- the source type of the joinK
- the type of the target Map keyV
- the type of the target Map valuepublic interface MapJoin<Z,K,V> extends PluralJoin<Z,Map<K,V>,V>
interface is the type of the result of
joining to a collection over an association or element
collection that has been specified as a java.util.Map
.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Expression<Map.Entry<K,V>> |
Create an expression that corresponds to the map entry.
MapAttribute<? super Z,K,V> |
Return the metamodel representation for the map attribute.
Path<K> |
Create a path expression that corresponds to the map key.
MapJoin<Z,K,V> |
on(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the
specified ON condition.
MapJoin<Z,K,V> |
on(Predicate... restrictions)
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the
specified ON condition.
Path<V> |
Create a path expression that corresponds to the map value.
getAttribute, getJoinType, getOn, getParent
getCorrelationParent, getJoins, isCorrelated, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, joinCollection, joinCollection, joinList, joinList, joinMap, joinMap, joinSet, joinSet
get, get, get, get, getParentPath, type
as, in, in, in, in, isNotNull, isNull
alias, getCompoundSelectionItems, isCompoundSelection
getAlias, getJavaType
fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, getFetches
MapJoin<Z,K,V> on(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
MapJoin<Z,K,V> on(Predicate... restrictions)
MapAttribute<? super Z,K,V> getModel()
Path<K> key()
Path<V> value()
Expression<Map.Entry<K,V>> entry()
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