Package org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl
package org.infinispan.reactive.publisher.impl
ClassDescriptionManages distribution of various publisher operations that are ran locally and/or sent to remote nodes.ClusterPublisherManager that determines targets for the given segments and/or keys and then sends to local and remote nodes in parallel collecting results to be returned.Enumeration defining the possible delivery guarantees for entries.InnerPublisherSubscription<K,
I, R, E> Handles the submission and response handling of an arbitrary amount of address segments.Handles locally publishing entries from the cache.LocalPublisherManager that publishes entries from the local node only.This is a special interface that can mark a Function so that a user can know if the actual value will change when the function is applied or not.Cluster stream manager that also pays attention to partition status and properly closes iterators and throws exceptions when the availability mode changes.Handler for holding publisher results between requests of dataThis is the same asSegmentPublisherSupplier
except that it also allows listening for when a segment is lost.Notification that can also contains lost segments.APublisher
that also notifies in a thread safe manner when a segment has sent all values upstream.Wrapper around an element returned that can either be a value or a segment completion.