Camel uses a Java Domain Specific Language or DSL for creating Enterprise Integration Patterns or Routes in a variety of domain-specific languages (DSL) as listed below:

  • Java DSL - A Java based DSL using the fluent builder style.

  • XML DSL A XML based DSL in Camel XML files only.

  • Spring XML - A XML based DSL in classic Spring XML files.

  • Yaml DSL for creating routes using YAML format.

  • Rest DSL - A DSL to define REST services using REST verbs.

  • Annotation DSL - Use annotations in Java beans.

See Also

  • CamelContext the main entry for Camel is the CamelContext

  • Routes for general information about a Camel route

  • RouteBuilder for creating routes using the Java DSL style.

  • LambdaRouteBuilder for creating routes using Java lambda style.

  • Endpoint DSL for creating routes using type-safe Camel endpoints in Java.

  • Route Template for creating reusable route templates.

  • Route Reload for hot-reloading routes in a running Camel application.