public final class DOMUtils extends Object
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
DOMUtils.NullResolver |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
addNamespacePrefix(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
String prefix)
Add a namespace prefix definition to an element.
static Set<QName> |
convertStringsToQNames(List<String> expandedQNames) |
static QName |
convertStringToQName(String expandedQName) |
static QName |
convertStringToQName(String expandedQName,
String prefix) |
static Document |
createDocument() |
static String |
createNamespace(Element el,
String ns) |
static QName |
createQName(String qualifiedName,
Node node)
Creates a QName object based on the qualified name
and using the Node as a base to lookup the namespace
for the prefix
static List<Element> |
findAllElementsByTagName(Element elem,
String tagName) |
static List<Element> |
findAllElementsByTagNameNS(Element elem,
String nameSpaceURI,
String localName) |
static Element |
findChildWithAtt(Node parent,
String elemName,
String attName,
String attVal)
Find the first direct child with a given attribute.
static String |
getAllContent(Node n)
Get the text content of a node and all it's children or null if there is no text
static String |
getAttribute(Element element,
QName attName) |
static String |
getAttribute(Node element,
String attName) |
static String |
getAttributeValueEmptyNull(Element e,
String attributeName)
This function is much like getAttribute, but returns null, not "", for a nonexistent attribute.
static Node |
getChild(Node parent,
int type)
Get the first child of the specified type.
static Node |
getChild(Node parent,
String name)
Get the first element child.
static String |
getChildContent(Node parent,
String name)
Get the first child's content ( ie it's included TEXT node ).
static List<Element> |
getChildrenWithName(Element parent,
String ns,
String localName)
Return child elements with specified name.
static List<Element> |
getChildrenWithNamespace(Element parent,
String ns)
Returns all child elements with specified namespace.
static String |
getContent(Node n)
Get the trimmed text content of a node or null if there is no text
static QName |
getElementQName(Element el) |
static Element |
getFirstChildWithName(Element parent,
QName q)
Return the first element child with the specified qualified name.
static Element |
getFirstChildWithName(Element parent,
String ns,
String lp)
Return the first element child with the specified qualified name.
static Element |
getFirstElement(Node parent)
Get the first direct child with a given type
static String |
getNamespace(Node node,
String searchPrefix)
Starting from a node, find the namespace declaration for a prefix.
static Node |
getNext(Node current)
Get the next sibling with the same name and type
static Node |
getNext(Node current,
String name,
int type)
Return the next sibling with a given name and type
static Element |
getNextElement(Element el) |
static String |
getPrefix(Element el,
String ns) |
static void |
getPrefixes(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
List<String> prefixes)
Get all prefixes defined on this element for the specified namespace.
static void |
getPrefixesRecursive(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
List<String> prefixes)
Get all prefixes defined, up to the root, for a namespace URI.
static String |
getPrefixRecursive(Element el,
String ns) |
static String |
getRawContent(Node n)
Get the raw text content of a node or null if there is no text
static boolean |
hasAttribute(Element element,
String value) |
static boolean |
hasElementInNS(Element el,
String namespace) |
static boolean |
hasElementWithName(Element el,
String nameSpaceURI,
String localName) |
static Document |
Creates a new Docuement object
static Document |
readXml(InputStream is)
Read XML as DOM.
static Document |
readXml(Reader is) |
static Document |
readXml(StreamSource is) |
static void |
removeAttribute(Node node,
String attName) |
static void |
setAttribute(Node node,
String attName,
String val) |
static String |
setNamespace(Element element,
String namespace,
String prefix)
Set a namespace/prefix on an element if it is not set already.
static void |
setText(Node node,
String val)
Set or replace the text value
static void |
writeXml(Node n,
OutputStream os) |
public static Document newDocument()
public static Document createDocument()
public static String getAttributeValueEmptyNull(Element e, String attributeName)
- attributeName
- public static String getAllContent(Node n)
public static String getContent(Node n)
public static String getRawContent(Node n)
public static Node getChild(Node parent, String name)
- lookup direct childsname
- name of the element. If null return the first element.public static Element findChildWithAtt(Node parent, String elemName, String attName, String attVal)
- elemName
- name of the element, or null for anyattName
- attribute we're looking forattVal
- attribute value or null if we just want anypublic static String getChildContent(Node parent, String name)
public static QName createQName(String qualifiedName, Node node)
- node
- public static Element getFirstElement(Node parent)
public static Element getFirstChildWithName(Element parent, QName q)
- q
- public static Element getFirstChildWithName(Element parent, String ns, String lp)
- ns
- lp
- public static List<Element> getChildrenWithName(Element parent, String ns, String localName)
- ns
- localName
- public static List<Element> getChildrenWithNamespace(Element parent, String ns)
- the element to search underns
- the namespace to find elements inpublic static Node getChild(Node parent, int type)
- type
- public static Node getNext(Node current, String name, int type)
public static Document readXml(InputStream is) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException
public static Document readXml(Reader is) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException
public static Document readXml(StreamSource is) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException
public static void writeXml(Node n, OutputStream os) throws TransformerException
public static void getPrefixesRecursive(Element element, String namespaceUri, List<String> prefixes)
- namespaceUri
- prefixes
- public static void getPrefixes(Element element, String namespaceUri, List<String> prefixes)
- namespaceUri
- prefixes
- public static String getNamespace(Node node, String searchPrefix)
- search up from here to search for namespace definitionssearchPrefix
- the prefix we are searching forpublic static List<Element> findAllElementsByTagNameNS(Element elem, String nameSpaceURI, String localName)
public static List<Element> findAllElementsByTagName(Element elem, String tagName)
public static boolean hasElementWithName(Element el, String nameSpaceURI, String localName)
public static String setNamespace(Element element, String namespace, String prefix)
- namespace
- prefix
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