public interface UndertowMessages
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static UndertowMessages |
static final UndertowMessages MESSAGES
@Message(id=1, value="Maximum concurrent requests must be larger than zero.") IllegalArgumentException maximumConcurrentRequestsMustBeLargerThanZero()
@Message(id=2, value="The response has already been started") IllegalStateException responseAlreadyStarted()
@Message(id=4, value="getResponseChannel() has already been called") IllegalStateException responseChannelAlreadyProvided()
@Message(id=5, value="getRequestChannel() has already been called") IllegalStateException requestChannelAlreadyProvided()
@Message(id=8, value="Handler cannot be null") IllegalArgumentException handlerCannotBeNull()
@Message(id=9, value="Path must be specified") IllegalArgumentException pathMustBeSpecified()
@Message(id=10, value="Session not found %s") IllegalStateException sessionNotFound(String session)
@Message(id=11, value="Session manager must not be null") IllegalStateException sessionManagerMustNotBeNull()
@Message(id=12, value="Session manager was not attached to the request. Make sure that the SessionAttachmentHandler is installed in the handler chain") IllegalStateException sessionManagerNotFound()
@Message(id=13, value="Argument %s cannot be null") IllegalArgumentException argumentCannotBeNull(String argument)
@Message(id=14, value="close() called with data still to be flushed. Please call shutdownWrites() and then call flush() until it returns true before calling close()") IOException closeCalledWithDataStillToBeFlushed()
@Message(id=16, value="Could not add cookie as cookie handler was not present in the handler chain") IllegalStateException cookieHandlerNotPresent()
@Message(id=17, value="Form value is a file, use getFile() instead") IllegalStateException formValueIsAFile()
@Message(id=18, value="Form value is a String, use getValue() instead") IllegalStateException formValueIsAString()
@Message(id=19, value="Connection from %s terminated as request entity was larger than %s") IOException requestEntityWasTooLarge(SocketAddress address, long size)
@Message(id=20, value="Connection terminated as request was larger than %s") IOException requestEntityWasTooLarge(long size)
@Message(id=21, value="Session already invalidated") IllegalStateException sessionAlreadyInvalidated()
@Message(id=22, value="The specified hash algorithm \'%s\' can not be found.") IllegalArgumentException hashAlgorithmNotFound(String algorithmName)
@Message(id=23, value="An invalid Base64 token has been received.") IllegalArgumentException invalidBase64Token(@Cause IOException cause)
@Message(id=24, value="An invalidly formatted nonce has been received.") IllegalArgumentException invalidNonceReceived()
@Message(id=25, value="Unexpected token \'%s\' within header.") IllegalArgumentException unexpectedTokenInHeader(String name)
@Message(id=26, value="Invalid header received.") IllegalArgumentException invalidHeader()
@Message(id=27, value="Could not find session cookie config in the request") IllegalStateException couldNotFindSessionCookieConfig()
@Message(id=28, value="Session %s already exists") IllegalStateException sessionAlreadyExists(String id)
@Message(id=29, value="Channel was closed mid chunk, if you have attempted to write chunked data you cannot shutdown the channel until after it has all been written.") IOException chunkedChannelClosedMidChunk()
@Message(id=30, value="User %s successfully authenticated.") String userAuthenticated(String userName)
@Message(id=31, value="User %s has logged out.") String userLoggedOut(String userName)
@Message(id=33, value="Authentication type %s cannot be combined with %s") IllegalStateException authTypeCannotBeCombined(String type, String existing)
@Message(id=34, value="Stream is closed") IOException streamIsClosed()
@Message(id=35, value="Cannot get stream as startBlocking has not been invoked") IllegalStateException startBlockingHasNotBeenCalled()
@Message(id=36, value="Connection terminated parsing multipart data") IOException connectionTerminatedReadingMultiPartData()
@Message(id=37, value="Failed to parse path in HTTP request") RuntimeException failedToParsePath()
@Message(id=38, value="Authentication failed, requested user name \'%s\'") String authenticationFailed(String userName)
@Message(id=39, value="To many query parameters, cannot have more than %s query parameters") RuntimeException tooManyQueryParameters(int noParams)
@Message(id=40, value="To many headers, cannot have more than %s header") RuntimeException tooManyHeaders(int noParams)
@Message(id=41, value="Channel is closed") ClosedChannelException channelIsClosed()
@Message(id=42, value="Could not decode trailers in HTTP request") IOException couldNotDecodeTrailers()
@Message(id=43, value="Data is already being sent. You must wait for the completion callback to be be invoked before calling send() again") IllegalStateException dataAlreadyQueued()
@Message(id=44, value="More than one predicate with name %s. Builder class %s and %s") IllegalStateException moreThanOnePredicateWithName(String name, Class<? extends PredicateBuilder> aClass, Class<? extends PredicateBuilder> existing)
@Message(id=45, value="Error parsing predicated handler string %s:%n%s") IllegalArgumentException errorParsingPredicateString(String reason, String s)
@Message(id=46, value="The number of cookies sent exceeded the maximum of %s") IllegalStateException tooManyCookies(int maxCookies)
@Message(id=47, value="The number of parameters exceeded the maximum of %s") IllegalStateException tooManyParameters(int maxValues)
@Message(id=48, value="No request is currently active") IllegalStateException noRequestActive()
@Message(id=50, value="AuthenticationMechanism Outcome is null") IllegalStateException authMechanismOutcomeNull()
@Message(id=51, value="Not a valid IP pattern %s") IllegalArgumentException notAValidIpPattern(String peer)
@Message(id=52, value="Session data requested when non session based authentication in use") IllegalStateException noSessionData()
@Message(id=53, value="Listener %s already registered") IllegalArgumentException listenerAlreadyRegistered(String name)
@Message(id=54, value="The maximum size %s for an individual file in a multipart request was exceeded") IOException maxFileSizeExceeded(long maxIndividualFileSize)
@Message(id=55, value="Could not set attribute %s to %s as it is read only") String couldNotSetAttribute(String attributeName, String newValue)
@Message(id=56, value="Could not parse URI template %s, exception at char %s") RuntimeException couldNotParseUriTemplate(String path, int i)
@Message(id=57, value="Mismatched braces in attribute string %s") RuntimeException mismatchedBraces(String valueString)
@Message(id=58, value="More than one handler with name %s. Builder class %s and %s") IllegalStateException moreThanOneHandlerWithName(String name, Class<? extends HandlerBuilder> aClass, Class<? extends HandlerBuilder> existing)
@Message(id=59, value="Invalid syntax %s") IllegalArgumentException invalidSyntax(String line)
@Message(id=60, value="Error parsing handler string %s:%n%s") IllegalArgumentException errorParsingHandlerString(String reason, String s)
@Message(id=61, value="Out of band responses only allowed for 100-continue requests") IllegalArgumentException outOfBandResponseOnlyAllowedFor100Continue()
@Message(id=62, value="AJP does not support HTTP upgrade") IllegalStateException ajpDoesNotSupportHTTPUpgrade()
@Message(id=63, value="File system watcher already started") IllegalStateException fileSystemWatcherAlreadyStarted()
@Message(id=64, value="File system watcher not started") IllegalStateException fileSystemWatcherNotStarted()
@Message(id=65, value="SSL must be specified to connect to a https URL") IOException sslWasNull()
@Message(id=66, value="Incorrect magic number %s for AJP packet header") IOException wrongMagicNumber(int number)
@Message(id=67, value="No client cert was provided") SSLPeerUnverifiedException peerUnverified()
@Message(id=68, value="Servlet path match failed") IllegalArgumentException servletPathMatchFailed()
@Message(id=69, value="Could not parse set cookie header %s") IllegalArgumentException couldNotParseCookie(String headerValue)
@Message(id=70, value="method can only be called by IO thread") IllegalStateException canOnlyBeCalledByIoThread()
@Message(id=71, value="Cannot add path template %s, matcher already contains an equivalent pattern %s") IllegalStateException matcherAlreadyContainsTemplate(String templateString, String templateString1)
@Message(id=72, value="Failed to decode url %s to charset %s") IllegalArgumentException failedToDecodeURL(String s, String enc, @Cause Exception e)
@Message(id=73, value="Resource change listeners are not supported") IllegalArgumentException resourceChangeListenerNotSupported()
@Message(id=74, value="Could not renegotiate SSL connection to require client certificate, as client had sent more data") IllegalStateException couldNotRenegotiate()
@Message(id=75, value="Object was freed") IllegalStateException objectWasFreed()
@Message(id=76, value="Handler not shutdown") IllegalStateException handlerNotShutdown()
@Message(id=77, value="The underlying transport does not support HTTP upgrade") IllegalStateException upgradeNotSupported()
@Message(id=78, value="Renegotiation not supported") IOException renegotiationNotSupported()
@Message(id=79, value="Not a valid user agent pattern %s") IllegalArgumentException notAValidUserAgentPattern(String userAgent)
@Message(id=80, value="Not a valid regular expression pattern %s") IllegalArgumentException notAValidRegularExpressionPattern(String pattern)
@Message(id=81, value="Bad request") RuntimeException badRequest()
@Message(id=82, value="Host %s already registered") RuntimeException hostAlreadyRegistered(Object host)
@Message(id=83, value="Host %s has not been registered") RuntimeException hostHasNotBeenRegistered(Object host)
@Message(id=84, value="Attempted to write additional data after the last chunk") IOException extraDataWrittenAfterChunkEnd()
@Message(id=85, value="Could not generate unique session id") RuntimeException couldNotGenerateUniqueSessionId()
@Message(id=86, value="SPDY needs to be provided with a heap buffer pool, for use in compressing and decompressing headers.") IllegalArgumentException mustProvideHeapBuffer()
@Message(id=87, value="Unexpected SPDY frame type %s") IOException unexpectedFrameType(int type)
@Message(id=88, value="SPDY control frames cannot have body content") IOException controlFrameCannotHaveBodyContent()
@Message(id=89, value="SPDY not supported") IOException spdyNotSupported()
@Message(id=90, value="No ALPN implementation available (tried Jetty ALPN and JDK9)") IOException alpnNotAvailable()
@Message(id=91, value="Buffer has already been freed") IllegalStateException bufferAlreadyFreed()
@Message(id=92, value="A SPDY header was too large to fit in a response buffer, if you want to support larger headers please increase the buffer size") IllegalStateException headersTooLargeToFitInHeapBuffer()
@Message(id=93, value="A SPDY stream was reset by the remote endpoint") IOException spdyStreamWasReset()
@Message(id=94, value="Blocking await method called from IO thread. Blocking IO must be dispatched to a worker thread or deadlocks will result.") IOException awaitCalledFromIoThread()
@Message(id=95, value="Recursive call to flushSenders()") RuntimeException recursiveCallToFlushingSenders()
@Message(id=96, value="More data was written to the channel than specified in the content-length") IllegalStateException fixedLengthOverflow()
@Message(id=97, value="AJP request already in progress") IllegalStateException ajpRequestAlreadyInProgress()
@Message(id=98, value="HTTP ping data must be 8 bytes in length") String httpPingDataMustBeLength8()
@Message(id=99, value="Received a ping of size other than 8") String invalidPingSize()
@Message(id=100, value="stream id must be zero for frame type %s") String streamIdMustBeZeroForFrameType(int frameType)
@Message(id=101, value="stream id must not be zero for frame type %s") String streamIdMustNotBeZeroForFrameType(int frameType)
@Message(id=102, value="RST_STREAM received for idle stream") String rstStreamReceivedForIdleStream()
@Message(id=103, value="Http2 stream was reset") IOException http2StreamWasReset()
@Message(id=104, value="Incorrect HTTP2 preface") IOException incorrectHttp2Preface()
@Message(id=105, value="HTTP2 frame to large") IOException http2FrameTooLarge()
@Message(id=106, value="HTTP2 continuation frame received without a corresponding headers or push promise frame") IOException http2ContinuationFrameNotExpected()
@Message(id=107, value="Huffman encoded value in HPACK headers did not end with EOS padding") HpackException huffmanEncodedHpackValueDidNotEndWithEOS()
@Message(id=108, value="HPACK variable length integer encoded over too many octects, max is %s") HpackException integerEncodedOverTooManyOctets(int maxIntegerOctets)
@Message(id=109, value="Zero is not a valid header table index") HpackException zeroNotValidHeaderTableIndex()
@Message(id=110, value="Cannot send 100-Continue, getResponseChannel() has already been called") IOException cannotSendContinueResponse()
@Message(id=111, value="Parser did not make progress") IOException parserDidNotMakeProgress()
@Message(id=112, value="Only client side can call createStream, if you wish to send a PUSH_PROMISE frame use createPushPromiseStream instead") IOException headersStreamCanOnlyBeCreatedByClient()
@Message(id=113, value="Only the server side can send a push promise stream") IOException pushPromiseCanOnlyBeCreatedByServer()
@Message(id=114, value="Invalid IP access control rule %s. Format is: [ip-match] allow|deny") IllegalArgumentException invalidAclRule(String rule)
@Message(id=115, value="Server received PUSH_PROMISE frame from client") IOException serverReceivedPushPromise()
@Message(id=116, value="CONNECT not supported by this connector") IllegalStateException connectNotSupported()
@Message(id=117, value="Request was not a CONNECT request") IllegalStateException notAConnectRequest()
@Message(id=118, value="Cannot reset buffer, response has already been commited") IllegalStateException cannotResetBuffer()
@Message(id=119, value="HTTP2 via prior knowledge failed") IOException http2PriRequestFailed()
@Message(id=120, value="Out of band responses are not allowed for this connector") IllegalStateException outOfBandResponseNotSupported()
@Message(id=121, value="Session was rejected as the maximum number of sessions (%s) has been hit") IllegalStateException tooManySessions(int maxSessions)
@Message(id=122, value="CONNECT attempt failed as target proxy returned %s") IOException proxyConnectionFailed(int responseCode)
@Message(id=123, value="MCMP message %s rejected due to suspicious characters") RuntimeException mcmpMessageRejectedDueToSuspiciousCharacters(String data)
@Message(id=124, value="renegotiation timed out") IllegalStateException rengotiationTimedOut()
@Message(id=125, value="Request body already read") IllegalStateException requestBodyAlreadyRead()
@Message(id=126, value="Attempted to do blocking IO from the IO thread. This is prohibited as it may result in deadlocks") IllegalStateException blockingIoFromIOThread()
@Message(id=127, value="Response has already been sent") IllegalStateException responseComplete()
@Message(id=128, value="Remote peer closed connection before all data could be read") IOException couldNotReadContentLengthData()
@Message(id=129, value="Failed to send after being safe to send") IllegalStateException failedToSendAfterBeingSafe()
@Message(id=130, value="HTTP reason phrase was too large for the buffer. Either provide a smaller message or a bigger buffer. Phrase: %s") IllegalStateException reasonPhraseToLargeForBuffer(String phrase)
@Message(id=131, value="Buffer pool is closed") IllegalStateException poolIsClosed()
@Message(id=132, value="HPACK decode failed") HpackException hpackFailed()
@Message(id=133, value="Request did not contain an Upgrade header, upgrade is not permitted") IllegalStateException notAnUpgradeRequest()
@Message(id=134, value="Authentication mechanism %s requires property %s to be set") IllegalStateException authenticationPropertyNotSet(String name, String header)
@Message(id=135, value="renegotiation failed") IllegalStateException rengotiationFailed()
@Message(id=136, value="User agent charset string must have an even number of items, in the form pattern,charset,pattern,charset,... Instead got: %s") IllegalArgumentException userAgentCharsetMustHaveEvenNumberOfItems(String supplied)
@Message(id=137, value="Could not find the datasource called %s") IllegalArgumentException datasourceNotFound(String ds)
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