Package | Description |
org.apache.cxf |
Contains the Bus, which is the central touch point of CXF, and its related classes.
org.apache.cxf.binding |
Interfaces for protocol bindings and their factories.
org.apache.cxf.buslifecycle | |
org.apache.cxf.databinding | |
org.apache.cxf.endpoint |
Client and Server related classes.
org.apache.cxf.feature | |
org.apache.cxf.feature.validation | |
org.apache.cxf.interceptor |
Core interceptor interfaces which form the basis for message processing chains
in CXF.
org.apache.cxf.message | |
org.apache.cxf.service |
This package and its sub packages contain classes relating to services and the CXF
service model
org.apache.cxf.transport |
Transport related classes.
| | |
org.apache.cxf.wsdl |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static Bus |
BusFactory.defaultBus |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Bus |
Creates a new bus.
static Bus |
BusFactory.getAndSetThreadDefaultBus(Bus bus)
Sets the default bus for the thread.
static Bus |
Returns the default bus, creating it if necessary.
static Bus |
BusFactory.getDefaultBus(boolean createIfNeeded)
Returns the default bus
static Bus |
Gets the default bus for the thread.
static Bus |
BusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus(boolean createIfNeeded)
Gets the default bus for the thread, creating if needed
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
BusFactory.clearDefaultBusForAnyThread(Bus bus)
Removes a bus from being a thread default bus for any thread.
static Bus |
BusFactory.getAndSetThreadDefaultBus(Bus bus)
Sets the default bus for the thread.
protected void |
BusFactory.initializeBus(Bus bus) |
static boolean |
BusFactory.possiblySetDefaultBus(Bus bus)
Sets the default bus if a default bus is not already set.
static void |
BusFactory.setDefaultBus(Bus bus)
Sets the default bus.
static void |
BusFactory.setThreadDefaultBus(Bus bus)
Sets the default bus for the thread.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Bus |
AbstractBaseBindingFactory.bus |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Bus |
AbstractBaseBindingFactory.getBus() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractBaseBindingFactory.setBus(Bus bus) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractBaseBindingFactory(Bus b) |
AbstractBaseBindingFactory(Bus b,
Collection<String> ns) |
AbstractBindingFactory(Bus b) |
AbstractBindingFactory(Bus b,
Collection<String> ns) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BusCreationListener.busCreated(Bus b)
Invoked to create a BusLifeCycleListener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Bus |
AbstractDataBinding.getBus() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractDataBinding.setBus(Bus bus)
This call is used to set the bus.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Bus |
ServerImpl.bus |
protected Bus |
ManagedEndpoint.bus |
protected Bus |
ClientImpl.bus |
protected Bus |
AbstractEndpointFactory.bus |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Bus |
EndpointImpl.getBus() |
Bus |
ClientImpl.getBus() |
Bus |
Retrieves the Bus that was used to create the Client
Bus |
AbstractEndpointFactory.getBus() |
Bus |
AbstractEndpointFactory.getBus(boolean createIfNeeded) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EndpointImpl |
SimpleEndpointImplFactory.newEndpointImpl(Bus bus,
Service service,
EndpointInfo endpointInfo)
Create an EndpointImpl from a bus, service, and endpoint info.
EndpointImpl |
EndpointImplFactory.newEndpointImpl(Bus bus,
Service service,
EndpointInfo endpointInfo)
Create an EndpointImpl from a bus, service, and endpoint info.
void |
EndpointImpl.setBus(Bus bus) |
void |
AbstractEndpointFactory.setBus(Bus bus) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientImpl(Bus b,
Endpoint e) |
ClientImpl(Bus b,
Endpoint e,
Conduit c) |
ClientImpl(Bus b,
Endpoint e,
ConduitSelector sc) |
ClientImpl(Bus bus,
Service svc,
QName port,
EndpointImplFactory endpointImplFactory)
Create a Client that uses a specific EndpointImpl.
ClientImpl(Bus bus,
URL wsdlUrl,
QName service,
QName port)
Create a Client that uses the default EndpointImpl.
ClientImpl(Bus bus,
URL wsdlUrl,
QName service,
QName port,
EndpointImplFactory endpointImplFactory)
Create a Client that uses a specific EndpointImpl.
EndpointImpl(Bus bus,
Service s,
EndpointInfo ei) |
EndpointImpl(Bus bus,
Service s,
QName endpointName) |
ManagedEndpoint(Bus b,
Endpoint ep,
Server s) |
ServerImpl(Bus bus,
Endpoint endpoint,
DestinationFactory destinationFactory,
BindingFactory bindingFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WrappedFeature.initialize(Bus bus) |
void |
Feature.initialize(Bus bus) |
void |
AbstractFeature.initialize(Bus bus) |
void |
WrappedFeature.initialize(Client client,
Bus bus) |
void |
Feature.initialize(Client client,
Bus bus) |
void |
AbstractFeature.initialize(Client client,
Bus bus) |
void |
WrappedFeature.initialize(InterceptorProvider interceptorProvider,
Bus bus) |
void |
Feature.initialize(InterceptorProvider interceptorProvider,
Bus bus) |
void |
AbstractFeature.initialize(InterceptorProvider interceptorProvider,
Bus bus) |
void |
WrappedFeature.initialize(Server server,
Bus bus) |
void |
Feature.initialize(Server server,
Bus bus) |
void |
AbstractFeature.initialize(Server server,
Bus bus) |
protected void |
StaxTransformFeature.initializeProvider(InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
protected void |
LoggingFeature.initializeProvider(InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
protected void |
FastInfosetFeature.initializeProvider(InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
protected void |
AbstractFeature.initializeProvider(InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SchemaValidationFeature.initialize(Client client,
Bus bus) |
void |
SchemaValidationFeature.initialize(Server server,
Bus bus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Bus |
AbstractFaultChainInitiatorObserver.getBus() |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractFaultChainInitiatorObserver(Bus bus) |
ClientOutFaultObserver(Bus bus) |
InFaultChainInitiatorObserver(Bus bus) |
OutFaultChainInitiatorObserver(Bus bus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Bus |
ExchangeImpl.getBus() |
Bus |
Exchange.getBus() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServiceBuilder.setBus(Bus bus) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Bus |
TransportURIResolver.bus |
protected Bus |
MultipleEndpointObserver.bus |
protected Bus |
ChainInitiationObserver.bus |
protected Bus |
AbstractTransportFactory.bus |
protected Bus |
AbstractDestination.bus |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Bus |
AbstractTransportFactory.getBus() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static EndpointReferenceType |
AbstractObservable.getTargetReference(EndpointInfo ei,
Bus bus)
Get the target reference .
protected static EndpointReferenceType |
AbstractObservable.getTargetReference(EndpointInfo ei,
EndpointReferenceType t,
Bus bus)
Get the target endpoint reference.
void |
AbstractTransportFactory.setBus(Bus b) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractDestination(Bus b,
EndpointReferenceType ref,
EndpointInfo ei) |
AbstractMultiplexDestination(Bus b,
EndpointReferenceType ref,
EndpointInfo ei) |
AbstractTransportFactory(List<String> ids,
Bus b) |
ChainInitiationObserver(Endpoint endpoint,
Bus bus) |
MultipleEndpointObserver(Bus bus) |
TransportFinder(Bus b,
Map<String,T> m,
Set<String> l,
Class<T> c) |
TransportURIResolver(Bus b) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
WSAddressingFeature.initializeProvider(InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
void |
WSAddressingFeature.WSAddressingFeatureApplier.initializeProvider(WSAddressingFeature feature,
InterceptorProvider provider,
Bus bus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static EndpointReferenceType |
EndpointReferenceUtils.getEndpointReferenceWithId(QName serviceQName,
String portName,
String id,
Bus bus)
Obtain a multiplexed endpoint reference for the deployed service that contains the provided id
static QName |
EndpointReferenceUtils.getInterfaceName(EndpointReferenceType ref,
Bus bus) |
static QName |
EndpointReferenceUtils.getPortQName(EndpointReferenceType ref,
Bus bus) |
static Schema |
EndpointReferenceUtils.getSchema(ServiceInfo serviceInfo,
Bus b) |
static QName |
EndpointReferenceUtils.getServiceName(EndpointReferenceType ref,
Bus bus)
Gets the service name of the provided endpoint reference.
static EndpointReferenceType | physical,
Bus bus)
Mint logical endpoint reference via the Bus EndpointResolverRegistry.
static EndpointReferenceType | serviceName,
Bus bus)
Mint logical endpoint reference via the Bus EndpointResolverRegistry.
static EndpointReferenceType |
EndpointReferenceUtils.renew(EndpointReferenceType logical,
EndpointReferenceType physical,
Bus bus)
Renew logical endpoint reference via the Bus EndpointResolverRegistry.
static EndpointReferenceType |
EndpointReferenceUtils.resolve(EndpointReferenceType logical,
Bus bus)
Resolve logical endpoint reference via the Bus EndpointResolverRegistry.
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