routes assigned to the bridge. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



A sequence of interface, VLAN, and bond objects to use in the bridge



A set of options to pass to OVS when creating the bridge



A set of options to to set as the OVS_EXTRA parameter in the bridge’s  network configuration file



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the bridge


Defines a Linux bond that joins two or more interfaces together. This helps with redundancy and increases bandwidth. Make sure to include the kernel-based bonding options in the bonding_options parameter.

For example:

      - type: linux_bond
        name: bond1
        - type: interface
          name: nic2
          primary: true
        - type: interface
          name: nic3
        bonding_options: "mode=802.3ad"

Note that nic2 uses primary: true. This ensures the bond uses the MAC address for nic2.

Table 10.5. linux_bond options



Name of the bond



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the bond



A list of routes assigned to the bond. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



Defines the interface as the primary interface.



A sequence of interface objects to use in the bond



A set of options when creating the bond.



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the bond


Defines a Linux bridge, which connects multiple interface, linux_bond, and vlan objects together. The external bridge also uses two special values for parameters:

  • bridge_name, which is replaced with the external bridge name.
  • interface_name, which is replaced with the external interface.

For example:

      - type: linux_bridge
        name: bridge_name
          - ip_netmask:
                - /
                - - {get_param: ControlPlaneIp}
                  - {get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr}
          - type: interface
            name: interface_name
      - type: vlan
        device: bridge_name
          {get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID}
          - ip_netmask:
              {get_param: ExternalIpSubnet}
Table 10.6. linux_bridge options



Name of the bridge



Use DHCP to get an IP address



Use DHCP to get a v6 IP address



A list of IP addresses assigned to the bridge



A list of routes assigned to the bridge. See routes.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the connection



A sequence of interface, VLAN, and bond objects to use in the bridge



Use a default route provided by the DHCP service. Only applies when use_dhcp or use_dhcpv6 is enabled.



Write the device alias configuration instead of the system names



Arguments to pass to the DHCP client



List of DNS servers to use for the bridge


Defines a list of routes to apply to a network interface, VLAN, bridge, or bond.

For example:

  - type: interface
    name: nic2
      - ip_netmask:
        default: true
          get_param: EC2MetadataIp



IP and netmask of the destination network.



Sets this this route to a default route. Equivalent to setting ip_netmask:



The IP address of the router used to reach the destination network.

10.5. Example network interface layout

The following snippet for a possible Controller node NIC template demonstrates how to configure the custom network scenario to keep the control group apart from the OVS bridge:

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      group: script
            get_file: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/scripts/

              # NIC 1 - Provisioning
              - type: interface
                name: nic1
                use_dhcp: false
                - ip_netmask:
                    - /
                    - - get_param: ControlPlaneIp
                      - get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: EC2MetadataIp

              # NIC 2 - Control Group
              - type: interface
                name: nic2
                use_dhcp: false
              - type: vlan
                device: nic2
                  get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
              - type: vlan
                device: nic2
                  get_param: StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: StorageMgmtIpSubnet
              - type: vlan
                device: nic2
                  get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: ExternalIpSubnet
                - default: true
                    get_param: ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute

              # NIC 3 - Data Group
              - type: ovs_bridge
                name: bridge_name
                  get_param: DnsServers
                - type: interface
                  name: nic3
                  primary: true
                - type: vlan
                    get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID
                  - ip_netmask:
                      get_param: StorageIpSubnet
                - type: vlan
                    get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID
                  - ip_netmask:
                      get_param: TenantIpSubnet

                # NIC 4 - Management
                - type: interface
                  name: nic4
                  use_dhcp: false
                  - ip_netmask: {get_param: ManagementIpSubnet}
                  - default: true
                    next_hop: {get_param: ManagementInterfaceDefaultRoute}

This template uses four network interfaces and assigns a number of tagged VLAN devices to the numbered interfaces, nic1 to nic4. On nic3 it creates the OVS bridge that hosts the Storage and Tenant networks. As a result, it creates the following layout:

  • NIC1 (Provisioning):

    • Provisioning / Control Plane
  • NIC2 (Control Group)

    • Internal API
    • Storage Management
    • External (Public API)
  • NIC3 (Data Group)

    • Tenant Network (VXLAN tunneling)
    • Tenant VLANs / Provider VLANs
    • Storage
    • External VLANs (Floating IP/SNAT)
  • NIC4 (Management)

    • Management

10.6. Network interface template considerations for custom networks

When using composable networks, the script renders the static templates to include networks and roles defined in your network_data and roles_data files. Check the rendered NIC templates and ensure it contains:

  • Static file for each roles, including custom composable networks.
  • Each static file for each role contains the correct network definitions.

Each static file requires all the parameter definitions for any custom networks even if the network is not used on the role. Check to make sure the rendered templates contain these parameters. For example, if a StorageBackup network is added to only the Ceph nodes, the parameters section in NIC configuration templates for all roles must also include this definition:

    default: ''
    description: IP address/subnet on the external network
    type: string

You can also include the parameters definitions for VLAN IDs and/or gateway IP, if needed:

    default: 60
    description: Vlan ID for the management network traffic.
    type: number
	  description: The default route of the storage backup network.
	  type: string

The IpSubnet parameter for the custom network appears in the parameter definitions for each role. However, since the Ceph role might be the only role that uses the StorageBackup network, only the NIC configuration template for the Ceph role would make use of the StorageBackup parameters in the network_config section of the template.

        - type: interface
          name: nic1
          use_dhcp: false
          - ip_netmask:
              get_param: StorageBackupIpSubnet

10.7. Custom network environment file

The custom network environment file (in this case, /home/stack/templates/custom-network-configuration.yaml) is a Heat environment file that describes the Overcloud’s network environment and points to the custom network interface configuration templates. You can define the subnets and VLANs for your network along with IP address ranges. You can then customize these values for the local environment.

The resource_registry section contains references to the custom network interface templates for each node role. Each resource registered uses the following format:

  • OS::TripleO::[ROLE]::Net::SoftwareConfig: [FILE]

[ROLE] is the role name and [FILE] is the respective network interface template for that particular role. For example:

  OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: /home/stack/templates/custom-nics/controller.yaml

The parameter_defaults section contains a list of parameters that define the network options for each network type.

10.8. Network environment parameters

The following table is a list of parameters you can use in a network environment file’s parameter_defaults section to override the default parameter values in your NIC templates.



The IP address of the router on the Control Plane, which is used as a default route for roles other than the Controller nodes by default. Set to the undercloud IP if using IP masquerade instead of a router.



The CIDR netmask of the IP network used on the Control Plane. If the Control Plane network uses, the CIDR is 24.

string (though is always a number)


The full network and CIDR netmask for a particular network. The default is automatically set to the network’s ip_subnet setting in the network_data file. For example: InternalApiNetCidr:



"The IP allocation range for a particular network. The default is automatically set to the network’s allocation_pools setting in the network_data file. For example: InternalApiAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]



The node’s VLAN ID for on a particular network. The default is set automatically to the network’s vlan setting in the network_data file. For example: InternalApiNetworkVlanID: 201



The router address for a particular network, which you can use as a default route for roles or used for routes to other networks. The default is automatically set to the network’s gateway_ip setting in the network_data file. For example: InternalApiInterfaceDefaultRoute:



A list of DNS servers added to resolv.conf. Usually allows a maximum of 2 servers.

comma delimited list


The IP address of the metadata server used to provision overcloud nodes. Set to the IP address of the undercloud on the Control Plane.



The options for bonding interfaces. For example: BondInterfaceOvsOptions: "bond_mode=balance-slb"



Legacy value for the name of the external bridge to use for OpeNStack Networking (neutron). This value is empty by default, which allows for multiple physical bridges to be defined in the NeutronBridgeMappings. This should not normally be overridden.



Defines the flat networks to configure in neutron plugins. Defaults to "datacentre" to permit external network creation. For example: NeutronFlatNetworks: "datacentre"



The logical to physical bridge mappings to use. Defaults to mapping the external bridge on hosts (br-ex) to a physical name (datacentre). You would refer to the logical name when creating OpenStack Networking (neutron) provider networks or floating IP networks. For example NeutronBridgeMappings: "datacentre:br-ex,tenant:br-tenant"



Defines the interface to bridge onto br-ex for network nodes when not using network isolation. Usually not used except in small deployments with only two networks. For example: NeutronPublicInterface: "eth0"



TThe tenant network type for OpenStack Networking (neutron). To specify multiple values, use a comma separated list. The first type specified is used until all available networks are exhausted, then the next type is used. For example: NeutronNetworkType: "vxlan"



The tunnel types for the neutron tenant network. To specify multiple values, use a comma separated string. For example: NeutronTunnelTypes: 'gre,vxlan'

string / comma separated list


Ranges of GRE tunnel IDs to make available for tenant network allocation. For example: NeutronTunnelIdRanges "1:1000"



Ranges of VXLAN VNI IDs to make available for tenant network allocation. For example: NeutronVniRanges: "1:1000"



Defines whether to enable or completely disable all tunnelled networks. Leave this enabled unless you are sure you will never want to create tunelled networks. Defaults to enabled.



The ML2 and Open vSwitch VLAN mapping range to support. Defaults to permitting any VLAN on the datacentre physical network. To specify multiple values, use a comma separated list. For example: NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: "datacentre:1:1000,tenant:100:299,tenant:310:399"



The mechanism drivers for the neutron tenant network. Defaults to "ovn". To specify multiple values, use a comma-separated string. For example: NeutronMechanismDrivers: 'openvswitch,l2population'

string / comma separated list

10.9. Example custom network environment file

The following is an example of an environment file to enable your NIC templates and set custom parameters.


  # Gateway router for the provisioning network (or Undercloud IP)
  # The IP address of the EC2 metadata server. Generally the IP of the Undercloud
  # Define the DNS servers (maximum 2) for the overcloud nodes
  DnsServers: ["",""]
  NeutronExternalNetworkBridge: "''"

10.10. Enabling network isolation with custom NICs

This procedure show how to enable network isolation using custom NIC templates.


  1. When running the openstack overcloud deploy command, make sure to include:

    • The custom network_data file.
    • The rendered file name of the default network isolation.
    • The rendered file name of the default network environment file.
    • The custom environment network configuration that includes resource references to your custom NIC templates.
    • Any additional environment files relevant to your configuration.

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -n /home/stack/network_data.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-environment.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/custom-network-configuration.yaml \
  • Include the network-isolation.yaml file first, then the network-environment.yaml file. The subsequent custom-network-configuration.yaml overrides the OS::TripleO::[ROLE]::Net::SoftwareConfig resources from the previous two files..
  • If using composable networks, include the network_data and roles_data files with this command.

Chapter 11. Additional network configuration

This chapter follows on from the concepts and procedures outlined in Chapter 10, Custom network interface templates and provides some additional information to help configure parts of your overcloud network.

11.1. Configuring custom Interfaces

Individual interfaces might require modification. The example below shows modifications required to use the second NIC to connect to an infrastructure network with DHCP addresses, and to use the third and fourth NICs for the bond:

  # Add a DHCP infrastructure network to nic2
  - type: interface
    name: nic2
    use_dhcp: true
  - type: ovs_bridge
    name: br-bond
      - type: ovs_bond
        name: bond1
          get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions
          # Modify bond NICs to use nic3 and nic4
          - type: interface
            name: nic3
            primary: true
          - type: interface
            name: nic4

The network interface template uses either the actual interface name (eth0, eth1, enp0s25) or a set of numbered interfaces (nic1, nic2, nic3). The network interfaces of hosts within a role do not have to be exactly the same when using numbered interfaces (nic1, nic2, etc.) instead of named interfaces (eth0, eno2, etc.). For example, one host might have interfaces em1 and em2, while another has eno1 and eno2, but you can refer to the NICs of both hosts as nic1 and nic2.

The order of numbered interfaces corresponds to the order of named network interface types:

  • ethX interfaces, such as eth0, eth1, etc. These are usually onboard interfaces.
  • enoX interfaces, such as eno0, eno1, etc. These are usually onboard interfaces.
  • enX interfaces, sorted alpha numerically, such as enp3s0, enp3s1, ens3, etc. These are usually add-on interfaces.

The numbered NIC scheme only takes into account the interfaces that are live, for example, if they have a cable attached to the switch. If you have some hosts with four interfaces and some with six interfaces, you should use nic1 to nic4 and only plug four cables on each host.

You can hardcode physical interfaces to specific aliases. This allows you to be pre-determine which physical NIC will map as nic1 or nic2 and so on. You can also map a MAC address to a specified alias.


Normally, os-net-config only registers interfaces that are already connected in an UP state. However, if you hardcode interfaces using a custom mapping file, the interface is registered even if it is in a DOWN state.

Interfaces are mapped to aliases using an environment file. In this example, each node has predefined entries for nic1 and nic2:

      nic1: "em1"
      nic2: "em2"
      nic1: "00:50:56:2F:9F:2E"
      nic2: "em2"

The resulting configuration is applied by os-net-config. On each node, you can see the applied configuration under interface_mapping in /etc/os-net-config/mapping.yaml.

11.2. Configuring routes and default routes

There are two ways to set the default route of a host. If the interface is using DHCP and the DHCP server offers a gateway address, the system uses a default route for that gateway. Otherwise, you can set a default route on an interface with a static IP.

Although the Linux kernel supports multiple default gateways, it only uses the one with the lowest metric. If there are multiple DHCP interfaces, this can result in an unpredictable default gateway. In this case, it is recommended to set defroute: false for interfaces other than the one using the default route.

For example, you might want a DHCP interface (nic3) to be the default route. Use the following YAML to disable the default route on another DHCP interface (nic2):

# No default route on this DHCP interface
- type: interface
  name: nic2
  use_dhcp: true
  defroute: false
# Instead use this DHCP interface as the default route
- type: interface
  name: nic3
  use_dhcp: true

The defroute parameter only applies to routes obtained through DHCP.

To set a static route on an interface with a static IP, specify a route to the subnet. For example, you can set a route to the subnet through the gateway at on the Internal API network:

    - type: vlan
      device: bond1
        get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
      - ip_netmask:
          get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet
      - ip_netmask:

11.3. Configuring jumbo frames

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting determines the maximum amount of data transmitted with a single Ethernet frame. Using a larger value results in less overhead since each frame adds data in the form of a header. The default value is 1500 and using a higher value requires the configuration of the switch port to support jumbo frames. Most switches support an MTU of at least 9000, but many are configured for 1500 by default.

The MTU of a VLAN cannot exceed the MTU of the physical interface. Ensure that you include the MTU value on the bond and/or interface.

The Storage, Storage Management, Internal API, and Tenant networks all benefit from jumbo frames. In testing, a project’s networking throughput demonstrated substantial improvement when using jumbo frames in conjunction with VXLAN tunnels.


It is recommended that the Provisioning interface, External interface, and any floating IP interfaces be left at the default MTU of 1500. Connectivity problems are likely to occur otherwise. This is because routers typically cannot forward jumbo frames across Layer 3 boundaries.

- type: ovs_bond
  name: bond1
  mtu: 9000
  ovs_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions}
    - type: interface
      name: nic3
      mtu: 9000
      primary: true
    - type: interface
      name: nic4
      mtu: 9000

# The external interface should stay at default
- type: vlan
  device: bond1
    get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID
    - ip_netmask:
        get_param: ExternalIpSubnet
    - ip_netmask:
        get_param: ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute

# MTU 9000 for Internal API, Storage, and Storage Management
- type: vlan
  device: bond1
  mtu: 9000
    get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
  - ip_netmask:
      get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet

11.4. Configuring the native VLAN for floating IPs

Neutron uses a default empty string for its external bridge mapping. This maps the physical interface to the br-int instead of using br-ex directly. This model allows multiple Floating IP networks using either VLANs or multiple physical connections.

Use the NeutronExternalNetworkBridge parameter in the parameter_defaults section of your network isolation environment file:

    # Set to "br-ex" when using floating IPs on the native VLAN
    NeutronExternalNetworkBridge: "''"

If you use only one Floating IP network on the native VLAN of a bridge, you can optionally set the neutron external bridge. This results in the packets only having to traverse one bridge instead of two, which might result in slightly lower CPU usage when passing traffic over the Floating IP network.

11.5. Configuring the native VLAN on a trunked interface

If a trunked interface or bond has a network on the native VLAN, the IP addresses are assigned directly to the bridge and is no VLAN interface.

For example, if the External network is on the native VLAN, a bonded configuration looks like this:

  - type: ovs_bridge
    name: bridge_name
      get_param: DnsServers
      - ip_netmask:
          get_param: ExternalIpSubnet
      - ip_netmask:
          get_param: ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute
      - type: ovs_bond
        name: bond1
          get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions
          - type: interface
            name: nic3
            primary: true
          - type: interface
            name: nic4

When moving the address (and possibly route) statements onto the bridge, remove the corresponding VLAN interface from the bridge. Make the changes to all applicable roles. The External network is only on the controllers, so only the controller template requires a change. The Storage network on the other hand is attached to all roles, so if the Storage network is on the default VLAN, all roles require modifications.

Chapter 12. Network Interface Bonding

This chapter defines some of the bonding options you can use in your custom network configuration.

12.1. Network Interface Bonding and Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)

You can bundle multiple physical NICs together to form a single logical channel known as a bond. Bonds can be configured to provide redundancy for high availability systems or increased throughput.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform supports Linux bonds, Open vSwitch (OVS) kernel bonds, and OVS-DPDK bonds.

The bonds can be used with the optional Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). LACP is a negotiation protocol that creates a dynamic bond for load balancing and fault tolerance.

Red Hat recommends the use of Linux kernel bonds (bond type: linux_bond) over OvS kernel bonds (bond type: ovs_bond). User mode bonds (bond type: ovs_dpdk_bond) should be used with user mode bridges (type: ovs_user_bridge) as opposed to kernel mode bridges (type: ovs_bridge). However, don’t combine ovs_bridge and ovs_user_bridge on the same node.

On control and storage networks, Red Hat recommends the use of Linux bonds with VLAN and LACP, because OVS bonds carry the potential for control plane disruption that can occur when OVS or the neutron agent is restarted for updates, hot fixes, and other events. The Linux bond/LACP/VLAN configuration provides NIC management without the OVS disruption potential.

Here is an example configuration of a Linux bond with one VLAN.


              - type: linux_bond
                name: bond_api
                bonding_options: "mode=active-backup"
                use_dhcp: false
        `          get_param: DnsServers
                - type: interface
                  name: nic3
                  primary: true
                - type: interface
                  name: nic4

              - type: vlan
                  get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID
                device: bond_api
                - ip_netmask:
                    get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet

The following example shows a Linux bond plugged into the OVS bridge


            -  type: ovs_bridge
                name: br-tenant
                use_dhcp: false
                mtu: 9000
                  - type: linux_bond
                    name: bond_tenant
                    bonding_options: "mode=802.3ad updelay=1000 miimon=100"
                    use_dhcp: false
                      get_param: DnsServers
                    - type: interface
                      name: p1p1
                      primary: true
                    - type: interface
                      name: p1p2
                  - type: vlan
                    device: bond_tenant
                    vlan_id: {get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID}
                        ip_netmask: {get_param: TenantIpSubnet}

The following example shows an OVS user space bridge:


          -    type: ovs_user_bridge
                name: br-ex
                use_dhcp: false
                - type: ovs_dpdk_bond
                  name: dpdkbond0
                  mtu: 2140
                  ovs_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions}
                  #- set interface dpdk0 mtu_request=$MTU
                  #- set interface dpdk1 mtu_request=$MTU
                    get_param: NumDpdkInterfaceRxQueues
                  - type: ovs_dpdk_port
                    name: dpdk0
                    mtu: 2140
                    - type: interface
                      name: p1p1
                  - type: ovs_dpdk_port
                    name: dpdk1
                    mtu: 2140
                    - type: interface
                      name: p1p2

12.2. Open vSwitch Bonding Options

The Overcloud provides networking through Open vSwitch (OVS). The following table describes support for OVS kernel and OVS-DPDK for bonded interfaces. The OVS/OVS-DPDK balance-tcp mode is available as a technology preview only.


This support requires Open vSwitch 2.11 or later.

OVS Bond mode



Compatible LACP options


High availability (active-passive)


active, passive, or off


Increased throughput (active-active)

  • Performance is affected by extra parsing per packet.
  • There is a potential for vhost-user lock contention.

active, passive, or off

balance-tcp (tech preview only )

Not recommended (active-active)

  • Recirculation needed for L4 hashing has a performance impact.
  • As with balance-slb, performance is affected by extra parsing per packet and there is a potential for vhost-user lock contention.
  • LACP must be enabled.

active or passive

You can configure a bonded interface in the network environment file using the BondInterfaceOvsOptions parameter as shown in this example:

  BondInterfaceOvsOptions: "bond_mode=balance-slb"

12.3. Linux bonding options

You can use LACP with Linux bonding in your network interface templates. For example:

      - type: linux_bond
        name: bond1
        - type: interface
          name: nic2
        - type: interface
          name: nic3
        bonding_options: "mode=802.3ad lacp_rate=[fast|slow] updelay=1000 miimon=100"
  • mode - enables LACP.
  • lacp_rate - defines whether LACP packets are sent every 1 second, or every 30 seconds.
  • updelay - defines the minimum amount of time that an interface must be active before it is used for traffic (this helps mitigate port flapping outages).
  • miimon - the interval in milliseconds that is used for monitoring the port state using the driver’s MIIMON functionality.

12.4. General bonding options

The following table provides some explanation of these options and some alternatives depending on your hardware.

Table 12.1. Bonding Options


Balances flows based on source MAC address and output VLAN, with periodic rebalancing as traffic patterns change. Bonding with balance-slb allows a limited form of load balancing without the remote switch’s knowledge or cooperation. SLB assigns each source MAC and VLAN pair to a link and transmits all packets from that MAC and VLAN through that link. This mode uses a simple hashing algorithm based on source MAC address and VLAN number, with periodic rebalancing as traffic patterns change. This mode is similar to mode 2 bonds used by the Linux bonding driver. This mode can be used to provide load balancing even when the switch is not configured to use LACP.


This mode offers active/standby failover where the standby NIC resumes network operations when the active connection fails. Only one MAC address is presented to the physical switch. This mode does not require any special switch support or configuration, and works when the links are connected to separate switches. This mode does not provide load balancing.


Controls the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) behavior. Only certain switches support LACP. If your switch does not support LACP, use bond_mode=balance-slb or bond_mode=active-backup.


Sets the LACP behavior to switch to bond_mode=active-backup as a fallback.


Set the LACP heartbeat to 1 second (fast) or 30 seconds (slow). The default is slow.


Set the link detection to use miimon heartbeats (miimon) or monitor carrier (carrier). The default is carrier.


If using miimon, set the heartbeat interval in milliseconds.


Number of milliseconds a link must be up to be activated to prevent flapping.


Milliseconds between rebalancing flows between bond members. Set to zero to disable.

Chapter 13. Controlling Node Placement

The default behavior for the director is to randomly select nodes for each role, usually based on their profile tag. However, the director provides the ability to define specific node placement. This is a useful method to:

  • Assign specific node IDs e.g. controller-0, controller-1, etc
  • Assign custom hostnames
  • Assign specific IP addresses
  • Assign specific Virtual IP addresses

Manually setting predictable IP addresses, virtual IP addresses, and ports for a network alleviates the need for allocation pools. However, it is recommended to retain allocation pools for each network to ease with scaling new nodes. Make sure that any statically defined IP addresses fall outside the allocation pools. For more information on setting allocation pools, see Section 10.7, “Custom network environment file”.

13.1. Assigning Specific Node IDs

This procedure assigns node ID to specific nodes. Examples of node IDs include controller-0, controller-1, compute-0, compute-1, and so forth.

The first step is to assign the ID as a per-node capability that the Compute scheduler matches on deployment. For example:

openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities='node:controller-0,boot_option:local' <id>

This assigns the capability node:controller-0 to the node. Repeat this pattern using a unique continuous index, starting from 0, for all nodes. Make sure all nodes for a given role (Controller, Compute, or each of the storage roles) are tagged in the same way or else the Compute scheduler will not match the capabilities correctly.

The next step is to create a Heat environment file (for example, scheduler_hints_env.yaml) that uses scheduler hints to match the capabilities for each node. For example:

    'capabilities:node': 'controller-%index%'

To use these scheduler hints, include the ` scheduler_hints_env.yaml` environment file with the overcloud deploy command during overcloud creation.

The same approach is possible for each role via these parameters:

  • ControllerSchedulerHints for Controller nodes.
  • ComputeSchedulerHints for Compute nodes.
  • BlockStorageSchedulerHints for Block Storage nodes.
  • ObjectStorageSchedulerHints for Object Storage nodes.
  • CephStorageSchedulerHints for Ceph Storage nodes.
  • [ROLE]SchedulerHints for custom roles. Replace [ROLE] with the role name.

Node placement takes priority over profile matching. To avoid scheduling failures, use the default baremetal flavor for deployment and not the flavors designed for profile matching (compute, control, etc). For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy ... --control-flavor baremetal --compute-flavor baremetal ...

13.2. Assigning Custom Hostnames

In combination with the node ID configuration in Section 13.1, “Assigning Specific Node IDs”, the director can also assign a specific custom hostname to each node. This is useful when you need to define where a system is located (e.g. rack2-row12), match an inventory identifier, or other situations where a custom hostname is desired.

To customize node hostnames, use the HostnameMap parameter in an environment file, such as the ` scheduler_hints_env.yaml` file from Section 13.1, “Assigning Specific Node IDs”. For example:

    'capabilities:node': 'controller-%index%'
    'capabilities:node': 'compute-%index%'
    overcloud-controller-0: overcloud-controller-prod-123-0
    overcloud-controller-1: overcloud-controller-prod-456-0
    overcloud-controller-2: overcloud-controller-prod-789-0
    overcloud-compute-0: overcloud-compute-prod-abc-0

Define the HostnameMap in the parameter_defaults section, and set each mapping as the original hostname that Heat defines using HostnameFormat parameters (e.g. overcloud-controller-0) and the second value is the desired custom hostname for that node (e.g. overcloud-controller-prod-123-0).

Using this method in combination with the node ID placement ensures each node has a custom hostname.

13.3. Assigning Predictable IPs

For further control over the resulting environment, director can assign overcloud nodes with specific IPs on each network.

Create an environment file to define the predictive IP addressing:

$ touch ~/templates/predictive_ips.yaml

Create a parameter_defaults section in the ~/templates/predictive_ips.yaml file and use the following syntax to define predictive IP addressing for each node on each network:

    - <IP_address>
    - <IP_address>

Each node role has a unique parameter. Replace <role_name>IPs with the relevant parameter:

  • ControllerIPs for Controller nodes.
  • ComputeIPs for Compute nodes.
  • CephStorageIPs for Ceph Storage nodes.
  • BlockStorageIPs for Block Storage nodes.
  • SwiftStorageIPs for Object Storage nodes.
  • [ROLE]IPs for custom roles. Replace [ROLE] with the role name.

Each parameter is a map of network names to a list of addresses. Each network type must have at least as many addresses as there will be nodes on that network. Director assigns addresses in order. The first node of each type receives the first address on each respective list, the second node receives the second address on each respective lists, and so forth.

For example, if an overcloud will contain three Ceph Storage nodes, the CephStorageIPs parameter might look like:


The first Ceph Storage node receives two addresses: and The second receives and, and the third receives and The same pattern applies to the other node types.

To configure predictable IP addresses on the control plane, copy the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ips-from-pool-ctlplane.yaml file to the templates directory of the stack user:

$ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ips-from-pool-ctlplane.yaml ~/templates/.

Configure the new ips-from-pool-ctlplane.yaml file with the following parameter example. You can combine the control plane IP address declarations with the IP address declarations for other networks and use only one file to declare the IP addresses for all networks on all roles. You can also use predictable IP addresses for spine/leaf. Each node must have IP addresses from the correct subnet.


Ensure that the IP addresses that you choose fall outside the allocation pools for each network that you define in your network environment file (see Section 10.7, “Custom network environment file”). For example, ensure that the internal_api assignments fall outside of the InternalApiAllocationPools range to avoid conflicts with any IPs chosen automatically. Likewise, ensure that the IP assignments do not conflict with the VIP configuration, either for standard predictable VIP placement (see Section 13.4, “Assigning Predictable Virtual IPs”) or external load balancing (see Section 23.2, “Configuring External Load Balancing”).


If an overcloud node is deleted, do not remove its entries in the IP lists. The IP list is based on the underlying Heat indices, which do not change even if you delete nodes. To indicate a given entry in the list is no longer used, replace the IP value with a value such as DELETED or UNUSED. Entries should never be removed from the IP lists, only changed or added.

To apply this configuration during a deployment, include the predictive_ips.yaml environment file with the openstack overcloud deploy command.


If using network isolation, include the predictive_ips.yaml file after the network-isolation.yaml file.

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \
  -e ~/templates/predictive_ips.yaml \

13.4. Assigning Predictable Virtual IPs

In addition to defining predictable IP addresses for each node, the director also provides a similar ability to define predictable Virtual IPs (VIPs) for clustered services. To accomplish this, edit the network environment file from Section 10.7, “Custom network environment file” and add the VIP parameters in the parameter_defaults section:

  # Predictable VIPs
  ControlFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  PublicVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  StorageVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]
  RedisVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':''}]

Select these IPs from outside of their respective allocation pool ranges. For example, select an IP address for InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs that is not within the InternalApiAllocationPools range.

This step is only for overclouds using the default internal load balancing configuration. If assigning VIPs with an external load balancer, use the procedure in the dedicated External Load Balancing for the Overcloud guide.

Chapter 14. Enabling SSL/TLS on Overcloud Public Endpoints

By default, the overcloud uses unencrypted endpoints for its services. This means that the overcloud configuration requires an additional environment file to enable SSL/TLS for its Public API endpoints. The following chapter shows how to configure your SSL/TLS certificate and include it as a part of your overcloud creation.


This process only enables SSL/TLS for Public API endpoints. The Internal and Admin APIs remain unencrypted.

This process requires network isolation to define the endpoints for the Public API.

14.1. Initializing the Signing Host

The signing host is the host that generates and signs new certificates with a certificate authority. If you have never created SSL certificates on the chosen signing host, you might need to initialize the host so that it can sign new certificates.

The /etc/pki/CA/index.txt file contains records of all signed certificates. Check if this file exists. If the file does not exist, create the directory path if needed, then create an empty file, index.txt:

$ mkdir -p /etc/pki/CA
$ sudo touch /etc/pki/CA/index.txt

The /etc/pki/CA/serial file identifies the next serial number to use for the next certificate to sign. Check if this file exists. If the file does not exist, create a new file, serial, with a starting value of 1000:

$ echo '1000' | sudo tee /etc/pki/CA/serial

14.2. Creating a Certificate Authority

Normally you sign your SSL/TLS certificates with an external certificate authority. In some situations, you might want to use your own certificate authority. For example, you might want to have an internal-only certificate authority.

Generate a key and certificate pair to act as the certificate authority:

$ openssl genrsa -out ca.key.pem 4096
$ openssl req  -key ca.key.pem -new -x509 -days 7300 -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt.pem

The openssl req command asks for certain details about your authority. Enter these details at the prompt.

These commands create a certificate authority file called ca.crt.pem.

14.3. Adding the Certificate Authority to Clients

For any external clients aiming to communicate using SSL/TLS, copy the certificate authority file to each client that requires access to your Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment.

$ sudo cp ca.crt.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/

After you copy the certificate authority file to each client, run the following command on each client to add the certificate to the certificate authority trust bundle:

$ sudo update-ca-trust extract

For example, the undercloud requires a copy of the certificate authority file so that it can communicate with the overcloud endpoints during creation.

14.4. Creating an SSL/TLS Key

Run the following commands to generate the SSL/TLS key (server.key.pem) that you use at different points to generate your undercloud or overcloud certificates:

$ openssl genrsa -out server.key.pem 2048

14.5. Creating an SSL/TLS Certificate Signing Request

This next procedure creates a certificate signing request for the overcloud. Copy the default OpenSSL configuration file for customization.

$ cp /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf .

Edit the custom openssl.cnf file and set SSL parameters to use for the overcloud. An example of the types of parameters to modify include:

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req

countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default = AU
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default = Queensland
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_default = Brisbane
organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
organizationalUnitName_default = Red Hat
commonName = Common Name
commonName_default =
commonName_max = 64

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

IP.1 =
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =

Set the commonName_default to one of the following:

  • If using an IP to access over SSL/TLS, use the Virtual IP for the Public API. Set this VIP using the PublicVirtualFixedIPs parameter in an environment file. For more information, see Section 13.4, “Assigning Predictable Virtual IPs”. If you are not using predictable VIPs, the director assigns the first IP address from the range defined in the ExternalAllocationPools parameter.
  • If using a fully qualified domain name to access over SSL/TLS, use the domain name instead.

Include the same Public API IP address as an IP entry and a DNS entry in the alt_names section. If also using DNS, include the hostname for the server as DNS entries in the same section. For more information about openssl.cnf, run man openssl.cnf.

Run the following command to generate certificate signing request (server.csr.pem):

$ openssl req -config openssl.cnf -key server.key.pem -new -out server.csr.pem

Make sure to include the SSL/TLS key you created in Section 14.4, “Creating an SSL/TLS Key” for the -key option.

Use the server.csr.pem file to create the SSL/TLS certificate in the next section.

14.6. Creating the SSL/TLS Certificate

Run the following command to create a certificate for your undercloud or overcloud:

$ sudo openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req -days 3650 -in server.csr.pem -out server.crt.pem -cert ca.crt.pem -keyfile ca.key.pem

This command uses the following options:

This command creates a new certificate named server.crt.pem. Use this certificate in conjunction with the SSL/TLS key from Section 14.4, “Creating an SSL/TLS Key” to enable SSL/TLS.

14.7. Enabling SSL/TLS

Copy the enable-tls.yaml environment file from the Heat template collection:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-tls.yaml ~/templates/.

Edit this file and make the following changes for these parameters:


Copy the contents of the certificate file (server.crt.pem) into the SSLCertificate parameter. For example:

  SSLCertificate: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

The certificate contents require the same indentation level for all new lines.


If you have an intermediate certificate, copy the contents of the intermediate certificate into the SSLIntermediateCertificate parameter:

  SSLIntermediateCertificate: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

The certificate contents require the same indentation level for all new lines.


Copy the contents of the private key (server.key.pem) into the SSLKey parameter. For example:

  SSLKey: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

The private key contents require the same indentation level for all new lines.

14.8. Injecting a Root Certificate

If the certificate signer is not in the default trust store on the overcloud image, you must inject the certificate authority into the overcloud image. Copy the inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml environment file from the heat template collection:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml ~/templates/.

Edit this file and make the following changes for these parameters:


Lists each certificate authority content (CA) to inject into the overcloud. The overcloud requires both a CA files used to sign the certificates for the undercloud and the overcloud. Copy the contents of the root certificate authority file (ca.crt.pem) into an entry. For example, your CAMap parameter might look like the following:

      content: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      content: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

The certificate authority contents require the same indentation level for all new lines.

You can also inject additional CAs with the CAMap parameter.

14.9. Configuring DNS endpoints

If using a DNS hostname to access the overcloud through SSL/TLS, you will need to copy the custom-domain.yaml file into /home/stack/templates. You can find this file in /usr/share/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/predictable-placement/.

  1. Configure the host and domain names for all fields, adding parameters for custom networks if needed:


    It is not possible to redeploy with a TLS-everywhere architecture if this environment file is not included in the initial deployment.

    # title: Custom Domain Name
    # description: |
    #   This environment contains the parameters that need to be set in order to
    #   use a custom domain name and have all of the various FQDNs reflect it.
      # The DNS domain used for the hosts. This must match the overcloud_domain_name configured on the undercloud.
      # Type: string
      CloudDomain: localdomain
      # The DNS name of this cloud. E.g.
      # Type: string
      CloudName: overcloud.localdomain
      # The DNS name of this cloud's provisioning network endpoint. E.g. ''.
      # Type: string
      CloudNameCtlplane: overcloud.ctlplane.localdomain
      # The DNS name of this cloud's internal_api endpoint. E.g. ''.
      # Type: string
      CloudNameInternal: overcloud.internalapi.localdomain
      # The DNS name of this cloud's storage endpoint. E.g. ''.
      # Type: string
      # The DNS name of this cloud's storage_mgmt endpoint. E.g. ''.
      # Type: string
      CloudNameStorageManagement: overcloud.storagemgmt.localdomain
  2. Add a list of DNS servers to use under parameter defaults, in either a new or existing environment file:

      DnsServers: [""]

14.10. Adding Environment Files During Overcloud Creation

The deployment command (openstack overcloud deploy) uses the -e option to add environment files. Add the environment files from this section in the following order:

  • The environment file to enable SSL/TLS (enable-tls.yaml)
  • The environment file to set the DNS hostname (cloudname.yaml)
  • The environment file to inject the root certificate authority (inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml)
  • The environment file to set the public endpoint mapping:

    • If using a DNS name for accessing the public endpoints, use /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml
    • If using a IP address for accessing the public endpoints, use /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-ip.yaml

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates [...] -e /home/stack/templates/enable-tls.yaml -e ~/templates/cloudname.yaml -e ~/templates/inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml

14.11. Updating SSL/TLS Certificates

If you need to update certificates in the future:

  • Edit the enable-tls.yaml file and update the SSLCertificate, SSLKey, and SSLIntermediateCertificate parameters.
  • If your certificate authority has changed, edit the inject-trust-anchor.yaml file and update the SSLRootCertificate parameter.

Once the new certificate content is in place, rerun your deployment command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates [...] -e /home/stack/templates/enable-tls.yaml -e ~/templates/cloudname.yaml -e ~/templates/inject-trust-anchor.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml

Chapter 15. Enabling SSL/TLS on Internal and Public Endpoints with Identity Management

You can enable SSL/TLS on certain overcloud endpoints. Due to the number of certificates required, the director integrates with a Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) server to act as a certificate authority and manage the overcloud certificates. This process involves using novajoin to enroll overcloud nodes to the IdM server.

To check the status of TLS support across the OpenStack components, refer to the TLS Enablement status matrix.

15.1. Add the undercloud to the CA

Before deploying the overcloud, you must add the undercloud to the Certificate Authority (CA):

  1. On the undercloud node, install the python3-novajoin package:

    $ sudo dnf install python3-novajoin
  2. On the undercloud node, run the novajoin-ipa-setup script, adjusting the values to suit your deployment:

    $ sudo /usr/libexec/novajoin-ipa-setup \
        --principal admin \
        --password <IdM admin password> \
        --server <IdM server hostname> \
        --realm <overcloud cloud domain (in upper case)> \
        --domain <overcloud cloud domain> \
        --hostname <undercloud hostname> \

    In the following section, you will use the resulting One-Time Password (OTP) to enroll the undercloud.

15.2. Add the undercloud to IdM

This procedure registers the undercloud with IdM and configures novajoin. Configure the following settings in undercloud.conf (within the [DEFAULT] section):

  1. The novajoin service is disabled by default. To enable it:

    enable_novajoin = true
  2. You need set a One-Time Password (OTP) to register the undercloud node with IdM:

    ipa_otp = <otp>
  3. Set the overcloud’s domain name to be served by neutron’s DHCP server:

    overcloud_domain_name = <domain>
  4. Set the appropriate hostname for the undercloud:

    undercloud_hostname = <undercloud FQDN>
  5. Set IdM as the nameserver for the undercloud:

    undercloud_nameservers = <IdM IP>
  6. For larger environments, you will need to review the novajoin connection timeout values. In undercloud.conf, add a reference to a new file called undercloud-timeout.yaml:

    hieradata_override = /home/stack/undercloud-timeout.yaml

    Add the following options to undercloud-timeout.yaml. You can specify the timeout value in seconds, for example, 5:

    nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout: <timeout value>
    nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout: <timeout value>
  7. Save the undercloud.conf file.
  8. Run the undercloud deployment command to apply the changes to your existing undercloud:

    $ openstack undercloud install

15.3. Configure overcloud DNS

For automatic detection of your IdM environment, and easier enrollment, consider using IdM as your DNS server:

  1. Connect to your undercloud:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  2. Configure the control plane subnet to use IdM as the DNS name server:

    $ openstack subnet set ctlplane-subnet --dns-nameserver  <idm_server_address>
  3. Set the DnsServers parameter in an environment file to use your IdM server:

      DnsServers: ["<idm_server_address>"]

    This parameter is usually defined in a custom network-environment.yaml file.

15.4. Configure overcloud to use novajoin

  1. To enable IdM integration, create a copy of the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/predictable-placement/custom-domain.yaml environment file:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/predictable-placement/custom-domain.yaml \
  2. Edit the /home/stack/templates/custom-domain.yaml environment file and set the CloudDomain and CloudName* values to suit your deployment. For example:

      CloudDomain: lab.local
      CloudName: overcloud.lab.local
      CloudNameInternal: overcloud.internalapi.lab.local
      CloudNameStorageManagement: overcloud.storagemgmt.lab.local
      CloudNameCtlplane: overcloud.ctlplane.lab.local
  3. Include the following environment files in the overcloud deployment process:

    • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml
    • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml
    • /home/stack/templates/custom-domain.yaml

      For example:

      openstack overcloud deploy \
        --templates \
         -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml \
         -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml \
         -e /home/stack/templates/custom-domain.yaml \

      As a result, the deployed overcloud nodes will be automatically enrolled with IdM.

  4. This only sets TLS for the internal endpoints. For the external endpoints you can use the normal means of adding TLS with the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-tls.yaml environment file (which must be modified to add your custom certificate and key). Consequently, your openstack deploy command would be similar to this:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
      --templates \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml \
      -e /home/stack/templates/custom-domain.yaml \
      -e /home/stack/templates/enable-tls.yaml
  5. Alternatively, you can also use IdM to issue your public certificates. In that case, you need to use the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml environment file. For example:

    openstack overcloud deploy \
      --templates \
       -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml \
       -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml \
       -e /home/stack/templates/custom-domain.yaml \
       -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml

You can no longer use novajoin to implement TLS everywhere (TLS-e) on a pre-existing deployment. Use the above procedure only during the initial installation of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.

Chapter 16. Debug Modes

You can enable and disable the DEBUG level logging mode for certain services in the overcloud. To configure debug mode for a service, set the respective debug parameter.

For example, OpenStack Identity (keystone) uses the KeystoneDebug parameter. Create a debug.yaml environment file to store debug parameters and set the KeystoneDebug parameter in the parameter_defaults section:

  KeystoneDebug: True

After you have set the KeystoneDebug parameter to True, the /var/log/containers/keystone/keystone.log standard keystone log file is updated with DEBUG level logs.

For a full list of debug parameters, see "Debug Parameters" in the Overcloud Parameters guide.

Chapter 17. Policies

You can configure access policies for certain services in the overcloud. To configure policies for a service, set the respective policy parameter with a hash value containing the service’s policies. For example:

  • OpenStack Identity (keystone) uses the KeystonePolicies parameter. Set this parameter in the parameter_defaults section of an environment file:

      KeystonePolicies: { keystone-context_is_admin: { key: context_is_admin, value: 'role:admin' } }
  • OpenStack Compute (nova) uses the NovaApiPolicies parameter. Set this parameter in the parameter_defaults section of an environment file:

      NovaApiPolicies: { nova-context_is_admin: { key: 'compute:get_all', value: '@' } }

For a full list of policy parameters, see "Policy Parameters" in the Overcloud Parameters guide.

Chapter 18. Storage Configuration

This chapter outlines several methods of configuring storage options for your Overcloud.


By default, the overcloud uses local ephemeral storage provided by OpenStack Compute (nova) and LVM block storage provided by OpenStack Storage (cinder). However, these options are not supported for enterprise-level overclouds. Instead, use one of the storage options in this chapter.

18.1. Configuring NFS Storage

This section describes how to configure the overcloud to use an NFS share. The installation and configuration process is based on the modification of an existing environment file in the core heat template collection.


Red Hat recommends that you use a certified storage back end and driver. Red Hat does not recommend that you use NFS that comes from the generic NFS back end, because its capabilities are limited when compared to a certified storage back end and driver. For example, the generic NFS back end does not support features such as volume encryption and volume multi-attach. For information about supported drivers, see the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.


There are several director heat parameters that control whether an NFS back end or a NetApp NFS Block Storage back end supports a NetApp feature called NAS secure:

  • CinderNetappNasSecureFileOperations
  • CinderNetappNasSecureFilePermissions
  • CinderNasSecureFileOperations
  • CinderNasSecureFilePermissions

Red Hat does not recommend that you enable the feature, because it interferes with normal volume operations. Director disables the feature by default, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform does not support it.


For Block Storage and Compute services, you must use NFS version 4.1 or later.

The core heat template collection contains a set of environment files in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/. With these environment files you can create customized configuration of some of the supported features in a director-created overcloud. This includes an environment file designed to configure storage. This file is located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml.

  1. Copy the file to the stack user’s template directory:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml ~/templates/.
  2. Modify the following parameters:

    Enables the iSCSI backend. Set to false.
    Enables the Ceph Storage backend. Set to false.
    Enables the NFS backend. Set to true.
    Enables Ceph Storage for Nova ephemeral storage. Set to false.
    Define the back end to use for glance. Set to file to use file-based storage for images. The overcloud saves these files in a mounted NFS share for glance.
    The NFS share to mount for volume storage. For example,
    When GlanceBackend is set to file, GlanceNfsEnabled enables images to be stored through NFS in a shared location so that all Controller nodes have access to the images. If disabled, the overcloud stores images in the file system of the Controller node. Set to true.

    The NFS share to mount for image storage. For example,

    The environment file contains parameters that configure different storage options for the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Block Storage (cinder) and Image (glance) services. This example demonstrates how to configure the overcloud to use an NFS share.

    The options in the environment file should look similar to the following:

      CinderEnableIscsiBackend: false
      CinderEnableRbdBackend: false
      CinderEnableNfsBackend: true
      NovaEnableRbdBackend: false
      GlanceBackend: file
      GlanceNfsEnabled: true

    These parameters are integrated as part of the heat template collection. Setting them as shown in the example code creates two NFS mount points for the Block Storage and Image services to use.

  3. Include the file when you deploy the overcloud.

18.2. Configuring Ceph Storage

The director provides two main methods for integrating Red Hat Ceph Storage into an Overcloud.

Creating an Overcloud with its own Ceph Storage Cluster
The director has the ability to create a Ceph Storage Cluster during the creation on the Overcloud. The director creates a set of Ceph Storage nodes that use the Ceph OSD to store the data. In addition, the director install the Ceph Monitor service on the Overcloud’s Controller nodes. This means if an organization creates an Overcloud with three highly available controller nodes, the Ceph Monitor also becomes a highly available service. For more information, see the Deploying an Overcloud with Containerized Red Hat Ceph guide.
Integrating a Existing Ceph Storage into an Overcloud
If you already have an existing Ceph Storage Cluster, you can integrate this during an Overcloud deployment. This means you manage and scale the cluster outside of the Overcloud configuration. For more information, see the Integrating an Overcloud with an Existing Red Hat Ceph Cluster guide.

18.3. Using an External Object Storage Cluster

You can reuse an external Object Storage (swift) cluster by disabling the default Object Storage service deployment on the controller nodes. Doing so disables both the proxy and storage services for Object Storage and configures haproxy and keystone to use the given external Swift endpoint.


User accounts on the external Object Storage (swift) cluster have to be managed by hand.

You need the endpoint IP address of the external Object Storage cluster as well as the authtoken password from the external Object Storage proxy-server.conf file. You can find this information by using the openstack endpoint list command.

To deploy director with an external Swift cluster:

  1. Create a new file named swift-external-params.yaml with the following content:

    • Replace EXTERNAL.IP:PORT with the IP address and port of the external proxy and
    • Replace AUTHTOKEN with the authtoken password for the external proxy on the SwiftPassword line.

        ExternalPublicUrl: 'https://EXTERNAL.IP:PORT/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s'
        ExternalInternalUrl: ''
        ExternalAdminUrl: ''
        ExternalSwiftUserTenant: 'service'
        SwiftPassword: AUTHTOKEN
  2. Save this file as swift-external-params.yaml.
  3. Deploy the overcloud using these additional environment files.

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e [your environment files]
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/swift-external.yaml
    -e swift-external-params.yaml

18.4. Configuring the Image Import Method and Shared Staging Area

The default settings for the OpenStack Image service (glance) are determined by the Heat templates used when OpenStack is installed. The Image service Heat template is deployment/glance/glance-api-container-puppet.yaml.

The interoperable image import allows two methods for image import:

  • web-download
  • glance-direct

The web-download method lets you import an image from a URL; the glance-direct method lets you import an image from a local volume.

18.4.1. Creating and Deploying the glance-settings.yaml File

You use an environment file to configure the import parameters. These parameters override the default values established in the Heat template. The example environment content provides parameters for the interoperable image import.

  # Configure NFS backend
  GlanceBackend: file
  GlanceNfsEnabled: true

  # Enable glance-direct import method
  GlanceEnabledImportMethods: glance-direct,web-download

  # Configure NFS staging area (required for glance-direct import method)

The GlanceBackend, GlanceNfsEnabled, and GlanceNfsShare parameters are defined in the Storage Configuration section in the Advanced Overcloud Customization Guide.

Two new parameters for interoperable image import define the import method and a shared NFS staging area.

Defines the available import methods, web-download (default) and glance-direct. This line is only necessary if you wish to enable additional methods besides web-download.
Configures the NFS staging area used by the glance-direct import method. This space can be shared amongst nodes in a high-availability cluster setup. Requires GlanceNfsEnabled be set to true.

To configure the settings:

  1. Create a new file called, for example, glance-settings.yaml. The contents of this file should be similar to the example above.
  2. Add the file to your OpenStack environment using the openstack overcloud deploy command:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e glance-settings.yaml

For additional information about using environment files, see the Including Environment Files in Overcloud Creation section in the Advanced Overcloud Customization Guide.

18.4.2. Controlling Image Web-Import Sources

You can limit the sources of Web-import image downloads by adding URI blacklists and whitelists to the optional glance-image-import.conf file.

You can whitelist or blacklist image source URIs at three levels:

  • scheme (allowed_schemes, disallowed_schemes)
  • host (allowed_hosts, disallowed_hosts)
  • port (allowed_ports, disallowed_ports)

If you specify both at any level, the whitelist is honored and the blacklist is ignored.

The Image service applies the following decision logic to validate image source URIs:

  1. The scheme is checked.

    1. Missing scheme: reject
    2. If there’s a whitelist, and the scheme is not in it: reject. Otherwise, skip C and continue on to 2.
    3. If there’s a blacklist, and the scheme is in it: reject.
  2. The host name is checked.

    1. Missing host name: reject
    2. If there’s a whitelist, and the host name is not in it: reject. Otherwise, skip C and continue on to 3.
    3. If there’s a blacklist, and the host name is in it: reject.
  3. If there’s a port in the URI, the port is checked.

    1. If there’s a whitelist, and the port is not in it: reject. Otherwise, skip B and continue on to 4.
    2. If there’s a black list, and the port is in it: reject.
  4. The URI is accepted as valid.

Note that if you allow a scheme, either by whitelisting it or by not blacklisting it, any URI that uses the default port for that scheme by not including a port in the URI is allowed. If it does include a port in the URI, the URI is validated according to the above rules. Example

For instance, the default port for FTP is 21. Because ftp is a whitelisted scheme, this URL is allowed: But because 21 is not in the port whitelist, this URL to the same resource is rejected:

allowed_schemes = [http,https,ftp]
disallowed_schemes = []
allowed_hosts = []
disallowed_hosts = []
allowed_ports = [80,443]
disallowed_ports = []

[Including Environment Files in Overcloud Creation] section in the Advanced Overcloud Customization Guide. Default Image Import Blacklist and Whitelist Settings

The glance-image-import.conf file is an optional file. Here are the default settings for these options:

  • allowed_schemes - [http, https]
  • disallowed_schemes - empty list
  • allowed_hosts - empty list
  • disallowed_hosts - empty list
  • allowed_ports - [80, 443]
  • disallowed_ports - empty list

Thus if you use the defaults, end users will only be able to access URIs using the http or https scheme. The only ports users will be able to specify are 80 and 443. (Users do not have to specify a port, but if they do, it must be either 80 or 443.)

You can find the glance-image-import.conf file in the etc/ subdirectory of the Image service source code tree. Make sure that you are looking in the correct branch for the OpenStack release you are working with.

18.4.3. Injecting Metadata on Image Import to Control Where VMs Launch

End users can add images in the Image service and use these images to launch VMs. These user-provided (non-admin) images should be launched on a specific set of compute nodes. The assignment of an instance to a compute node is controlled by image metadata properties.

The Image Property Injection plugin injects metadata properties to images on import. Specify the properties by editing the [image_import_opts] and [inject_metadata_properties] sections of the glance-image-import.conf file.

To enable the Image Property Injection plugin, add this line to the [image_import_opts] section:

image_import_plugins = [inject_image_metadata]

To limit the metadata injection to images provided by a certain set of users, set the ignore_user_roles parameter. For instance, the following configuration injects one value for property1 and two values for property2 into images downloaded by by any non-admin user.

image_import_plugins = [inject_image_metadata]
ignore_user_roles = admin
inject = PROPERTY1:value,PROPERTY2:value;another value

The parameter ignore_user_roles is a comma-separated list of Keystone roles that the plugin will ignore. In other words, if the user making the image import call has any of these roles, the plugin will not inject any properties into the image.

The parameter inject is a comma-separated list of properties and values that will be injected into the image record for the imported image. Each property and value should be quoted and separated by a colon (‘:’) as shown in the example above.

You can find the glance-image-import.conf file in the etc/ subdirectory of the Image service source code tree. Make sure that you are looking in the correct branch for the OpenStack release you are working with.

18.5. Configuring cinder back end for the Image service

The GlanceBackend parameter sets the back end that the Image service uses to store images.


The default maximum number of volumes you can create for a project is 10.


  1. To configure cinder as the Image service back end, add the following to the environment file:

      GlanceBackend: cinder
  2. If the cinder back end is enabled, the following parameters and values are set by default:
cinder_store_auth_address =
cinder_store_project_name = service
cinder_store_user_name = glance
cinder_store_password = ****secret****

To use a custom user name, or any custom value for the cinder_store_ parameters, add the ExtraConfig settings to parameter_defaults and pass the custom values:

        value: "%{hiera('glance::api::authtoken::auth_url')}/v3"
        value: <user-name>
        value: "%{hiera('glance::api::authtoken::password')}"
        value: "%{hiera('glance::api::authtoken::project_name')}"

18.6. Configuring the maximum number of storage devices to attach to one instance

By default, you can attach an unlimited number of storage devices to a single instance. To limit the maximum number of devices, add the max_disk_devices_to_attach parameter to your Compute environment file. The following example shows how to change the value of max_disk_devices_to_attach to "30":

                value: '30'

Guidelines and considerations

  • The number of storage disks supported by an instance depends on the bus that the disk uses. For example, the IDE disk bus is limited to 4 attached devices.
  • Changing the max_disk_devices_to_attach on a Compute node with active instances can cause rebuilds to fail if the maximum number is lower than the number of devices already attached to instances. For example, if instance A has 26 devices attached and you change max_disk_devices_to_attach to 20, a request to rebuild instance A will fail.
  • During cold migration, the configured maximum number of storage devices is only enforced on the source for the instance that you want to migrate. The destination is not checked before the move. This means that if Compute node A has 26 attached disk devices, and Compute node B has a configured maximum of 20 attached disk devices, a cold migration of an instance with 26 attached devices from Compute node A to Compute node B succeeds. However, a subsequent request to rebuild the instance in Compute node B fails because 26 devices are already attached which exceeds the configured maximum of 20.
  • The configured maximum is not enforced on shelved offloaded instances, as they have no Compute node.
  • Attaching a large number of disk devices to instances can degrade performance on the instance. You should tune the maximum number based on the boundaries of what your environment can support.

18.7. Improving scalability with Image service caching

Use the glance-api caching mechanism to store copies of images on your local machine and retrieve them automatically to improve scalability. With Image service caching, the glance-api can run on multiple hosts. This means that it does not need to retrieve the same image from back-end storage multiple times. Image service caching does not affect any Image service operations.

To configure Image service caching with the Red Hat OpenStack Platform director (tripleo) heat templates, complete the following steps:


  1. In an environment file, set the value of the GlanceCacheEnabled parameter to true, which automatically sets the flavor value to keystone+cachemanagement in the glance-api.conf heat template:

        GlanceCacheEnabled: true
  2. Include the environment file in the openstack overcloud deploy command when you redeploy the overcloud.
  3. Optional: Tune the glance_cache_pruner to an alternative frequency when you redeploy the overcloud. The following example shows a frequency of 5 minutes:

        glance::cache::pruner::minute: '*/5'

    Adjust the frequency according to your needs to avoid file system full scenarios. Include the following elements when you choose an alternative frequency:

    • The size of the files that you want to cache in your environment.
    • The amount of available file system space.
    • The frequency at which the environment caches images.

18.8. Configuring Third Party Storage

The director include a couple of environment files to help configure third-party storage providers. This includes:

Dell EMC Storage Center

Deploys a single Dell EMC Storage Center back end for the Block Storage (cinder) service.

The environment file is located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cinder-dellsc-config.yaml.

See the Dell Storage Center Back End Guide for full configuration information.

Dell EMC PS Series

Deploys a single Dell EMC PS Series back end for the Block Storage (cinder) service.

The environment file is located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cinder-dellps-config.yaml.

See the Dell EMC PS Series Back End Guide for full configuration information.

NetApp Block Storage

Deploys a NetApp storage appliance as a back end for the Block Storage (cinder) service.

The environment file is located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cinder-netapp-config.yaml.

See the NetApp Block Storage Back End Guide for full configuration information.

Chapter 19. Security Enhancements

The following sections provide some suggestions to harden the security of your overcloud.

19.1. Managing the Overcloud Firewall

Each of the core OpenStack Platform services contains firewall rules in their respective composable service templates. This automatically creates a default set of firewall rules for each overcloud node.

The overcloud Heat templates contain a set of parameters to help with additional firewall management:

Defines whether to automatically manage the firewall rules. Set to true to allow Puppet to automatically configure the firewall on each node. Set to false if you want to manually manage the firewall. The default is true.
Defines whether to purge the default Linux firewall rules before configuring new ones. The default is false.

If ManageFirewall is set to true, you can create additional firewall rules on deployment. Set the tripleo::firewall::firewall_rules hieradata using a configuration hook (see Section 4.5, “Puppet: Customizing Hieradata for Roles”) in an environment file for your overcloud. This hieradata is a hash containing the firewall rule names and their respective parameters as keys, all of which are optional:

The port associated to the rule.
The destination port associated to the rule.
The source port associated to the rule.
The protocol associated to the rule. Defaults to tcp.
The action policy associated to the rule. Defaults to accept.
The chain to jump to. If present, it overrides action.
An Array of states associated to the rule. Defaults to ['NEW'].
The source IP address associated to the rule.
The network interface associated to the rule.
The chain associated to the rule. Defaults to INPUT.
The destination CIDR associated to the rule.

The following example demonstrates the syntax of the firewall rule format:

    '300 allow custom application 1':
      port: 999
      proto: udp
      action: accept
    '301 allow custom application 2':
      port: 8081
      proto: tcp
      action: accept

This applies two additional firewall rules to all nodes through ExtraConfig.


Each rule name becomes the comment for the respective iptables rule. Note also each rule name starts with a three-digit prefix to help Puppet order all defined rules in the final iptables file. The default OpenStack Platform rules use prefixes in the 000 to 200 range.

19.2. Changing the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Strings

The director provides a default read-only SNMP configuration for your overcloud. It is advisable to change the SNMP strings to mitigate the risk of unauthorized users learning about your network devices.


When you configure the ExtraConfig interface with a string parameter, you must use the following syntax to ensure that Heat and Hiera do not interpret the string as a boolean value: '"<VALUE>"'.

Set the following hieradata using the ExtraConfig hook in an environment file for your overcloud:

SNMP traditional access control settings

IPv4 read-only SNMP community string. The default value is public.
IPv6 read-only SNMP community string. The default value is public.
Network that is allowed to RO query the daemon. This value can be a string or an array. Default value is
Network that is allowed to RO query the daemon with IPv6. This value can be a string or an array. The default value is ::1/128.
Array of lines to add to the snmpd.conf file as a safety valve. The default value is []. See the SNMP Configuration File web page for all available options.

For example:

    snmp::ro_community: mysecurestring
    snmp::ro_community6: myv6securestring

This changes the read-only SNMP community string on all nodes.

SNMP view-based access control settings (VACM)

IPv4 security name.
IPv6 security name.

For example:

    snmp::com2sec: mysecurestring
    snmp::com2sec6: myv6securestring

This changes the read-only SNMP community string on all nodes.

For more information, see the snmpd.conf man page.

19.3. Changing the SSL/TLS Cipher and Rules for HAProxy

If you enabled SSL/TLS in the overcloud (see Chapter 14, Enabling SSL/TLS on Overcloud Public Endpoints), you might want to harden the SSL/TLS ciphers and rules used with the HAProxy configuration. This helps avoid SSL/TLS vulnerabilities, such as the POODLE vulnerability.

Set the following hieradata using the ExtraConfig hook in an environment file for your overcloud:

The cipher suite to use in HAProxy.
The SSL/TLS rules to use in HAProxy.

For example, you might aim to use the following cipher and rules:

  • Rules: no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets

Create an environment file with the following content:

    tripleo::haproxy::ssl_options: no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets

The cipher collection is one continuous line.

Include this environment file with your overcloud creation.

19.4. Using the Open vSwitch Firewall

You can configure security groups to use the Open vSwitch (OVS) firewall driver in Red Hat OpenStack Platform director. The NeutronOVSFirewallDriver parameter allows you to specify which firewall driver to use:

  • iptables_hybrid - Configures neutron to use the iptables/hybrid based implementation.
  • openvswitch - Configures neutron to use the OVS firewall flow-based driver.

The openvswitch firewall driver includes higher performance and reduces the number of interfaces and bridges used to connect guests to the project network.


The iptables_hybrid option is not compatible with OVS-DPDK.

Configure the NeutronOVSFirewallDriver parameter in the network-environment.yaml file:

NeutronOVSFirewallDriver: openvswitch
  • NeutronOVSFirewallDriver : Configures the name of the firewall driver to use when implementing security groups. Possible values depend on your system configuration. Examples include: noop, openvswitch, iptables_hybrid. The default value, an empty string, equates to iptables_hybrid.

19.5. Using Secure Root User Access

The overcloud image automatically contains hardened security for the root user. For example, each deployed overcloud node automatically disables direct SSH access to the root user. You can still access the root user on overcloud nodes through the following method:

  1. Log into the undercloud node’s stack user.
  2. Each overcloud node has a heat-admin user account. This user account contains the undercloud’s public SSH key, which provides SSH access without a password from the undercloud to the overcloud node. On the undercloud node, log into the chosen overcloud node through SSH using the heat-admin user.
  3. Switch to the root user with sudo -i.

Reducing Root User Security

Some situations might require direct SSH access to the root user. In this case, you can reduce the SSH restrictions on the root user for each overcloud node.


This method is intended for debugging purposes only. It is not recommended for use in a production environment.

The method uses the first boot configuration hook (see Section 4.1, “First Boot: Customizing First Boot Configuration”). Place the following content in an environment file:

  OS::TripleO::NodeUserData: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/firstboot/userdata_root_password.yaml

  NodeRootPassword: "p@55w0rd!"

Note the following:

  • The OS::TripleO::NodeUserData resource refers to the a template that configures the root user during the first boot cloud-init stage.
  • The NodeRootPassword parameter sets the password for the root user. Change the value of this parameter to your desired password. Note the environment file contains the password as a plain text string, which is considered a security risk.

Include this environment file with the openstack overcloud deploy command when creating your overcloud.

Chapter 20. Configuring Monitoring Tools

Monitoring tools are an optional suite of tools that can be used for availability monitoring and centralized logging. The availability monitoring allows you to monitor the functionality of all components, while the centralized logging allows you to view all of the logs across your OpenStack environment in one central place.

For more information about configuring monitoring tools, see the dedicated Monitoring Tools Configuration Guide for full instructions.

Chapter 21. Configuring Network Plugins

The director includes environment files to help configure third-party network plugins:

21.1. Fujitsu Converged Fabric (C-Fabric)

You can enable the Fujitsu Converged Fabric (C-Fabric) plugin using the environment file located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-cfab.yaml.

  1. Copy the environment file to your templates subdirectory:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-cfab.yaml /home/stack/templates/
  2. Edit the resource_registry to use an absolute path:

      OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronML2FujitsuCfab: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2-fujitsu-cfab.yaml
  3. Review the parameter_defaults in /home/stack/templates/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-cfab.yaml:

    • NeutronFujitsuCfabAddress - The telnet IP address of the C-Fabric. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabUserName - The C-Fabric username to use. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabPassword - The password of the C-Fabric user account. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabPhysicalNetworks - List of <physical_network>:<vfab_id> tuples that specify physical_network names and their corresponding vfab IDs. (comma_delimited_list)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabSharePprofile - Determines whether to share a C-Fabric pprofile among neutron ports that use the same VLAN ID. (boolean)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabPprofilePrefix - The prefix string for pprofile name. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuCfabSaveConfig - Determines whether to save the configuration. (boolean)
  4. To apply the template to your deployment, include the environment file in the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /home/stack/templates/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-cfab.yaml [OTHER OPTIONS] ...

21.2. Fujitsu FOS Switch

You can enable the Fujitsu FOS Switch plugin using the environment file located at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-fossw.yaml.

  1. Copy the environment file to your templates subdirectory:

    $ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-fossw.yaml /home/stack/templates/
  2. Edit the resource_registry to use an absolute path:

      OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronML2FujitsuFossw: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2-fujitsu-fossw.yaml
  3. Review the parameter_defaults in /home/stack/templates/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-fossw.yaml:

    • NeutronFujitsuFosswIps - The IP addresses of all FOS switches. (comma_delimited_list)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswUserName - The FOS username to use. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswPassword - The password of the FOS user account. (string)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswPort - The port number to use for the SSH connection. (number)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswTimeout - The timeout period of the SSH connection. (number)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswUdpDestPort - The port number of the VXLAN UDP destination on the FOS switches. (number)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswOvsdbVlanidRangeMin - The minimum VLAN ID in the range that is used for binding VNI and physical port. (number)
    • NeutronFujitsuFosswOvsdbPort - The port number for the OVSDB server on the FOS switches. (number)
  4. To apply the template to your deployment, include the environment file in the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /home/stack/templates/neutron-ml2-fujitsu-fossw.yaml [OTHER OPTIONS] ...

Chapter 22. Configuring Identity

The director includes parameters to help configure Identity Service (keystone) settings:

22.1. Region Name

By default, your overcloud’s region will be named regionOne. You can change this by adding a KeystoneRegion entry your environment file. This setting cannot be changed post-deployment:

  KeystoneRegion: 'SampleRegion'

Chapter 23. Other Configurations

23.1. Configuring the kernel on overcloud nodes

OpenStack Platform director includes parameters that configure the kernel on overcloud nodes.


Kernel modules to load. The modules names are listed as a hash key with an empty value:

    <MODULE_NAME>: {}

Kernel-related packages to install prior to loading the kernel modules from ExtraKernelModules. The package names are listed as a hash key with an empty value.

    <PACKAGE_NAME>: {}

Hash of sysctl settings to apply. Set the value of each parameter using the value key.

      value: <VALUE>

This example shows the syntax of these parameters in an environment file:

    iscsi_target_mod: {}
    iscsi-initiator-utils: {}
      value: 1

23.2. Configuring External Load Balancing

An Overcloud uses multiple Controllers together as a high availability cluster, which ensures maximum operational performance for your OpenStack services. In addition, the cluster provides load balancing for access to the OpenStack services, which evenly distributes traffic to the Controller nodes and reduces server overload for each node. It is also possible to use an external load balancer to perform this distribution. For example, an organization might use their own hardware-based load balancer to handle traffic distribution to the Controller nodes.

For more information about configuring external load balancing, see the dedicated External Load Balancing for the Overcloud guide for full instructions.

23.3. Configuring IPv6 Networking

As a default, the Overcloud uses Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to configure the service endpoints. However, the Overcloud also supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) endpoints, which is useful for organizations that support IPv6 infrastructure. The director includes a set of environment files to help with creating IPv6-based Overclouds.

For more information about configuring IPv6 in the Overcloud, see the dedicated IPv6 Networking for the Overcloud guide for full instructions.

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