Package | Description |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON
processor: most importantly
used for constructing
JSON parser (JsonParser )
and generator
(JsonGenerator )
instances. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base |
Base classes used by concrete Parser and Generator implementations;
contain functionality that is not specific to JSON or input
abstraction (byte vs char).
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json |
JSON-specific parser and generator implementation classes that
Jackson defines and uses.
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util |
Utility classes used by Jackson Core functionality.
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind |
Contains basic mapper (conversion) functionality that
allows for converting between regular streaming json content and
Java objects (beans or Tree Model: support for both is via
ObjectMapper class, as well
as convenience methods included in
JsonParser |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node |
Contains concrete
JsonNode implementations
Jackson uses for the Tree model. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util |
Utility classes for Mapper package.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
Object that implements conversion functionality between
Java objects and JSON content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
JsonParser._codec() |
abstract ObjectCodec |
Accessor for
ObjectCodec associated with this
parser, if any. |
abstract ObjectCodec |
Method for accessing the object used for writing Java
object as Json content
(using method
JsonGenerator.writeObject(java.lang.Object) ). |
ObjectCodec |
JsonFactory.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract void |
JsonParser.setCodec(ObjectCodec c)
Setter that allows defining
ObjectCodec associated with this
parser, if any. |
abstract JsonGenerator |
JsonGenerator.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
Method that can be called to set or reset the object to
use for writing Java objects as JsonContent
(using method
JsonGenerator.writeObject(java.lang.Object) ). |
JsonFactory |
JsonFactory.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
Method for associating a
ObjectCodec (typically
a com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper )
with this factory (and more importantly, parsers and generators
it constructs). |
JsonParser |
TreeNode.traverse(ObjectCodec codec)
Same as
TreeNode.traverse() , but additionally passes ObjectCodec
to use if JsonParser.readValueAs(Class) is used (otherwise caller must call
JsonParser.setCodec(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.ObjectCodec) on response explicitly). |
Constructor and Description |
JsonFactory(JsonFactory src,
ObjectCodec codec)
Constructor used when copy()ing a factory instance.
JsonFactory(ObjectCodec oc) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
GeneratorBase._objectCodec |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCodec |
GeneratorBase.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JsonGenerator |
GeneratorBase.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc) |
Constructor and Description |
GeneratorBase(int features,
ObjectCodec codec) |
GeneratorBase(int features,
ObjectCodec codec,
JsonWriteContext ctxt) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
Codec used for data binding when (if) requested; typically full
ObjectMapper , but that abstract is not part of core
package. |
protected ObjectCodec |
ReaderBasedJsonParser._objectCodec |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCodec |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getCodec() |
ObjectCodec |
ReaderBasedJsonParser.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JsonParser |
ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper.constructParser(int parserFeatures,
ObjectCodec codec,
BytesToNameCanonicalizer rootByteSymbols,
CharsToNameCanonicalizer rootCharSymbols,
int factoryFeatures) |
void |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.setCodec(ObjectCodec c) |
void |
ReaderBasedJsonParser.setCodec(ObjectCodec c) |
Constructor and Description |
JsonGeneratorImpl(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
ObjectCodec codec) |
ReaderBasedJsonParser(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
Reader r,
ObjectCodec codec,
CharsToNameCanonicalizer st)
Method called when input comes as a
Reader , and buffer allocation
can be done using default mechanism. |
ReaderBasedJsonParser(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
Reader r,
ObjectCodec codec,
CharsToNameCanonicalizer st,
char[] inputBuffer,
int start,
int end,
boolean bufferRecyclable)
Method called when caller wants to provide input buffer directly,
and it may or may not be recyclable use standard recycle context.
UTF8JsonGenerator(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
ObjectCodec codec,
OutputStream out) |
UTF8JsonGenerator(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
ObjectCodec codec,
OutputStream out,
byte[] outputBuffer,
int outputOffset,
boolean bufferRecyclable) |
UTF8StreamJsonParser(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
InputStream in,
ObjectCodec codec,
BytesToNameCanonicalizer sym,
byte[] inputBuffer,
int start,
int end,
boolean bufferRecyclable) |
WriterBasedJsonGenerator(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
ObjectCodec codec,
Writer w) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCodec |
JsonParserDelegate.getCodec() |
ObjectCodec |
JsonGeneratorDelegate.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JsonParserDelegate.setCodec(ObjectCodec c) |
JsonGenerator |
JsonGeneratorDelegate.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This mapper (or, data binder, or codec) provides functionality for
converting between Java objects (instances of JDK provided core classes,
beans), and matching JSON constructs.
class |
Builder object that can be used for per-serialization configuration of
deserialization parameters, such as root type to use or object
to update (instead of constructing new instance).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<C extends ObjectCodec> |
Fallback access method that allows modules to refer to the
ObjectMapper that provided this context. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
TreeTraversingParser._objectCodec |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCodec |
TreeTraversingParser.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TreeTraversingParser.setCodec(ObjectCodec c) |
JsonParser |
BaseJsonNode.traverse(ObjectCodec codec) |
Constructor and Description |
TreeTraversingParser(JsonNode n,
ObjectCodec codec) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCodec |
TokenBuffer.Parser._codec |
protected ObjectCodec |
Object codec to use for stream-based object
conversion through parser/generator interfaces.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCodec |
TokenBuffer.getCodec() |
ObjectCodec |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getCodec() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JsonParser |
TokenBuffer.asParser(ObjectCodec codec)
Method used to create a
JsonParser that can read contents
stored in this buffer. |
JsonGenerator |
TokenBuffer.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc) |
void |
TokenBuffer.Parser.setCodec(ObjectCodec c) |
Constructor and Description |
Parser(TokenBuffer.Segment firstSeg,
ObjectCodec codec,
boolean hasNativeTypeIds,
boolean hasNativeObjectIds) |
TokenBuffer(ObjectCodec codec)
since 2.3 preferred variant is one that takes
JsonParser or additional boolean parameter. |
TokenBuffer(ObjectCodec codec,
boolean hasNativeIds) |
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