Uses of Package
Packages that use org.infinispan.commons.util
This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid
Hot Rod client API.
Hot Rod client configuration API.
Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely.
Commons Configuration package
Commons package providing various utility classes
configurationEntries which are stored in data containers.
Data containers which store cache entries.
Classes relating to the distributed cache mode.
Functional API package
Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container.
Metadata interfaces
MultimapCache API.
Embedded Multimap Cache.
-specific notifications and eventing filtering classes.Persistence API.
Simple filesystem-based
implementation.This package contains a
implementation based on
a JDBC database connection.JDBC CacheStore implementation which maps keys to strings.
Hot Rod-based
.Soft Index
.The Persistence SPI.
This package contains a
implementation based on
a JDBC database connection.Query DSL API.
Query module internals.
Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components.
A transport implementation based on JGroups.
General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and
collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispanClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.Interface that provides semantics of aSpliterator
interfaces.An experimental user-facing API.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.cache.implClassDescriptionThis class can be used to pass an argument by reference.Implementation for primitive typeInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.Interface that provides semantics of aSpliterator
interfaces.This is a marker interface to be used withFunction
which signals to some implementors that the function returns distinct values. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.client.hotrodClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configurationClassDescriptionFeatures allow conditional enabling/disabling of Infinispan's functionality.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.client.hotrod.implClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.client.hotrod.multimap
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.commandsClassDescriptionA set that represents primitive ints.Encapsulates the key and its segment.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.commons.configuration
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.commons.utilClassDescriptionDelegating collection that delegates all calls to the collection returned from
Abstract iterator that allows overriding just theAbstractIterator.getNext()
method to implement it.Similar to the JDK's AbstractMap, this provides common functionality for custom map implementations.Base for classes that implement hash map by storing keys in one array and values in another.This class can be used to pass an argument by reference.Interface that provides semantics of aIterator
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.AdaptsCollection
A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.Interface that provides semantics of aSpliterator
interfaces.A HashMap that is optimized for fast shallow copies.A list which forwards all its method calls to another list.A lightweight, read-only copy of a List.A function that converts a type into another one.A function that converts an entry into a key/value pair for use in a map.A set that represents primitive ints.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.A placeholder for null in a cache, because caches do not allow null values.Operating system family.An Iterator implementation that allows for a Iterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.since 9.3 This class will no longer be public.SslContextFactory.Type-aware properties.Returns the byte atindex
.Contains version information about this release of Infinispan. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.configuration.cache
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.configuration.globalClassDescriptionFeatures allow conditional enabling/disabling of Infinispan's functionality.Type-aware properties.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.configuration.serializing
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.container.entriesClassDescriptionAbstract class that provides a method to round up to the nearest value of 8 which is important for most jvm when doing size calculations.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.container.implClassDescriptionAbstract iterator that allows overriding just the
method to implement it.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.container.offheap
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.container.versioning.irac
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.distribution
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.distribution.utilClassDescriptionDelegating collection that delegates all calls to the collection returned from
A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.factories.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.functional
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.functional.implClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.An experimental user-facing API. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.interceptors
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.marshall.coreClassDescriptionAbstract class that provides a method to round up to the nearest value of 8 which is important for most jvm when doing size calculations.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.metadata
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.multimap.api
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.multimap.api.embedded
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.async
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.file
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.internal
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.common
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.common.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.common.sqlClassDescriptionAbstract iterator that allows overriding just the
method to implement it.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.stringbased
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.remote
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.rocksdb
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.sifsClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.spiClassDescriptionAn experimental user-facing API.A set that represents primitive ints.
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.persistence.sql
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.query.dsl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.query.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.remoting.transport
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.remoting.transport.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.scattered
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.scattered.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.server.hotrod
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.server.hotrod.event
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.stats.impl
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A set that represents primitive ints.A CloseableIterator implementation that allows for a CloseableIterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.An Iterator implementation that allows for a Iterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.utilClassDescriptionInterface that provides semantics of a
interfaces.A collection that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.A set that defines an iterator method that returns aCloseableIterator
instead of a non closeable one.Interface that provides semantics of aSpliterator
interfaces.An experimental user-facing API.Factory for generating immutable type wrappers.This is a marker interface to be used withFunction
which signals to some implementors that the function returns distinct values.A set that represents primitive ints. -
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.xsite.commands.remote
Classes in org.infinispan.commons.util used by org.infinispan.xsite.irac