public final class XSLTC extends Object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Constructor and Description |
XSLTC compiler constructor
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
addCharacterData(String newData)
Add literal text to char arrays that will be used to store character
data in the stylesheet.
boolean |
callsNodeset() |
boolean |
compile(InputSource input,
String name)
Compiles an XSL stylesheet passed in through an InputStream
boolean |
compile(InputStream stream,
String name)
Compiles an XSL stylesheet passed in through an InputStream
byte[][] |
compile(String name,
InputSource input)
Compiles a stylesheet pointed to by a URL.
byte[][] |
compile(String name,
InputSource input,
int outputType)
Compiles a stylesheet pointed to by a URL.
boolean |
compile(URL url)
Compiles an XSL stylesheet pointed to by a URL
boolean |
compile(URL url,
String name)
Compiles an XSL stylesheet pointed to by a URL
boolean |
compile(Vector stylesheets)
Compiles a set of stylesheets pointed to by a Vector of URLs
boolean |
Get current debugging message setting
void |
dumpClass(org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass clazz) |
byte[][] |
Returns an array of bytecode arrays generated by a compilation.
String |
getCharacterData(int index)
Retrieve a string representation of the character data to be stored
in the translet as a
char[] . |
int |
Get the number of char[] arrays, thus far, that will be created to
store literal text in the stylesheet.
String |
Get the class name for the generated translet.
Vector |
Get a Vector containing all compile error messages
String |
Returns a unique name for every helper class needed to
execute a translet.
String |
getJarFileName() |
Vector |
getNamesIndex() |
Vector |
getNamespaceIndex() |
Vector |
getNSAncestorPointers() |
int[] |
getNumberFieldIndexes() |
Properties |
Only for user by the internal TrAX implementation.
Parser |
Only for user by the internal TrAX implementation.
Vector |
getPrefixURIPairs() |
Vector |
getPrefixURIPairsIdx() |
Stylesheet |
Returns the top-level stylesheet
boolean |
Return the state of the template inlining feature.
Vector |
Get a Vector containing all compile warning messages
XMLReader |
Get the XMLReader to use for parsing the next input stylesheet
boolean |
hasIdCall() |
void |
Initializes the compiler to compile a new stylesheet
boolean |
isMultiDocument() |
boolean |
Return the state of the secure processing feature.
int |
nextAttributeSetSerial() |
int |
nextHelperClassSerial() |
int |
nextModeSerial() |
int |
nextStepPatternSerial() |
int |
nextStylesheetSerial() |
void |
Generate output JAR-file and packages
void |
Print all compile error messages to standard output
void |
Print all compile warning messages to standard output
int |
registerAttribute(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
Registers an attribute and gives it a type so that it can be mapped to
DOM attribute types at run-time.
int |
registerElement(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
Registers an element and gives it a type so that it can be mapped to
DOM element types at run-time.
int |
registerNamespace(String namespaceURI)
Registers a namespace and gives it a type so that it can be mapped to
DOM namespace types at run-time.
int |
registerNamespacePrefix(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
Registers a namespace prefix and gives it a type so that it can be mapped to
DOM namespace types at run-time.
int |
registerNamespacePrefix(String name)
Registers a namespace and gives it a type so that it can be mapped to
DOM namespace types at run-time.
int |
registerStylesheetPrefixMappingForRuntime(Hashtable prefixMap,
int ancestorID)
Registers namespace declarations that the stylesheet might need to
look up dynamically - for instance, if an
xsl:element has a
a name attribute with variable parts and has no
namespace attribute. |
protected void |
setCallsNodeset(boolean flag)
This method is called by the XPathParser when it encounters a call
to the nodeset() extension function.
void |
setClassName(String className)
Set the class name for the generated translet.
void |
setDebug(boolean debug)
Turn debugging messages on/off
boolean |
setDestDirectory(String dstDirName)
Set the destination directory for the translet.
protected void |
setHasIdCall(boolean flag) |
void |
setJarFileName(String jarFileName)
Set the name of an optional JAR-file to dump the translet and
auxiliary classes to
protected void |
setMultiDocument(boolean flag)
This method is called by the XPathParser when it encounters a call
to the document() function.
void |
setOutputType(int type)
Only for user by the internal TrAX implementation.
void |
setPackageName(String packageName)
Set an optional package name for the translet and auxiliary classes
void |
setPIParameters(String media,
String title,
String charset)
Set the parameters to use to locate the correct
processing instruction in the case where the input document to the
compiler (and parser) is an XML document.
void |
setSecureProcessing(boolean flag)
Set the state of the secure processing feature.
void |
setSourceLoader(SourceLoader loader)
Defines an external SourceLoader to provide the compiler with documents
referenced in xsl:include/import
void |
setStylesheet(Stylesheet stylesheet)
Set the top-level stylesheet
void |
setTemplateInlining(boolean templateInlining)
Set a flag indicating if templates are to be inlined or not.
void |
setXMLReader(XMLReader reader)
Set the XMLReader to use for parsing the next input stylesheet
public static final int FILE_OUTPUT
public static final int JAR_OUTPUT
public static final int BYTEARRAY_OUTPUT
public static final int CLASSLOADER_OUTPUT
public static final int BYTEARRAY_AND_FILE_OUTPUT
public static final int BYTEARRAY_AND_JAR_OUTPUT
public void setSecureProcessing(boolean flag)
public boolean isSecureProcessing()
public Parser getParser()
public void setOutputType(int type)
public Properties getOutputProperties()
public void init()
public void setSourceLoader(SourceLoader loader)
- The SourceLoader to use for include/importpublic void setTemplateInlining(boolean templateInlining)
public boolean getTemplateInlining()
public void setPIParameters(String media, String title, String charset)
- The media attribute to be matched. May be null, in which
case the prefered templates will be used (i.e. alternate = no).title
- The value of the title attribute to match. May be null.charset
- The value of the charset attribute to match. May be null.public boolean compile(URL url)
- An URL containing the input XSL stylesheetpublic boolean compile(URL url, String name)
- An URL containing the input XSL stylesheetname
- The name to assign to the translet classpublic boolean compile(InputStream stream, String name)
- An InputStream that will pass in the stylesheet contentsname
- The name of the translet class to generatepublic boolean compile(InputSource input, String name)
- An InputSource that will pass in the stylesheet contentsname
- The name of the translet class to generate - can be nullpublic boolean compile(Vector stylesheets)
- A Vector containing URLs pointing to the stylesheetspublic byte[][] getBytecodes()
public byte[][] compile(String name, InputSource input, int outputType)
- The name of the translet class to generateinput
- An InputSource that will pass in the stylesheet contentsoutputType
- The output typepublic byte[][] compile(String name, InputSource input)
- The name of the translet class to generateinput
- An InputSource that will pass in the stylesheet contentspublic void setXMLReader(XMLReader reader)
- XMLReader (SAX2 parser) to usepublic XMLReader getXMLReader()
public Vector getErrors()
public Vector getWarnings()
public void printErrors()
public void printWarnings()
protected void setMultiDocument(boolean flag)
public boolean isMultiDocument()
protected void setCallsNodeset(boolean flag)
public boolean callsNodeset()
protected void setHasIdCall(boolean flag)
public boolean hasIdCall()
public void setClassName(String className)
- The name to assign to the translet classpublic String getClassName()
public boolean setDestDirectory(String dstDirName)
public void setPackageName(String packageName)
public void setJarFileName(String jarFileName)
public String getJarFileName()
public void setStylesheet(Stylesheet stylesheet)
public Stylesheet getStylesheet()
public int registerAttribute(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
public int registerElement(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
public int registerNamespacePrefix(org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.QName name)
public int registerNamespacePrefix(String name)
public int registerNamespace(String namespaceURI)
public int registerStylesheetPrefixMappingForRuntime(Hashtable prefixMap, int ancestorID)
has a
a name
attribute with variable parts and has no
- a Hashtable
mapping namespace prefixes to
URIs. Must not be null
. The default
namespace and namespace undeclarations are represented
by a zero-length string.ancestorID
- The int
node ID of the nearest ancestor in
the stylesheet that declares namespaces, or a value less
than zero if there is no such ancestorpublic Vector getNSAncestorPointers()
public Vector getPrefixURIPairs()
public Vector getPrefixURIPairsIdx()
public int nextModeSerial()
public int nextStylesheetSerial()
public int nextStepPatternSerial()
public int[] getNumberFieldIndexes()
public int nextHelperClassSerial()
public int nextAttributeSetSerial()
public Vector getNamesIndex()
public Vector getNamespaceIndex()
public String getHelperClassName()
public void dumpClass(org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass clazz)
public void outputToJar() throws IOException
public void setDebug(boolean debug)
public boolean debug()
public String getCharacterData(int index)
. There may be more than
one such array required.index
- The index of the char[]
. Zero-based.char[]
.public int getCharacterDataCount()
public int addCharacterData(String newData)
- String data to be added to char arrays.
Pre-condition: newData.length() ≤ 21845
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