Class ExternallyMarshallable

  • public final class ExternallyMarshallable
    extends Object
    As much as possible, Infinispan consumers should provide Externalizer or AdvancedExternalizer instances for the types being marshalled, so that these types can be marshalled as efficiently as possible. Sometimes however, Infinispan consumers might rely on the fact that a certain type implements Java's standard Serializable or Externalizable. This class acts a test barrier which controls, provided assertions have been enabled, which types can be externally marshalled using JBoss Marshalling. The plan is for external marshalling is be morphed into user type marshalling, at which point this class won't be used any more.
    • Method Detail

      • addToWhiteList

        public static void addToWhiteList​(String type)
        Adds package or class name to the externally marshallable white list.
      • isAllowed

        public static boolean isAllowed​(Object obj)
      • isAllowed

        public static boolean isAllowed​(Class<?> clazz)