Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4

Learning how to use the command-line tools for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information about installing, configuring, and using the command-line tools for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA). It also contains a reference of CLI commands and examples.

Chapter 1. Getting started with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa

Setup and basic usage of the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.

1.1. About the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa

Use the rosa command-line utility for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) to create, update, manage, and delete Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters and resources.

1.2. Setting up the ROSA CLI

Use the following steps to install and configure the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa, on your installation host.


  1. Download the latest version of the ROSA CLI (rosa) for your operating system from the Downloads page on OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Extract the rosa binary file from the downloaded archive. The following example extracts the binary from a Linux tar archive:

    $ tar xvf rosa-linux.tar.gz
  3. Add rosa to your path. In the following example, the /usr/local/bin directory is included in the path of the user:

    $ sudo mv rosa /usr/local/bin/rosa
  4. Verify if the ROSA CLI is installed correctly by querying the rosa version:

    $ rosa version

    Example output

    Your ROSA CLI is up to date.

  5. Optional: Enable tab completion for the ROSA CLI. With tab completion enabled, you can press the Tab key twice to automatically complete subcommands and receive command suggestions:

    • To enable persistent tab completion for Bash on a Linux host:

      1. Generate a rosa tab completion configuration file for Bash and save it to your /etc/bash_completion.d/ directory:

        # rosa completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/rosa
      2. Open a new terminal to activate the configuration.
    • To enable persistent tab completion for Bash on a macOS host:

      1. Generate a rosa tab completion configuration file for Bash and save it to your /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ directory:

        $ rosa completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/rosa
      2. Open a new terminal to activate the configuration.
    • To enable persistent tab completion for Zsh:

      1. If tab completion is not enabled for your Zsh environment, enable it by running the following command:

        $ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
      2. Generate a rosa tab completion configuration file for Zsh and save it to the first directory in your functions path:

        $ rosa completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_rosa"
      3. Open a new terminal to activate the configuration.
    • To enable persistent tab completion for fish:

      1. Generate a rosa tab completion configuration file for fish and save it to your ~/.config/fish/completions/ directory:

        $ rosa completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
      2. Open a new terminal to activate the configuration.
    • To enable persistent tab completion for PowerShell:

      1. Generate a rosa tab completion configuration file for PowerShell and save it to a file named rosa.ps1:

        PS> rosa completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
      2. Source the rosa.ps1 file from your PowerShell profile.

    For more information about configuring rosa tab completion, see the help menu by running the rosa completion --help command.

1.3. Configuring the ROSA CLI

Use the following commands to configure the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.

1.3.1. login

Log in to your Red Hat account, saving the credentials to the rosa configuration file. You must provide a token when logging in. You can copy your token from the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS token page.

The ROSA CLI (rosa) looks for a token in the following priority order:

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. The ROSA_TOKEN environment variable
  3. The rosa configuration file
  4. Interactively from a command-line prompt


$ rosa login [arguments]

Table 1.1. Arguments


The OpenID client identifier (string). Default: cloud-services


The OpenID client secret (string).


Enables insecure communication with the server. This disables verification of TLS certificates and host names.


The OpenID scope (string). If this option is used, it replaces the default scopes. This can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple scopes. Default: openid


Accesses or refreshes the token (string).


The OpenID token URL (string). Default:

Table 1.2. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.

1.3.2. logout

Log out of rosa. Logging out also removes the rosa configuration file.


$ rosa logout [arguments]

Table 1.3. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.

1.3.3. verify permissions

Verify that the AWS permissions required to create a ROSA cluster are configured correctly:


$ rosa verify permissions [arguments]


This command verifies permissions only for clusters that do not use the AWS Security Token Service (STS).

Table 1.4. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


The AWS region (string) in which to run the command. This value overrides the AWS_REGION environment variable.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Verify that the AWS permissions are configured correctly:

$ rosa verify permissions

Verify that the AWS permissions are configured correctly in a specific region:

$ rosa verify permissions --region=us-west-2

1.3.4. verify quota

Verifies that AWS quotas are configured correctly for your default region.


$ rosa verify quota [arguments]

Table 1.5. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


The AWS region (string) in which to run the command. This value overrides the AWS_REGION environment variable.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Verify that the AWS quotas are configured correctly for the default region:

$ rosa verify quota

Verify that the AWS quotas are configured correctly in a specific region:

$ rosa verify quota --region=us-west-2

1.3.5. download rosa

Download the latest compatible version of the ROSA CLI.

After you download rosa, extract the contents of the archive and add it to your path. See Setting up the ROSA CLI for more details.


$ rosa download rosa [arguments]

Table 1.6. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.

1.3.6. download oc

Download the latest compatible version of the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).

After you download oc, you must extract the contents of the archive and add it to your path.


$ rosa download oc [arguments]

Table 1.7. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Download oc client tools:

$ rosa download oc

1.3.7. verify oc

Verifies that the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc) is installed correctly.


$ rosa verify oc [arguments]

Table 1.8. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Verify oc client tools:

$ rosa verify oc

1.4. Initializing Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Use the init command to initialize Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) only if you are using non-STS.

1.4.1. init

Perform a series of checks to verify that you are ready to deploy an Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS cluster.

The list of checks includes the following:

  • Checks to see that you have logged in (see login)
  • Checks that your AWS credentials are valid
  • Checks that your AWS permissions are valid (see verify permissions)
  • Checks that your AWS quota levels are high enough (see verify quota)
  • Runs a cluster simulation to ensure cluster creation will perform as expected
  • Checks that the osdCcsAdmin user has been created in your AWS account
  • Checks that the OpenShift Container Platform command-line tool is available on your system


$ rosa init [arguments]

Table 1.9. Arguments


The AWS region (string) in which to verify quota and permissions. This value overrides the AWS_REGION environment variable only when running the init command, but it does not change your AWS CLI configuration.


Deletes the stack template that is applied to your AWS account during the init command.


The OpenID client identifier (string). Default: cloud-services


The OpenID client secret (string).


Enables insecure communication with the server. This disables verification of TLS certificates and host names.


The OpenID scope (string). If this option is used, it completely replaces the default scopes. This can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple scopes. Default: openid


Accesses or refreshes the token (string).


The OpenID token URL (string). Default:

Table 1.10. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Configure your AWS account to allow ROSA clusters:

$ rosa init

Configure a new AWS account using pre-existing OpenShift Cluster Manager credentials:

$ rosa init --token=$OFFLINE_ACCESS_TOKEN

1.5. Using a Bash script

This is an example workflow of how to use a Bash script with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.


Make sure that AWS credentials are available as one of the following options:

  • AWS profile
  • Environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)


  1. Initialize rosa using an Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager offline token from Red Hat:

    $ rosa init --token=<token>
  2. Create the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster:

    $ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=<cluster_name>
  3. Add an identity provider (IDP):

    $ rosa create idp --cluster=<cluster_name> --type=<identity_provider> [arguments]
  4. Add a dedicated-admin user:

    $ rosa grant user dedicated-admin --user=<idp_user_name> --cluster=<cluster_name>

1.6. Updating the ROSA CLI

Update to the latest compatible version of the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.


  1. Confirm that a new version of the ROSA CLI (rosa) is available:

    $ rosa version

    Example output

    There is a newer release version '1.2.15', please consider updating:

  2. Download the latest compatible version of the ROSA CLI:

    $ rosa download rosa

    This command downloads an archive called rosa-*.tar.gz into the current directory. The exact name of the file depends on your operating system and system architecture.

  3. Extract the contents of the archive:

    $ tar -xzf rosa-linux.tar.gz
  4. Install the new version of the ROSA CLI by moving the extracted file into your path. In the following example, the /usr/local/bin directory is included in the path of the user:

    $ sudo mv rosa /usr/local/bin/rosa


  • Verify that the new version of ROSA is installed.

    $ rosa version

    Example output

    Your ROSA CLI is up to date.

Chapter 2. Managing objects with the ROSA CLI

Managing objects with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa, such as adding dedicated-admin users, managing clusters, and scheduling cluster upgrades.

2.1. Common commands and arguments

These common commands and arguments are available for the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.

2.1.1. debug

Enables debug mode for the parent command to help with troubleshooting.


$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=<cluster_name> --debug

2.1.2. download

Downloads the latest compatible version of the specified software to the current directory in an archive file. Extract the contents of the archive and add the contents to your path to use the software. To download the latest Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS CLI, specify rosa. To download the latest OpenShift CLI, specify oc.


$ rosa download <software>

2.1.3. help

Displays general help information for the ROSA CLI (rosa) and a list of available commands. This option can also be used as an argument to display help information for a parent command, such as version or create.


Displays general help for the ROSA CLI.

$ rosa --help

Displays general help for version.

$ rosa version --help

2.1.4. interactive

Enables interactive mode.


$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=<cluster_name> --interactive

2.1.5. profile

Specifies an AWS profile from your credential file.


$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=<cluster_name> --profile=myAWSprofile

2.1.6. version

Displays the rosa version and checks whether a newer version is available.


$ rosa version [arguments]

Example output

Displayed when a newer version of the ROSA CLI is available.

There is a newer release version '1.2.15', please consider updating:

2.2. Parent commands

The Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa, uses parent commands with child commands to manage objects. The parent commands are create, edit, delete, list, and describe. Not all parent commands can be used with all child commands. For more information, see the specific reference topics that describes the child commands.

2.2.1. create

Creates an object or resource when paired with a child command.


$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=mycluster

2.2.2. edit

Edits options for an object, such as making a cluster private.


$ rosa edit cluster --cluster=mycluster --private

2.2.3. delete

Deletes an object or resource when paired with a child command.


$ rosa delete ingress --cluster=mycluster

2.2.4. list

Lists clusters or resources for a specific cluster.


$ rosa list users --cluster=mycluster

2.2.5. describe

Shows the details for a cluster.


$ rosa describe cluster --cluster=mycluster

2.3. Create objects

This section describes the create commands for clusters and resources.

2.3.1. create account-roles

Create the required account-wide role and policy resources for your cluster.


$ rosa create account-roles [flags]

Table 2.1. Flags


Enable debug mode.

-i, --interactive

Enable interactive mode.

-m, --mode string

How to perform the operation. Valid options are:

Resource changes will be automatically applied using the current AWS account.
Commands necessary to modify AWS resources will be output to be run manually.

--path string

The ARN path for the account-wide roles and policies, including the Operator policies.

--permissions-boundary string

The ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the account roles.

--prefix string

User-defined prefix for all generated AWS resources. The default is ManagedOpenShift.

--profile string

Use a specific AWS profile from your credential file.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer yes to confirm operations.

2.3.2. create admin

Create a cluster administrator with an automatically generated password that can log in to a cluster.


$ rosa create admin --cluster=<cluster_name>|<cluster_id>

Table 2.2. Arguments

--cluster <cluster_name>|<cluster_id>

Required. The name or ID (string) of the cluster to add to the identity provider (IDP).

Table 2.3. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.

--profile string

Specifies an AWS profile from your credentials file.


Create a cluster administrator that can log in to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create admin --cluster=mycluster

2.3.3. create cluster

Create a new cluster.


$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=<cluster_name> [arguments]

Table 2.4. Arguments

--cluster-name <cluster_name>

Required. The name of the cluster. When used with the create cluster command, this argument is used to set the cluster name and to generate a sub-domain for your cluster on The value for this argument must be unique within your organization.

--compute-machine-type <instance_type>

The instance type for compute nodes in the cluster. This determines the amount of memory and vCPU that is allocated to each compute node. For more information on valid instance types, see AWS Instance types in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS service definition.

--compute-nodes n

The number of worker nodes to provision per availability zone. Single-zone clusters require at least 2 nodes. Multi-zone clusters require at least 3 nodes. Default: 2 for single-zone clusters; 3 for multi-zone clusters.

--controlplane-iam-role <arn>

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to attach to control plane instances.


Indicates whether cloud permission checks are disabled when attempting to install a cluster.


Simulates creating the cluster.


Enables autoscaling of compute nodes. By default, autoscaling is set to 2 nodes. To set non-default node limits, use this argument with the --min-replicas and --max-replicas arguments.

--host-prefix <subnet>

The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node, as an integer. For example, if host prefix is set to 23, then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given CIDR.

--machine-cidr <address_block>

Block of IP addresses (ipNet) used by Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS while installing the cluster, for example,


OVN-Kubernetes, the default network provider in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.11 and later, uses the IP address range internally. If your cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes, do not include the IP address range in any other CIDR definitions in your cluster.

--max-replicas <number_of_nodes>

Specifies the maximum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling. Default: 2

--min-replicas <number_of_nodes>

Specifies the minimum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling. Default: 2


Deploys to multiple data centers.

--operator-roles-prefix <string>

Prefix to use for all IAM roles used by the operators needed in the OpenShift installer. A prefix is generated automatically if you do not specify one.

--pod-cidr <address_block>

Block of IP addresses (ipNet) from which pod IP addresses are allocated, for example,


OVN-Kubernetes, the default network provider in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.11 and later, uses the IP address range internally. If your cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes, do not include the IP address range in any other CIDR definitions in your cluster.


Restricts primary API endpoint and application routes to direct, private connectivity.


Specifies to use AWS PrivateLink to provide private connectivity between VPCs and services. The --subnet-ids argument is required when using --private-link.

--region <region_name>

The name of the AWS region where your worker pool will be located, for example, us-east-1. This argument overrides the AWS_REGION environment variable.

--role-arn <arn>

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the installer role that OpenShift Cluster Manager uses to create the cluster. This is required if you have not already created account roles.

--service-cidr <address_block>

Block of IP addresses (ipNet) for services, for example,


OVN-Kubernetes, the default network provider in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 4.11 and later, uses the IP address range internally. If your cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes, do not include the IP address range in any other CIDR definitions in your cluster.

--sts | --non-sts

Specifies whether to use AWS Security Token Service (STS) or IAM credentials (non-STS) to deploy your cluster.

--subnet-ids <aws_subnet_id>

The AWS subnet IDs to use when installing the cluster, for example, subnet-01abc234d5678ef9a. Subnet IDs must be in pairs with one private subnet ID and one public subnet ID per availability zone. Subnets are comma-delimited, for example, --subnet-ids=subnet-1,subnet-2. Leave the value empty for installer-provisioned subnet IDs.

When using --private-link, the --subnet-ids argument is required and only one private subnet is allowed per zone.

--support-role-arn string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role used by Red Hat Site Reliabilty Engineers (SREs) to enable access to the cluster account to provide support.

--version string

The version of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS that will be used to install the cluster or cluster resources. For cluster use an X.Y.Z format, for example, 4.12.9. For account-role use an X.Y format, for example, 4.12.

--worker-iam-role string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that will be attached to compute instances.

Table 2.5. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Create a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=mycluster

Create a cluster with a specific AWS region.

$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=mycluster --region=us-east-2

Create a cluster with autoscaling enabled on the default worker machine pool.

$ rosa create cluster --cluster-name=mycluster -region=us-east-1 --enable-autoscaling --min-replicas=2 --max-replicas=5

2.3.4. create idp

Add an identity provider (IDP) to define how users log in to a cluster.


$ rosa create idp --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.6. Arguments

--cluster <cluster_name>|<cluster_id>

Required. The name or ID of the cluster to which the IDP will be added.

--ca <path_to_file>

The path to the PEM-encoded certificate file to use when making requests to the server, for example, /usr/share/cert.pem.


The client ID (string) from the registered application.


The client secret (string) from the registered application.


Specifies how new identities (string) are mapped to users when they log in. Default: claim


The name (string) for the identity provider.


The type (string) of identity provider. Options: github, gitlab, google, ldap, openid

Table 2.7. GitHub arguments


The optional domain (string) to use with a hosted instance of GitHub Enterprise.


Specifies the organizations for login access. Only users that are members of at least one of the listed organizations (string) are allowed to log in.


Specifies the teams for login access. Only users that are members of at least one of the listed teams (string) are allowed to log in. The format is <org>/<team>.

Table 2.8. GitLab arguments


The host URL (string) of a GitLab provider. Default:

Table 2.9. Google arguments


Restricts users to a Google Apps domain (string).

Table 2.10. LDAP arguments


The domain name (string) to bind with during the search phase.


The password (string) to bind with during the search phase.


The list (string) of attributes whose values should be used as the email address.


The list (string) of attributes whose values should be used as the user ID. Default: dn


Does not make TLS connections to the server.


The list (string) of attributes whose values should be used as the display name. Default: cn


An RFC 2255 URL (string) which specifies the LDAP search parameters to use.


The list (string) of attributes whose values should be used as the preferred username. Default: uid

Table 2.11. OpenID arguments


The list (string) of claims to use as the email address.


The list (string) of scopes to request, in addition to the openid scope, during the authorization token request.


The URL (string) that the OpenID provider asserts as the issuer identifier. It must use the HTTPS scheme with no URL query parameters or fragment.


The list (string) of claims to use as the display name.


The list (string) of claims to use as the preferred username when provisioning a user.

Table 2.12. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Add a GitHub identity provider to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create idp --type=github --cluster=mycluster

Add an identity provider following interactive prompts.

$ rosa create idp --cluster=mycluster --interactive

2.3.5. create ingress

Add an ingress endpoint to enable API access to the cluster.


$ rosa create ingress --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.13. Arguments

--cluster <cluster_name>|<cluster_id>

Required: The name or ID of the cluster to which the ingress will be added.


The label match (string) for ingress. The format must be a comma-delimited list of key=value pairs. If no label is specified, all routes are exposed on both routers.


Restricts application route to direct, private connectivity.

Table 2.14. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Add an internal ingress to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create ingress --private --cluster=mycluster

Add a public ingress to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create ingress --cluster=mycluster

Add an ingress with a route selector label match.

$ rosa create ingress --cluster=mycluster --label-match=foo=bar,bar=baz

2.3.6. create machinepool

Add a machine pool to an existing cluster.


$ rosa create machinepool --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> --replicas=<number> --name=<machinepool_name> [arguments]

Table 2.15. Arguments

--cluster <cluster_name>|<cluster_id>

Required: The name or ID of the cluster to which the machine pool will be added.


Enable or disable autoscaling of compute nodes. To enable autoscaling, use this argument with the --min-replicas and --max-replicas arguments. To disable autoscaling, use --enable-autoscaling=false with the --replicas argument.


The instance type (string) that should be used. Default: m5.xlarge


The labels (string) for the machine pool. The format must be a comma-delimited list of key=value pairs. This list overwrites any modifications made to node labels on an ongoing basis.


Specifies the maximum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling.


Specifies the minimum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling.


Required: The name (string) for the machine pool.


Required when autoscaling is not configured. The number (integer) of machines for this machine pool.


Taints for the machine pool. This string value should be formatted as a comma-separated list of key=value:ScheduleType. This list will overwrite any modifications made to Node taints on an ongoing basis.

Table 2.16. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Interactively add a machine pool to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa create machinepool --cluster=mycluster --interactive

Add a machine pool that is named mp-1 to a cluster with autoscaling enabled.

$ rosa create machinepool --cluster=mycluster --enable-autoscaling --min-replicas=2 --max-replicas=5 --name=mp-1

Add a machine pool that is named mp-1 with 3 replicas of m5.xlarge to a cluster.

$ rosa create machinepool --cluster=mycluster --replicas=3 --instance-type=m5.xlarge --name=mp-1

Add a machine pool with labels to a cluster.

$ rosa create machinepool --cluster=mycluster --replicas=2 --instance-type=r5.2xlarge --labels=foo=bar,bar=baz --name=mp-1

2.3.7. create ocm-role

Create the required ocm-role resources for your cluster.


$ rosa create ocm-role [flags]

Table 2.17. Flags


Enable admin capabilities for the role.


Enable debug mode.

-i, --interactive

Enable interactive mode.

-m, --mode string

How to perform the operation. Valid options are:

  • auto: Resource changes will be automatically applied using the current AWS account
  • manual: Commands necessary to modify AWS resources will be output to be run manually

--path string

The ARN path for the OCM role and policies.

--permissions-boundary string

The ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the OCM role.

--prefix string

User-defined prefix for all generated AWS resources. The default is ManagedOpenShift.

--profile string

Use a specific AWS profile from your credential file.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer yes to confirm operation.

For more information about the OCM role created with the rosa create ocm-role command, see Account-wide IAM role and policy reference.

2.3.8. create user-role

Create the required user-role resources for your cluster.


$ rosa create user-role [flags]

Table 2.18. Flags


Enable debug mode.

-i, --interactive

Enable interactive mode.

-m, --mode string

How to perform the operation. Valid options are:

  • auto: Resource changes will be automatically applied using the current AWS account
  • manual: Commands necessary to modify AWS resources will be output to be run manually

--path string

The ARN path for the user role and policies.

--permissions-boundary string

The ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the user role.

--prefix string

User-defined prefix for all generated AWS resources The default is ManagedOpenShift.

--profile string

Use a specific AWS profile from your credential file.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer yes to confirm operation.

For more information about the user role created with the rosa create user-role command, see Understanding AWS account association.

2.4. Additional resources

2.5. Edit objects

This section describes the edit commands for clusters and resources.

2.5.1. edit cluster

Allows edits to an existing cluster.


$ rosa edit cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.19. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to edit.


Restricts a primary API endpoint to direct, private connectivity.

Table 2.20. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Edit a cluster named mycluster to make it private.

$ rosa edit cluster --cluster=mycluster --private

Edit all cluster options interactively on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit cluster --cluster=mycluster --interactive

2.5.2. edit ingress

Edits the additional non-default application router for a cluster.


$ rosa edit ingress --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.21. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to which the ingress will be added.


The label match (string) for ingress. The format must be a comma-delimited list of key=value pairs. If no label is specified, all routes are exposed on both routers.


Restricts the application route to direct, private connectivity.

Table 2.22. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Make an additional ingress with the ID a1b2 as a private connection on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit ingress --private --cluster=mycluster a1b2

Update the router selectors for the additional ingress with the ID a1b2 on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit ingress --label-match=foo=bar --cluster=mycluster a1b2

Update the default ingress using the sub-domain identifier apps on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit ingress --private=false --cluster=mycluster apps

2.5.3. edit machinepool

Allows edits to the machine pool in a cluster.


$ rosa edit machinepool --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> <machinepool_ID> [arguments]

Table 2.23. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to edit on which the additional machine pool will be edited.


Enable or disable autoscaling of compute nodes. To enable autoscaling, use this argument with the --min-replicas and --max-replicas arguments. To disable autoscaling, use --enable-autoscaling=false with the --replicas argument.


The labels (string) for the machine pool. The format must be a comma-delimited list of key=value pairs. Editing this value only affects newly created nodes of the machine pool, which are created by increasing the node number, and does not affect the existing nodes. This list overwrites any modifications made to node labels on an ongoing basis.


Specifies the maximum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling.


Specifies the minimum number of compute nodes when enabling autoscaling.


Required when autoscaling is not configured. The number (integer) of machines for this machine pool.


Taints for the machine pool. This string value should be formatted as a comma-separated list of key=value:ScheduleType. Editing this value only affect newly created nodes of the machine pool, which are created by increasing the node number, and does not affect the existing nodes. This list overwrites any modifications made to Node taints on an ongoing basis.

Table 2.24. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Set 4 replicas on a machine pool named mp1 on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit machinepool --cluster=mycluster --replicas=4 --name=mp1

Enable autoscaling on a machine pool named mp1 on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit machinepool --cluster=mycluster --enable-autoscaling --min-replicas=3 --max-replicas=5 --name=mp1

Disable autoscaling on a machine pool named mp1 on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit machinepool --cluster=mycluster  --enable-autoscaling=false --replicas=3 --name=mp1

Modify the autoscaling range on a machine pool named mp1 on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa edit machinepool --max-replicas=9 --cluster=mycluster --name=mp1

2.6. Delete objects

This section describes the delete commands for clusters and resources.

2.6.1. delete admin

Deletes a cluster administrator from a specified cluster.


$ rosa delete admin --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id>

Table 2.25. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to add to the identity provider (IDP).

Table 2.26. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Delete a cluster administrator from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete admin --cluster=mycluster

2.6.2. delete cluster

Deletes a cluster.


$ rosa delete cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.27. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to delete.


Watches the cluster uninstallation logs.

Table 2.28. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Delete a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete cluster --cluster=mycluster

2.6.3. delete idp

Deletes a specific identity provider (IDP) from a cluster.


$ rosa delete idp --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.29. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster from which the IDP will be deleted.

Table 2.30. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Delete an identity provider named github from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete idp github --cluster=mycluster

2.6.4. delete ingress

Deletes a non-default application router (ingress) from a cluster.


$ rosa delete ingress --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.31. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster from which the ingress will be deleted.

Table 2.32. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Delete an ingress with the ID a1b2 from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete ingress --cluster=mycluster a1b2

Delete a secondary ingress with the subdomain name apps2 from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete ingress --cluster=mycluster apps2

2.6.5. delete machinepool

Deletes a machine pool from a cluster.


$ rosa delete machinepool --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> <machine_pool_id>

Table 2.33. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the machine pool will be deleted from.

Table 2.34. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Enables interactive mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Delete the machine pool with the ID mp-1 from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa delete machinepool --cluster=mycluster mp-1

2.7. Install and uninstall add-ons

This section describes how to install and uninstall Red Hat managed service add-ons to a cluster.

2.7.1. install addon

Installs a managed service add-on on a cluster.


$ rosa install addon --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.35. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster where the add-on will be installed.

Table 2.36. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Uses a specific AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Add the dbaas-operator add-on installation to a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa install addon --cluster=mycluster dbaas-operator

2.7.2. uninstall addon

Uninstalls a managed service add-on from a cluster.


$ rosa uninstall addon --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.37. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the add-on will be uninstalled from.

Table 2.38. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Uses a specific AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.


Remove the dbaas-operator add-on installation from a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa uninstall addon --cluster=mycluster dbaas-operator

2.8. List and describe objects

This section describes the list and describe commands for clusters and resources.

2.8.1. list addon

List the managed service add-on installations.


$ rosa list addons --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id>

Table 2.39. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to list the add-ons for.

Table 2.40. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.

2.8.2. list clusters

List all of your clusters.


$ rosa list clusters [arguments]

Table 2.41. Arguments


The number (integer) of clusters to display. Default: 100

Table 2.42. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.

2.8.3. list idps

List all of the identity providers (IDPs) for a cluster.


$ rosa list idps --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.43. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the IDPs will be listed for.

Table 2.44. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all identity providers (IDPs) for a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa list idps --cluster=mycluster

2.8.4. list ingresses

List all of the API and ingress endpoints for a cluster.


$ rosa list ingresses --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.45. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the IDPs will be listed for.

Table 2.46. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all API and ingress endpoints for a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa list ingresses --cluster=mycluster

2.8.5. list instance-types

List all of the available instance types for use with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS. Availability is based on the account’s AWS quota.


$ rosa list instance-types [arguments]

Table 2.47. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


The output format. Allowed formats are json or yaml.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all instance types.

$ rosa list instance-types

2.8.6. list machinepools

List the machine pools configured on a cluster.


$ rosa list machinepools --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.48. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the machine pools will be listed for.

Table 2.49. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all of the machine pools on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa list machinepools --cluster=mycluster

2.8.7. list regions

List all of the available regions for the current AWS account.


$ rosa list regions [arguments]

Table 2.50. Arguments


Lists regions that provide support for multiple availability zones.

Table 2.51. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all of the available regions.

$ rosa list regions

2.8.8. list upgrades

List all available and scheduled cluster version upgrades.


$ rosa list upgrades --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.52. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the available upgrades will be listed for.

Table 2.53. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all of the available upgrades for a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa list upgrades --cluster=mycluster

2.8.9. list users

List the cluster administrator and dedicated administrator users for a specified cluster.


$ rosa list users --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.54. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the cluster administrators will be listed for.

Table 2.55. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all of the cluster administrators and dedicated administrators for a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa list users --cluster=mycluster

2.8.10. list versions

List all of the OpenShift versions that are available for creating a cluster.


$ rosa list versions [arguments]

Table 2.56. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


List all of the OpenShift Container Platform versions.

$ rosa list versions

2.8.11. describe admin

Show the details of a specified cluster-admin user and a command to log in to the cluster.


$ rosa describe admin --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.57. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to which the cluster-admin belongs.

Table 2.58. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Describe the cluster-admin user for a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa describe admin --cluster=mycluster

2.8.12. describe addon

Show the details of a managed service add-on.


$ rosa describe addon <addon_id> | <addon_name> [arguments]

Table 2.59. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Describe an add-on named dbaas-operator.

$ rosa describe addon dbaas-operator

2.8.13. describe cluster

Shows the details for a cluster.


$ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.60. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster.

Table 2.61. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Describe a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa describe cluster --cluster=mycluster

2.9. Upgrade and delete upgrade for clusters

This section describes the upgrade command usage for clusters.

2.9.1. upgrade cluster

Schedule a cluster upgrade.


$ rosa upgrade cluster --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 2.62. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the upgrade will be scheduled for.


Enables interactive mode.


The version (string) of OpenShift Container Platform that the cluster will be upgraded to.


The next date (string) when the upgrade will run at the specified time. Format: yyyy-mm-dd


The next time the upgrade will run on the specified date. Format: HH:mm


Sets a grace period (string) for how long the pod disruption budget-protected workloads are respected during upgrades. After this grace period, any workloads protected by pod disruption budgets that have not been successfully drained from a node will be forcibly evicted. Default: 1 hour

Table 2.63. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Interactively schedule an upgrade on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa upgrade cluster --cluster=mycluster --interactive

Schedule a cluster upgrade within the hour on a cluster named mycluster.

$ rosa upgrade cluster --cluster=mycluster --version 4.5.20

2.9.2. delete upgrade

Cancel a scheduled cluster upgrade.


$ rosa delete upgrade --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id>

Table 2.64. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster that the upgrade will be cancelled for.

Table 2.65. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Automatically answers yes to confirm the operation.

Chapter 3. Checking account and version information with the ROSA CLI

3.1. Checking account and version information with the ROSA CLI

Use the following commands to check your account and version information with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.

3.1.1. whoami

Display information about your AWS and Red Hat accounts.


$ rosa whoami [arguments]

Table 3.1. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


$ rosa whoami

3.1.2. version

Display the version of your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa.


$ rosa version [arguments]

Table 3.2. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


$ rosa version

Chapter 4. Checking logs with the ROSA CLI

4.1. Checking logs with the ROSA CLI

You can check logs with the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa. Use the following commands to check your install and uninstall logs.

4.1.1. logs install

Show the cluster install logs.


$ rosa logs install --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 4.1. Arguments


Required: The name or ID (string) of the cluster to get logs for.


The number (integer) of lines to get from the end of the log. Default: 2000


Watches for changes after getting the logs.

Table 4.2. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Show the last 100 install log lines for a cluster named mycluster:

$ rosa logs install mycluster --tail=100

Show the install logs for a cluster named mycluster:

$ rosa logs install --cluster=mycluster

4.1.2. logs uninstall

Show the cluster uninstall logs.


$ rosa logs uninstall --cluster=<cluster_name> | <cluster_id> [arguments]

Table 4.3. Arguments


The name or ID (string) of the cluster to get logs for.


The number (integer) of lines to get from the end of the log. Default: 2000


Watches for changes after getting the logs.

Table 4.4. Optional arguments inherited from parent commands


Shows help for this command.


Enables debug mode.


Specifies an AWS profile (string) from your credentials file.


Show the last 100 uninstall logs for a cluster named mycluster:

$ rosa logs uninstall --cluster=mycluster --tail=100

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