@Target(value={TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented @NormalScope(passivating=true) @Inherited public @interface ConversationScoped
Specifies that a bean is conversation scoped.
The conversation scope is active:
The conversation context provides access to state associated with a particular conversation. Every JSF request has an associated conversation. This association is managed automatically by the container according to the following rules:
Any conversation is in one of two states: transient or long-running.
All long-running conversations have a string-valued unique identifier, which may be set by the application when the conversation is marked long-running, or generated by the container.
If the conversation associated with the current JSF request is in the transient state at the end of a JSF request, it is destroyed, and the conversation context is also destroyed.
If the conversation associated with the current JSF request is in the long-running state at the end of a JSF request, it is not destroyed. Instead, it may be propagated to other requests according to the following rules:
When no conversation is propagated to a JSF request, the request is associated with a new transient conversation. All long-running conversations are scoped to a particular HTTP servlet session and may not cross session boundaries. In the following cases, a propagated long-running conversation cannot be restored and reassociated with the request:
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