public class RequestData extends Object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected boolean |
requireSignedEncryptedDataElements |
Constructor and Description |
RequestData() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
clear() |
String |
getActor() |
AlgorithmSuite |
getAlgorithmSuite() |
List<String> |
Get the Audience Restrictions
CallbackHandler |
Returns the CallbackHandler used for this request.
Crypto |
getDecCrypto() |
int |
Get the derived key iterations.
X509Certificate |
getEncCert() |
Crypto |
getEncCrypto() |
String |
getEncDigestAlgorithm() |
int |
getEncKeyId() |
String |
getEncKeyTransport() |
List<WSEncryptionPart> |
getEncryptParts() |
boolean |
getEncryptSymmetricEncryptionKey() |
String |
getEncSymmAlgo() |
String |
getEncUser() |
Object |
getMsgContext() |
ReplayCache |
Get the replay cache for Nonces
int |
getOriginalSignatureActionPosition() |
String |
getPwType() |
AlgorithmSuite |
getSamlAlgorithmSuite() |
ReplayCache |
Get the replay cache for SAML2 OneTimeUse Assertions
WSSecHeader |
getSecHeader() |
int |
getSecretKeyLength() |
String |
getSigAlgorithm() |
Crypto |
getSigCrypto() |
String |
getSigDigestAlgorithm() |
int |
getSigKeyId() |
String |
getSignatureC14nAlgorithm() |
List<WSEncryptionPart> |
getSignatureParts() |
String |
getSignatureUser() |
List<byte[]> |
getSignatureValues() |
SOAPConstants |
getSoapConstants() |
Collection<Pattern> |
Get the Signature Subject Cert Constraints
ReplayCache |
Get the replay cache for Timestamps
int |
getTimeToLive() |
String |
getUsername() |
String[] |
getUtElements() |
Validator |
getValidator(QName qName)
Get the Validator instance corresponding to the QName
WSSConfig |
getWssConfig() |
boolean |
isAppendSignatureAfterTimestamp() |
boolean |
isNoSerialization() |
boolean |
isRequireSignedEncryptedDataElements() |
boolean |
Get whether to enable CRL checking or not when verifying trust in a certificate.
boolean |
Return whether to derive keys as per the UsernameTokenProfile
1.1 spec.
boolean |
Whether to use the derived key for a MAC.
boolean |
Whether to use a single certificate or a whole certificate chain when
constructing a BinarySecurityToken used for direct reference in Signature.
void |
setActor(String actor) |
void |
setAlgorithmSuite(AlgorithmSuite algorithmSuite) |
void |
setAppendSignatureAfterTimestamp(boolean appendSignatureAfterTimestamp) |
void |
setAudienceRestrictions(List<String> audienceRestrictions)
Set the Audience Restrictions
void |
setCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler cb)
Sets the CallbackHandler used for this request
void |
setDecCrypto(Crypto decCrypto) |
void |
setDerivedKeyIterations(int iterations)
Set the derived key iterations.
void |
setEnableRevocation(boolean enableRevocation)
Set whether to enable CRL checking or not when verifying trust in a certificate.
void |
setEncCert(X509Certificate encCert) |
void |
setEncCrypto(Crypto encCrypto) |
void |
setEncDigestAlgorithm(String encDigestAlgorithm) |
void |
setEncKeyId(int encKeyId) |
void |
setEncKeyTransport(String encKeyTransport) |
void |
setEncryptSymmetricEncryptionKey(boolean encrypt) |
void |
setEncSymmAlgo(String encSymmAlgo) |
void |
setEncUser(String encUser) |
void |
setMsgContext(Object msgContext) |
void |
setNonceReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
Set the replay cache for Nonces
void |
setNoSerialization(boolean noSerialization) |
void |
setOriginalSignatureActionPosition(int originalSignatureActionPosition) |
void |
setPwType(String pwType) |
void |
setRequireSignedEncryptedDataElements(boolean requireSignedEncryptedDataElements)
Configure the engine to verify that EncryptedData elements
are in a signed subtree of the document.
void |
setSamlAlgorithmSuite(AlgorithmSuite samlAlgorithmSuite) |
void |
setSamlOneTimeUseReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
Set the replay cache for SAML2 OneTimeUse Assertions
void |
setSecHeader(WSSecHeader secHeader) |
void |
setSecretKeyLength(int length) |
void |
setSigAlgorithm(String sigAlgorithm) |
void |
setSigCrypto(Crypto sigCrypto) |
void |
setSigDigestAlgorithm(String sigDigestAlgorithm) |
void |
setSigKeyId(int sigKeyId) |
void |
setSignatureC14nAlgorithm(String signatureC14nAlgorithm) |
void |
setSignatureUser(String signatureUser) |
void |
setSoapConstants(SOAPConstants soapConstants) |
void |
setSubjectCertConstraints(Collection<Pattern> subjectCertConstraints)
Set the Signature Subject Cert Constraints
void |
setTimestampReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
Set the replay cache for Timestamps
void |
setTimeToLive(int timeToLive) |
void |
setUseDerivedKey(boolean derivedKey) |
void |
setUseDerivedKeyForMAC(boolean useMac)
Whether to use the derived key for a MAC.
void |
setUsername(String username) |
void |
setUseSingleCert(boolean useSingleCert)
Whether to use a single certificate or a whole certificate chain when
constructing a BinarySecurityToken used for direct reference in Signature.
void |
setUtElements(String[] utElements) |
void |
setWssConfig(WSSConfig wssConfig) |
protected boolean requireSignedEncryptedDataElements
public void clear()
public String getSignatureC14nAlgorithm()
public void setSignatureC14nAlgorithm(String signatureC14nAlgorithm)
public Object getMsgContext()
public void setMsgContext(Object msgContext)
public boolean isNoSerialization()
public void setNoSerialization(boolean noSerialization)
public SOAPConstants getSoapConstants()
public void setSoapConstants(SOAPConstants soapConstants)
public String getActor()
public void setActor(String actor)
public void setSecretKeyLength(int length)
public int getSecretKeyLength()
public String getUsername()
public void setUsername(String username)
public void setEncryptSymmetricEncryptionKey(boolean encrypt)
public boolean getEncryptSymmetricEncryptionKey()
public String getPwType()
public void setPwType(String pwType)
public String[] getUtElements()
public void setUtElements(String[] utElements)
public Crypto getSigCrypto()
public void setSigCrypto(Crypto sigCrypto)
public Crypto getDecCrypto()
public void setDecCrypto(Crypto decCrypto)
public int getSigKeyId()
public void setSigKeyId(int sigKeyId)
public String getSigAlgorithm()
public void setSigAlgorithm(String sigAlgorithm)
public String getSigDigestAlgorithm()
public void setSigDigestAlgorithm(String sigDigestAlgorithm)
public String getEncDigestAlgorithm()
public void setEncDigestAlgorithm(String encDigestAlgorithm)
public List<WSEncryptionPart> getSignatureParts()
public String getSignatureUser()
public void setSignatureUser(String signatureUser)
public Crypto getEncCrypto()
public void setEncCrypto(Crypto encCrypto)
public int getEncKeyId()
public void setEncKeyId(int encKeyId)
public String getEncSymmAlgo()
public void setEncSymmAlgo(String encSymmAlgo)
public String getEncKeyTransport()
public void setEncKeyTransport(String encKeyTransport)
public String getEncUser()
public void setEncUser(String encUser)
public List<WSEncryptionPart> getEncryptParts()
public X509Certificate getEncCert()
public void setEncCert(X509Certificate encCert)
public int getTimeToLive()
public void setTimeToLive(int timeToLive)
public WSSConfig getWssConfig()
public void setWssConfig(WSSConfig wssConfig)
- The wssConfig to set.public List<byte[]> getSignatureValues()
public WSSecHeader getSecHeader()
public void setSecHeader(WSSecHeader secHeader)
- The secHeader to set.public void setUseDerivedKey(boolean derivedKey)
- Set whether to derive keys as per the
UsernameTokenProfile 1.1 spec. Default is true.public boolean isUseDerivedKey()
public void setDerivedKeyIterations(int iterations)
- The number of iterations to use when deriving a keypublic int getDerivedKeyIterations()
public void setUseDerivedKeyForMAC(boolean useMac)
- Whether to use the derived key for a MAC.public boolean isUseDerivedKeyForMAC()
public void setUseSingleCert(boolean useSingleCert)
- true if only to use a single certificatepublic boolean isUseSingleCert()
public void setEnableRevocation(boolean enableRevocation)
- whether to enable CRL checkingpublic boolean isRevocationEnabled()
public boolean isRequireSignedEncryptedDataElements()
public void setRequireSignedEncryptedDataElements(boolean requireSignedEncryptedDataElements)
- public void setCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler cb)
- public CallbackHandler getCallbackHandler()
public Validator getValidator(QName qName) throws WSSecurityException
- the QName with which to find a Validator instanceWSSecurityException
public void setTimestampReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
public ReplayCache getTimestampReplayCache()
public void setNonceReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
public ReplayCache getNonceReplayCache()
public void setSamlOneTimeUseReplayCache(ReplayCache newCache)
public ReplayCache getSamlOneTimeUseReplayCache() throws WSSecurityException
public void setSubjectCertConstraints(Collection<Pattern> subjectCertConstraints)
public Collection<Pattern> getSubjectCertConstraints()
public void setAudienceRestrictions(List<String> audienceRestrictions)
public boolean isAppendSignatureAfterTimestamp()
public void setAppendSignatureAfterTimestamp(boolean appendSignatureAfterTimestamp)
public AlgorithmSuite getAlgorithmSuite()
public void setAlgorithmSuite(AlgorithmSuite algorithmSuite)
public AlgorithmSuite getSamlAlgorithmSuite()
public void setSamlAlgorithmSuite(AlgorithmSuite samlAlgorithmSuite)
public int getOriginalSignatureActionPosition()
public void setOriginalSignatureActionPosition(int originalSignatureActionPosition)
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