public interface DynValue extends DynValueOperations, DynValueCommon, IDLEntity
Warning: Indiscriminantly changing the contents of private value type members can cause the value type implementation to break by violating internal constraints. Access to private members is provided to support such activities as ORB bridging and debugging and should not be used to arbitrarily violate the encapsulation of the value type.
current_member_kind, current_member_name, get_members_as_dyn_any, get_members, set_members_as_dyn_any, set_members
is_null, set_to_null, set_to_value
assign, component_count, copy, current_component, destroy, equal, from_any, get_any, get_boolean, get_char, get_double, get_dyn_any, get_float, get_long, get_longlong, get_octet, get_reference, get_short, get_string, get_typecode, get_ulong, get_ulonglong, get_ushort, get_val, get_wchar, get_wstring, insert_any, insert_boolean, insert_char, insert_double, insert_dyn_any, insert_float, insert_long, insert_longlong, insert_octet, insert_reference, insert_short, insert_string, insert_typecode, insert_ulong, insert_ulonglong, insert_ushort, insert_val, insert_wchar, insert_wstring, next, rewind, seek, to_any, type
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override
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