Class | Description |
RecoveryEnvironmentBean |
bean storing recovery implementation configuration values derived from the xts properties file,
system property settings and, in case we are running inside JBossAS the xts bean.xml file
WSCEnvironmentBean |
bean storing WS-C implementation configuration values derived from the xts properties file, system property
settings and, in case we are running inside JBossAS the xts bean.xml file
WSCFEnvironmentBean |
bean storing WSCF implementation configuration values derived from the xts properties file, system property
settings and, in case we are running inside JBossAS the xts bean.xml file
WSTEnvironmentBean |
bean storing WS-T 1.0 implementation configuration values derived from the xts properties file, system property
settings and, in case we are running inside JBossAS the xts bean.xml file
XTSEnvironmentBean |
bean holding the configuration proeprty settings which identify intiialisation routines
to be run during XTS startup and shutdown
XTSPropertiesFactory |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
XTSPropertyManager |
class which ensures XTS properties are installed into the environment beans when they are created
and provides access to those beans
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