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Package org.apache.xalan.processor

Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object).

See: Description

Package org.apache.xalan.processor Description

Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object).

StylesheetProcessor implements the TRaX TransformerFactory interface, as well as the SAXTransformerFactory interface. It registers the StylesheetHandler object (a TrAX TemplatesHandler implementation) as the SAX ContentHandler for an XMLReader, and uses the XMLReader to parse the stylesheet document.

Before parsing the XSLT input, StylesheetHandler assembles an XSLTSchema, which uses XSLTElementDef and XSLTAttributeDef objects to recursively define the elements and attributes that an XSLT stylesheet may contain. The StylesheetHandler then passes on each parse event to the XSLTElementProcessor which the XSLTElementDef assigned to the element associated with that event.

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