@MessageLogger(projectCode="XNIO") public interface Messages extends BasicLogger
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Messages |
closeMsg |
static Messages |
futureMsg |
static Messages |
listenerMsg |
static Messages |
msg |
static Messages |
optionParseMsg |
debug, debug, debug, debug, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, error, error, error, error, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, info, info, info, info, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, isDebugEnabled, isEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isTraceEnabled, log, log, log, log, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, trace, trace, trace, trace, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, warn, warn, warn, warn, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv
static final Messages msg
static final Messages futureMsg
static final Messages optionParseMsg
static final Messages closeMsg
static final Messages listenerMsg
@Message(id=0, value="Method parameter \'%s\' cannot be null") IllegalArgumentException nullParameter(String name)
@Message(id=1, value="Method parameter \'%s\' must be greater than %d") IllegalArgumentException minRange(String paramName, int minimumValue)
@Message(id=2, value="Unsupported socket address %s") IllegalArgumentException badSockType(Class<? extends SocketAddress> type)
@Message(id=3, value="Method parameter \'%s\' contains disallowed null value at index %d") IllegalArgumentException nullArrayIndex(String paramName, int index)
@Message(id=4, value="Bind address %s is not the same type as destination address %s") IllegalArgumentException mismatchSockType(Class<? extends SocketAddress> bindType, Class<? extends SocketAddress> destType)
@Message(id=5, value="No such field named \"%s\" in %s") IllegalArgumentException noField(String fieldName, Class<?> clazz)
@Message(id=6, value="Class \"%s\" not found in %s") IllegalArgumentException optionClassNotFound(String className, ClassLoader classLoader)
@Message(id=7, value="Field named \"%s\" is not accessible (public) in %s") IllegalArgumentException fieldNotAccessible(String fieldName, Class<?> clazz)
@Message(id=8, value="Field named \"%s\" is not static in %s") IllegalArgumentException fieldNotStatic(String fieldName, Class<?> clazz)
@Message(id=9, value="Copy with negative count is not supported") UnsupportedOperationException copyNegative()
@Message(id=10, value="Invalid option \'%s\' in property \'%s\': %s") @LogMessage(level=WARN) void invalidOptionInProperty(String optionName, String name, Throwable problem)
@Message(id=12, value="Attempt to write to a read-only buffer") ReadOnlyBufferException readOnlyBuffer()
@Message(id=13, value="Buffer underflow") BufferUnderflowException bufferUnderflow()
@Message(id=14, value="Buffer overflow") BufferOverflowException bufferOverflow()
@Message(id=15, value="Parameter \'%s\' is out of range") IllegalArgumentException parameterOutOfRange(String name)
@Message(id=16, value="Mixed direct and heap buffers not allowed") IllegalArgumentException mixedDirectAndHeap()
@Message(id=17, value="Buffer was already freed") IllegalStateException bufferFreed()
@Message(id=18, value="Access a thread-local random from the wrong thread") IllegalStateException randomWrongThread()
@Message(id=19, value="Channel not available from connection") IllegalStateException channelNotAvailable()
@Message(id=20, value="No parser for this option value type") IllegalArgumentException noOptionParser()
@Message(id=21, value="Invalid format for property value \'%s\'") IllegalArgumentException invalidOptionPropertyFormat(String value)
@Message(id=22, value="Class %s not found") IllegalArgumentException classNotFound(String name, @Cause ClassNotFoundException cause)
@Message(id=23, value="Class %s is not an instance of %s") IllegalArgumentException classNotInstance(String name, Class<?> expectedType)
@Message(id=24, value="Invalid option name \'%s\'") IllegalArgumentException invalidOptionName(String name)
@Message(id=25, value="Invalid null option \'%s\'") IllegalArgumentException invalidNullOption(String name)
@Message(id=26, value="Read with append is not supported") IOException readAppendNotSupported()
@Message(id=27, value="Requested file open mode requires Java 7 or higher") IOException openModeRequires7()
@Message(id=28, value="Current thread is not an XNIO I/O thread") IllegalStateException xnioThreadRequired()
@Message(id=29, value="Compression format not supported") IllegalArgumentException badCompressionFormat()
@Message(id=30, value="Both channels must come from the same worker") IllegalArgumentException differentWorkers()
@Message(id=31, value="At least one channel must have a connection") IllegalArgumentException oneChannelMustBeConnection()
@Message(id=32, value="At least one channel must be an SSL channel") IllegalArgumentException oneChannelMustBeSSL()
@Message(id=33, value="\'%s\' is not a valid QOP value") IllegalArgumentException invalidQop(String name)
@Message(id=34, value="Failed to instantiate %s") IllegalArgumentException cantInstantiate(Class<?> clazz, @Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=35, value="Stream channel was accessed concurrently") ConcurrentStreamChannelAccessException concurrentAccess()
@Message(id=36, value="Malformed input") CharConversionException malformedInput()
@Message(id=37, value="Unmappable character") CharConversionException unmappableCharacter()
@Message(id=38, value="Character decoding problem") CharConversionException characterDecodingProblem()
@Message(id=100, value="\'https\' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given") IllegalArgumentException missingSslProvider()
@Message(id=101, value="Unknown URL scheme \'%s\' given; must be one of \'http\' or \'https\'") IllegalArgumentException invalidURLScheme(String scheme)
@Message(id=200, value="Unexpected extra SASL challenge data received") SaslException extraChallenge()
@Message(id=201, value="Unexpected extra SASL response data received") SaslException extraResponse()
@Message(id=300, value="Socket buffer is too small") IllegalArgumentException socketBufferTooSmall()
@Message(id=301, value="Application buffer is too small") IllegalArgumentException appBufferTooSmall()
@Message(id=302, value="SSLEngine required a bigger send buffer but our buffer was already big enough") IOException wrongBufferExpansion()
@Message(id=303, value="Unexpected wrap result status: %s") IOException unexpectedWrapResult(SSLEngineResult.Status status)
@Message(id=304, value="Unexpected handshake status: %s") IOException unexpectedHandshakeStatus(SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus status)
@Message(id=305, value="Unexpected unwrap result status: %s") IOException unexpectedUnwrapResult(SSLEngineResult.Status status)
@Message(id=306, value="SSL connection is not from this provider") IllegalArgumentException notFromThisProvider()
@Message(id=800, value="Read timed out") ReadTimeoutException readTimeout()
@Message(id=801, value="Write timed out") WriteTimeoutException writeTimeout()
@Message(id=802, value="Write past the end of a fixed-length channel") FixedLengthOverflowException fixedOverflow()
@Message(id=803, value="Close before all bytes were written to a fixed-length channel (%d bytes remaining)") FixedLengthUnderflowException fixedUnderflow(long remaining)
@Message(id=804, value="Received an invalid message length of %d") IOException recvInvalidMsgLength(int length)
@Message(id=805, value="Writes have been shut down") EOFException writeShutDown()
@Message(id=806, value="Transmitted message is too large") IOException txMsgTooLarge()
@Message(id=807, value="Unflushed data truncated") IOException unflushedData()
@Message(id=808, value="I/O operation was interrupted") InterruptedIOException interruptedIO()
InterruptedIOException interruptedIO(@Field int bytesTransferred)
@Message(id=809, value="Cannot flush due to insufficient buffer space") IOException flushSmallBuffer()
@Message(id=810, value="Deflater doesn\'t need input, but won\'t produce output") IOException deflaterState()
@Message(id=811, value="Inflater needs dictionary") IOException inflaterNeedsDictionary()
@Message(id=812, value="Connection closed unexpectedly") EOFException connectionClosedEarly()
@Message(id=813, value="The stream is closed") IOException streamClosed()
@Message(id=814, value="Mark not set") IOException markNotSet()
@Message(id=816, value="Redirect encountered establishing connection") String redirect()
@Message(id=900, value="Method \'%s\' is not supported on this implementation") UnsupportedOperationException unsupported(String methodName)
@Message(id=1000, value="Blocking I/O is not allowed on the current thread") IllegalStateException blockingNotAllowed()
@Message(id=1001, value="No XNIO provider found") IllegalArgumentException noProviderFound()
@Message(id=1002, value="Operation was cancelled") CancellationException opCancelled()
@Message(id=1003, value="Running IoFuture notifier %s failed") @LogMessage(level=WARN) void notifierFailed(@Cause Throwable cause, IoFuture.Notifier<?,?> notifier)
@Message(id=1004, value="Operation timed out") TimeoutException opTimedOut()
@Message(id=1005, value="Not allowed to read non-XNIO properties") SecurityException propReadForbidden()
@Message(id=1006, value="Failed to invoke file watch callback") @LogMessage(level=ERROR) void failedToInvokeFileWatchCallback(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=1007, value="A channel event listener threw an exception") @LogMessage(level=ERROR) void listenerException(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=1008, value="A channel exception handler threw an exception") @LogMessage(level=ERROR) void exceptionHandlerException(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=1009, value="Failed to accept a connection on %s: %s") @LogMessage(level=ERROR) void acceptFailed(AcceptingChannel<? extends ConnectedChannel> channel, IOException reason)
@Message(id=1010, value="Failed to submit task to executor: %s (closing %s)") @LogMessage(level=ERROR) void executorSubmitFailed(RejectedExecutionException cause, Channel channel)
@Message(value="Closing resource %s") @LogMessage(level=TRACE) void closingResource(Object resource)
@Message(value="Closing resource %s failed") @LogMessage(level=TRACE) void resourceCloseFailed(@Cause Throwable cause, Object resource)
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