String name
KeycloakSecurityContext context
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
String refreshToken
int status
String error
String roleName
MultivaluedHashMap<K,V> attributes
MultivaluedHashMap<K,V> friendlyAttributes
String name
String samlSubject
String nameIDFormat
AssertionType assertion
int statusCode
String reasonPhrase
byte[] bytes
Object[] parameters
XMLGregorianCalendar issueInstant
String ID
XMLGregorianCalendar notBefore
XMLGregorianCalendar notOnOrAfter
String id
XMLGregorianCalendar issueInstant
Element signature
String id
XMLGregorianCalendar issueInstant
String inResponseTo
Element signature
int majorVersion
int minorVersion
SAML11ConditionsType conditions
SAML11AdviceType advice
List<E> statements
Element signature
String issuer
URI authenticationMethod
XMLGregorianCalendar authenticationInstant
SAML11SubjectLocalityType subjectLocality
List<E> authorityBinding
List<E> actions
SAML11EvidenceType evidence
URI resource
SAML11DecisionType decision
SAML11SubjectType subject
URI authenticationMethod
List<E> action
SAML11EvidenceType evidence
URI resource
SAML11QueryAbstractType query
List<E> assertionIDRef
List<E> assertionArtifact
int majorVersion
int minorVersion
URI recipient
List<E> assertions
SAML11StatusType status
SAML11StatusCodeType statusCode
QName value
SAML11StatusCodeType statusCode
String statusMessage
CommonStatusDetailType statusDetail
SAML11SubjectType subject
Element signature
String version
AdviceType advice
NameIDType issuer
SubjectType subject
ConditionsType conditions
Set<E> statements
AttributeType attribute
EncryptedElementType encryptedAssertion
URI value
URI value
Object value
Set<E> authenticatingAuthority
AuthnContextType.AuthnContextTypeSequence sequence
Set<E> URITypes
AuthnContextClassRefType classRef
AuthnContextDeclType authnContextDecl
Set<E> URITypes
SubjectLocalityType subjectLocality
AuthnContextType authnContext
XMLGregorianCalendar authnInstant
XMLGregorianCalendar sessionNotOnOrAfter
String sessionIndex
List<E> action
EvidenceType evidence
String resource
DecisionType decision
Element encryptedElement
String AssertionIDRef
URI AssertionURIRef
AssertionType assertion
EncryptedAssertionType encryptedAssertion
Element keyInfo
List<E> audience
BigInteger count
XMLGregorianCalendar notBefore
XMLGregorianCalendar notOnOrAfter
String recipient
String inResponseTo
String address
Map<K,V> otherAttributes
Object anyType
BaseIDAbstractType baseID
NameIDType nameID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
SubjectConfirmationDataType subjectConfirmationData
String method
List<E> subjectConfirmation
SubjectType.STSubType subType
BaseIDAbstractType baseID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
List<E> subjectConfirmation
Boolean isRequired
String artifact
Object any
RequestedAuthnContextType requestedAuthnContext
String sessionIndex
SubjectType subject
NameIDPolicyType nameIDPolicy
ConditionsType conditions
RequestedAuthnContextType requestedAuthnContext
ScopingType scoping
Boolean forceAuthn
Boolean isPassive
URI protocolBinding
Integer assertionConsumerServiceIndex
URI assertionConsumerServiceURL
Integer attributeConsumingServiceIndex
String providerName
List<E> action
EvidenceType evidence
URI resource
BaseIDAbstractType baseID
NameIDType nameID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
List<E> sessionIndex
String reason
XMLGregorianCalendar notOnOrAfter
NameIDType nameID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
String newID
EncryptedElementType newEncryptedID
TerminateType terminate
BaseIDAbstractType baseID
NameIDType nameID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
NameIDPolicyType nameIDPolicy
NameIDType nameID
EncryptedElementType encryptedID
NameIDType issuer
ExtensionsType extensions
String version
URI destination
String consent
StatusCodeType statusCode
URI value
NameIDType issuer
ExtensionsType extensions
StatusType status
String id
String version
XMLGregorianCalendar issueInstant
String destination
String consent
String statusMessage
StatusCodeType statusCode
StatusDetailType statusDetail
SubjectType subject
JsonWebToken token
String internalId
String alias
An user-defined identifier to unique identify an identity provider instance.
String providerId
An identifier used to reference a specific identity provider implementation. The value of this field is the same across instances of the same provider implementation.
boolean enabled
boolean trustEmail
boolean storeToken
boolean addReadTokenRoleOnCreate
boolean linkOnly
boolean authenticateByDefault
String firstBrokerLoginFlowId
String postBrokerLoginFlowId
String displayName
Map<K,V> config
A map containing the configuration and properties for a specific identity provider instance and implementation. The items in the map are understood by the identity provider implementation.
String duplicateFieldName
Object[] parameters
Map<K,V> policyConfig
PasswordPolicy.Builder builder
String username
Set<E> trustedCertificates
Set<E> allowedOrigins
AccessToken.Access realmAccess
Map<K,V> resourceAccess
AccessToken.Authorization authorization
AccessToken.CertConf certConf
String scope
Collection<E> permissions
String nonce
int authTime
String sessionState
String accessTokenHash
String codeHash
String name
String givenName
String familyName
String middleName
String nickName
String preferredUsername
String profile
String picture
String website
String email
Boolean emailVerified
String gender
String birthdate
String zoneinfo
String locale
String phoneNumber
Boolean phoneNumberVerified
AddressClaimSet address
Long updatedAt
String claimsLocales
String acr
String stateHash
String flowAlias
boolean userSetupAllowed
String id
String requirement
String displayName
String alias
List<E> requirementChoices
Boolean configurable
Boolean authenticationFlow
String providerId
String authenticationConfig
String flowId
int level
int index
Location location
String id
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