@Inherited @Target(value={TYPE,METHOD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface Produces
can produce.
If not specified then a container will assume that any type can be produced.
Method level annotations override a class level annotation. A container
is responsible for ensuring that the method invoked is capable of producing
one of the media types requested in the HTTP request. If no such method is
available the container must respond with a HTTP "406 Not Acceptable" as
specified by RFC 2616.
A method for which there is a single-valued @Produces
is not required to set the media type of representations that it produces:
the container will use the value of the @Produces
sending a response.
public abstract String[] value
{"image/jpeg, image/gif ", " image/png"}Use of the comma-separated form allows definition of a common string constant for use on multiple targets.
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