Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected UIComponent |
UIComponentELTag.createComponent(FacesContext context,
String newId)
Create and return a new child component of the type returned by
getComponentType() . |
protected abstract UIComponent |
UIComponentClassicTagBase.createComponent(FacesContext context,
String newId)
Create and return a new child component of the type returned
by calling
getComponentType() . |
protected Converter |
Create and return a new
Converter to be registered
on our surrounding UIComponent . |
protected abstract Converter |
Create and return a new
Converter to be registered
on our surrounding UIComponent . |
protected Validator |
Create and return a new
Validator to be registered
on our surrounding UIComponent . |
protected abstract Validator |
Create and return a new
Validator to be registered
on our surrounding UIComponent . |
int |
Perform any processing necessary to handle the content
implications of CASE 4 in the class description.
int |
Perform any processing necessary to handle the content
implications of CASE 3 in the class description.
int |
void |
Prepare for evaluation of the body.
int |
Create a new instance of the specified
class, and register it with the UIComponent instance associated
with our most immediately surrounding UIComponentTag instance, if
the UIComponent instance was created by this execution of the
containing JSP page. |
int |
Create a new instance of the specified
class, and register it with the UIComponent instance associated
with our most immediately surrounding UIComponentTagBase instance, if
the UIComponent instance was created by this execution of the
containing JSP page. |
int |
Perform any processing necessary to find (or create) the
UIComponent instance in the view corresponding to this
tag instance in the page and, if and only if a component was
created, insert it into the tree at the proper location as
expected by the page author. |
int |
EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE to cause nested body
content to be evaluated. |
int |
Create a new instance of the specified
class, and register it with the UIComponent instance associated
with our most immediately surrounding UIComponentTag instance, if
the UIComponent instance was created by this execution of the
containing JSP page. |
int |
Create a new instance of the specified
class, and register it with the UIComponent instance associated
with our most immediately surrounding UIComponentClassicTagBase instance, if
the UIComponent instance was created by this execution of the
containing JSP page. |
int |
Register the specified attribute name and value with the
UIComponent instance associated with our most immediately
surrounding UIComponentTag instance, if this UIComponent
does not already have a value for the specified attribute name. |
protected UIComponent |
UIComponentClassicTagBase.findComponent(FacesContext context)
Find and return the
UIComponent , from the component
tree, that corresponds to this tag handler instance. |
protected int |
Return the flag value that should be returned from the
doAfterBody() method when it is called. |
protected int |
Return the flag value that should be returned from the
doEnd() method when it is called. |
protected int |
Return the flag value that should be returned from the
doStart() method when it is called. |
void |
ValidatorTag.setBinding(String binding)
Set the expression that will be used to create a
that references a backing bean property of the Validator instance to
be created. |
void |
UIComponentTag.setBinding(String binding)
Set the value binding expression for our component.
void |
ConverterTag.setBinding(String binding)
Set the expression that will be used to create a
that references a backing bean property of the Converter instance to
be created. |
void |
UIComponentELTag.setBinding(ValueExpression binding)
Set the value expression for our component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Exception to be used by a Tag Handler to indicate some unrecoverable
class |
Exception to indicate the calling page must cease evaluation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Continues the iteration when appropriate -- that is, if we (a) have
more items and (b) don't run over our 'end' (given our 'step').
int |
Begins iterating by processing the first item.
int |
Includes its body if condition() evaluates to true.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Default processing for a body.
int |
Process body (re)evaluation.
int |
After the body evaluation: do not reevaluate and continue with the page.
int |
Default processing of the end tag returning EVAL_PAGE.
int |
Must not be called.
int |
Process the end tag for this instance.
int |
Default processing of the end tag returning EVAL_PAGE.
void |
Prepare for evaluation of the body just before the first body evaluation:
no action.
void |
Prepare for evaluation of the body.
int |
Default processing of the start tag, returning SKIP_BODY.
int |
Must not be called.
int |
Process the start tag for this instance.
int |
Default processing of the start tag returning EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED.
void |
Default processing of the tag does nothing.
void |
Called by the container to invoke this tag.
abstract void |
JspFragment.invoke(Writer out)
Executes the fragment and directs all output to the given Writer,
or the JspWriter returned by the getOut() method of the JspContext
associated with the fragment if out is null.
void |
DynamicAttributes.setDynamicAttribute(String uri,
String localName,
Object value)
Called when a tag declared to accept dynamic attributes is passed
an attribute that is not declared in the Tag Library Descriptor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
SPathTag.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Evaluator.evaluate(String pAttributeName,
String pAttributeValue,
Class pExpectedType,
Tag pTag,
PageContext pPageContext)
Conduit to old-style call for convenience.
Object |
Evaluator.evaluate(String pAttributeName,
String pAttributeValue,
Class pExpectedType,
Tag pTag,
PageContext pPageContext,
Map functions,
String defaultPrefix)
Evaluates the expression at request time
static String |
Evaluator.parseAndRender(String pAttributeValue)
Parses the given attribute value, then converts it back to a
String in its canonical form.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Object |
ExpressionEvaluatorManager.coerce(Object value,
Class classe)
Performs a type conversion according to the EL's rules.
static Object |
ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate(String attributeName,
String expression,
Class expectedType,
PageContext pageContext)
Invokes the evaluate() method on the "active" ExpressionEvaluator
for the given pageContext.
static Object |
ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate(String attributeName,
String expression,
Class expectedType,
Tag tag,
PageContext pageContext)
Invokes the evaluate() method on the "active" ExpressionEvaluator
for the given pageContext.
Object |
ExpressionEvaluator.evaluate(String attributeName,
String expression,
Class expectedType,
Tag tag,
PageContext pageContext)
Evaluates the expression at request time.
static ExpressionEvaluator |
ExpressionEvaluatorManager.getEvaluatorByName(String name)
Gets an ExpressionEvaluator from the cache, or seeds the cache
if we haven't seen a particular ExpressionEvaluator before.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
NullAttributeException is a JspTagException that will be thrown
by the JSTL RI handlers when a tag attribute illegally evaluates
to 'null'.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
OutSupport.doAfterBody() |
int |
UrlSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
SetSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
RemoveTag.doEndTag() |
int |
RedirectSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParamSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
OutSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ImportSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
WhenTagSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
UrlSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
RedirectSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
OutSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
ImportSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
ChooseTag.doStartTag() |
protected abstract String |
Evaluates the "default" attribute.
protected abstract boolean |
Evaluates the "escapeXml" attribute.
protected abstract String |
Evaluate the property attribute.
protected abstract Object |
Evaluate the target attribute.
protected abstract Object |
Evaluate the value attribute.
protected abstract Object |
Evaluates the "value" attribute.
static int |
Util.getStyle(String style,
String errCode) |
static String |
UrlSupport.resolveUrl(String url,
String context,
PageContext pageContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TimeZoneSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
SetTimeZoneSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
SetLocaleSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
SetBundleSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
RequestEncodingSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParseNumberSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParseDateSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParamSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
MessageSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
FormatNumberSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
FormatDateSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
TimeZoneSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
MessageSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
BundleSupport.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Execute the SQL statement, set either through the
attribute or as the body, and save the result as a variable
named by the var attribute in the scope specified
by the scope attribute, as an object that implements
the Result interface. |
int |
Commits the transaction.
int |
Execute the SQL statement, set either through the
attribute or as the body, and save the result as a variable
named by the var attribute in the scope specified
by the scope attribute, as an object that implements
the Result interface. |
int |
ParamTagSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
DateParamTagSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
Prepares for execution by setting the initial state, such as
getting the
Connection |
int |
Prepares for execution by setting the initial state, such as
getting the
Connection and preparing it for
the transaction. |
int |
SetDataSourceTagSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
Prepares for execution by setting the initial state, such as
getting the
Connection |
int |
DriverTag.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
ForEachTag.doAfterBody() |
int |
TransformSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParseSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
ParamSupport.doEndTag() |
int |
TransformSupport.doStartTag() |
int |
SetTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ExprSupport.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
UrlTag.doStartTag() |
int |
RedirectTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParamTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ImportTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ForTokensTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ForEachTag.doStartTag() |
protected String |
OutTag.evalDefault() |
protected boolean |
OutTag.evalEscapeXml() |
static Object |
ExpressionUtil.evalNotNull(String tagName,
String attributeName,
String expression,
Class expectedType,
Tag tag,
PageContext pageContext)
Evaluates an expression if present, but does not allow the expression
to evaluate to 'null', throwing a NullAttributeException if it
protected String |
SetTag.evalProperty() |
protected Object |
SetTag.evalTarget() |
protected Object |
SetTag.evalValue() |
protected Object |
OutTag.evalValue() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TimeZoneTag.doStartTag() |
int |
SetTimeZoneTag.doStartTag() |
int |
SetLocaleTag.doStartTag() |
int |
SetBundleTag.doStartTag() |
int |
RequestEncodingTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParseNumberTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParseDateTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParamTag.doStartTag() |
int |
MessageTag.doStartTag() |
int |
FormatNumberTag.doStartTag() |
int |
FormatDateTag.doStartTag() |
int |
BundleTag.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
UpdateTag.doStartTag() |
int |
TransactionTag.doStartTag() |
int |
SetDataSourceTag.doStartTag() |
int |
QueryTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParamTag.doStartTag() |
int |
DateParamTag.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TransformTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParseTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ParamTag.doStartTag() |
int |
ExprTag.doStartTag() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TransactionTag.doStartTag() |
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