Interface | Description |
MessageFormatter |
This interface provides a generic message formatting mechanism and
is useful for producing messages that must be localized and/or formatted
with replacement text.
Class | Description |
AttributesProxy | |
AugmentationsImpl |
This class provides an implementation for Augmentations interface.
DatatypeMessageFormatter |
Used to format JAXP 1.3 Datatype API error messages using a specified locale.
DefaultErrorHandler |
Default error handler.
DOMEntityResolverWrapper |
This class wraps DOM entity resolver to XNI entity resolver.
DOMErrorHandlerWrapper |
This class handles DOM errors .
DOMInputSource |
XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource . |
DOMUtil |
Some useful utility methods.
EncodingMap |
EncodingMap is a convenience class which handles conversions between
IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and vice versa.
EntityResolver2Wrapper |
This class wraps a SAX entity resolver (EntityResolver2) in an XNI entity resolver.
EntityResolverWrapper |
This class wraps a SAX entity resolver in an XNI entity resolver.
ErrorHandlerProxy |
XMLErrorHandler and make it look like a SAX ErrorHandler . |
ErrorHandlerWrapper |
This class wraps a SAX error handler in an XNI error handler.
HTTPInputSource |
This class represents an input source for an XML resource
retrievable over HTTP.
IntStack |
A simple integer based stack.
JAXPNamespaceContextWrapper |
A read-only XNI wrapper around a JAXP NamespaceContext.
LocatorProxy |
XMLLocator and make it look like a SAX Locator . |
NamespaceSupport |
Namespace support for XML document handlers.
ParserConfigurationSettings |
This class implements the basic operations for managing parser
configuration features and properties.
SAXInputSource |
XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource . |
SAXLocatorWrapper |
A light wrapper around a SAX locator.
SAXMessageFormatter |
Used to format SAX error messages using a specified locale.
SecurityManager |
This class is a container for parser settings that relate to
security, or more specifically, it is intended to be used to prevent denial-of-service
attacks from being launched against a system running Xerces.
ShadowedSymbolTable |
Shadowed symbol table.
SoftReferenceSymbolTable |
This symbol table uses SoftReferences to its String entries, which means that table entries
that have no references to them can be garbage collected when memory is needed.
SoftReferenceSymbolTable.SREntry |
This class is a symbol table entry.
SoftReferenceSymbolTable.SREntryData | |
StAXInputSource |
XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource . |
StAXLocationWrapper |
A light wrapper around a StAX location.
SymbolHash |
This class is an unsynchronized hash table primary used for String
to Object mapping.
SymbolHash.Entry |
This class is a key table entry.
SymbolTable |
This class is a symbol table implementation that guarantees that
strings used as identifiers are unique references.
SymbolTable.Entry |
This class is a symbol table entry.
SynchronizedSymbolTable |
Synchronized symbol table.
A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
XML11Char |
This class defines the basic properties of characters in XML 1.1.
XMLAttributesImpl |
The XMLAttributesImpl class is an implementation of the XMLAttributes
interface which defines a collection of attributes for an element.
XMLCatalogResolver |
The catalog resolver handles the resolution of external
identifiers and URI references through XML catalogs.
XMLChar |
This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XMLEntityDescriptionImpl |
This class is an implementation of the XMLEntityDescription
interface which describes the properties of an entity.
XMLGrammarPoolImpl |
Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key.
XMLGrammarPoolImpl.Entry |
This class is a grammar pool entry.
XMLLocatorWrapper |
A light wrapper around an
XMLLocator . |
XMLResourceIdentifierImpl |
The XMLResourceIdentifierImpl class is an implementation of the
XMLResourceIdentifier interface which defines the location identity
of a resource.
XMLStringBuffer |
XMLString is a structure used to pass character arrays.
XMLSymbols |
All internalized xml symbols.
Exception | Description |
URI.MalformedURIException |
MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI
or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an
invalid URI specification.
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