Interface | Description |
STRParser |
This interface describes a pluggable way of extracting credentials from SecurityTokenReference
Class | Description |
BSPEnforcer |
This class enforces processing rules for SecurityTokenReferences to various token elements,
according to the Basic Security Profile (BSP) specification.
DerivedKeyTokenSTRParser |
This implementation of STRParser is for parsing a SecurityTokenReference element associated
with a DerivedKeyToken element.
EncryptedKeySTRParser |
This implementation of STRParser is for parsing a SecurityTokenReference element, found in the
KeyInfo element associated with an EncryptedKey element
SecurityTokenRefSTRParser |
This implementation of STRParser is for parsing a SecurityTokenReference element, found in the
KeyInfo element associated with an EncryptedData element.
SignatureSTRParser |
This implementation of STRParser is for parsing a SecurityTokenReference element, found in the
KeyInfo element associated with a Signature element.
Enum | Description |
ISSUER_SERIAL - A certificate (chain) is located by the issuer name and serial number of the
(root) cert
THUMBPRINT_SHA1 - A certificate (chain) is located by the SHA1 thumbprint of the (root) cert
KEY_IDENTIFIER - A certificate (chain) is located via a Key Identifier Element
DIRECT_REF - A certificate (chain) is located directly via an Id to another security token
Note that a Thumbprint reference is also a KeyIdentifier, but takes precedence over it.
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