Class MetadataImmortalCacheEntry

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataImmortalCacheEntry

        public MetadataImmortalCacheEntry​(Object key,
                                          Object value,
                                          Metadata metadata)
    • Method Detail

      • toInternalCacheValue

        public InternalCacheValue toInternalCacheValue()
        Description copied from interface: InternalCacheEntry
        Creates a representation of this entry as an InternalCacheValue. The main purpose of this is to provide a representation that does not have a reference to the key. This is useful in situations where the key is already known or stored elsewhere, making serialization and deserialization more efficient.

        Note that this should not be used to optimize memory overhead, since the saving of an additional reference to a key (a single object reference) does not warrant the cost of constructing an InternalCacheValue. This only makes sense when marshalling is involved, since the cost of marshalling the key again can be sidestepped using an InternalCacheValue if the key is already known/marshalled.

        Specified by:
        toInternalCacheValue in interface InternalCacheEntry
        toInternalCacheValue in class ImmortalCacheEntry
        a new InternalCacheValue encapsulating this InternalCacheEntry's value and expiration information.