public interface WebSocketHttpExchange extends Closeable
- async - blocking - servlet
This class provides a way to operate on the underling exchange while providing the correct semantics regardless of the underlying exchange type.
The main use case for this is web sockets. Web sockets should be able to perform a handshake regardless of the nature of the underlying request, while still respecting servlet filters, security etc.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Forcibly close the exchange.
void |
End the exchange normally.
<T> T |
getAttachment(AttachmentKey<T> key) |
ByteBufferPool |
getBufferPool() |
OptionMap |
getOptions() |
Set<WebSocketChannel> |
getPeerConnections() |
String |
getQueryString() |
String |
getRequestHeader(String headerName)
gets the first request header with the specified name
Map<String,List<String>> |
getRequestHeaders() |
Map<String,List<String>> |
getRequestParameters() |
String |
Get the request scheme, usually http or https
String |
getRequestURI() |
String |
getResponseHeader(String headerName)
get a response header
Map<String,List<String>> |
getResponseHeaders() |
Object |
Gets the session, if any
Principal |
getUserPrincipal() |
boolean |
isUserInRole(String role) |
<T> void |
putAttachment(AttachmentKey<T> key,
T value) |
IoFuture<byte[]> |
Gets the body of the request.
IoFuture<Void> |
sendData(ByteBuffer data)
Send some data
void |
setResponseHeader(String headerName,
String headerValue)
Set a response header
void |
setResponseHeaders(Map<String,List<String>> headers)
Sets the response headers
void |
upgradeChannel(HttpUpgradeListener upgradeCallback)
Upgrade the underlying channel
<T> void putAttachment(AttachmentKey<T> key, T value)
<T> T getAttachment(AttachmentKey<T> key)
String getRequestHeader(String headerName)
- The header nameMap<String,List<String>> getRequestHeaders()
String getResponseHeader(String headerName)
- The header nameMap<String,List<String>> getResponseHeaders()
void setResponseHeaders(Map<String,List<String>> headers)
void setResponseHeader(String headerName, String headerValue)
- The header nameheaderValue
- The header valuevoid upgradeChannel(HttpUpgradeListener upgradeCallback)
- IoFuture<Void> sendData(ByteBuffer data)
- The dataIoFuture<byte[]> readRequestData()
void endExchange()
void close()
in interface AutoCloseable
in interface Closeable
String getRequestScheme()
String getRequestURI()
ByteBufferPool getBufferPool()
String getQueryString()
Object getSession()
Principal getUserPrincipal()
boolean isUserInRole(String role)
Set<WebSocketChannel> getPeerConnections()
OptionMap getOptions()
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