public class ClassReader extends ByteArrayInputStream
This does not work for inherited methods. To obtain parameter names for inherited methods, you must use a paramReader for the class that originally declared the method.
don't get tricky, it's the bare minimum. Instances of this class are not threadsafe -- don't share them.
buf, count, mark, pos
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
ClassReader(byte[] buf,
Map<String,Method> attrMethods) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static Map<String,Method> |
findAttributeReaders(Class<?> c) |
protected static byte[] |
getBytes(Class<?> c)
load the bytecode for a given class, by using the class's defining
classloader and assuming that for a class named P.C, the bytecodes are in
a resource named /P/C.class.
protected static String |
getSignature(Member method,
Class<?>[] paramTypes) |
protected void |
read an attributes array.
void |
read a code attribute
protected void |
readCpool() |
protected int |
readInt() |
protected int |
readShort() |
protected Class<?> |
resolveClass(int i) |
protected Field |
resolveField(int i) |
protected Member |
resolveMethod(int index) |
protected org.apache.cxf.common.util.ClassReader.NameAndType |
resolveNameAndType(int i) |
protected String |
resolveUtf8(int i) |
protected void |
skipAttributes() |
protected void |
skipFully(int n)
skip n bytes in the input stream.
available, close, mark, markSupported, read, read, reset, skip
protected static byte[] getBytes(Class<?> c) throws IOException
- the class of interestIOException
protected final int readShort()
protected final int readInt()
protected void skipFully(int n) throws IOException
protected final Member resolveMethod(int index) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException
protected final Field resolveField(int i) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException
protected final org.apache.cxf.common.util.ClassReader.NameAndType resolveNameAndType(int i) throws IOException
protected final Class<?> resolveClass(int i) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
protected final String resolveUtf8(int i) throws IOException
protected final void readCpool() throws IOException
protected final void skipAttributes() throws IOException
protected final void readAttributes() throws IOException
public void readCode() throws IOException
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