Interface | Description |
Value<T> |
An indirect value.
Class | Description |
CachedValue<T> |
A value which is calculated once only.
CheckedValue<T> |
A value whose type is checked before it is returned.
ClassOfValue<T> |
A value which returns the
Class object of another value. |
ConstructedValue<T> |
A value which is created on demand from a constructor.
DefaultValue<T> |
A defaulted value.
EnvironmentPropertyValue |
A value which comes from an environment property.
FieldValue<T> |
A value which reads a field of an object.
ImmediateValue<T> |
A simple immediately-available value.
InjectedSetValue<T> |
Set value that can have entries injected into it. |
InjectedValue<T> |
A value which is injected from another source.
ListItemValue<T> |
A value which is acquired from a list by numerical index.
ListValue<T> |
A list value.
MapEntry<K,V> |
An immutable key-value object for constructing map instances programmatically.
MapEntryValue<K,V> |
A value which yields a map entry.
MapItemValue<T> |
A value which is acquired from a map by key.
MapValue<K,V> |
A map value.
MethodValue<T> |
A value which is produced by invoking a method.
ReferenceValue<T> |
A value which reads a reference.
SetValue<T> |
A set value.
SystemPropertyValue |
A value which comes from a system property.
ThreadLocalValue<T> |
A thread-local value.
Values |
Value utility methods.
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