Interface | Description |
MAPAggregator.MAPAggregatorLoader | |
MessageIdCache |
Interface abstracting various ID caches for enforcement of ID uniqueness.
WSAddressingFeature.WSAddressingFeatureApplier |
Class | Description |
AddressingConstants |
Encapsulation of version-specific WS-Addressing constants.
AddressingProperties |
Abstraction of Message Addressing Properties.
AttributedAnyType |
Java class for AttributedAnyType complex type.
AttributedQNameType |
Java class for AttributedQNameType complex type.
AttributedUnsignedLongType |
Java class for AttributedUnsignedLongType complex type.
AttributedURIType |
Java class for AttributedURIType complex type.
ContextUtils |
Holder for utility methods relating to contexts.
EndpointReferenceType |
Java class for EndpointReferenceType complex type.
EndpointReferenceUtils |
Provides utility methods for obtaining endpoint references, wsdl definitions, etc.
JAXWSAConstants |
A container for WS-Addressing constants.
MAPAggregator |
Logical Handler responsible for aggregating the Message Addressing
Properties for outgoing messages.
MetadataType |
Java class for MetadataType complex type.
Names |
Holder for WS-Addressing names (of headers, namespaces etc.).
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ProblemActionType |
Java class for ProblemActionType complex type.
ReferenceParametersType |
Java class for ReferenceParametersType complex type.
RelatesToType |
Java class for RelatesToType complex type.
VersionTransformer |
This class is responsible for transforming between the native
WS-Addressing schema version (i.e.
VersionTransformer.Names200403 |
Holder for 2004/03 Names
VersionTransformer.Names200408 |
Holder for 2004/08 Names
WSAContextUtils |
Holder for utility methods relating to contexts.
WSAddressingFeature |
Enum | Description |
WSAddressingFeature.AddressingResponses |
Exception | Description |
EndpointUtilsException |
Annotation Type | Description |
FaultAction |
If applied on an exception type, the value specifies the WS-Addressing Action
which will be applied if this exception is thrown from a WSA-enabled service.
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