Data Grid Security Guide

Red Hat Data Grid 8.1

Enable and configure Data Grid security

Red Hat Customer Content Services


Protect your Data Grid deployments from network intruders. Restrict data access to authorized users.

Red Hat Data Grid

Data Grid is a high-performance, distributed in-memory data store.

Schemaless data structure
Flexibility to store different objects as key-value pairs.
Grid-based data storage
Designed to distribute and replicate data across clusters.
Elastic scaling
Dynamically adjust the number of nodes to meet demand without service disruption.
Data interoperability
Store, retrieve, and query data in the grid from different endpoints.

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Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Configuring Data Grid Authorization

Authorization restricts the ability to perform operations with Data Grid and access data. You assign users with roles that have different permission levels.

1.1. Data Grid Authorization

Data Grid lets you configure authorization to secure Cache Managers and cache instances. When user applications or clients attempt to perform an operation on secured Cached Managers and caches, they must provide an identity with a role that has sufficient permissions to perform that operation.

For example, you configure authorization on a specific cache instance so that invoking Cache.get() requires an identity to be assigned a role with read permission while Cache.put() requires a role with write permission.

In this scenario, if a user application or client with the reader role attempts to write an entry, Data Grid denies the request and throws a security exception. If a user application or client with the writer role sends a write request, Data Grid validates authorization and issues a token for subsequent operations.

Identity to Role Mapping

Identities are security Principals of type Subjects, implemented with the class, represent a group of security Principals. In other words, a Subject represents a user and all groups to which it belongs.

Data Grid uses role mappers so that security principals correspond to roles, which represent one or more permissions.

The following image illustrates how security principals map to roles:

1.1.1. Permissions

Permissions control access to Cache Managers and caches by restricting the actions that you can perform. Permissions can also apply to specific entities such as named caches.

Table 1.1. Cache Manager Permissions



Defines new cache configurations.



Registers listeners against a Cache Manager.



Stops the Cache Manager.



Includes all Cache Manager permissions.

Table 1.2. Cache Permissions


get, contains

Retrieves entries from a cache.


put, putIfAbsent, replace, remove, evict

Writes, replaces, removes, evicts data in a cache.


distexec, streams

Allows code execution against a cache.



Registers listeners against a cache.


keySet, values, entrySet, query

Executes bulk retrieve operations.


clear, putAll

Executes bulk write operations.


start, stop

Starts and stops a cache.


getVersion, addInterceptor*, removeInterceptor, getInterceptorChain, getEvictionManager, getComponentRegistry, getDistributionManager, getAuthorizationManager, evict, getRpcManager, getCacheConfiguration, getCacheManager, getInvocationContextContainer, setAvailability, getDataContainer, getStats, getXAResource

Allows access to underlying components and internal structures.



Includes all cache permissions.



Combines the READ and BULK_READ permissions.



Combines the WRITE and BULK_WRITE permissions.

Combining permissions

You might need to combine permissions so that they are useful. For example, to allow "supervisors" to run stream operations but restrict "standard" users to puts and gets only, you can define the following mappings:

<role name="standard" permission="READ WRITE" />
<role name="supervisors" permission="READ WRITE EXEC BULK"/>

1.1.2. Role Mappers

Data Grid includes a PrincipalRoleMapper API that maps security Principals in a Subject to authorization roles. There are two role mappers available by default:


Uses the Principal name as the role name.

  • Java class:
  • Declarative configuration: <identity-role-mapper />

Uses the Common Name (CN) as the role name if the Principal name is a Distinguished Name (DN). For example the cn=managers,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com DN maps to the managers role.

  • Java class:
  • Declarative configuration: <common-name-role-mapper />

You can also use custom role mappers that implement the interface. To configure custom role mappers declaratively, use: <custom-role-mapper class="my.custom.RoleMapper" />

1.2. Programmatically Configuring Authorization

When using Data Grid as an embedded library, you can configure authorization with the GlobalSecurityConfigurationBuilder and ConfigurationBuilder classes.


  1. Construct a GlobalConfigurationBuilder that enables authorization, specifies a role mapper, and defines a set of roles and permissions.

    GlobalConfigurationBuilder global = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder();
          .authorization().enable() 1
             .principalRoleMapper(new IdentityRoleMapper()) 2
             .role("admin") 3
    Enables Data Grid authorization for the Cache Manager.
    Specifies an implementation of PrincipalRoleMapper that maps Principals to roles.
    Defines roles and their associated permissions.
  2. Enable authorization in the ConfigurationBuilder for caches to restrict access based on user roles.

    ConfigurationBuilder config = new ConfigurationBuilder();
             .enable(); 1
    Implicitly adds all roles from the global configuration.

    If you do not want to apply all roles to a cache, explicitly define the roles that are authorized for caches as follows:

    ConfigurationBuilder config = new ConfigurationBuilder();
             .role("admin") 1
    Defines authorized roles for the cache. In this example, users who have the writer role only are not authorized for the "secured" cache. Data Grid denies any access requests from those users.

1.3. Declaratively Configuring Authorization

Configure authorization in your infinispan.xml file.


  1. Configure the global authorization settings in the cache-container that specify a role mapper, and define a set of roles and permissions.
  2. Configure authorization for caches to restrict access based on user roles.

       <cache-container default-cache="secured" name="secured">
             <authorization> 1
                <identity-role-mapper /> 2
                <role name="admin" permissions="ALL" /> 3
                <role name="reader" permissions="READ" />
                <role name="writer" permissions="WRITE" />
                <role name="supervisor" permissions="READ WRITE EXEC"/>
          <local-cache name="secured">
                <authorization/> 4
    Enables Data Grid authorization for the Cache Manager.
    Specifies an implementation of PrincipalRoleMapper that maps Principals to roles.
    Defines roles and their associated permissions.
    Implicitly adds all roles from the global configuration.

    If you do not want to apply all roles to a cache, explicitly define the roles that are authorized for caches as follows:

       <cache-container default-cache="secured" name="secured">
                <identity-role-mapper />
                <role name="admin" permissions="ALL" />
                <role name="reader" permissions="READ" />
                <role name="writer" permissions="WRITE" />
                <role name="supervisor" permissions="READ WRITE EXEC"/>
          <local-cache name="secured">
                <authorization roles="admin supervisor reader"/> 1
    Defines authorized roles for the cache. In this example, users who have the writer role only are not authorized for the "secured" cache. Data Grid denies any access requests from those users.

1.4. Code Execution with Secure Caches

When you configure Data Grid authorization and then construct a DefaultCacheManager, it returns a SecureCache that checks the security context before invoking any operations on the underlying caches. A SecureCache also ensures that applications cannot retrieve lower-level insecure objects such as DataContainer. For this reason, you must execute code with an identity that has the required authorization.

In Java, executing code with a specific identity usually means wrapping the code to be executed within a PrivilegedAction as follows:


Security.doAs(subject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
    cache.put("key", "value");

With Java 8, you can simplify the preceding call as follows:

Security.doAs(mySubject, PrivilegedAction<String>() -> cache.put("key", "value"));

The preceding call uses the Security.doAs() method instead of Subject.doAs(). You can use either method with Data Grid, however Security.doAs() provides better performance.

If you need the current Subject, use the following call to retrieve it from the Data Grid context or from the AccessControlContext:


Chapter 2. Encrypting Cluster Transport

Secure cluster transport so that nodes communicate with encrypted messages. You can also configure Data Grid clusters to perform certificate authentication so that only nodes with valid identities can join.

2.1. Data Grid Cluster Security

To secure cluster traffic, you configure Data Grid nodes to encrypt JGroups message payloads with secret keys.

Data Grid nodes can obtain secret keys from either:

  • The coordinator node (asymmetric encryption).
  • A shared keystore (symmetric encryption).

Retrieving secret keys from coordinator nodes

You configure asymmetric encryption by adding the ASYM_ENCRYPT protocol to a JGroups stack in your Data Grid configuration. This allows Data Grid clusters to generate and distribute secret keys.


When using asymmetric encryption, you should also provide keystores so that nodes can perform certificate authentication and securely exchange secret keys. This protects your cluster from man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.

Asymmetric encryption secures cluster traffic as follows:

  1. The first node in the Data Grid cluster, the coordinator node, generates a secret key.
  2. A joining node performs certificate authentication with the coordinator to mutually verify identity.
  3. The joining node requests the secret key from the coordinator node. That request includes the public key for the joining node.
  4. The coordinator node encrypts the secret key with the public key and returns it to the joining node.
  5. The joining node decrypts and installs the secret key.
  6. The node joins the cluster, encrypting and decrypting messages with the secret key.

Retrieving secret keys from shared keystores

You configure symmetric encryption by adding the SYM_ENCRYPT protocol to a JGroups stack in your Data Grid configuration. This allows Data Grid clusters to obtain secret keys from keystores that you provide.

  1. Nodes install the secret key from a keystore on the Data Grid classpath at startup.
  2. Node join clusters, encrypting and decrypting messages with the secret key.

Comparison of asymmetric and symmetric encryption

ASYM_ENCRYPT with certificate authentication provides an additional layer of encryption in comparison with SYM_ENCRYPT. You provide keystores that encrypt the requests to coordinator nodes for the secret key. Data Grid automatically generates that secret key and handles cluster traffic, while letting you specify when to generate secret keys. For example, you can configure clusters to generate new secret keys when nodes leave. This ensures that nodes cannot bypass certificate authentication and join with old keys.

SYM_ENCRYPT, on the other hand, is faster than ASYM_ENCRYPT because nodes do not need to exchange keys with the cluster coordinator. A potential drawback to SYM_ENCRYPT is that there is no configuration to automatically generate new secret keys when cluster membership changes. Users are responsible for generating and distributing the secret keys that nodes use to encrypt cluster traffic.

2.2. Configuring Cluster Transport with Asymmetric Encryption

Configure Data Grid clusters to generate and distribute secret keys that encrypt JGroups messages.


  1. Create a keystore with certificate chains that enables Data Grid to verify node identity.
  2. Place the keystore on the classpath for each node in the cluster.

    For Data Grid Server, you put the keystore in the $RHDG_HOME directory.

  3. Add the SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE and ASYM_ENCRYPT protocols to a JGroups stack in your Data Grid configuration, as in the following example:

             <stack name="encrypt-tcp" extends="tcp"> 1
               <SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE keystore_name="mykeystore.jks" 2
                                 keystore_password="changeit" 3
                                 stack.position="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/> 4
               <ASYM_ENCRYPT asym_keylength="2048" 5
                        asym_algorithm="RSA" 6
                        change_key_on_coord_leave = "false" 7
                        change_key_on_leave = "false" 8
                        use_external_key_exchange = "true" 9
                        stack.position="SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE"/> 10
        <cache-container name="default" statistics="true">
          <transport cluster="${}"
                     stack="encrypt-tcp" 11
    Creates a secure JGroups stack named "encrypt-tcp" that extends the default TCP stack for Data Grid.
    Names the keystore that nodes use to perform certificate authentication.
    Specifies the keystore password.
    Uses the stack.combine and stack.position attributes to insert SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE into the default TCP stack after the VERIFY_SUSPECT protocol.
    Specifies the length of the secret key that the coordinator node generates. The default value is 2048.
    Specifies the cipher engine the coordinator node uses to generate secret keys. The default value is RSA.
    Configures Data Grid to generate and distribute a new secret key when the coordinator node changes.
    Configures Data Grid to generate and distribute a new secret key when nodes leave.
    Configures Data Grid nodes to use the SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE protocol for certificate authentication.
    Uses the stack.combine and stack.position attributes to insert ASYM_ENCRYPT into the default TCP stack after the SSL_KEY_EXCHANGE protocol.
    Configures the Data Grid cluster to use the secure JGroups stack.


When you start your Data Grid cluster, the following log message indicates that the cluster is using the secure JGroups stack:

[org.infinispan.CLUSTER] ISPN000078: Starting JGroups channel cluster with stack <encrypted_stack_name>

Data Grid nodes can join the cluster only if they use ASYM_ENCRYPT and can obtain the secret key from the coordinator node. Otherwise the following message is written to Data Grid logs:

[org.jgroups.protocols.ASYM_ENCRYPT] <hostname>: received message without encrypt header from <hostname>; dropping it


The example ASYM_ENCRYPT configuration in this procedure shows commonly used parameters. Refer to JGroups documentation for the full set of available parameters.

2.3. Configuring Cluster Transport with Symmetric Encryption

Configure Data Grid clusters to encrypt JGroups messages with secret keys from keystores that you provide.


  1. Create a keystore that contains a secret key.
  2. Place the keystore on the classpath for each node in the cluster.

    For Data Grid Server, you put the keystore in the $RHDG_HOME directory.

  3. Add the SYM_ENCRYPT protocol to a JGroups stack in your Data Grid configuration, as in the following example:

             <stack name="encrypt-tcp" extends="tcp"> 1
               <SYM_ENCRYPT keystore_name="myKeystore.p12" 2
                            keystore_type="PKCS12" 3
                            store_password="changeit" 4
                            key_password="changeit" 5
                            alias="myKey" 6
                            stack.position="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/> 7
        <cache-container name="default" statistics="true">
          <transport cluster="${}"
                     stack="encrypt-tcp" 8
    Creates a secure JGroups stack named "encrypt-tcp" that extends the default TCP stack for Data Grid.
    Names the keystore from which nodes obtain secret keys.
    Specifies the keystore type. JGroups uses JCEKS by default.
    Specifies the keystore password.
    Specifies the secret key password.
    Specifies the secret key alias.
    Uses the stack.combine and stack.position attributes to insert SYM_ENCRYPT into the default TCP stack after the VERIFY_SUSPECT protocol.
    Configures the Data Grid cluster to use the secure JGroups stack.


When you start your Data Grid cluster, the following log message indicates that the cluster is using the secure JGroups stack:

[org.infinispan.CLUSTER] ISPN000078: Starting JGroups channel cluster with stack <encrypted_stack_name>

Data Grid nodes can join the cluster only if they use SYM_ENCRYPT and can obtain the secret key from the shared keystore. Otherwise the following message is written to Data Grid logs:

[org.jgroups.protocols.SYM_ENCRYPT] <hostname>: received message without encrypt header from <hostname>; dropping it


The example SYM_ENCRYPT configuration in this procedure shows commonly used parameters. Refer to JGroups documentation for the full set of available parameters.

Chapter 3. Data Grid Ports and Protocols

As Data Grid distributes data across your network and can establish connections for external client requests, you should be aware of the ports and protocols that Data Grid uses to handle network traffic.

If run Data Grid as a remote server then you might need to allow remote clients through your firewall. Likewise, you should adjust ports that Data Grid nodes use for cluster communication to prevent conflicts or network issues.

3.1. Data Grid Server Ports and Protocols

Data Grid Server exposes endpoints on your network for remote client access.




Hot Rod and REST endpoint



Memcached endpoint, which is disabled by default.

3.1.1. Configuring Network Firewalls for Remote Connections

Adjust any firewall rules to allow traffic between the server and external clients.


On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) workstations, for example, you can allow traffic to port 11222 with firewalld as follows:

# firewall-cmd --add-port=11222/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep 11222

To configure firewall rules that apply across a network, you can use the nftables utility.

3.2. TCP and UDP Ports for Cluster Traffic

Data Grid uses the following ports for cluster transport messages:

Default PortProtocolDescription



JGroups cluster bind port



JGroups multicast

Cross-Site Replication

Data Grid uses the following ports for the JGroups RELAY2 protocol:

For Data Grid clusters running on OpenShift.
If using UDP for traffic between nodes and TCP for traffic between clusters.
If using TCP for traffic between nodes and TCP for traffic between clusters.

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