Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.disableCache(HttpHandler next)
Handler that sets the headers that disable caching of the response
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.predicateContext(HttpHandler next) |
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.requestDump(HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that dumps requests to the log for debugging purposes.
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.rewrite(String condition,
String target,
ClassLoader classLoader,
HttpHandler next)
Creates the set of handlers that are required to perform a simple rewrite.
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.urlDecodingHandler(String charset,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a new handler that decodes the URL and query parameters into the specified charset, assuming it
has not already been done by the connector.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AccessControlListHandler |
Handlers.acl(HttpHandler next,
boolean defaultAllow,
ExchangeAttribute attribute)
Returns a new handler that can allow or deny access to a resource based an at attribute of the exchange
Undertow.Builder |
Undertow.Builder.addAjpListener(int port,
String host,
HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Undertow.Builder |
Undertow.Builder.addHttpListener(int port,
String host,
HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Undertow.Builder |
Undertow.Builder.addHttpsListener(int port,
String host,
KeyManager[] keyManagers,
TrustManager[] trustManagers,
HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Undertow.Builder |
Undertow.Builder.addHttpsListener(int port,
String host,
SSLContext sslContext,
HttpHandler rootHandler) |
static DateHandler | next)
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.disableCache(HttpHandler next)
Handler that sets the headers that disable caching of the response
static ExceptionHandler |
Handlers.exceptionHandler(HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that maps exceptions to additional handlers
static GracefulShutdownHandler |
Handlers.gracefulShutdown(HttpHandler next)
Returns a new handler that can be used to wait for all requests to finish before shutting down the server gracefully.
static void |
Handlers.handlerNotNull(HttpHandler handler) |
static SetHeaderHandler |
Handlers.header(HttpHandler next,
String headerName,
ExchangeAttribute headerValue)
Returns a handler that sets a response header
static SetHeaderHandler |
Handlers.header(HttpHandler next,
String headerName,
String headerValue)
Returns a handler that sets a response header
static HttpContinueAcceptingHandler |
Handlers.httpContinueAccepting(HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that sends back a HTTP 100 continue response to all requests.
static HttpContinueAcceptingHandler |
Handlers.httpContinueAccepting(HttpHandler next,
Predicate accept)
Returns a handler that sends back a HTTP 100 continue response if the given predicate resolves to true.
static HttpContinueReadHandler |
Handlers.httpContinueRead(HttpHandler next)
A handler that automatically handles HTTP 100-continue responses, by sending a continue
response when the first attempt is made to read from the request channel.
static IPAddressAccessControlHandler |
Handlers.ipAccessControl(HttpHandler next,
boolean defaultAllow)
Returns a new handler that can allow or deny access to a resource based on IP address
static JvmRouteHandler |
Handlers.jvmRoute(String sessionCookieName,
String jvmRoute,
HttpHandler next)
Handler that appends the JVM route to the session cookie
static LearningPushHandler |
Handlers.learningPushHandler(int maxEntries,
HttpHandler next)
Creates a handler that automatically learns which resources to push based on the referer header
static LearningPushHandler |
Handlers.learningPushHandler(int maxEntries,
int maxAge,
HttpHandler next)
Creates a handler that automatically learns which resources to push based on the referer header
static PathHandler |
Handlers.path(HttpHandler defaultHandler)
Creates a new path handler, with the default handler specified
static PredicateHandler |
Handlers.predicate(Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler trueHandler,
HttpHandler falseHandler)
Returns a new predicate handler, that will delegate to one of the two provided handlers based on the value of the
provided predicate.
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.predicateContext(HttpHandler next) |
static PredicatesHandler |
Handlers.predicates(List<PredicatedHandler> handlers,
HttpHandler next) |
static ProxyHandler |
Handlers.proxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that can act as a load balancing reverse proxy.
static ProxyHandler |
Handlers.proxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
int maxRequestTime,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that can act as a load balancing reverse proxy.
static ProxyPeerAddressHandler |
Handlers.proxyPeerAddress(HttpHandler next)
Returns a new handler that sets the peer address based on the X-Forwarded-For and
X-Forwarded-Proto header
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.requestDump(HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that dumps requests to the log for debugging purposes.
static RequestLimitingHandler |
Handlers.requestLimitingHandler(int maxRequest,
int queueSize,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that limits the maximum number of requests that can run at a time.
static RequestLimitingHandler |
Handlers.requestLimitingHandler(RequestLimit requestLimit,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a handler that limits the maximum number of requests that can run at a time.
static ResponseRateLimitingHandler |
Handlers.responseRateLimitingHandler(HttpHandler next,
int bytes,
long time,
TimeUnit timeUnit)
A handler that limits the download speed to a set number of bytes/period
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.rewrite(String condition,
String target,
ClassLoader classLoader,
HttpHandler next)
Creates the set of handlers that are required to perform a simple rewrite.
static SetAttributeHandler |
Handlers.setAttribute(HttpHandler next,
String attribute,
String value,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Returns an attribute setting handler that can be used to set an arbitrary attribute on the exchange.
Undertow.Builder |
Undertow.Builder.setHandler(HttpHandler handler) |
Undertow.ListenerBuilder |
Undertow.ListenerBuilder.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
static HttpTraceHandler |
Handlers.trace(HttpHandler next)
Returns a new HTTP trace handler.
static URLDecodingHandler |
Handlers.urlDecoding(HttpHandler next,
String charset)
A handler that will decode the URL, query parameters and to the specified charset.
static HttpHandler |
Handlers.urlDecodingHandler(String charset,
HttpHandler next)
Returns a new handler that decodes the URL and query parameters into the specified charset, assuming it
has not already been done by the connector.
static NameVirtualHostHandler |
Handlers.virtualHost(HttpHandler defaultHandler)
Creates a new virtual host handler using the provided default handler
static NameVirtualHostHandler |
Handlers.virtualHost(HttpHandler defaultHandler,
HttpHandler hostHandler,
String... hostnames)
Creates a new virtual host handler that uses the provided handler as the root handler for the given hostnames.
static NameVirtualHostHandler |
Handlers.virtualHost(HttpHandler hostHandler,
String... hostnames)
Creates a new virtual host handler that uses the provided handler as the root handler for the given hostnames.
static WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler |
Handlers.websocket(WebSocketConnectionCallback sessionHandler,
HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that can deal with a large number of predicates.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
PredicatesHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
PredicatesHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PredicatesHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
HttpHandler |
PredicatesHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Constructor and Description |
PredicatesHandler(HttpHandler next) |
PredicatesHandler(HttpHandler next,
boolean outerHandler) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler responsible for checking of confidentiality is required for the requested resource and if so rejecting the request
and redirecting to a secure address.
class |
Base class responsible for associating the
SecurityContext instance with the current request. |
class |
This is the final
HttpHandler in the security chain, it's purpose is to act as a barrier at the end of the chain to
ensure authenticate is called after the mechanisms have been associated with the context and the constraint checked. |
class |
Handler responsible for checking the constraints for the current request and marking authentication as required if
class |
Authentication handler that adds one or more authentication
mechanisms to the security context
class |
HttpHandler to register a list of NotificationReceiver instances with the current SecurityContext . |
class |
The security handler responsible for attaching the SecurityContext to the current
HttpServerExchange . |
class |
An extension to
AbstractConfidentialityHandler that uses the Host header from the incoming message and specifies the
confidential address by just switching the port. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
AuthenticationMechanismsHandler.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AuthenticationMechanismsHandler |
AuthenticationMechanismsHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that appends the JVM route to the session id.
class |
A Handler that handles the common case of routing via path template and method name.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected HttpHandler |
AbstractServerConnection.rootHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
RoutingHandler.getFallbackHandler() |
HttpHandler |
RoutingHandler.getInvalidMethodHandler() |
HttpHandler |
OpenListener.getRootHandler() |
HttpHandler |
Get the root HTTP handler for this connection.
HttpHandler |
HandlerWrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.add(HttpString method,
String template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.add(HttpString method,
String template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.add(String method,
String template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.add(String method,
String template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.delete(String template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.delete(String template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
HttpServerExchange |
HttpServerExchange.dispatch(Executor executor,
HttpHandler handler) |
HttpServerExchange |
HttpServerExchange.dispatch(HttpHandler handler) |
static void |
Connectors.executeRootHandler(HttpHandler handler,
HttpServerExchange exchange) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.get(String template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.get(String template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler | template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler | template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
boolean |
ServerConnection.pushResource(String path,
HttpString method,
HeaderMap requestHeaders,
HttpHandler handler)
Attempts to push a resource if this connection supports server push.
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.put(String template,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.put(String template,
Predicate predicate,
HttpHandler handler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.setFallbackHandler(HttpHandler fallbackHandler) |
RoutingHandler |
RoutingHandler.setInvalidMethodHandler(HttpHandler invalidMethodHandler)
Sets the handler called when this instance can not match the http method but can match another http method.
void |
OpenListener.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler)
Sets the root handler
HttpHandler |
HandlerWrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractServerConnection(StreamConnection channel,
ByteBufferPool bufferPool,
HttpHandler rootHandler,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize) |
JvmRouteHandler(HttpHandler next,
String sessionCookieName,
String jvmRoute) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that can accept or reject a request based on an attribute of the remote peer
todo: should we support non-regex values for performance reasons?
class |
Handler that whitelists certain HTTP methods.
class |
Handler that adds an attachment to the request
class |
HttpHandler that initiates a blocking request. |
class |
Handler for Range requests.
class |
CanonicalPathHandler |
class |
An HTTP request handler which upgrades the HTTP request and hands it off as a socket to any XNIO consumer.
class |
Handler that pushes resources based on a provided URL
class |
Handlers HTTP CONNECT requests, allowing the server to act as a forward proxy.
class |
class |
Handler that disables response caching by browsers and proxies.
class |
Handler that blacklists certain HTTP methods.
class |
Handler that dispatches to a given handler and allows mapping exceptions
to be handled by additional handlers.
class |
Handler that implements rfc7239 Forwarded header
class |
Handler that allows for graceful server shutdown.
class |
Handler that provides support for HTTP/1.1 continue responses.
class |
Handler for requests that require 100-continue responses.
class |
A handler that handles HTTP trace requests
class |
Handler that can accept or reject a request based on the IP address of the remote peer.
class |
JDBCLogHandler |
class |
Handler that builds up a cache of resources that a browsers requests, and uses
server push to push them when supported.
class |
A handler that performs DNS lookup to resolve a local address.
class |
Handler that records some metrics
class |
HttpHandler that implements virtual hosts based on the Host: http header
header. |
class |
A handler for the HTTP Origin (RFC 6454) header.
class |
Handler that dispatches to a given handler based of a prefix match of the path.
class |
A handler that translates non slash separator characters in the URL into a slash.
class |
A handler that matches URI templates
class |
A handler that performs reverse DNS lookup to resolve a peer address
class |
Handler that sets up the predicate context
class |
PredicateHandler |
class |
Handler that sets the peer address to the value of the X-Forwarded-For header.
class |
A redirect handler that redirects to the specified location via a 302 redirect.
class |
Handler that will buffer all request data
class |
Handler that dumps a exchange to a log.
class |
A handler which limits the maximum number of concurrent requests.
class |
A handler which simply sets a response code.
class |
Handler that limits the download rate
class |
Handler that will set the secure flag on all cookies that are received over a secure connection
class |
Handler that can set an arbitrary attribute on the exchange.
class |
Set a fixed response header.
class |
Handler that sets SSL information on the connection based on the following headers:
class |
A handler that buffers the full response and attaches it to the exchange.
class |
This valve allows to detect requests that take a long time to process, which might
indicate that the thread that is processing it is stuck.
class |
A handler that will decode the URL and query parameters to the specified charset.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
NameVirtualHostHandler.getDefaultHandler() |
HttpHandler |
RequestLimit.getFailureHandler() |
HttpHandler |
PredicateHandler.getFalseHandler() |
HttpHandler |
BlockingHandler.getHandler() |
HttpHandler |
OriginHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
IPAddressAccessControlHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
CanonicalPathHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
AttachmentHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
AccessControlListHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
Get the non-upgrade delegate handler.
HttpHandler |
OriginHandler.getOriginFailedHandler() |
HttpHandler |
PredicateHandler.getTrueHandler() |
HttpHandler |
StuckThreadDetectionHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
RequestBufferingHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
HttpContinueAcceptingHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
ByteRangeHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,HttpHandler> |
NameVirtualHostHandler.getHosts() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PathTemplateHandler |
PathTemplateHandler.add(String uriTemplate,
HttpHandler handler) |
PathHandler |
PathHandler.addExactPath(String path,
HttpHandler handler)
If the request path is exactly equal to the given path, run the handler.
<T extends Throwable> |
ExceptionHandler.addExceptionHandler(Class<T> clazz,
HttpHandler handler) |
NameVirtualHostHandler |
NameVirtualHostHandler.addHost(String host,
HttpHandler handler) |
PathHandler |
PathHandler.addPath(String path,
HttpHandler handler)
PathHandler |
PathHandler.addPrefixPath(String path,
HttpHandler handler)
Adds a path prefix and a handler for that path.
void |
RequestLimit.handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange,
HttpHandler next) |
NameVirtualHostHandler |
NameVirtualHostHandler.setDefaultHandler(HttpHandler defaultHandler) |
void |
RequestLimit.setFailureHandler(HttpHandler failureHandler) |
PredicateHandler |
PredicateHandler.setFalseHandler(HttpHandler falseHandler) |
OriginHandler |
OriginHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
IPAddressAccessControlHandler |
IPAddressAccessControlHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
CanonicalPathHandler |
CanonicalPathHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
void |
AttachmentHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
AccessControlListHandler |
AccessControlListHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
ChannelUpgradeHandler |
ChannelUpgradeHandler.setNonUpgradeHandler(HttpHandler nonUpgradeHandler)
Set the non-upgrade delegate handler.
OriginHandler |
OriginHandler.setOriginFailedHandler(HttpHandler originFailedHandler) |
BlockingHandler |
BlockingHandler.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
PredicateHandler |
PredicateHandler.setTrueHandler(HttpHandler trueHandler) |
HttpHandler |
StuckThreadDetectionHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
RequestBufferingHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
HttpContinueAcceptingHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
HttpHandler |
ByteRangeHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Access log handler.
Constructor and Description |
AccessLogHandler(HttpHandler next,
AccessLogReceiver accessLogReceiver,
String formatString,
ClassLoader classLoader) |
AccessLogHandler(HttpHandler next,
AccessLogReceiver accessLogReceiver,
String formatString,
ClassLoader classLoader,
Predicate predicate) |
AccessLogHandler(HttpHandler next,
AccessLogReceiver accessLogReceiver,
String formatString,
ExchangeAttribute attribute) |
AccessLogHandler(HttpHandler next,
AccessLogReceiver accessLogReceiver,
String formatString,
ExchangeAttribute attribute,
Predicate predicate) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that attaches a cache to the exchange, a handler can query this cache to see if the
cache has a cached copy of the content, and if so have the cache serve this content automatically.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
CacheHandler.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CacheHandler |
CacheHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Constructor and Description |
CacheHandler(DirectBufferCache cache,
HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that serves as the basis for content encoding implementations.
class |
Handler that serves as the basis for request content encoding.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
RequestEncodingHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
EncodingHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
EncodingHandler.getNoEncodingHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EncodingHandler |
EncodingHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
EncodingHandler |
EncodingHandler.setNoEncodingHandler(HttpHandler noEncodingHandler) |
Constructor and Description |
EncodingHandler(HttpHandler next,
ContentEncodingRepository contentEncodingRepository) |
RequestEncodingHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that serves up a file from disk to serve as an error page.
class |
Handler that generates an extremely simple no frills error page
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
SimpleErrorPageHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
FileErrorPageHandler.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleErrorPageHandler |
SimpleErrorPageHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
FileErrorPageHandler |
FileErrorPageHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Constructor and Description |
FileErrorPageHandler(HttpHandler next,
File file,
Integer... responseCodes)
FileErrorPageHandler(HttpHandler next,
Path file,
Integer... responseCodes) |
FileErrorPageHandler(HttpHandler next,
Path file,
MimeMappings mimeMappings,
Integer... responseCodes) |
SimpleErrorPageHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that eagerly parses form data.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
EagerFormParsingHandler.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FormDataParser.parse(HttpHandler next)
Parse the form data asynchronously.
EagerFormParsingHandler |
EagerFormParsingHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Constructor and Description |
EagerFormParsingHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An HTTP handler which proxies content to a remote server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
ProxyHandler.Builder.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ProxyHandler.Builder |
ProxyHandler.Builder.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Constructor and Description |
ProxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
HttpHandler next)
ProxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
int maxRequestTime,
HttpHandler next)
ProxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
int maxRequestTime,
HttpHandler next,
boolean rewriteHostHeader,
boolean reuseXForwarded)
ProxyHandler(ProxyClient proxyClient,
int maxRequestTime,
HttpHandler next,
boolean rewriteHostHeader,
boolean reuseXForwarded,
int maxConnectionRetries)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
MCMPConfig.create(ModCluster modCluster,
HttpHandler next) |
HttpHandler |
MCMPConfig.Builder.create(ModCluster modCluster,
HttpHandler next) |
HttpHandler |
Get the handler proxying the requests.
HttpHandler |
ModCluster.createProxyHandler(HttpHandler next)
Get the handler proxying the requests.
HttpHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
MCMPConfig.create(ModCluster modCluster,
HttpHandler next) |
HttpHandler |
MCMPConfig.Builder.create(ModCluster modCluster,
HttpHandler next) |
HttpHandler |
ModCluster.createProxyHandler(HttpHandler next)
Get the handler proxying the requests.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ResourceHandler |
Constructor and Description |
ResourceHandler(ResourceManager resourceManager,
HttpHandler next) |
ResourceHandler(ResourceSupplier resourceManager,
HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ServerSentEventHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
AjpOpenListener.getRootHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AjpOpenListener.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Constructor and Description |
AjpServerConnection(StreamConnection channel,
ByteBufferPool bufferPool,
HttpHandler rootHandler,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
HttpOpenListener.getRootHandler() |
HttpHandler |
AlpnOpenListener.getRootHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HttpOpenListener.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
void |
AlpnOpenListener.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Constructor and Description |
HttpServerConnection(StreamConnection channel,
ByteBufferPool bufferPool,
HttpHandler rootHandler,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize,
ConnectorStatisticsImpl connectorStatistics) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Upgrade listener for HTTP2, this allows connections to be established using the upgrade
mechanism as detailed in Section 3.2.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
Http2OpenListener.getRootHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Http2ServerConnection.pushResource(String path,
HttpString method,
HeaderMap requestHeaders,
HttpHandler handler) |
void |
Http2OpenListener.setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Constructor and Description |
Http2ReceiveListener(HttpHandler rootHandler,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize,
ConnectorStatisticsImpl connectorStatistics) |
Http2ServerConnection(Http2Channel channel,
Http2DataStreamSinkChannel sinkChannel,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize,
HttpHandler rootHandler)
Channel that is used when the request is already half closed
Http2ServerConnection(Http2Channel channel,
Http2StreamSourceChannel requestChannel,
OptionMap undertowOptions,
int bufferSize,
HttpHandler rootHandler) |
Http2UpgradeHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Http2UpgradeHandler(HttpHandler next,
String... upgradeStrings) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler that attaches the session to the request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
SessionAttachmentHandler.getNext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SessionAttachmentHandler |
SessionAttachmentHandler.setNext(HttpHandler next) |
Constructor and Description |
SessionAttachmentHandler(HttpHandler next,
SessionManager sessionManager,
SessionConfig sessionConfig) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
Deployment.getHandler() |
HttpHandler |
Starts the container.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
RewriteHandler |
Constructor and Description |
RewriteHandler(RewriteConfig config,
HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
DeploymentImpl.getHandler() |
HttpHandler |
DeploymentManagerImpl.start() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DeploymentImpl.setInitialHandler(HttpHandler initialHandler) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Web crawlers can trigger the creation of many thousands of sessions as they
crawl a site which may result in significant memory consumption.
class |
FilterHandler |
class |
Handler that marks a request as secure, regardless of the underlying protocol.
class |
Handler that dispatches to the resolved servlet.
class |
The handler that is responsible for invoking the servlet
class |
This must be the initial handler in the blocking servlet chain.
class |
A handler that restores persistent HTTP session state for requests in development mode.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
ServletChain.getHandler() |
HttpHandler |
ServletInitialHandler.getNext() |
HttpHandler |
MarkSecureHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
MarkSecureHandler.Wrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Constructor and Description |
CrawlerSessionManagerHandler(CrawlerSessionManagerConfig config,
HttpHandler next) |
FilterHandler(Map<DispatcherType,List<ManagedFilter>> filters,
boolean allowNonStandardWrappers,
HttpHandler next) |
MarkSecureHandler(HttpHandler next) |
ServletChain(HttpHandler handler,
ManagedServlet managedServlet,
String servletPath,
boolean defaultServletMapping,
MappingMatch mappingMatch,
String pattern,
Map<DispatcherType,List<ManagedFilter>> filters) |
ServletInitialHandler(ServletPathMatches paths,
HttpHandler next,
Deployment deployment,
ServletContextImpl servletContext) |
SessionRestoringHandler(String deploymentName,
SessionManager sessionManager,
ServletContextImpl servletContext,
HttpHandler next,
SessionPersistenceManager sessionPersistenceManager) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
HttpHandler responsible for setting up the AuthenticatedSessionManager for cached authentications and
registering a NotificationReceiver to receive the security notifications. |
class |
This is the final
HttpHandler in the security chain, it's purpose is to act as a barrier at the end of the chain to
ensure authenticate is called after the mechanisms have been associated with the context and the constraint checked. |
class |
A simple handler that just sets the auth type to REQUIRED after iterating each of the
SingleConstraintMatch instances
and identifying if any require authentication. |
class |
Servlet specific extension to
SinglePortConfidentialityHandler |
class |
ServletSecurityConstraintHandler |
class |
Servlet role handler
class |
Handler that associates SSL metadata with request
Constructor and Description |
CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(HttpHandler next,
ServletContextImpl servletContext) |
ServletAuthenticationCallHandler(HttpHandler next) |
ServletAuthenticationConstraintHandler(HttpHandler next) |
ServletConfidentialityConstraintHandler(ConfidentialPortManager portManager,
HttpHandler next) |
ServletSecurityConstraintHandler(SecurityPathMatches securityPathMatches,
HttpHandler next) |
ServletSecurityRoleHandler(HttpHandler next,
AuthorizationManager authorizationManager) |
SSLInformationAssociationHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
ChainedHandlerWrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
ChainedHandlerWrapper.wrap(HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
HttpHandler which will process the HttpServerExchange and do the actual handshake/upgrade
to WebSocket. |
Constructor and Description |
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler(Collection<Handshake> handshakes,
HttpUpgradeListener callback,
HttpHandler next)
Create a new
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler |
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler(Collection<Handshake> handshakes,
WebSocketConnectionCallback callback,
HttpHandler next)
Create a new
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler |
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler(HttpUpgradeListener callback,
HttpHandler next)
Create a new
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler |
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler(WebSocketConnectionCallback callback,
HttpHandler next)
Create a new
WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UndertowServerEngine.addHandler(String address,
HttpHandler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
IdentityURLProviderHandler |
Constructor and Description |
IdentityURLProviderHandler(SPType spType,
ServletContext servletContext,
HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ElytronIdentityHandler |
Constructor and Description |
ElytronIdentityHandler(HttpHandler next) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Undertow HTTP handler that is responsible for initial parsing of EJB over HTTP messages
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
EjbHttpService.createHttpHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
HttpRemoteNamingService.createHandler() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpHandler |
HttpRemoteTransactionService.createHandler() |
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