Package | Description |
javax.resource |
The javax.resource package is the top-level package for the Java EE
Connector API specification.
javax.resource.cci |
The javax.resource.cci package contains API specification for the Common
Client Interface (CCI).
javax.resource.spi |
The javax.resource.spi package contains APIs for the system
contracts defined in the Java EE Connector Architecture specification.
javax.resource.spi.endpoint |
This package contains system contracts for service endpoint interactions.
| |
This package contains APIs for the Work Management, Generic Work and Security Work contracts.
org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms | |
org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.inflow |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
NotSupportedException is thrown to indicate that
callee (resource adapter
or application server for system contracts) cannot execute an operation
because the operation is not a supported feature. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ResourceWarning provides information on warnings related to
execution of an interaction with an EIS. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Begins a local transaction on an EIS instance.
void |
Clears all the warning reported by this Interaction instance.
void |
Closes the current Interaction and release all the resources
held for this instance by the resource adapter.
void |
Initiates close of the connection handle at the application level.
void |
Commits the current local transaction and release all locks held
by the underlying EIS instance.
IndexedRecord |
RecordFactory.createIndexedRecord(String recordName)
Creates a IndexedRecord.
Interaction |
Creates an Interaction associated with this Connection.
MappedRecord |
RecordFactory.createMappedRecord(String recordName)
Creates a MappedRecord.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.deletesAreDetected(int type)
Indicates whether or not a visible row delete can be detected by
calling ResultSet.rowDeleted.
Record |
Interaction.execute(InteractionSpec ispec,
Record input)
Executes an interaction represented by the InteractionSpec.
boolean |
Interaction.execute(InteractionSpec ispec,
Record input,
Record output)
Executes an interaction represented by the InteractionSpec.
Connection |
Gets a connection to an EIS instance.
Connection |
ConnectionFactory.getConnection(ConnectionSpec properties)
Gets a connection to an EIS instance.
String |
Returns product name of the underlying EIS instance connected
through the Connection that produced this metadata.
String |
Returns product version of the underlying EIS instance.
LocalTransaction |
Returns an LocalTransaction instance that enables a component to
demarcate resource manager local transactions on the Connection.
ResourceAdapterMetaData |
Gets metadata for the Resource Adapter.
ConnectionMetaData |
Gets the information on the underlying EIS instance represented
through an active connection.
RecordFactory |
Gets a RecordFactory instance.
ResultSetInfo |
Gets the information on the ResultSet functionality supported by
a connected EIS instance.
String |
Returns the user name for an active connection as known to
the underlying EIS instance.
ResourceWarning |
Gets the first ResourceWarning from the chain of warnings
associated with this Interaction instance.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.insertsAreDetected(int type)
Indicates whether or not a visible row insert can be detected
by calling ResultSet.rowInserted.
Record |
MessageListener.onMessage(Record inputData)
This method allows an EIS to call a message endpoint using a
request-response style communication.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether deletes made by others are visible.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether inserts made by others are visible.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether updates made by others are visible.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own deletes are visible.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own inserts are visible.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own updates are visible.
void |
Rollbacks the current resource manager local transaction.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.supportsResultSetType(int type)
Indicates whether or not a resource adapter supports a type
of ResultSet.
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.supportsResultTypeConcurrency(int type,
int concurrency)
Indicates whether or not a resource adapter supports the
concurrency type in combination with the given ResultSet type/
boolean |
ResultSetInfo.updatesAreDetected(int type)
Indicates whether or not a visible row update can be detected
by calling the method
ResultSet.rowUpdated . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ApplicationServerInternalException is thrown
by an application
server to indicate error conditions specific to an application server. |
class |
This indicates errors related to failed or interrupted
communication with an EIS instance.
class |
EISSystemException is used to indicate any EIS
specific system-level
error conditions. |
class |
is thrown from a method if the callee (resource
adapter or application server for system contracts) is in an illegal or
inappropriate state for the method invocation. |
class |
This exception is thrown to indicate invalid configuration
property settings.
class |
LocalTransactionException represents various
error conditions related to the local transaction management contract. |
class |
ResourceAdapterInternalException indicates any
system-level error conditions related to a resource adapter. |
class |
ResourceAllocationException can be thrown by an
application server or
resource adapter to indicate any failure to allocate system resources
(example: threads, physical connections). |
class |
A subclass of the
UnavailableException that
indicates that the rejection of the work submission is transient. |
class |
SecurityException indicates error conditions
related to the security
contract between an application server and resource adapter. |
class |
This is thrown to indicate a connection sharing violation.
class |
This is thrown to indicate that a service is unavailable.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
ConnectionManager.allocateConnection(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
The method allocateConnection gets called by the resource adapter's
connection factory instance.
void |
ManagedConnection.associateConnection(Object connection)
Used by the container to change the association of an
application-level connection handle with a ManagedConneciton
void |
LazyAssociatableConnectionManager.associateConnection(Object connection,
ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxReqInfo)
This method is called by a resource adapter (that is capable of
lazy connection association optimization) in order to lazily associate
a connection object with a
ManagedConnection instance. |
void |
Begin a local transaction
void |
Application server calls this method to force any cleanup on the
ManagedConnection instance.
void |
Commit a local transaction
Object |
Creates a Connection Factory instance.
Object |
ManagedConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cxManager)
Creates a Connection Factory instance.
ManagedConnection |
ManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
Creates a new physical connection to the underlying EIS
resource manager.
void |
Destroys the physical connection to the underlying resource manager.
void |
This method is called by an application server (that is capable of
lazy connection association optimization) in order to dissociate
ManagedConnection instance from all of its connection
handles. |
void |
ResourceAdapter.endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory,
ActivationSpec spec)
This is called during the activation of a message endpoint.
Object |
ManagedConnection.getConnection(Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
Creates a new connection handle for the underlying physical connection
represented by the ManagedConnection instance.
String |
Returns Product name of the underlying EIS instance connected
through the ManagedConnection.
String |
Returns product version of the underlying EIS instance connected
through the ManagedConnection.
Set |
ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory.getInvalidConnections(Set connectionSet)
This method returns a set of invalid
objects chosen from a specified set of ManagedConnection
objects. |
LocalTransaction |
Returns an
javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction instance. |
PrintWriter |
Get the log writer for this ManagedConnectionFactory instance.
PrintWriter |
Gets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
int |
Returns maximum limit on number of active concurrent connections
that an EIS instance can support across client processes.
ManagedConnectionMetaData |
Gets the metadata information for this connection's underlying
EIS resource manager instance.
String |
Returns name of the user associated with the ManagedConnection
XAResource |
Returns an
javax.transaction.xa.XAresource instance. |
XAResource[] |
ResourceAdapter.getXAResources(ActivationSpec[] specs)
This method is called by the application server during crash recovery.
void |
LazyEnlistableConnectionManager.lazyEnlist(ManagedConnection mc)
This method is called by a resource adapter (that is capable of
lazy transaction enlistment optimization) in order to lazily enlist
a connection object with a XA transaction.
ManagedConnection |
ManagedConnectionFactory.matchManagedConnections(Set connectionSet,
Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
Returns a matched connection from the candidate set of connections.
void |
Rollback a local transaction
void |
ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
Set the log writer for this ManagedConnectionFactory instance.
void |
ManagedConnection.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
Sets the log writer for this ManagedConnection instance.
void |
ResourceAdapterAssociation.setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter ra)
Associate this object with a
ResourceAdapter object. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
This is called by a resource adapter after a message is delivered.
void |
MessageEndpoint.beforeDelivery(Method method)
This is called by a resource adapter before a message is delivered.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A subclass of the
WorkRejectedException that
indicates that the the service unavailability is transient. |
class |
This exception is thrown by a
WorkManager to indicate that
a submitted Work instance has completed with an exception. |
class |
A common base class for all
Work processing related exceptions. |
class |
This exception is thrown by a
WorkManager to indicate
that a submitted Work instance has been rejected. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
JmsConnectionManager.allocateConnection(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
Allocate a new connection.
void |
JmsManagedConnection.associateConnection(Object obj)
Move a handler from one mc to this one.
void |
JmsLocalTransaction.begin() |
void |
Cleans up, from the spec - The cleanup of ManagedConnection instance resets its client specific state.
void |
JmsLocalTransaction.commit() |
Object |
Create a "non managed" connection factory.
Object |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cxManager)
Create a ConnectionFactory with appserver hook
ManagedConnection |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo info)
Create a new connection to manage in pool
void |
Destroy the physical connection.
void |
JmsResourceAdapter.endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory,
ActivationSpec spec) |
Object |
JmsManagedConnection.getConnection(Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo info)
Get the physical connection handler.
String |
JmsMetaData.getEISProductName() |
String |
JmsMetaData.getEISProductVersion() |
LocalTransaction |
Get the location transaction for the connection.
PrintWriter |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.getLogWriter() |
PrintWriter |
Get the log writer for this connection.
int |
JmsMetaData.getMaxConnections() |
ManagedConnectionMetaData |
Get the meta data for the connection.
String |
JmsMetaData.getUserName() |
XAResource |
Get the XAResource for the connection.
XAResource[] |
JmsResourceAdapter.getXAResources(ActivationSpec[] specs) |
ManagedConnection |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.matchManagedConnections(Set connectionSet,
Subject subject,
ConnectionRequestInfo info)
Match a set of connections from the pool
void |
JmsLocalTransaction.rollback() |
void |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) |
void |
JmsManagedConnection.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
Set the log writer for this connection.
void |
JmsManagedConnectionFactory.setSessionDefaultType(String type)
Set the default session typ
void |
JmsMCFProperties.setSessionDefaultType(String type)
Helper method to set the default session type.
Constructor and Description |
JmsManagedConnection(JmsManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
ConnectionRequestInfo info,
String user,
String pwd)
Create a JmsManagedConnection.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JmsActivationSpec.setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter ra) |
void |
Start the activation
Constructor and Description |
JmsActivation(JmsResourceAdapter ra,
MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory,
JmsActivationSpec spec) |
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