Interface ConnectionProvider

    • Field Detail


        static final Object NO_PROVIDER_INTERFACES
        The object to use when a connection provider has no provider interfaces.
    • Method Detail

      • connect

        org.xnio.Cancellable connect​(URI destination,
                                     SocketAddress bindAddress,
                                     org.xnio.OptionMap connectOptions,
                                     org.xnio.Result<ConnectionHandlerFactory> result,
                                     SSLContext sslContext,
                                     UnaryOperator<SaslClientFactory> saslClientFactoryOperator,
                                     Collection<String> serverMechs)
        Open an outbound connection, using the (optionally) given socket addresses as source and destination. This method is expected to be non-blocking, with the result stored in the result variable possibly asynchronously.
        destination - the destination URI, or null if none is given
        bindAddress - the address to bind to, or null if none is given
        connectOptions - the options to use for this connection
        result - the result which should receive the connection
        authenticationConfiguration - the configuration to use for authentication of the connection
        sslContext - the SSL context to use
        saslClientFactoryOperator - A unary operator to apply to the SaslClientFactory used.
        serverMechs - the list of server mechanism names to advertise to the peer (may be empty; not null)
        a handle which may be used to cancel the connect attempt
        IllegalArgumentException - if any of the given arguments are not valid for this protocol
      • getProviderInterface

        Object getProviderInterface()
        Get the user data associated with this connection provider. This object should implement all of the provider interfaces which are supported by this provider. Must not return null.
        the user data (not null)
        See Also: