See: Description
Class | Description |
ProcessorCharacters |
This class processes character events for a XSLT template element.
ProcessorExsltFuncResult |
This class processes parse events for an exslt func:result element.
ProcessorExsltFunction |
This class processes parse events for an exslt func:function element.
ProcessorImport |
This class processes parse events for an xsl:import element.
ProcessorInclude |
TransformerFactory class for xsl:include markup.
ProcessorLRE |
Processes an XSLT literal-result-element, or something that looks
like one.
ProcessorStylesheetDoc |
This class processes the xsl:stylesheet element.
ProcessorStylesheetElement |
TransformerFactory for xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform markup.
ProcessorTemplateElem |
This class processes parse events for an XSLT template element.
ProcessorText |
Process xsl:text.
ProcessorUnknown |
This class processes an unknown template element.
StylesheetHandler |
Initializes and processes a stylesheet via SAX events.
TransformerFactoryImpl |
The TransformerFactoryImpl, which implements the TRaX TransformerFactory
interface, processes XSLT stylesheets into a Templates object
(a StylesheetRoot).
WhitespaceInfoPaths | |
XSLProcessorVersion | Deprecated
To be replaced by org.apache.xalan.Version.getVersion()
XSLTAttributeDef |
This class defines an attribute for an element in a XSLT stylesheet,
is meant to reflect the structure defined in, and the
mapping between Xalan classes and the markup attributes in the element.
XSLTElementDef |
This class defines the allowed structure for an element in a XSLT stylesheet,
is meant to reflect the structure defined in, and the
mapping between Xalan classes and the markup elements in the XSLT instance.
XSLTElementProcessor |
This class acts as the superclass for all stylesheet element
processors, and deals with things that are common to all elements.
XSLTSchema |
This class defines the allowed structure for a stylesheet, and the
mapping between Xalan classes and the markup elements in the stylesheet.
Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object).
StylesheetProcessor implements the TRaX TransformerFactory
as well as the SAXTransformerFactory
It registers the StylesheetHandler
(a TrAX TemplatesHandler
as the SAX ContentHandler for an XMLReader, and uses the XMLReader to parse
the stylesheet document.
Before parsing the XSLT input, StylesheetHandler assembles an XSLTSchema
which uses XSLTElementDef
and XSLTAttributeDef
objects to
recursively define the elements and attributes that an XSLT stylesheet may
contain. The StylesheetHandler then passes on each parse event to the
which the
XSLTElementDef assigned to the element associated with that event.
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