Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
JmsConfiguration.CamelJmsTemplate |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
Constructor and Description |
JmsConfiguration() |
JmsConfiguration(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer |
chooseMessageListenerContainerImplementation(JmsEndpoint endpoint) |
protected void |
When one of the QoS properties are configured such as
setDeliveryPersistent(boolean) ,
setPriority(int) or setTimeToLive(long) then we should auto default the
setting of setExplicitQosEnabled(boolean) if its not been configured yet |
void |
configureMessageListener(EndpointMessageListener listener) |
protected void |
configureMessageListenerContainer(org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer container,
JmsEndpoint endpoint) |
JmsConfiguration |
Returns a copy of this configuration
protected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
Factory method which allows derived classes to customize the lazy
static |
createDestinationResolver(DestinationEndpoint destinationEndpoint) |
org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations |
createInOnlyTemplate(JmsEndpoint endpoint,
boolean pubSubDomain,
String destination)
Creates a
JmsOperations object used for one way messaging |
org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations |
createInOutTemplate(JmsEndpoint endpoint,
boolean pubSubDomain,
String destination,
long requestTimeout)
Creates a
JmsOperations object used for request/response using a request timeout value |
protected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
Factory method which allows derived classes to customize the lazy
org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer |
createMessageListenerContainer(JmsEndpoint endpoint) |
protected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
Factory method which allows derived classes to customize the lazy
protected org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager |
Factory method which which allows derived classes to customize the lazy
transaction manager creation
protected int |
defaultCacheLevel(JmsEndpoint endpoint)
Defaults the JMS cache level if none is explicitly specified.
int |
getAcknowledgementMode() |
String |
getAcknowledgementModeName() |
int |
getCacheLevel() |
String |
getCacheLevelName() |
String |
getClientId() |
int |
getConcurrentConsumers() |
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
getConnectionFactory() |
ConsumerType |
getConsumerType() |
DefaultTaskExecutorType |
getDefaultTaskExecutorType() |
Integer |
getDeliveryMode() | |
getDestinationResolver() |
String |
getDurableSubscriptionName() |
org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler |
getErrorHandler() |
LoggingLevel |
getErrorHandlerLoggingLevel() |
javax.jms.ExceptionListener |
getExceptionListener() |
int |
getIdleConsumerLimit() |
int |
getIdleTaskExecutionLimit() |
JmsKeyFormatStrategy |
getJmsKeyFormatStrategy() |
JmsMessageType |
getJmsMessageType() |
org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations |
getJmsOperations() |
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
getListenerConnectionFactory() |
int |
getMaxConcurrentConsumers() |
int |
getMaxMessagesPerTask() | |
getMessageConverter() |
MessageCreatedStrategy |
getMessageCreatedStrategy() |
MessageListenerContainerFactory |
getMessageListenerContainerFactory() |
org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations |
getMetadataJmsOperations(JmsEndpoint endpoint) |
int |
getPriority() |
JmsProviderMetadata |
getProviderMetadata() |
long |
getReceiveTimeout() |
long |
getRecoveryInterval() |
String |
getReplyTo() |
String |
getReplyToCacheLevelName() |
int |
getReplyToConcurrentConsumers() |
String |
getReplyToDestinationSelectorName() |
int |
getReplyToMaxConcurrentConsumers() |
int |
getReplyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers() |
String |
getReplyToOverride() |
ReplyToType |
getReplyToType() |
long |
getRequestTimeout() |
long |
getRequestTimeoutCheckerInterval() |
String |
getSelector() |
org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor |
getTaskExecutor() |
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
getTemplateConnectionFactory() |
long |
getTimeToLive() |
org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager |
getTransactionManager() |
String |
getTransactionName() |
int |
getTransactionTimeout() |
boolean |
isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping() |
boolean |
isAllowNullBody() |
boolean |
Whether the
DefaultMessageListenerContainer used in the reply managers for request-reply messaging allow
the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.runningAllowed flag to quick stop in case isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping()
is enabled, and CamelContext is currently being stopped. |
boolean |
isAlwaysCopyMessage() |
boolean |
isAsyncConsumer() |
boolean |
isAsyncStartListener() |
boolean |
isAsyncStopListener() |
boolean |
isAutoStartup() |
boolean |
isDeliveryPersistent() |
boolean |
isDisableReplyTo() |
boolean |
isDisableTimeToLive() |
boolean |
isEagerLoadingOfProperties() |
boolean |
isErrorHandlerLogStackTrace() |
boolean |
isExplicitQosEnabled() |
boolean |
isExposeListenerSession() |
boolean |
isForceSendOriginalMessage() |
boolean |
isIncludeAllJMSXProperties() |
boolean |
isIncludeSentJMSMessageID() |
boolean |
isLazyCreateTransactionManager() |
boolean |
isMapJmsMessage() |
boolean |
isMessageIdEnabled() |
boolean |
isMessageTimestampEnabled() |
boolean |
isPreserveMessageQos() |
boolean |
isPubSubNoLocal() |
boolean |
isReplyToDeliveryPersistent() |
boolean |
isReplyToSameDestinationAllowed() |
boolean |
boolean |
isTestConnectionOnStartup() |
boolean |
isTransacted() |
boolean |
boolean |
isTransferException() |
boolean |
isTransferExchange() |
boolean |
isTransferFault() |
boolean |
isUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID() |
void |
setAcceptMessagesWhileStopping(boolean acceptMessagesWhileStopping)
Specifies whether the consumer accept messages while it is stopping.
void |
setAcknowledgementMode(int consumerAcknowledgementMode)
The JMS acknowledgement mode defined as an Integer.
void |
setAcknowledgementModeName(String consumerAcknowledgementMode)
void |
setAllowNullBody(boolean allowNullBody)
Whether to allow sending messages with no body.
void |
setAllowReplyManagerQuickStop(boolean allowReplyManagerQuickStop) |
void |
setAlwaysCopyMessage(boolean alwaysCopyMessage)
If true, Camel will always make a JMS message copy of the message when it is passed to the producer for sending.
void |
setAsyncConsumer(boolean asyncConsumer)
Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously.
void |
setAsyncStartListener(boolean asyncStartListener)
Whether to startup the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when starting a route.
void |
setAsyncStopListener(boolean asyncStopListener)
Whether to stop the JmsConsumer message listener asynchronously, when stopping a route.
void |
setAutoStartup(boolean autoStartup)
Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup.
void |
setCacheLevel(int cacheLevel)
Sets the cache level by ID for the underlying JMS resources.
void |
setCacheLevelName(String cacheName)
Sets the cache level by name for the underlying JMS resources.
void |
setClientId(String consumerClientId)
Sets the JMS client ID to use.
void |
setConcurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers)
Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS).
void |
setConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Sets the default connection factory to be used if a connection factory is
not specified for either
setTemplateConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory) or
setListenerConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory) |
void |
setConsumerType(ConsumerType consumerType)
The consumer type to use, which can be one of: Simple, Default, or Custom.
void |
setDefaultTaskExecutorType(DefaultTaskExecutorType defaultTaskExecutorType)
Specifies what default TaskExecutor type to use in the DefaultMessageListenerContainer,
for both consumer endpoints and the ReplyTo consumer of producer endpoints.
void |
setDeliveryMode(Integer deliveryMode)
Specifies the delivery mode to be used.
void |
setDeliveryPersistent(boolean deliveryPersistent)
Specifies whether persistent delivery is used by default.
void |
setDestinationResolver( destinationResolver)
A pluggable that allows you to use your own resolver
(for example, to lookup the real destination in a JNDI registry).
void |
setDisableReplyTo(boolean disableReplyTo)
If true, a producer will behave like a InOnly exchange with the exception that JMSReplyTo header is sent out and
not be suppressed like in the case of InOnly.
void |
setDisableTimeToLive(boolean disableTimeToLive)
Use this option to force disabling time to live.
void |
setDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)
The durable subscriber name for specifying durable topic subscriptions.
void |
setEagerLoadingOfProperties(boolean eagerLoadingOfProperties)
Enables eager loading of JMS properties as soon as a message is loaded
which generally is inefficient as the JMS properties may not be required
but sometimes can catch early any issues with the underlying JMS provider
and the use of JMS properties
void |
setErrorHandler(org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
Specifies a org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler to be invoked in case of any uncaught exceptions thrown while processing a Message.
void |
setErrorHandlerLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel errorHandlerLoggingLevel)
Allows to configure the default errorHandler logging level for logging uncaught exceptions.
void |
setErrorHandlerLogStackTrace(boolean errorHandlerLogStackTrace)
Allows to control whether stacktraces should be logged or not, by the default errorHandler.
void |
setExceptionListener(javax.jms.ExceptionListener exceptionListener)
Specifies the JMS Exception Listener that is to be notified of any underlying JMS exceptions.
void |
setExplicitQosEnabled(boolean explicitQosEnabled)
Set if the deliveryMode, priority or timeToLive qualities of service should be used when sending messages.
void |
setExposeListenerSession(boolean exposeListenerSession)
Specifies whether the listener session should be exposed when consuming messages.
void |
setForceSendOriginalMessage(boolean forceSendOriginalMessage)
When using mapJmsMessage=false Camel will create a new JMS message to send to a new JMS destination
if you touch the headers (get or set) during the route.
void |
setIdleConsumerLimit(int idleConsumerLimit)
Specify the limit for the number of consumers that are allowed to be idle at any given time.
void |
setIdleTaskExecutionLimit(int idleTaskExecutionLimit)
Specifies the limit for idle executions of a receive task, not having received any message within its execution.
void |
setIncludeAllJMSXProperties(boolean includeAllJMSXProperties)
Whether to include all JMSXxxx properties when mapping from JMS to Camel Message.
void |
setIncludeSentJMSMessageID(boolean includeSentJMSMessageID)
Only applicable when sending to JMS destination using InOnly (eg fire and forget).
void |
setJmsKeyFormatStrategy(JmsKeyFormatStrategy jmsKeyFormatStrategy)
Pluggable strategy for encoding and decoding JMS keys so they can be compliant with the JMS specification.
void |
setJmsMessageType(JmsMessageType jmsMessageType)
Allows you to force the use of a specific javax.jms.Message implementation for sending JMS messages.
void |
setJmsOperations(org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations jmsOperations)
Allows you to use your own implementation of the org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations interface.
void |
setLazyCreateTransactionManager(boolean lazyCreating)
If true, Camel will create a JmsTransactionManager, if there is no transactionManager injected when option transacted=true.
void |
setListenerConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory listenerConnectionFactory)
Sets the connection factory to be used for consuming messages
void |
setMapJmsMessage(boolean mapJmsMessage)
Specifies whether Camel should auto map the received JMS message to a suited payload type, such as javax.jms.TextMessage to a String etc.
void |
setMaxConcurrentConsumers(int maxConcurrentConsumers)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS).
void |
setMaxMessagesPerTask(int maxMessagesPerTask)
The number of messages per task.
void |
setMessageConverter( messageConverter)
To use a custom Spring so you can be in control
how to map to/from a javax.jms.Message.
void |
setMessageCreatedStrategy(MessageCreatedStrategy messageCreatedStrategy)
To use the given MessageCreatedStrategy which are invoked when Camel creates new instances of javax.jms.Message
objects when Camel is sending a JMS message.
void |
setMessageIdEnabled(boolean messageIdEnabled)
When sending, specifies whether message IDs should be added.
void |
setMessageListenerContainerFactory(MessageListenerContainerFactory messageListenerContainerFactory)
Registry ID of the MessageListenerContainerFactory used to determine what
org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer to use to consume messages.
void |
setMessageTimestampEnabled(boolean messageTimestampEnabled)
Specifies whether timestamps should be enabled by default on sending messages.
void |
setMetadataJmsOperations(org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations metadataJmsOperations)
Sets the
JmsOperations used to deduce the JmsProviderMetadata details which if none
is customized one is lazily created on demand |
void |
setPreserveMessageQos(boolean preserveMessageQos)
Set to true, if you want to send message using the QoS settings specified on the message,
instead of the QoS settings on the JMS endpoint.
void |
setPriority(int priority)
Values greater than 1 specify the message priority when sending (where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest).
void |
setProviderMetadata(JmsProviderMetadata providerMetadata)
Allows the provider metadata to be explicitly configured.
void |
setPubSubNoLocal(boolean pubSubNoLocal)
Specifies whether to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection.
void |
setReceiveTimeout(long receiveTimeout)
The timeout for receiving messages (in milliseconds).
void |
setRecoveryInterval(long recoveryInterval)
Specifies the interval between recovery attempts, i.e.
void |
setReplyTo(String replyToDestination)
Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination, which overrides any incoming value of Message.getJMSReplyTo().
void |
setReplyToCacheLevelName(String name)
Sets the cache level by name for the reply consumer when doing request/reply over JMS.
void |
setReplyToConcurrentConsumers(int replyToConcurrentConsumers)
Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when doing request/reply over JMS.
void |
setReplyToDeliveryPersistent(boolean replyToDeliveryPersistent)
Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies.
void |
setReplyToDestinationSelectorName(String replyToDestinationSelectorName)
Sets the JMS Selector using the fixed name to be used so you can filter out your own replies
from the others when using a shared queue (that is, if you are not using a temporary reply queue).
void |
setReplyToMaxConcurrentConsumers(int replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers when using request/reply over JMS.
void |
setReplyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers(int replyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent consumers for continue routing when timeout occurred when using request/reply over JMS.
void |
setReplyToOverride(String replyToDestination)
Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination in the JMS message, which overrides the setting of replyTo.
void |
setReplyToSameDestinationAllowed(boolean replyToSameDestinationAllowed)
Whether a JMS consumer is allowed to send a reply message to the same destination that the consumer is using to
consume from.
void |
setReplyToType(ReplyToType replyToType)
Allows for explicitly specifying which kind of strategy to use for replyTo queues when doing request/reply over JMS.
void |
setRequestTimeout(long requestTimeout)
The timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds).
void |
setRequestTimeoutCheckerInterval(long requestTimeoutCheckerInterval)
Configures how often Camel should check for timed out Exchanges when doing request/reply over JMS.
void |
setSelector(String selector)
Sets the JMS selector to use
void |
setSubscriptionDurable(boolean subscriptionDurable)
void |
setTaskExecutor(org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
Allows you to specify a custom task executor for consuming messages.
void |
setTemplateConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory templateConnectionFactory)
Sets the connection factory to be used for sending messages via the
JmsTemplate via createInOnlyTemplate(JmsEndpoint, boolean, String) |
void |
setTestConnectionOnStartup(boolean testConnectionOnStartup)
Specifies whether to test the connection on startup.
void |
setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
When sending messages, specifies the time-to-live of the message (in milliseconds).
void |
setTransacted(boolean consumerTransacted)
Specifies whether to use transacted mode
void |
setTransactedInOut(boolean transactedInOut)
void |
setTransactionManager(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
The Spring transaction manager to use.
void |
setTransactionName(String transactionName)
The name of the transaction to use.
void |
setTransactionTimeout(int transactionTimeout)
The timeout value of the transaction (in seconds), if using transacted mode.
void |
setTransferException(boolean transferException)
If enabled and you are using Request Reply messaging (InOut) and an Exchange failed on the consumer side,
then the caused Exception will be send back in response as a javax.jms.ObjectMessage.
void |
setTransferExchange(boolean transferExchange)
You can transfer the exchange over the wire instead of just the body and headers.
void |
setTransferFault(boolean transferFault)
If enabled and you are using Request Reply messaging (InOut) and an Exchange failed with a SOAP fault (not exception) on the consumer side,
then the fault flag on
Message.isFault() will be send back in the response as a JMS header with the key
void |
setUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID(boolean useMessageIDAsCorrelationID)
Specifies whether JMSMessageID should always be used as JMSCorrelationID for InOut messages.
protected boolean |
Should get overridden by implementations which support BlobMessages
public static final String QUEUE_PREFIX
public static final String TOPIC_PREFIX
public static final String TEMP_QUEUE_PREFIX
public static final String TEMP_TOPIC_PREFIX
public JmsConfiguration()
public JmsConfiguration(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
public JmsConfiguration copy()
public org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations createInOutTemplate(JmsEndpoint endpoint, boolean pubSubDomain, String destination, long requestTimeout)
object used for request/response using a request timeout valuepublic org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations createInOnlyTemplate(JmsEndpoint endpoint, boolean pubSubDomain, String destination)
object used for one way messagingpublic org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer createMessageListenerContainer(JmsEndpoint endpoint) throws Exception
public org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer chooseMessageListenerContainerImplementation(JmsEndpoint endpoint)
public ConsumerType getConsumerType()
public void setConsumerType(ConsumerType consumerType)
public javax.jms.ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
public void setConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
public javax.jms.ConnectionFactory getListenerConnectionFactory()
public void setListenerConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory listenerConnectionFactory)
public javax.jms.ConnectionFactory getTemplateConnectionFactory()
public void setTemplateConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory templateConnectionFactory)
via createInOnlyTemplate(JmsEndpoint, boolean, String)
public boolean isAutoStartup()
public void setAutoStartup(boolean autoStartup)
public boolean isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping()
public void setAcceptMessagesWhileStopping(boolean acceptMessagesWhileStopping)
public boolean isAllowReplyManagerQuickStop()
used in the reply managers for request-reply messaging allow
the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.runningAllowed
flag to quick stop in case isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping()
is enabled, and CamelContext
is currently being stopped. This quick stop ability is enabled by
default in the regular JMS consumers but to enable for reply managers you must enable this flag.public void setAllowReplyManagerQuickStop(boolean allowReplyManagerQuickStop)
public String getClientId()
public void setClientId(String consumerClientId)
If using Apache ActiveMQ you may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead.
public String getDurableSubscriptionName()
public void setDurableSubscriptionName(String durableSubscriptionName)
public javax.jms.ExceptionListener getExceptionListener()
public void setExceptionListener(javax.jms.ExceptionListener exceptionListener)
public void setErrorHandler(org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
public org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
public LoggingLevel getErrorHandlerLoggingLevel()
public void setErrorHandlerLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel errorHandlerLoggingLevel)
public boolean isErrorHandlerLogStackTrace()
public void setErrorHandlerLogStackTrace(boolean errorHandlerLogStackTrace)
@Deprecated public boolean isSubscriptionDurable()
@Deprecated public void setSubscriptionDurable(boolean subscriptionDurable)
public String getAcknowledgementModeName()
public void setAcknowledgementModeName(String consumerAcknowledgementMode)
public boolean isExposeListenerSession()
public void setExposeListenerSession(boolean exposeListenerSession)
public org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor()
public void setTaskExecutor(org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
public boolean isPubSubNoLocal()
public void setPubSubNoLocal(boolean pubSubNoLocal)
public int getConcurrentConsumers()
public void setConcurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers)
When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener.
public int getReplyToConcurrentConsumers()
public void setReplyToConcurrentConsumers(int replyToConcurrentConsumers)
public int getMaxMessagesPerTask()
public void setMaxMessagesPerTask(int maxMessagesPerTask)
public int getCacheLevel()
public void setCacheLevel(int cacheLevel)
public String getCacheLevelName()
public void setCacheLevelName(String cacheName)
public long getRecoveryInterval()
public void setRecoveryInterval(long recoveryInterval)
public long getReceiveTimeout()
public void setReceiveTimeout(long receiveTimeout)
public org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager getTransactionManager()
public void setTransactionManager(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
public String getTransactionName()
public void setTransactionName(String transactionName)
public int getTransactionTimeout()
public void setTransactionTimeout(int transactionTimeout)
public int getIdleTaskExecutionLimit()
public void setIdleTaskExecutionLimit(int idleTaskExecutionLimit)
public int getIdleConsumerLimit()
public void setIdleConsumerLimit(int idleConsumerLimit)
public int getMaxConcurrentConsumers()
public void setMaxConcurrentConsumers(int maxConcurrentConsumers)
When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener.
public int getReplyToMaxConcurrentConsumers()
public void setReplyToMaxConcurrentConsumers(int replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers)
public int getReplyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers()
public void setReplyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers(int replyToOnTimeoutMaxConcurrentConsumers)
public boolean isExplicitQosEnabled()
public void setExplicitQosEnabled(boolean explicitQosEnabled)
public boolean isDeliveryPersistent()
public void setDeliveryPersistent(boolean deliveryPersistent)
public Integer getDeliveryMode()
public void setDeliveryMode(Integer deliveryMode)
public boolean isReplyToDeliveryPersistent()
public void setReplyToDeliveryPersistent(boolean replyToDeliveryPersistent)
public long getTimeToLive()
public void setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
public getMessageConverter()
public void setMessageConverter( messageConverter)
public boolean isMapJmsMessage()
public void setMapJmsMessage(boolean mapJmsMessage)
public boolean isMessageIdEnabled()
public void setMessageIdEnabled(boolean messageIdEnabled)
public boolean isMessageTimestampEnabled()
public void setMessageTimestampEnabled(boolean messageTimestampEnabled)
public int getPriority()
public void setPriority(int priority)
public int getAcknowledgementMode()
public void setAcknowledgementMode(int consumerAcknowledgementMode)
public boolean isTransacted()
public void setTransacted(boolean consumerTransacted)
@Deprecated public boolean isTransactedInOut()
By default this is false as you need to commit the outgoing request before you can consume the input
@Deprecated public void setTransactedInOut(boolean transactedInOut)
public boolean isLazyCreateTransactionManager()
public void setLazyCreateTransactionManager(boolean lazyCreating)
public boolean isEagerLoadingOfProperties()
public void setEagerLoadingOfProperties(boolean eagerLoadingOfProperties)
public boolean isDisableReplyTo()
public void setDisableReplyTo(boolean disableReplyTo)
public void setPreserveMessageQos(boolean preserveMessageQos)
public org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations getJmsOperations()
public void setJmsOperations(org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations jmsOperations)
public getDestinationResolver()
public void setDestinationResolver( destinationResolver)
public JmsProviderMetadata getProviderMetadata()
public void setProviderMetadata(JmsProviderMetadata providerMetadata)
public org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations getMetadataJmsOperations(JmsEndpoint endpoint)
public void setMetadataJmsOperations(org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations metadataJmsOperations)
used to deduce the JmsProviderMetadata
details which if none
is customized one is lazily created on demandpublic static createDestinationResolver(DestinationEndpoint destinationEndpoint)
protected void configureMessageListenerContainer(org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer container, JmsEndpoint endpoint) throws Exception
public void configureMessageListener(EndpointMessageListener listener)
protected int defaultCacheLevel(JmsEndpoint endpoint)
Will return CACHE_AUTO which will pickup and use CACHE_NONE if transacted has been enabled, otherwise it will use CACHE_CONSUMER which is the most efficient.
- the endpointprotected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory()
protected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory createListenerConnectionFactory()
protected javax.jms.ConnectionFactory createTemplateConnectionFactory()
protected org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager createTransactionManager()
public boolean isPreserveMessageQos()
protected void configuredQoS()
or setTimeToLive(long)
then we should auto default the
setting of setExplicitQosEnabled(boolean)
if its not been configured yetpublic boolean isAlwaysCopyMessage()
public void setAlwaysCopyMessage(boolean alwaysCopyMessage)
public boolean isUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID()
public void setUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID(boolean useMessageIDAsCorrelationID)
public long getRequestTimeout()
public void setRequestTimeout(long requestTimeout)
public long getRequestTimeoutCheckerInterval()
public void setRequestTimeoutCheckerInterval(long requestTimeoutCheckerInterval)
public String getReplyTo()
public void setReplyTo(String replyToDestination)
public String getReplyToDestinationSelectorName()
public void setReplyToDestinationSelectorName(String replyToDestinationSelectorName)
public String getReplyToOverride()
public void setReplyToOverride(String replyToDestination)
public boolean isReplyToSameDestinationAllowed()
public void setReplyToSameDestinationAllowed(boolean replyToSameDestinationAllowed)
public JmsMessageType getJmsMessageType()
public void setJmsMessageType(JmsMessageType jmsMessageType)
protected boolean supportBlobMessage()
public JmsKeyFormatStrategy getJmsKeyFormatStrategy()
public void setJmsKeyFormatStrategy(JmsKeyFormatStrategy jmsKeyFormatStrategy)
public boolean isTransferExchange()
public void setTransferExchange(boolean transferExchange)
public boolean isTransferException()
public void setTransferException(boolean transferException)
public boolean isTransferFault()
public void setTransferFault(boolean transferFault)
will be send back in the response as a JMS header with the key
If the client is Camel, the returned fault flag will be set on the Message.setFault(boolean)
You may want to enable this when using Camel components that support faults such as SOAP based such as cxf or spring-ws.
public boolean isAsyncStartListener()
public void setAsyncStartListener(boolean asyncStartListener)
public boolean isAsyncStopListener()
public void setAsyncStopListener(boolean asyncStopListener)
public boolean isTestConnectionOnStartup()
public void setTestConnectionOnStartup(boolean testConnectionOnStartup)
public void setForceSendOriginalMessage(boolean forceSendOriginalMessage)
public boolean isForceSendOriginalMessage()
public boolean isDisableTimeToLive()
public void setDisableTimeToLive(boolean disableTimeToLive)
public ReplyToType getReplyToType()
public void setReplyToType(ReplyToType replyToType)
public boolean isAsyncConsumer()
public void setAsyncConsumer(boolean asyncConsumer)
public void setReplyToCacheLevelName(String name)
public String getReplyToCacheLevelName()
public boolean isAllowNullBody()
public void setAllowNullBody(boolean allowNullBody)
public MessageListenerContainerFactory getMessageListenerContainerFactory()
public void setMessageListenerContainerFactory(MessageListenerContainerFactory messageListenerContainerFactory)
public boolean isIncludeSentJMSMessageID()
public void setIncludeSentJMSMessageID(boolean includeSentJMSMessageID)
public DefaultTaskExecutorType getDefaultTaskExecutorType()
public void setDefaultTaskExecutorType(DefaultTaskExecutorType defaultTaskExecutorType)
public boolean isIncludeAllJMSXProperties()
public void setIncludeAllJMSXProperties(boolean includeAllJMSXProperties)
public MessageCreatedStrategy getMessageCreatedStrategy()
public void setMessageCreatedStrategy(MessageCreatedStrategy messageCreatedStrategy)
public String getSelector()
public void setSelector(String selector)
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