int _errorCode
Object _data
SoapFaultType soapFaultType
QName subcode
QName subSubcode
String reason
String node
String detail
String role
boolean headerFault
String action
Logger log
Logger log
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
Object value
String name
Operation operation
BindingInput bindingInput
BindingOutput bindingOutput
Map<K,V> bindingFaults
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
String documentBaseURI
QName name
String targetNamespace
Map<K,V> namespaces
Map<K,V> imports
Types types
Map<K,V> messages
Map<K,V> bindings
Map<K,V> portTypes
Map<K,V> services
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
ExtensionRegistry extReg
String namespaceURI
String locationURI
Definition definition
List<E> nativeAttributeNames
String namespace
ImageViewerCanvas canvas
Image image
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
Image canvas_image
TextArea text_area
GridBagLayout panel_gb
Panel button_panel
Button save_button
File text_file
String text_buffer
InputStream data_ins
FileInputStream fis
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
TextArea text_area
File text_file
String text_buffer
DataHandler _dh
boolean DEBUG
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
InternetAddress addr
String cmd
int rc
public void readExternal(ObjectInput arg0) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput arg0) throws IOException
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- If the class for an object being
restored cannot be found.IOException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- Includes any I/O exceptions that may occurException causeException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
Throwable cause
The underlying exception that caused this exception.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reconstruct FacesMessage
serialized artifacts.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Persist FacesMessage
including the non serializable Severity
FacesMessage.Severity severity
String summary
String detail
String viewId
The view identifier of the view that could not be restored.
FacesMessage facesMessage
FacesMessage facesMessage
Behavior behavior
PhaseId phaseId
FacesContext context
PhaseId phaseId
Object oldValue
The previous local value of the source UIComponent
Object newValue
The current local value of the source UIComponent
Object data
int index
SelectItem[] selectItems
FacesMessage message
String path
int line
int column
String converterId
The identifier of the Converter
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Converter
String name
The name of this facet. This will be used as the facet name for
our UIComponentTag
child in our UIComponentTag
parent's facet list.
String validatorId
The identifier of the Validator
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Validator
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
method that checks for their known
instances before calling this super method.ObjectStreamException
String type
Exception next
int type
String message
String ref
int pos
String address
String personal
String encodedPersonal
This field and the personal
field track each
other, so if a subclass sets one of these fields directly, it
should set the other to null
, so that it is
suitably recomputed.
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
Address address
SearchTerm[] terms
Date date
boolean set
then test whether all the specified flags are present, else
test whether all the specified flags are absent.Flags flags
String headerName
SearchTerm term
SearchTerm[] terms
Message.RecipientType type
Message.RecipientType type
String pattern
boolean ignoreCase
Object entity
Object entity
Object entity
Query query
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If a class can not be foundIOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
- Thrown if an error occursPropertyDescriptor[] invalidProperties
String userName
char[] password
ManagedConnectionFactory mcf
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If a class can not be foundIOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
- Thrown if an error occursprivate void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
String actions
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
String actions
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String actions
Throwable rootCause
ServletRequest request
Servlet servlet
boolean permanent
int seconds
Throwable mRootCause
boolean result
String var
int scope
Integer i
ValueExpression orig
int i
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
int begin
int end
int step
boolean beginSpecified
boolean endSpecified
boolean stepSpecified
String itemId
String statusId
ValueExpression deferredExpression
ValueExpression oldMappedValue
LoopTagStatus status
Object item
int index
int count
boolean last
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
BodyContent bodyContent
Response response
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String id
int intId
QName name
Class<T> declaredType
Class<T> scope
for global xml element declaration.
- local element declaration has a scope set to the Java class
representation of complex type defintion containing
xml element declaration.Object value
boolean nil
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Throwable cause
Key key
Throwable cause
Object value
SOAPFault fault
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.FileConfigurationDelegate delegate
interface.NodeCombiner nodeCombiner
ConfigurationNode combinedRoot
List<E> configurations
Map<K,V> namedConfigurations
ExpressionEngine conversionExpressionEngine
boolean forceReloadCheck
StringBuffer keyBuffer
Configuration configuration
CombinedConfiguration constructedConfiguration
Map<K,V> providers
String configurationBasePath
Map<K,V> configs
List<E> configurations
Map<K,V> namedConfigurations
String keyPattern
NodeCombiner nodeCombiner
HierarchicalConfiguration.Node root
ConfigurationNode rootNode
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration config
String path
boolean trailing
boolean init
HierarchicalConfiguration parent
String subnodeKey
Document document
Map<K,V> registeredEntities
String rootElementName
String publicID
String systemID
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder
boolean validating
boolean attributeSplittingDisabled
Throwable cause
Throwable cause
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String name
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String name
Message message
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Message message
AtomicInteger modCount
Service service
Binding binding
EndpointInfo endpointInfo
Executor executor
Bus bus
MessageObserver inFaultObserver
MessageObserver outFaultObserver
List<E> activeFeatures
Destination destination
boolean oneWay
boolean synchronous
Message inMessage
Message outMessage
Message inFaultMessage
Message outFaultMessage
Session session
Bus bus
Endpoint endpoint
Service service
Binding binding
BindingOperationInfo bindingOp
org.apache.html.dom.HTMLCollectionImpl _anchors
object with live collection of all
anchors in document. This reference is on demand only _forms
object with live collection of all
forms in document. This reference is on demand only _images
object with live collection of all
images in document. This reference is on demand only _links
object with live collection of all
links in document. This reference is on demand only _applets
object with live collection of all
applets in document. This reference is on demand only once.StringWriter _writer
, etc) to write new contents into the document and parse
that text into a document _areas
org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLCollection _options
org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLCollection _cells
String authInfo
String authInfo
String name
String managerName
String description
String custodyTransferUrl
String inquiryUrl
String publishUrl
String securityUrl
String subscriptionUrl
String subscriptionListenerUrl
String juddiApiUrl
String proxyTransport
String factoryInitial
String factoryURLPkgs
String factoryNamingProvider
String publisherName
String emailAddress
String isAdmin
String isEnabled
Integer maxBindingsPerService
Integer maxBusinesses
Integer maxServicePerBusiness
Integer maxTModels
List<E> signature
String authorizedName
Log logger
UDDIClerkManager manager
Properties properties
Transport transport
boolean isHomeJUDDI
String name
String managerName
String description
String custodyTransferUrl
String inquiryUrl
String publishUrl
String securityUrl
String subscriptionUrl
String subscriptionListenerUrl
String juddiApiUrl
String proxyTransport
String factoryInitial
String factoryURLPkgs
String factoryNamingProvider
QName serviceQName
String portName
URL serviceUrl
URL wsdlUrl
Definition wsdlDefinition
String version
RegistrationType registrationType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream arg0) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream arg0) throws IOException
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String[] shortMonths
String fullInfo
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
String[] rep
boolean specialConstructor
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
String[] tokenImage
String eol
Throwable mRootCause
boolean specialConstructor
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
String[] tokenImage
String eol
String var
boolean caught
ForEachSupport.ForEachIterator items
Object rawItems
Object items
String delims
StringTokenizer st
String url
String context
String var
int scope
ParamSupport.ParamManager params
String value
String context
String var
int scope
ParamSupport.ParamManager params
String basename
String prefix
LocalizationContext locCtxt
Object value
boolean valueSpecified
String type
String pattern
String currencyCode
String currencySymbol
boolean isGroupingUsed
boolean groupingUsedSpecified
int maxIntegerDigits
boolean maxIntegerDigitsSpecified
int minIntegerDigits
boolean minIntegerDigitsSpecified
int maxFractionDigits
boolean maxFractionDigitsSpecified
int minFractionDigits
boolean minFractionDigitsSpecified
String var
int scope
String keyAttrValue
boolean keySpecified
LocalizationContext bundleAttrValue
boolean bundleSpecified
String var
int scope
List<E> params
Object value
boolean valueSpecified
Object value
String var
int scope
Object rawDataSource
boolean dataSourceSpecified
String sql
int maxRows
boolean maxRowsSpecified
int startRow
Connection conn
List<E> parameters
boolean isPartOfTransaction
Object rawDataSource
boolean dataSourceSpecified
Connection conn
int isolation
int origIsolation
XPath select
boolean escapeXml
XPath select
XPathContext context
XPath select
Object xml
boolean xmlSpecified
String xmlSystemId
Object xslt
String xsltSystemId
Result result
String var
int scope
Transformer t
XmlUtil.JstlEntityResolver entityResolver
XmlUtil.JstlUriResolver uriResolver
XPath select
String test
String test
String value_
String type_
String pattern_
String currencyCode_
String currencySymbol_
String groupingUsed_
String maxIntegerDigits_
String minIntegerDigits_
String maxFractionDigits_
String minFractionDigits_
String value_
String value_
String basename_
String value_
String value_
String valueEL
String escapeXml_
String isolationRT
Log log
Log log
Properties properties
boolean closed
boolean synchronous
Set<E> credentials
IRegistryBase registry
String postalScheme
int maxRows
String uddiVersion
UDDIClerkManager manager
String faultActor
String faultCode
String faultString
DispositionReport dispReport
ObjectFactory objectFactory
String faultActor
String faultCode
String faultString
DispositionReport dispReport
ObjectFactory objectFactory
PublicKey publicKey
String name
AssertionWrapper assertion
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
String m_styleURL
String m_documentURL
String PARAM_styleURL
String PARAM_documentURL
String m_styleURLOfCached
String m_documentURLOfCached
URL m_codeBase
String m_treeURL
URL m_documentBase
Node m_firstBackPointer
StringBuffer m_accumulator
ElemText m_xslTextElement
String m_href
IntStack m_savedLastOrder
XSLTElementDef m_elemDef
String m_simpleString
Vector<E> m_parts
String m_rawName
String m_name
String m_uri
String m_val
XPath m_xpath
DecimalFormatSymbols m_dfs
QName m_qname
QName m_mode
boolean m_isDefaultTemplate
QName m_qname
QName m_templateName
ElemTemplate m_template
ElemWithParam[] m_paramElems
XPath m_selectExpression
AVT m_name_avt
AVT m_namespace_avt
boolean m_isResultSet
XObject m_result
int m_callerFrameSize
String m_extns
String m_lang
String m_srcURL
String m_scriptSrc
ElemExtensionDecl m_decl
String m_prefix
StringVector m_functions
StringVector m_elements
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream os) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
boolean m_doc_cache_off
Expression m_selectExpression
XPath m_xpath
Vector<E> m_sortElems
XPath m_test
boolean isLiteralResultAsStylesheet
List<E> m_avts
List<E> m_xslAttr
String m_namespace
String m_localName
String m_rawName
StringVector m_ExtensionElementURIs
String m_version
StringVector m_excludeResultPrefixes
CharArrayWrapper m_alphaCountTable
XPath m_countMatchPattern
XPath m_fromMatchPattern
int m_level
XPath m_valueExpr
AVT m_format_avt
AVT m_lang_avt
AVT m_lettervalue_avt
AVT m_groupingSeparator_avt
AVT m_groupingSize_avt
AVT m_name_atv
XPath m_selectExpression
AVT m_lang_avt
AVT m_dataType_avt
AVT m_order_avt
AVT m_caseorder_avt
String m_publicId
String m_systemId
Stylesheet m_stylesheet
XPath m_matchPattern
QName m_name
QName m_mode
double m_priority
int m_frameSize
int m_inArgsSize
int[] m_argsQNameIDs
int m_lineNumber
int m_endLineNumber
int m_columnNumber
int m_endColumnNumber
boolean m_defaultSpace
boolean m_hasTextLitOnly
boolean m_hasVariableDecl
List<E> m_declaredPrefixes
List<E> m_prefixTable
s for this element
and all parent elements, screened for excluded m_docOrderNumber
ElemTemplateElement m_parentNode
ElemTemplateElement m_nextSibling
ElemTemplateElement m_firstChild
boolean m_preserveSpace
char[] m_ch
String m_str
boolean m_disableOutputEscaping
QName[] m_attributeSetsNames
XPath m_selectExpression
boolean m_isDot
boolean m_disableOutputEscaping
int m_index
int m_frameSize
XPath m_selectPattern
QName m_qname
boolean m_isTopLevel
XUnresolvedVariableSimple m_lazyVar
XPath m_test
int m_index
XPath m_selectPattern
QName m_qname
int m_qnameID
String m_StylesheetPrefix
String m_StylesheetNamespace
String m_ResultPrefix
String m_ResultNamespace
Properties m_properties
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, TransformerException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException
String m_XmlnsXsl
StringVector m_ExtensionElementURIs
StringVector m_ExcludeResultPrefixs
String m_Id
String m_Version
boolean m_isCompatibleMode
Vector<E> m_imports
Vector<E> m_includes
Stack<E> m_DecimalFormatDeclarations
Vector<E> m_whitespaceStrippingElements
Vector<E> m_whitespacePreservingElements
Vector<E> m_output
Vector<E> m_keyDeclarations
Vector<E> m_attributeSets
Vector<E> m_topLevelVariables
Vector<E> m_templates
Vector<E> m_prefix_aliases
Hashtable<K,V> m_NonXslTopLevel
String m_href
String m_publicId
String m_systemId
StylesheetRoot m_stylesheetRoot
Stylesheet m_stylesheetParent
int m_importNumber
int m_importCountComposed
int m_endImportCountComposed
boolean m_optimizer
boolean m_incremental
boolean m_source_location
boolean m_isSecureProcessing
HashMap<K,V> m_availElems
StylesheetComposed[] m_globalImportList
OutputProperties m_outputProperties
boolean m_outputMethodSet
HashMap<K,V> m_attrSets
Hashtable<K,V> m_decimalFormatSymbols
Vector<E> m_keyDecls
Hashtable<K,V> m_namespaceAliasComposed
TemplateList m_templateList
Vector<E> m_variables
TemplateList m_whiteSpaceInfoList
ElemTemplate m_defaultTextRule
ElemTemplate m_defaultRule
ElemTemplate m_defaultRootRule
ElemTemplate m_startRule
XPath m_selectDefault
String m_extensionHandlerClass
Hashtable<K,V> m_namedTemplates
Hashtable<K,V> m_patternTable
org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_wildCardPatterns
org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_textPatterns
org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_docPatterns
org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_commentPatterns
DTMIterator m_keysNodes
XMLString m_ref
QName m_name
Vector<E> m_keyDeclarations
String _msg
ErrorMsg _error
SyntaxTreeNode _node
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
String _name
byte[][] _bytecodes
Class<T>[] _class
int _transletIndex
Hashtable _auxClasses
Properties _outputProperties
int _indentNumber
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
String data
DocumentTypeImpl docType
ElementImpl docElement
String encoding
String actualEncoding
String version
boolean standalone
String fDocumentURI
Hashtable<K,V> userData
Hashtable<K,V> identifiers
int changes
Any method that alters the tree structure MUST cause or be accompanied by a call to changed(), to inform it that any outstanding NodeLists may have to be updated.
(Required because NodeList is simultaneously "live" and integer- indexed -- a bad decision in the DOM's design.)
Note that changes which do not affect the tree's structure -- changing the node's name, for example -- do _not_ have to call changed().
Alternative implementation would be to use a cryptographic Digest value rather than a count. This would have the advantage that "harmless" changes (those producing equal() trees) would not force NodeList to resynchronize. Disadvantage is that it's slightly more prone to "false negatives", though that's the difference between "wildly unlikely" and "absurdly unlikely". IF we start maintaining digests, we should consider taking advantage of them. Note: This used to be done a node basis, so that we knew what subtree changed. But since only DeepNodeList really use this today, the gain appears to be really small compared to the cost of having an int on every (parent) node plus having to walk up the tree all the way to the root to mark the branch as changed everytime a node is changed. So we now have a single counter global to the document. It means that some objects may flush their cache more often than necessary, but this makes nodes smaller and only the document needs to be marked as changed.
boolean allowGrammarAccess
boolean errorChecking
boolean xmlVersionChanged
int documentNumber
int nodeCounter
Hashtable<K,V> nodeTable
boolean xml11Version
Vector<E> iterators
Vector<E> ranges
Hashtable<K,V> eventListeners
boolean mutationEvents
org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl.EnclosingAttr savedEnclosingAttr
String name
NamedNodeMapImpl entities
NamedNodeMapImpl notations
NamedNodeMapImpl elements
String publicID
String systemID
String internalSubset
int doctypeNumber
Hashtable<K,V> userData
String name
NamedNodeMapImpl attributes
String name
AttributeMap attributes
String name
String publicId
String systemId
String encoding
String inputEncoding
String version
String notationName
String baseURI
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
NodeImpl ownerNode
short flags
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
CoreDocumentImpl ownerDocument
ChildNode firstChild
String target
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
XSAttributeDeclaration fDeclaration
XSTypeDefinition fTypeDecl
boolean fSpecified
String fNormalizedValue
Object fActualValue
short fActualValueType
ShortList fItemValueTypes
XSSimpleTypeDefinition fMemberType
short fValidationAttempted
short fValidity
StringList fErrorCodes
String fValidationContext
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
XSElementDeclaration fDeclaration
XSTypeDefinition fTypeDecl
boolean fNil
boolean fSpecified
String fNormalizedValue
Object fActualValue
short fActualValueType
ShortList fItemValueTypes
XSNotationDeclaration fNotation
XSSimpleTypeDefinition fMemberType
short fValidationAttempted
short fValidity
StringList fErrorCodes
String fValidationContext
XSModel fSchemaInformation
MessageFormatter fFormatter
Locale fLocale
String fDomain
String fKey
Object[] fArguments
String fMessage
String fKey
String regex
int options
int nofparen
org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex.Token tokentree
boolean hasBackReferences
String m_scheme
String m_userinfo
String m_host
int m_port
String m_regAuthority
String m_path
String m_queryString
String m_fragment
Exception fException
short fType
String fIdentifier
String fPublicId
String fLiteralSystemId
String fExpandedSystemId
String fBaseSystemId
int fLineNumber
int fColumnNumber
int fCharacterOffset
SourceLocator locator
Throwable containedException
Exception m_exception
Locator m_locator
int m_blocksize
String[] m_map
int m_firstFree
int m_mapSize
String m_scheme
String m_userinfo
String m_host
int m_port
String m_path
String m_queryString
String m_fragment
Exception m_exception
ExpressionNode m_parent
DTMManager m_manager
int m_root
Expression m_mainExp
String m_patternString
DTM m_dtm
AxesWalker m_nextWalker
AxesWalker m_prevWalker
int m_axis
DTMAxisTraverser m_traverser
Expression m_expr
boolean m_mustHardReset
boolean m_canDetachNodeset
Expression m_expr
boolean m_mustHardReset
boolean m_canDetachNodeset
Expression m_expr
boolean m_mustHardReset
boolean m_canDetachNodeset
DTMIterator m_orig
ArrayList<E> m_freeStack
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, TransformerException
boolean m_allowDetach
boolean m_isTopLevel
PrefixResolver m_prefixResolver
StepPattern m_pattern
int m_superAxis
DTMAxisTraverser m_traverser
int m_last
int m_next
org.apache.xpath.axes.NodeSequence.IteratorCache m_cache
Multiple NodeSequence objects may share the same cache.
DTMIterator m_iter
DTMManager m_dtmMgr
int m_axis
DTMAxisIterator m_iterator
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, TransformerException
int m_predCount
LocPathIterator m_lpi
Expression[] m_predicates
DTMAxisIterator m_iterator
PredicatedNodeTest[] m_nodeTests
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, TransformerException
LocPathIterator[] m_exprs
DTMIterator[] m_iterators
AxesWalker m_lastUsedWalker
AxesWalker m_firstWalker
String m_namespace
String m_extensionName
Object m_methodKey
Vector<E> m_argVec
Expression m_arg1
Expression m_arg2
Expression[] m_args
Expression m_arg0
Object m_origObj
Object m_obj
DTMXRTreeFrag m_DTMXRTreeFrag
int m_dtmRoot
boolean m_allowRelease
XMLString m_xmlStr
int m_start
int m_length
String m_strCache
int m_start
int m_length
String m_strCache
int m_hash
Expression m_left
Expression m_right
Expression m_right
boolean m_fixUpWasCalled
QName m_qname
int m_index
boolean m_isGlobal
Expression m_functionExpr
.int m_whatToShow
String m_namespace
String m_name
XNumber m_score
, or
.boolean m_isTotallyWild
.int m_axis
String m_targetString
StepPattern m_relativePathPattern
Expression[] m_predicates
StepPattern[] m_patterns
SQLException sqle
String sql
Serializable identifier
String entityName
String queryString
String entityName
Serializable identifier
String name
Serializable identifier
String entityName
Serializable identifier
String entityName
PersistentCollection collection
Serializable key
String collectionRole
AfterTransactionCompletionProcess afterTransactionProcess
boolean emptySnapshot
Object affectedOwner
String entityName
Serializable id
boolean isDelayed
EntityKey delayedEntityKey
EntityKey entityKey
Serializable generatedId
Object[] state
Object[] previousState
Object previousVersion
int[] dirtyFields
boolean hasDirtyCollection
Object rowId
Object[] previousNaturalIdValues
Object nextVersion
Object cacheEntry
SoftLock lock
Logger log
BulkAccessor bulkAccessor
Class<T> mappedClass
Throwable myCause
int index
FastClass fastClass
ReflectionOptimizer.InstantiationOptimizer instantiationOptimizer
ReflectionOptimizer.AccessOptimizer accessOptimizer
Serializable key
Type type
String entityOrRoleName
String tenantId
int hashCode
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
Serializable[] naturalIdValues
String entityName
String tenantId
int hashCode
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- Thrown by normal deserializationClassNotFoundException
- Thrown by normal deserializationString sqlQueryString
Type[] positionalParameterTypes
Object[] positionalParameterValues
Map<K,V> namedParameters
Integer firstRow
Integer maxRows
String tenantIdentifier
Set<E> filterKeys
CacheableResultTransformer customTransformer
Serializable state
Object reference
EntityPersister subclassPersister
Serializable[] disassembledState
String subclass
boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched
Object version
Mappings mappings
Collection collection
Map<K,V> localInheritedMetas