See: Description
Interface | Description |
AuthenticationManager |
The AuthenticationManager is responsible for validating credentials
associated with principals.
AuthorizationManager |
Generalized Authorization Manager Interface.
BaseSecurityManager |
Interface that defines common behavior among
the various Security Managers
CacheableManager<T,K> |
An interface for managers that allow cached values.
CertificatePrincipal |
An interface for converting an X509 cert to a Principal
GeneralizedAuthenticationManager |
Marker interface that combines the legacy AuthenticationManager
and the new JASPI (JSR-196) ServerAuthContext interfaces
IAppPolicyStore |
An interface describing an AppPolicy security store.
ISecurityManagement |
Interface to obtain the various managers for security
like authentication, authorization, audit, identitytrust etc
JSSESecurityDomain |
Security domain used for configuring SSL.
PasswordCache |
Interface to cache passwords retrieved from external commands.
PicketBoxLogger | |
PicketBoxMessages | |
RealmMapping |
The interface for Principal mapping.
RunAs |
Represent an entity X with a proof of identity Y
SecurityConstants |
Defines Constants for usage in the Security Layer
SecurityContext |
Encapsulation of Authentication, Authorization, Mapping and other
security aspects at the level of a security domain
SecurityDomain |
The SecurityDomain interface combines the SubjectSecurityManager and
RealmMapping interfaces and adds a keyStore and trustStore as well as
JSSE KeyManagerFactory and TrustManagerFactory accessors for use with SSL/JSSE.
SecurityManagerLocator |
Locator for the various security managers
ServerAuthenticationManager |
AuthenticationManager with JSR-196 Semantics
SubjectFactory |
This interface represents a factory for
Subject s. |
SubjectSecurityManager |
All functionality in this interface is now in the base AuthenticationManager
Class | Description |
AltClientLoginModule |
A simple implementation of LoginModule for use by JBoss clients for
the establishment of the caller identity and credentials.
AnybodyPrincipal |
An implementation of Principal and Comparable that represents any role.
AppPolicy |
A combination of keystore, authentication and authorization entries.
AuthenticationInfo |
The login module configuration information.
AuthorizationInfo | |
Base64Encoder |
BASE64 encoder implementation.
Base64Utils |
Base64 encoding/decoding utilities.
ClientLoginModule |
A simple implementation of LoginModule for use by JBoss clients for
the establishment of the caller identity and credentials.
ExternalPasswordCache |
External command password cache.
JBossJSSESecurityDomain |
A security domain used to configure SSL.
NestableGroup |
An implementation of Group that allows that acts as a stack of Groups
with a single Group member active at any time.
NestablePrincipal |
An implementation of Group that allows that acts as a stack of Principals
with a single Principal Group member active at any time.
NobodyPrincipal |
An implementation of Principal and Comparable that represents no role.
PicketBoxLogger_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
PicketBoxMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
RunAsIdentity |
The RunAsIdentity is a Principal that associates the run-as principal
with his run-as role(s).
SecurityContextAssociation |
Security Context association in a threadlocal
SecurityContextFactory |
Factory class to create Security Context instances
SecurityContextUtil |
General Utility methods for dealing with the SecurityContext
SecurityIdentity |
Represents an Identity of an agent interacting with the
security service.
SecurityRoleRef |
Represents a Security Role Ref element in the deployment descriptor
SecurityRolesAssociation |
The SecurityRolesAssociation uses a ThreadLocal to associate the SecurityRoleMetaData
from the deployment with the current thread.
SecurityUtil |
Security Utility Class
SimpleGroup |
An implementation of Group that manages a collection of Principal
objects based on their hashCode() and equals() methods.
SimplePrincipal |
A simple String based implementation of Principal.
SubjectInfo |
Holds information - principal, credential and subject
This class is handled by the Util class associated with the security context
Util |
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