int _errorCode
Object _data
byte[] _value
byte[] _value
byte[] _value
SoapFaultType soapFaultType
QName subcode
QName subSubcode
String reason
String node
String detail
String role
boolean headerFault
String action
Logger log
Logger log
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
Object value
protected Object readResolve()
String _name
Note that this is the only non-transient field; used when reading back from serialized state
protected Object readResolve()
ObjectCodec _objectCodec
int _factoryFeatures
int _parserFeatures
int _generatorFeatures
CharacterEscapes _characterEscapes
InputDecorator _inputDecorator
OutputDecorator _outputDecorator
SerializableString _rootValueSeparator
long _totalBytes
long _totalChars
int _lineNr
int _columnNr
JsonLocation _location
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
protected Object readResolve()
String _value
byte[] _quotedUTF8Ref
byte[] _unquotedUTF8Ref
char[] _quotedChars
char[] indents
int charsPerLevel
String eol
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _arrayIndenter
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _objectIndenter
SerializableString _rootSeparator
boolean _spacesInObjectEntries
Object lock
String _rootValueSeparator
int _deserFeatures
s enabled.LinkedNode<T> _problemHandlers
JsonNodeFactory _nodeFactory
JsonNode _parserFeatures
s to enable/ _parserFeaturesToChange
s to enable/disableDeserializerCache _cache
caching.DeserializerFactory _factory
, ObjectReader
access it.DeserializationConfig _config
int _featureFlags
s that are enabledClass<T> _view
InjectableValues _injectableValues
LinkedNode<T> _currentType
(or, more specifically,
) that is being
contextualized currently.Class<T> _class
int _hash
Object _valueHandler
Note: untyped (i.e. caller has to cast) because it is used for different kinds of handlers, with unrelated types.
Object _typeHandler
Note: untyped (i.e. caller has to cast) because it is used for different kinds of handlers, with unrelated types.
boolean _asStatic
LinkedList<E> _path
Object _from
String _fieldName
defined), or when resolving
Map classes without (yet) having an instance to operate _index
instance that contained
the reference; used if index is relevant and available.
If either not applicable, or not available, -1 is used to
denote "not known".JsonFactory _jsonFactory
and JsonGenerator
instances as necessary.TypeFactory _typeFactory
needed to allow modules to add more custom type handling
(mostly to support types of non-Java JVM languages)InjectableValues _injectableValues
SubtypeResolver _subtypeResolver
RootNameLookup _rootNames
HashMap<K,V> _mixInAnnotations
Annotations associated with the value classes will be used to override annotations of the key class, associated with the same field or method. They can be further masked by sub-classes: you can think of it as injecting annotations between the target class and its sub-classes (or interfaces)
SerializationConfig _serializationConfig
DefaultSerializerProvider _serializerProvider
to allow
for constructing custom serializers.
Note: while serializers are only exposed SerializerProvider
mappers and readers need to access additional API defined by
SerializerFactory _serializerFactory
DeserializationConfig _deserializationConfig
DefaultDeserializationContext _deserializationContext
Set<E> _registeredModuleTypes
that have been
registered; kept track of iff MapperFeature.IGNORE_DUPLICATE_MODULE_REGISTRATIONS
is enabled, so that duplicate registration calls can be ignored
(to avoid adding same handlers multiple times, mostly).ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _rootDeserializers
Given that we don't expect much concurrency for additions (should very quickly converge to zero after startup), let's explicitly define a low concurrency setting.
Since version 1.5, these may are either "raw" deserializers (when no type information is needed for base type), or type-wrapped deserializers (if it is needed)
ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping _appliesFor
DeserializationConfig _config
DefaultDeserializationContext _context
JsonFactory _parserFactory
sboolean _unwrapRoot
JavaType _valueType
is non-null, only used for
locating deserializer.JsonDeserializer<T> _rootDeserializer
is known, and if so, reuse it afterwards.
This allows avoiding further deserializer lookups and increases
performance a bit on cases where readers are reused.Object _valueToUpdate
; array
types can not be modified because array size is immutable.FormatSchema _schema
InjectableValues _injectableValues
DataFormatReaders _dataFormatReaders
NOTE: If defined non-null, readValue()
methods that take
or String
input will fail with exception,
because format-detection only works on byte-sources. Also, if format
can not be detect reliably (as per detector settings),
a JsonParseException
will be thrown).
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _rootDeserializers
, shared with it.RootNameLookup _rootNames
, shared with it.SerializationConfig _config
DefaultSerializerProvider _serializerProvider
SerializerFactory _serializerFactory
JsonFactory _generatorFactory
sObjectWriter.GeneratorSettings _generatorSettings
constructed for serializing values.ObjectWriter.Prefetch _prefetch
is known, and if so, reuse it afterwards.
This allows avoiding further serializer lookups and increases
performance a bit on cases where readers are reused.PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter
FormatSchema schema
CharacterEscapes characterEscapes
SerializableString rootValueSeparator
JavaType rootType
JsonSerializer<T> valueSerializer
is known, and if so, reuse it afterwards.
This allows avoiding further serializer lookups and increases
performance a bit on cases where readers are reused.TypeSerializer typeSerializer
.protected Object readResolve()
Boolean _required
String _description
Integer _index
String _defaultValue
protected Object readResolve()
String _simpleName
String _namespace
SerializableString _encodedSimple
NOTE: not defined as volatile to avoid performance problem with
concurrent access in multi-core environments; due to statelessness
of SerializedString
at most leads to multiple instantiations.
int _serFeatures
s enabled.JsonInclude.Include _serializationInclusion
FilterProvider _filterProvider
int _generatorFeatures
s to enable/ _generatorFeaturesToChange
s to enable/disableClassIntrospector _classIntrospector
AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector
VisibilityChecker<T extends VisibilityChecker<T>> _visibilityChecker
annotation)PropertyNamingStrategy _propertyNamingStrategy
TypeFactory _typeFactory
needed to allow modules to add more custom type handling
(mostly to support types of non-Java JVM languages)TypeResolverBuilder<T extends TypeResolverBuilder<T>> _typeResolverBuilder
)DateFormat _dateFormat
Note that the configured format object will be cloned once per deserialization process (first time it is needed)
HandlerInstantiator _handlerInstantiator
Locale _locale
used with serialization formats.
Default value is Locale.getDefault()
.TimeZone _timeZone
used with serialization formats.
Default value is TimeZone.getDefault()
, which is typically the
local time zone (unless overridden for JVM).
Note that if a new value is set, time zone is also assigned to
of this object.
Base64Variant _defaultBase64
to use for handling
binary data (byte[]
), used with data formats
that use base64 encoding (like JSON, CSV).Deserializers[] _additionalDeserializers
KeyDeserializers[] _additionalKeyDeserializers
BeanDeserializerModifier[] _modifiers
are configured and constructed.AbstractTypeResolver[] _abstractTypeResolvers
ValueInstantiators[] _valueInstantiators
int _mapperFeatures
BaseSettings _base
Map<K,V> _mixInAnnotations
SubtypeResolver _subtypeResolver
String _rootName
Class<T> _view
is defined), meaning that all properties are to be included.ContextAttributes _attributes
Serializers[] _additionalSerializers
Serializers[] _additionalKeySerializers
BeanSerializerModifier[] _modifiers
are configured and constructed.JavaType _baseType
ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader
Map<K,V> _backRefProperties
boolean _acceptString
boolean _acceptBoolean
boolean _acceptInt
boolean _acceptDouble
DeserializerFactoryConfig _factoryConfig
JavaType _beanType
JsonFormat.Shape _serializationShape
ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
JsonDeserializer<T> _delegateDeserializer
PropertyBasedCreator _propertyBasedCreator
boolean _nonStandardCreation
boolean _vanillaProcessing
BeanPropertyMap _beanProperties
ValueInjector[] _injectables
s, if any injectable values are
expected by the bean; otherwise null.
This includes injectors used for injecting values via setters
and fields, but not ones passed through constructor parameters.SettableAnyProperty _anySetter
HashSet<E> _ignorableProps
boolean _ignoreAllUnknown
boolean _needViewProcesing
Map<K,V> _backRefs
UnwrappedPropertyHandler _unwrappedPropertyHandler
ExternalTypeHandler _externalTypeIdHandler
ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader
AnnotatedMethod _buildMethod
AnnotatedParameter _annotated
Object _injectableValueId
int _creatorIndex
SettableBeanProperty _fallbackSetter
Object writeReplace()
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _cachedDeserializers
Given that we don't expect much concurrency for additions (should very quickly converge to zero after startup), let's define a relatively low concurrency setting.
HashMap<K,V> _incompleteDeserializers
Object readResolve()
BeanProperty _property
AnnotatedMethod _setter
JavaType _type
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
PropertyName _propName
JavaType _type
PropertyName _wrapperName
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
NOTE: has been immutable since 2.3
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
NullProvider _nullProvider
PropertyMetadata _metadata
String _managedReferenceName
TODO: should try to make immutable.
ObjectIdInfo _objectIdInfo
TODO: should try to make immutable.
ViewMatcher _viewMatcher
TODO: should try to make immutable.
int _propertyIndex
TODO: should try to make immutable if at all possible
ReadableObjectId _roid
List<E> _unresolvedIds
BeanDeserializerBase _delegate
SettableBeanProperty[] _orderedProperties
AnnotatedMethod _buildMethod
BeanDeserializerBase _delegate
SettableBeanProperty[] _orderedProperties
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.BeanPropertyMap.Bucket[] _buckets
int _hashMask
int _size
boolean _caseInsensitive
int _nextBucketIndex
Note: is kept up-to-date with additions, but can NOT handle removals (i.e. "holes" may be left)
int _type
String _message
Object readResolve()
AnnotatedField _annotated
SettableBeanProperty _delegate
AnnotatedConstructor _annotated
String _referenceName
boolean _isContainer
SettableBeanProperty _managedProperty
SettableBeanProperty _backProperty
Object readResolve()
AnnotatedMethod _annotated
JavaType _idType
PropertyName propertyName
ObjectIdGenerator<T> generator
using this as
the key.ObjectIdResolver resolver
JsonDeserializer<T> _deserializer
SettableBeanProperty idProperty
SettableBeanProperty _forward
ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader
AnnotatedMethod _annotated
Method _getter
TypeDeserializer _typeDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _deserializer
JavaType _referencedType
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
JavaType _collectionType
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
JsonDeserializer<T> _delegateDeserializer
DateFormat _customFormat
String _formatString
JsonDeserializer<T> _delegatee
EnumResolver<T extends Enum<T>> _resolver
Class<T> _inputType
Method _factory
JsonDeserializer<T> _deser
JavaType _mapType
Class<T> _enumClass
KeyDeserializer _keyDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
JavaType _enumType
Class<T> _enumClass
JsonDeserializer<T> _enumDeserializer
int _kind
JavaType _mapType
KeyDeserializer _keyDeserializer
is called;boolean _standardStringKey
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
boolean _hasDefaultCreator
JsonDeserializer<T> _delegateDeserializer
PropertyBasedCreator _propertyBasedCreator
HashSet<E> _ignorableProperties
JavaType _type
KeyDeserializer _keyDeserializer
MapEntryDeserializer.createContextual(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BeanProperty)
is called;JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer
Object _nullValue
ArrayType _arrayType
boolean _untyped
Class<T> _elementClass
JsonDeserializer<T> _elementDeserializer
TypeDeserializer _elementTypeDeserializer
int _kind
Class<T> _keyClass
FromStringDeserializer<T> _deser
JsonDeserializer<T> _treeDeserializer
String _valueTypeDesc
AnnotatedWithParams _defaultCreator
)AnnotatedWithParams _withArgsCreator
CreatorProperty[] _constructorArguments
JavaType _delegateType
AnnotatedWithParams _delegateCreator
CreatorProperty[] _delegateArguments
AnnotatedWithParams _fromStringCreator
AnnotatedWithParams _fromIntCreator
AnnotatedWithParams _fromLongCreator
AnnotatedWithParams _fromDoubleCreator
AnnotatedWithParams _fromBooleanCreator
AnnotatedParameter _incompleteParameter
JsonDeserializer<T> _elementDeserializer
JavaType _collectionType
JsonDeserializer<T> _valueDeserializer
ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
JsonDeserializer<T> _delegateDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _mapDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _listDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _stringDeserializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _numberDeserializer
Class<T> _referringClass
String _propertyName
Note: redundant information since it is also included in the reference path.
Collection<E> _propertyIds
int _kind
JsonSerializer<T> _delegate
DOMImplementationLS _domImpl
Constructor<T> _constructor
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedConstructor.Serialization _serialization
AnnotatedWithParams _owner
Type _type
int _index
AnnotationMap[] _paramAnnotations
AnnotationIntrospector _primary
AnnotationIntrospector _secondary
JsonAutoDetect.Visibility _getterMinLevel
JsonAutoDetect.Visibility _isGetterMinLevel
JsonAutoDetect.Visibility _setterMinLevel
JsonAutoDetect.Visibility _creatorMinLevel
JsonAutoDetect.Visibility _fieldMinLevel
JsonTypeInfo.As _inclusion
LinkedHashSet<E> _registeredSubtypes
TypeIdResolver _idResolver
JavaType _baseType
BeanProperty _property
is called to create
a copy.JavaType _defaultImpl
String _typePropertyName
boolean _typeIdVisible
HashMap<K,V> _deserializers
JsonDeserializer<T> _defaultImplDeserializer
String _name
Version _version
SimpleSerializers _serializers
SimpleDeserializers _deserializers
SimpleSerializers _keySerializers
SimpleKeyDeserializers _keyDeserializers
SimpleAbstractTypeResolver _abstractTypes
SimpleValueInstantiators _valueInstantiators
BeanDeserializerModifier _deserializerModifier
BeanSerializerModifier _serializerModifier
HashMap<K,V> _mixins
LinkedHashSet<E> _subtypes
PropertyNamingStrategy _namingStrategy
HashMap<K,V> _classMappings
HashMap<K,V> _interfaceMappings
boolean _hasEnumSerializer
HashMap<K,V> _classMappings
instances.boolean _cfgBigDecimalExact
SerializerFactoryConfig _factoryConfig
BeanSerializerBase _defaultSerializer
String _msg
JsonSerializer<T> _serializer
BeanProperty _property
boolean _valueTypeIsStatic
JavaType _entryType
JavaType _keyType
JavaType _valueType
JsonSerializer<T> _keySerializer
JsonSerializer<T> _valueSerializer
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
PropertySerializerMap _dynamicValueSerializers
BeanPropertyWriter _property
Map<K,V> _filtersById
PropertyFilter _defaultFilter
boolean _cfgFailOnUnknownId
JsonSerializer<T> _elementSerializer
JsonSerializer<T> _serializer
NameTransformer _nameTransformer
BeanProperty _property
boolean _staticTyping
JavaType _elementType
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
JsonSerializer<T> _elementSerializer
BeanProperty _property
PropertySerializerMap _dynamicSerializers
BeanPropertyWriter[] _props
BeanPropertyWriter[] _filteredProps
AnyGetterWriter _anyGetterWriter
annotated propertiesObject _propertyFilterId
AnnotatedMember _typeId
ObjectIdWriter _objectIdWriter
JsonFormat.Shape _serializationShape
boolean _forPrimitive
Boolean _useTimestamp
DateFormat _customFormat
is true.boolean _staticTyping
BeanProperty _property
EnumValues _keyEnums
JavaType _valueType
JsonSerializer<T> _valueSerializer
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
EnumValues _values
Boolean _serializeAsIndex
Method _accessorMethod
JsonSerializer<T> _valueSerializer
BeanProperty _property
boolean _forceTypeInformation
BeanProperty _property
HashSet<E> _ignoredEntries
boolean _valueTypeIsStatic
JavaType _keyType
JavaType _valueType
JsonSerializer<T> _keySerializer
JsonSerializer<T> _valueSerializer
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
PropertySerializerMap _dynamicValueSerializers
Object _filterId
boolean _sortKeys
Object _suppressableValue
, or actual object to compare
against ("default value")boolean _isInt
JsonParser.NumberType _numberType
String _schemaType
boolean _isInt
boolean _staticTyping
JavaType _elementType
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
JsonSerializer<T> _elementSerializer
PropertySerializerMap _dynamicSerializers
TypeSerializer _valueTypeSerializer
JavaType _elementType
Class<T> _typeParametersFor
or its supertype.JavaType[] _typeParameters
String[] _typeNames
LRUMap<K,V> _typeCache
TypeModifier[] _modifiers
s: objects that can change details
of JavaType
instances factory constructs.TypeParser _parser
TypeFactory _factory
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
Locale _locale
int _maxEntries
String _jaxbPackageName
JsonSerializer<T> _dataHandlerSerializer
JsonDeserializer<T> _dataHandlerDeserializer
TypeFactory _typeFactory
boolean _ignoreXmlIDREF
String _xmlValueName
annotation, a placeholder name is assigned
to property (unless overridden by explicit name); this configuration
value specified what that name is.DocumentBuilder builder
String name
Operation operation
BindingInput bindingInput
BindingOutput bindingOutput
Map<K,V> bindingFaults
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
String documentBaseURI
QName name
String targetNamespace
Map<K,V> namespaces
Map<K,V> imports
Types types
Map<K,V> messages
Map<K,V> bindings
Map<K,V> portTypes
Map<K,V> services
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
ExtensionRegistry extReg
String namespaceURI
String locationURI
Definition definition
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
String namespace
ImageViewerCanvas canvas
Image image
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
Image canvas_image
TextArea text_area
GridBagLayout panel_gb
Panel button_panel
Button save_button
File text_file
String text_buffer
InputStream data_ins
FileInputStream fis
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
TextArea text_area
File text_file
String text_buffer
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
HashMap<K,V> serverTable
Repository repository
CorbaTransportManager transportManager
int initialPort
ORB orb
ActivationSystemException wrapper
String dbDirName
boolean debug
int serverStartupDelay
TypeCodeImpl typeCode
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
CDRInputStream stream
long value
Object object
boolean isInitialized
int _kind
String _id
String _name
int _memberCount
String[] _memberNames
TypeCodeImpl[] _memberTypes
AnyImpl[] _unionLabels
TypeCodeImpl _discriminator
int _defaultIndex
int _length
TypeCodeImpl _contentType
short _digits
short _scale
short _type_modifier
TypeCodeImpl _concrete_base
short[] _memberAccess
TypeCodeImpl _parent
int _parentOffset
TypeCodeImpl _indirectType
byte[] outBuffer
boolean cachingEnabled
ORB _orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
int currentEnumeratorIndex
CorbaConnection corbaConnection
Message header
boolean unmarshaledHeader
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
OMGSystemException omgWrapper
CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator impl
Message header
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
OMGSystemException omgWrapper
CorbaConnection connection impl
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
CorbaMessageMediator corbaMessageMediator
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
CodeBase codeBase
Map<K,V> typeMap
InputStream enclosure
boolean isEncapsulation
OutputStream enclosure
Map<K,V> typeMap
boolean isEncapsulation
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
GIOPVersion giopVersion
RetryType retryRequest
int entryCount
Request request
boolean diiInitiate
CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator
Object cachedTargetObject
Object cachedEffectiveTargetObject
Parameter[] cachedArguments
TypeCode[] cachedExceptions
String[] cachedContexts
String[] cachedOperationContext
String cachedReceivedExceptionId
Any cachedResult
Any cachedReceivedException
TaggedProfile cachedEffectiveProfile
HashMap<K,V> cachedRequestServiceContexts
HashMap<K,V> cachedReplyServiceContexts
HashMap<K,V> cachedEffectiveComponents
boolean piCurrentPushed
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException wrapper
Codec[] codecs
int state
ObjectAdapter adapter
ORB orb
ORBUtilSystemException orbutilWrapper
InterceptorsSystemException wrapper
OMGSystemException omgWrapper
ORB orb
InterceptorsSystemException wrapper
ORBUtilSystemException orbutilWrapper
OMGSystemException omgWrapper
String[] args
String orbId
CodecFactory codecFactory
int stage
int slotCounter
OMGSystemException wrapper
boolean orbInitializing
ThreadLocal<T> threadLocalSlotTable
InterceptorsSystemException wrapper
OMGSystemException stdWrapper
int flowStackIndex
int startingPointCall
int intermediatePointCall
int endingPointCall
short replyStatus
int currentExecutionPoint
boolean alreadyExecuted
Connection connection
ServiceContexts serviceContexts
ForwardRequest forwardRequest
IOR forwardRequestIOR
SlotTable slotTable
Exception exception
boolean forwardRequestRaisedInEnding
CorbaMessageMediator request
Object servant
byte[] objectId
ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp
byte[] adapterId
String[] adapterName
ArrayList<E> addReplyServiceContextQueue
ReplyMessage replyMessage
String targetMostDerivedInterface
NVList dsiArguments
Any dsiResult
Any dsiException
boolean isDynamic
ObjectAdapter objectAdapter
int serverRequestId
Parameter[] cachedArguments
Any cachedSendingException
HashMap<K,V> cachedRequestServiceContexts
HashMap<K,V> cachedReplyServiceContexts
public Object readResolve(Object value)
public Serializable writeReplace(Serializable value)
boolean isEnum
String name
ObjectStreamClass superclass
boolean serializable
boolean externalizable
ObjectStreamField[] fields
Class<T> ofClass
boolean forProxyClass
long suid
String suidStr
long actualSuid
String actualSuidStr
int primBytes
int objFields
boolean initialized
Object lock
boolean hasExternalizableBlockData
Method writeObjectMethod
Method readObjectMethod
Constructor<T> cons
String rmiiiopOptionalDataRepId
ObjectStreamClass localClassDesc
int length
boolean eof
BindingType theBindingType
String strObjectRef
ORB orb
POASystemException wrapper
boolean debug
int state
POAPolicyMediator mediator
int numLevels
ObjectAdapterId poaId
String name
POAManagerImpl manager
int uniquePOAId
POAImpl parent
Map<K,V> children
AdapterActivator activator
int invocationCount
Sync poaMutex
CondVar adapterActivatorCV
CondVar invokeCV
CondVar beingDestroyedCV
ThreadLocal<T> isDestroying
POAFactory factory
PIHandler pihandler
State state
Set<E> poas
int nInvocations
int nWaiters
int myId
boolean debug
boolean explicitStateChange
RequestProcessingPolicyValue value
public Object readResolve(Object value)
public Serializable writeReplace(Serializable value)
String name
ObjectStreamClass_1_3_1 superclass
boolean serializable
boolean externalizable[] fields
Class<T> ofClass
boolean forProxyClass
long suid
String suidStr
long actualSuid
String actualSuidStr
int primBytes
int objFields
Object lock
boolean hasWriteObjectMethod
boolean hasExternalizableBlockData
Method writeObjectMethod
Method readObjectMethod
ObjectStreamClass_1_3_1 localClassDesc
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
public Object readResolve()
String[] typeIds
StubIORImpl ior
DynamicStub self
short expectedAddrDisp
int requestId
int selected_profile_index
IOR ior
byte[] ___object_key
TaggedProfile ___profile
IORAddressingInfo ___ior
short __discriminator
boolean __uninitialized pool
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
String reason
String endpointType
int port
String orbId
String orbId
int port
int serverId
int serverId
int serverId
int serverId
int serverId
int serverId
int serverId
String hostname
ORBPortInfo[] ports
String hostname
EndPointInfo[] ports
int value
int value
int type
boolean flag
int request_id
int request_id
int selected_profile_index
IOR ior
int request_id
LocateStatusType_1_0 locate_status
int request_id
byte[] object_key
int request_id
TargetAddress target
int __value
char[] magic
Version GIOP_version
boolean byte_order
byte message_type
int message_size
char[] magic
Version GIOP_version
byte flags
byte message_type
int message_size
ServiceContext[] service_context
int request_id
ReplyStatusType_1_0 reply_status
int __value
ServiceContext[] service_context
int request_id
boolean response_expected
byte[] object_key
String operation
byte[] requesting_principal
ServiceContext[] service_context
int request_id
boolean response_expected
byte[] reserved
byte[] object_key
String operation
byte[] requesting_principal
int request_id
byte response_flags
byte[] reserved
TargetAddress target
String operation
ServiceContext[] service_context
String exception_id
int minor_code_value
int completion_status
byte[] ___object_key
TaggedProfile ___profile
IORAddressingInfo ___ior
short __discriminator
boolean __uninitialized
byte major
byte minor
SocketInfo socketInfo
int selected_profile_index
IOR ior
byte[] ___object_key
TaggedProfile ___profile
IORAddressingInfo ___ior
short __discriminator
boolean __uninitialized
Map<K,V> classToInvocationHandler
InvocationHandler defaultHandler
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
String reason
String endpointType
int port
String orbId
String orbId
int port
String serverId
String serverId
String serverId
String serverId
String serverId
String serverId
String serverId
String hostname
EndPointInfo[] ports
String hostname
ORBPortInfo[] ports
long[] uids
long modseq
int interval
int interval
int msgno
String url
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
String host
int port
int cto
String host
int port
int cto
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
int __value
StructMember[] members
String name
String name
String id
String defined_in
String version
TypeCode result
OperationMode mode
String[] contexts
ParameterDescription[] parameters
ExceptionDescription[] exceptions
int __value
String name
TypeCode type
IDLType type_def
ParameterMode mode
int __value
String name
String id
boolean is_abstract
boolean is_custom
String defined_in
String version
OperationDescription[] operations
AttributeDescription[] attributes
ValueMember[] members
Initializer[] initializers
String[] supported_interfaces
String[] abstract_base_values
boolean is_truncatable
String base_value
TypeCode type
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
String message
String message
protected Object readResolve()
int code
int errorId
int errorId
protected Object readResolve()
Deployment deployment
ResourceManager resourceManager
boolean directoryListingEnabled
boolean defaultAllowed
Set<E> allowed
Set<E> disallowed
boolean resolveAgainstContextRoot
byte[] data
int dataLength
HttpString method
String requestPath
HashMap<K,V> headerMap
List<E> handshakes
WebSocketConnectionCallback callback
Set<E> peerConnections
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
) in
the proper order, followed by a nullIOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
byte[] bytes
int orderInt
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
) in
the proper order, followed by a nullIOException
protected Object readResolve()
public void readExternal(ObjectInput arg0) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput arg0) throws IOException
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- If the class for an object being
restored cannot be found.IOException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- Includes any I/O exceptions that may occurException causeException
Throwable cause
The underlying exception that caused this exception.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reconstruct FacesMessage
serialized artifacts.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Persist FacesMessage
including the non serializable Severity
String viewId
The view identifier of the view that could not be restored.
FacesMessage facesMessage
FacesMessage facesMessage
Behavior behavior
PhaseId phaseId
FacesContext context
PhaseId phaseId
Object oldValue
The previous local value of the source UIComponent
Object newValue
The current local value of the source UIComponent
Object data
int index
SelectItem[] selectItems
FacesMessage message
Collection<E> messages
String path
int line
int column
String converterId
The identifier of the Converter
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Converter
String name
The name of this facet. This will be used as the facet name for
our UIComponentTag
child in our UIComponentTag
parent's facet list.
String validatorId
The identifier of the Validator
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Validator
String errorCode
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
method that checks for their known
instances before calling this super method.ObjectStreamException
- for object stream errorsString type
Exception next
int type
int type
int type
int type
boolean removed
int type
String message
int type
String ref
int pos
String address
String personal
String encodedPersonal
This field and the personal
field track each
other, so if a subclass sets one of these fields directly, it
should set the other to null
, so that it is
suitably recomputed.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- on read failuresClassNotFoundException
- neverprivate Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
- neverprotected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
- for object stream errorsAddress address
SearchTerm[] terms
int comparison
Date date
boolean set
then test whether all the specified flags are present, else
test whether all the specified flags are absent.Flags flags
String headerName
int number
SearchTerm term
SearchTerm[] terms
Message.RecipientType type
Message.RecipientType type
String pattern
boolean ignoreCase
Object entity
Object entity
Object entity
Query query
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If a class can not be foundIOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
- Thrown if an error occursPropertyDescriptor[] invalidProperties
String userName
char[] password
ManagedConnectionFactory mcf
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If a class can not be foundIOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
String actions
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
String actions
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
Throwable rootCause
Servlet servlet
boolean permanent
int seconds
Throwable mRootCause
boolean result
String var
int scope
Integer i
ValueExpression orig
int i
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
int begin
int end
int step
boolean beginSpecified
boolean endSpecified
boolean stepSpecified
String itemId
String statusId
ValueExpression deferredExpression
LoopTagStatus status
Object item
int index
int count
boolean last
BodyContent bodyContent
int errorCode
int errorCode
ByteBuffer bb
String encodedString
Object object
Session session
Response response
Response response
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String id
int intId
QName name
Class<T> declaredType
Class<T> scope
for global xml element declaration.
- local element declaration has a scope set to the Java class
representation of complex type defintion containing
xml element declaration.Object value
boolean nil
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Throwable cause
Object value
int statusCode
SOAPFault fault
ActiveMQExceptionType type
String name
long broadcastPeriod
BroadcastEndpointFactory endpointFactory
List<E> connectorInfos
org.jgroups.JChannel channel
String channelName
String name
long refreshTimeout
long discoveryInitialWaitTimeout
BroadcastEndpointFactory endpointFactory
byte[] data
String groupAddress
int groupPort
Random random
boolean first
int pos
protected Object readResolve()
String name
String queueName
String forwardingAddress
String filterString
List<E> staticConnectors
String discoveryGroupName
boolean ha
String transformerClassName
long retryInterval
double retryIntervalMultiplier
int initialConnectAttempts
int reconnectAttempts
int reconnectAttemptsOnSameNode
boolean useDuplicateDetection
int confirmationWindowSize
long clientFailureCheckPeriod
String user
String password
long connectionTTL
long maxRetryInterval
int minLargeMessageSize
long callTimeout
String name
String address
String connectorName
long clientFailureCheckPeriod
long connectionTTL
long retryInterval
double retryIntervalMultiplier
long maxRetryInterval
int initialConnectAttempts
int reconnectAttempts
long callTimeout
long callFailoverTimeout
boolean duplicateDetection
MessageLoadBalancingType messageLoadBalancingType
List<E> staticConnectors
String discoveryGroupName
int maxHops
int confirmationWindowSize
boolean allowDirectConnectionsOnly
int minLargeMessageSize
long clusterNotificationInterval
int clusterNotificationAttempts
boolean requestBackup
int backupRequestRetries
long backupRequestRetryInterval
int maxBackups
int backupPortOffset
List<E> excludedConnectors
int portOffset
HAPolicyConfiguration liveConfig
HAPolicyConfiguration backupConfig
ScaleDownConfiguration scaleDownConfiguration
String clusterName
int maxSavedReplicatedJournalsSize
String groupName
boolean restartBackup
ScaleDownConfiguration scaleDownConfiguration
boolean allowFailBack
long initialReplicationSyncTimeout
boolean failoverOnServerShutdown
boolean failoverOnServerShutdown
boolean restartBackup
boolean allowFailBack
ScaleDownConfiguration scaleDownConfiguration
String name
boolean persistenceEnabled
long fileDeploymentScanPeriod
boolean persistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery
int scheduledThreadPoolMaxSize
int threadPoolMaxSize
long securityInvalidationInterval
boolean securityEnabled
boolean gracefulShutdownEnabled
long gracefulShutdownTimeout
boolean jmxManagementEnabled
String jmxDomain
long connectionTTLOverride
boolean asyncConnectionExecutionEnabled
long messageExpiryScanPeriod
int messageExpiryThreadPriority
int idCacheSize
boolean persistIDCache
List<E> incomingInterceptorClassNames
List<E> outgoingInterceptorClassNames
Map<K,V> connectorConfigs
Set<E> acceptorConfigs
List<E> bridgeConfigurations
List<E> divertConfigurations
List<E> clusterConfigurations
List<E> queueConfigurations
String pagingDirectory
int maxConcurrentPageIO
String largeMessagesDirectory
String bindingsDirectory
boolean createBindingsDir
String journalDirectory
boolean createJournalDir
JournalType journalType
boolean journalSyncTransactional
boolean journalSyncNonTransactional
int journalCompactMinFiles
int journalCompactPercentage
int journalFileSize
int journalPoolFiles
int journalMinFiles
int journalMaxIO_AIO
int journalBufferTimeout_AIO
int journalBufferSize_AIO
int journalMaxIO_NIO
int journalBufferTimeout_NIO
int journalBufferSize_NIO
boolean logJournalWriteRate
int journalPerfBlastPages
boolean runSyncSpeedTest
boolean wildcardRoutingEnabled
boolean messageCounterEnabled
long messageCounterSamplePeriod
int messageCounterMaxDayHistory
long transactionTimeout
long transactionTimeoutScanPeriod
SimpleString managementAddress
SimpleString managementNotificationAddress
String clusterUser
String clusterPassword
long serverDumpInterval
boolean failoverOnServerShutdown
int memoryWarningThreshold
long memoryMeasureInterval
GroupingHandlerConfiguration groupingHandlerConfiguration
Map<K,V> addressesSettings
Map<K,V> resourceLimitSettings
Map<K,V> securitySettings
List<E> connectorServiceConfigurations
boolean maskPassword
boolean resolveProtocols
long journalLockAcquisitionTimeout
HAPolicyConfiguration haPolicyConfiguration
File artemisInstance
boolean parsed