Interface EntryView.WriteEntryView<K,​V>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface EntryView.WriteEntryView<K,​V>
    Expose a write-only facade for a cache entry potentially associated with a key in the functional map which allows the cache entry to be written with new value and/or new metadata parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • key

        K key()
        Key of the write-only entry view. Guaranteed to return a non-null value. The instance of the key must not be mutated.
      • set

        Void set​(V value,
                 MetaParam.Writable... metas)
        Set this value along with optional metadata parameters.

        This method returns Void instead of 'void' to avoid having to add overloaded methods in functional map that take Consumer instead of Function. This is an unfortunate side effect of the Java language itself which does not consider 'void' to be an Object.

      • set

        Void set​(V value,
                 Metadata metadata)
        Set this value along with metadata object.

        This method returns Void instead of 'void' to avoid having to add overloaded methods in functional map that take Consumer instead of Function. This is an unfortunate side effect of the Java language itself which does not consider 'void' to be an Object.

      • remove

        Void remove()
        Removes the value and any metadata parameters associated with it.

        This method returns Void instead of 'void' to avoid having to add overloaded methods in functional map that take Consumer instead of Function. This is an unfortunate side effect of the Java language itself which does not consider 'void' to be an Object.