@Target(value={CONSTRUCTOR,METHOD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Constraint(validatedBy={}) @Documented public @interface ParameterScriptAssert
A method-level constraint, that evaluates a script expression against the annotated method or constructor. This constraint can be used to implement validation routines that depend on several parameters of the annotated executable.
Script expressions can be written in any scripting or expression language,
for which a JSR 223
("Scripting for the JavaTM Platform") compatible engine can be
found on the classpath. To refer to a parameter within the scripting
expression, use its name as obtained by the active
. By default, arg0
, arg1
will be used as parameter names.
The following listing shows an example using the JavaScript engine which comes with the JDK:
@ParameterScriptAssert(script = "arg0.before(arg1)", lang = "javascript")
public void createEvent(Date start, Date end) { ... }
Can be specified on any method or constructor.
public abstract String lang
. A
will be thrown upon script
evaluation, if no engine for the given language could be found.public abstract String script
, if the executable parameters could
successfully be validated, otherwise Boolean.FALSE
Returning null or any type other than Boolean will cause a
upon validation. Any
exception occurring during script evaluation will be wrapped into
a ConstraintDeclarationException, too. Within the script, the
validated parameters can be accessed using their names as retrieved from the
active ParameterNameProvider
.public abstract String message
public abstract Class<?>[] groups
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