Interface | Description |
CleanablePasswordBased |
Common interface for all entities which can be set a password in char[] shape,
which can be cleaned once the encryptor is initialized so that no immutable
Strings containing the password are left in memory.
PasswordBased |
Common interface for all entities which can be set a password.
PBEBigDecimalCleanablePasswordEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
BigDecimal message and return a BigDecimal result, and provide means
to set passwords as cleanable char[] objects (instead of
immutable Strings).
PBEBigDecimalEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
BigDecimal message and return a BigDecimal result.
PBEBigIntegerCleanablePasswordEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a BigInteger
message and return a BigInteger result, and provide means
to set passwords as cleanable char[] objects (instead of
immutable Strings).
PBEBigIntegerEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a BigInteger
message and return a BigInteger result.
PBEByteCleanablePasswordEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
byte array message and return a byte array result, and provide means
to set passwords as cleanable char[] objects (instead of
immutable Strings).
PBEByteEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
byte array message and return a byte array result.
PBEStringCleanablePasswordEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
String message and return a String result, and provide means
to set passwords as cleanable char[] objects (instead of
immutable Strings).
PBEStringEncryptor |
Common interface for all Password Based Encryptors which receive a
String message and return a String result.
Class | Description |
PooledPBEBigDecimalEncryptor |
Pooled implementation of
PBEBigDecimalEncryptor that in fact contains
an array of StandardPBEBigDecimalEncryptor objects which are used
to attend encrypt and decrypt requests in round-robin. |
PooledPBEBigIntegerEncryptor |
Pooled implementation of
PBEBigIntegerEncryptor that in fact contains
an array of StandardPBEBigIntegerEncryptor objects which are used
to attend encrypt and decrypt requests in round-robin. |
PooledPBEByteEncryptor |
Pooled implementation of
PBEByteEncryptor that in fact contains
an array of StandardPBEByteEncryptor objects which are used
to attend encrypt and decrypt requests in round-robin. |
PooledPBEStringEncryptor |
Pooled implementation of
PBEStringEncryptor that in fact contains
an array of StandardPBEStringEncryptor objects which are used
to attend encrypt and decrypt requests in round-robin. |
StandardPBEBigDecimalEncryptor |
Standard implementation of the
PBEBigDecimalEncryptor interface. |
StandardPBEBigIntegerEncryptor |
Standard implementation of the
PBEBigIntegerEncryptor interface. |
StandardPBEByteEncryptor |
Standard implementation of the
PBEByteEncryptor interface. |
StandardPBEStringEncryptor |
Standard implementation of the
PBEStringEncryptor interface. |
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