JBoss Data Grid HotRod C# Client  7.2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CAuthenticationConfigurationUsed to hold the SSL specific configurations.
 CConfigurationUsed to hold the configuration parameters.
 CConnectionPoolConfigurationUsed to hold connection pool specific configurations.
 CNearCacheConfigurationUsed to hold the SSL specific configurations.
 CSecurityConfigurationUsed to hold the Security specific configurations.
 CServerConfigurationUsed to hold the server specific configurations.
 CSslConfigurationUsed to hold the SSL specific configurations.
 CExceptionBase exception class.
 CHotRodClientExceptionException used to indicate exceptions using the HotRod client.
 CInternalExceptionRepresents an internal exception.
 CInvalidResponseExceptionUsed to indicated situations when an invalid respose is received from the HotRod server.
 CRemoteCacheManagerNotStartedExceptionUsed to indicate that invocations on an IRemoveCache are done before the underlying RemoveCacheManager has been started.
 CRemoteNodeSuspectExceptionUsed to indicate that a remote HotRod server is not reachable.
 CTransportExceptionUsed to indicated that a TCP communication exception occurred when communicating with the HotRod server.
 CUnsupportedOperationExceptionUsed to indicated that the operation invoked is not implemented yet or unsupported.
 CIMarshallerHotrod is a binary protocol so the object passed in by the user are being marshalled into a binary format using an implementation of this interface. Users can implement this interface and develop their own marshaller without using the default marshaller.
 CIMetadataValueBesides the value, also contains a version and expiration information. Time values are server time representations.
 CIRemoteCacheProvides remote reference to a Hot Rod server/cluster.
 CIVersionedValueA value and the version associated with this value.
 CRemoteCacheManagerFactory for IRemoteCache instances.
 CServerStatisticsDefines the possible list of statistics defined by the Hot Rod server.