Package | Description |
org.hibernate.boot |
This package contains the contracts that make up the Hibernate native
bootstrapping API (building a SessionFactory).
org.hibernate.boot.internal | |
org.hibernate.boot.model | |
org.hibernate.boot.registry |
Defines service registry contracts application are likely to want to utilize for
configuring Hibernate behavior.
org.hibernate.boot.registry.internal |
The internals for building service registries.
org.hibernate.boot.spi | |
org.hibernate.cfg |
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes
for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.
org.hibernate.dialect |
This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database.
org.hibernate.engine.jdbc |
Support for various aspects of JDBC interaction
org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal |
Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction
org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal | |
org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal | |
org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal | |
org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.metadata | | | |
org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation | |
org.hibernate.envers.internal.revisioninfo | | | | |
This package contains internal implementation classes for the
main API interfaces.
| |
Enhanced/improved versions of table and sequence based identifier generators targeting portability and unified
org.hibernate.internal |
An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs.
org.hibernate.mapping |
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.
| | |
org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi | |
org.hibernate.service | |
org.hibernate.service.internal | |
org.hibernate.service.spi | |
org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl |
The hbm2ddl tool.
org.hibernate.tool.schema.extract.internal | |
org.hibernate.tool.schema.extract.spi | |
org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal | |
org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.exec | |
org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi | |
org.hibernate.type |
A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a
Java property type to a JDBC type or types.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
MetadataSources.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static boolean |
MetadataSources.isExpectedServiceRegistryType(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Constructor and Description |
MetadataSources(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Create a metadata sources using the specified service registry.
Constructor and Description |
ClassLoaderAccessImpl(ClassLoader tempClassLoader,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TypeContributor.contribute(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Contribute types
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides the most basic services needed.
interface |
Specialization of the
ServiceRegistry contract mainly for type safety. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder.destroy(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Destroy a service registry.
static void |
BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder.destroy(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Destroy a service registry.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ServiceRegistry implementation containing specialized "bootstrap" services, specifically:
class |
Standard Hibernate implementation of the standard service registry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
BootstrapServiceRegistryImpl.getParentServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
XmlMappingBinderAccess(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SessionFactory |
Configuration.buildSessionFactory(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Create a
SessionFactory using the properties and mappings in this configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PostgreSQL82Dialect.contributeTypes(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
Oracle12cDialect.contributeTypes(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
Dialect.contributeTypes(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Allows the Dialect to contribute additional types
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ResultSet |
ResultSetWrapperProxy.generateProxy(ResultSet resultSet,
ColumnNameCache columnNameCache,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Generates a proxy wrapping the ResultSet.
Constructor and Description |
ResultSetWrapperImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ServiceRegistry |
AbstractJtaPlatform.serviceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
EnversServiceImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
EnversService.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TypeContributorImpl.contribute(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EntitiesConfigurations |
EntitiesConfigurator.configure(MetadataImplementor metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
ReflectionManager reflectionManager,
MappingCollector mappingCollector,
GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration,
AuditEntitiesConfiguration auditEntitiesConfiguration,
AuditStrategy auditStrategy,
org.dom4j.Document revisionInfoXmlMapping,
org.dom4j.Element revisionInfoRelationMapping) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
AuditMetadataGenerator.getServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
AuditMetadataGenerator(MetadataImplementor metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
GlobalConfiguration globalCfg,
AuditEntitiesConfiguration verEntCfg,
AuditStrategy auditStrategy,
org.dom4j.Element revisionInfoRelationMapping,
AuditEntityNameRegister auditEntityNameRegister) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
IdMapper.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
AbstractIdMapper.getServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractCompositeIdMapper(Class compositeIdClass,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
AbstractIdMapper(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
EmbeddedIdMapper(PropertyData idPropertyData,
Class compositeIdClass,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
MultipleIdMapper(Class compositeIdClass,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
SingleIdMapper(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
SingleIdMapper(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
PropertyData propertyData) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractOneToOneMapper(String entityName,
String referencedEntityName,
PropertyData propertyData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
AbstractToOneMapper(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
PropertyData propertyData) |
OneToOneNotOwningMapper(String notOwningEntityName,
String owningEntityName,
String owningReferencePropertyName,
PropertyData propertyData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
OneToOnePrimaryKeyJoinColumnMapper(String entityName,
String referencedEntityName,
PropertyData propertyData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultRevisionInfoGenerator(String revisionInfoEntityName,
Class<?> revisionInfoClass,
Class<? extends RevisionListener> listenerClass,
PropertyData revisionInfoTimestampData,
boolean timestampAsDate,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionInfoGenerator(String revisionInfoEntityName,
Class<?> revisionInfoClass,
Class<? extends RevisionListener> listenerClass,
PropertyData revisionInfoTimestampData,
boolean timestampAsDate,
PropertyData modifiedEntityNamesData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
ModifiedEntityNamesReader(Class<?> revisionInfoClass,
PropertyData modifiedEntityNamesData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
RevisionInfoNumberReader(Class<?> revisionInfoClass,
PropertyData revisionInfoIdData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Getter |
ReflectionTools.getGetter(Class cls,
PropertyData propertyData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
static Getter |
ReflectionTools.getGetter(Class cls,
String propertyName,
String accessorType,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
static Setter |
ReflectionTools.getSetter(Class cls,
PropertyData propertyData,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
static Setter |
ReflectionTools.getSetter(Class cls,
String propertyName,
String accessorType,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
ExportableColumn.ValueImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UUIDHexGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
UUIDGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
SequenceIdentityGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
void |
SequenceHiLoGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
void |
SequenceGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
void |
SelectGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
void |
IncrementGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
ForeignGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
Configurable.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Configure this instance, given the value of parameters
specified by the user as <param> elements.
void |
Assigned.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TableGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
SequenceStyleGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
AbstractSessionImpl.JdbcSessionContextImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
Value.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
SimpleValue.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
PersistentClass.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
OneToMany.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
Collection.getServiceRegistry() |
protected ServiceRegistry |
Property.resolveServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
PropertyAccessStrategyResolverStandardImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
JdbcSessionContext.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
Retrieve this registry's parent registry.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Basic implementation of the ServiceRegistry and ServiceRegistryImplementor contracts
class |
SessionFactoryServiceRegistryImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.getParentServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Additional integration contracts for a service registry.
interface |
ServiceRegistry implementation that holds services which need access
to the SessionFactory during initialization. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TargetDescriptor |
SchemaExport.buildTargetDescriptor(EnumSet<TargetType> targetTypes,
String outputFile,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
SchemaExport.doExecution(SchemaExport.Action action,
boolean needsJdbc,
Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
TargetDescriptor targetDescriptor) |
void |
SchemaUpdate.execute(EnumSet<TargetType> targetTypes,
Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
SchemaExport.execute(EnumSet<TargetType> targetTypes,
SchemaExport.Action action,
Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
void |
SchemaValidator.validate(Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
ExtractionContextImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
DatabaseInformationImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment,
DdlTransactionIsolator ddlTransactionIsolator,
Namespace.Name defaultNamespace) |
ExtractionContextImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment,
JdbcConnectionAccess jdbcConnectionAccess,
ExtractionContext.DatabaseObjectAccess registeredTableAccess,
Identifier defaultCatalogName,
Identifier defaultSchemaName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
ExtractionContext.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
HibernateSchemaManagementTool.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
HibernateSchemaManagementTool.JdbcContextImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DatabaseInformation |
Helper.buildDatabaseInformation(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
DdlTransactionIsolator ddlTransactionIsolator,
Namespace.Name defaultNamespace) |
void |
SchemaCreatorImpl.doCreation(Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
Map settings,
boolean manageNamespaces,
GenerationTarget... targets) |
void |
SchemaDropperImpl.doDrop(Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
Map settings,
boolean manageNamespaces,
GenerationTarget... targets)
For tests
Constructor and Description |
SchemaCreatorImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
SchemaCreatorImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
SchemaFilter schemaFilter) |
SchemaDropperImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
SchemaDropperImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
SchemaFilter schemaFilter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceRegistry |
JdbcContext.getServiceRegistry() |
ServiceRegistry |
ImprovedExtractionContextImpl.getServiceRegistry() |
Constructor and Description |
ImprovedExtractionContextImpl(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment,
DdlTransactionIsolator ddlTransactionIsolator,
Identifier defaultCatalog,
Identifier defaultSchema,
ExtractionContext.DatabaseObjectAccess databaseObjectAccess) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DelayedDropAction.perform(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Perform the delayed schema drop.
static void |
SchemaManagementToolCoordinator.process(Metadata metadata,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
Map configurationValues,
DelayedDropRegistry delayedDropRegistry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Java8DateTimeTypeContributor.contribute(TypeContributions typeContributions,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) |
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